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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1898)
StMuiiirtiMift THE HESPERIAN V- .T ,.m 'i ll HHH K3 Sonne pVople tilnhuk publio spe&kUfr - simp. If lUHyone wank lb T 7 "A T T 7" n hear tlwi.t opinion ivPintvil jiitft iWtewiew It. A. Tyiwn or a. II. Maxwell. V EECL V 7i7 7 ' II. 11. Ktfewailt wHi'tes fixim AteJi'ikwin, Neb., t hlt bii'Mincfes lilaisi Ifcirun in rtiiniKwI. wiRilii hitn. lie is owly teuuh'nitf n.bou't nlwou- ImimloheM mk1 wonklerNif ny student could nug-g-eNlt mono work forliLin. OlKuneellor Ayle-sm-oi'l h of CtrnV-r University will have c'Ium-w of ehiNsin JlobiVw tlhrs your. 'Win i tiro Ural, Mine Hebrew Jinls-liuon ottered wj,milkiirly fin 'HIio Umiivciwitftt. I inKWlis Tuw-duyvs unH' Thirusdeys mt 5 in, U :i()2. Olikuflkw W. Jones, wliki woud' luive yono out with the Mill wiiinVviw, own ami mnlivagx ?i (irnt olliss diriy,' tltore in Tcetinu-eh on Clciy SI. '.Nik's Al'odre, formerly elerk at Hurley's diuifr slore, i now Jietiinijr n plituriuct eit for Mr. Jones. George Kindlor, '1)8, writes from Ikia tuiee 'Illicit everyit'h'iiiXjr i fotiniK on ii'ictaly in tlhe weWt wide ward Bchool, of whielu ' lui isr primei lil. George received t'lrtj HcHpeiikin, whiieh he deehiirew willli be mot welcome every week. Presidonit .Urines II. Oamtleld of Ohio S-tsi-te University, fonnwly our own CluinoeKor, litis been n.poi.nited un one of Mm committee: tlhkiit its to devise ipftimn for n u&vtioiitil uni verity and report, nt tlhe ne,ti nreetng of the Ndtionciil Ediienit'iontiil unsoekiition. Prof. K'tonbuill reports 'lifts school its Inning a very .saLlsfuotory at tieiidsuifce ihis yeiiir. '.Mr. Jfcunos, tlhe head of the pin no diqiartiineinU, litiN lotih eoMeiivi.te inml musical wlueint'ion. ' lie was,iitited to tfliie bkir ! Cook counlty before lite won't, abroad' "to study music. Ktaiuiihn eonnlt.y ils fhm year lyeyininiiii"' to be more tiho roughly rcp resen'ted iiv 'tihe UiMVerwiity. There nreubout twenty en.tviipititiin.": tm donltw hte-iv ailtoeitliter fiwm Auburn, llifwnvMlc 'ami' Peru. Ait bum lilih seliool is now one of 'the higtast: rr vhe aeeix'dWed lfat Staidwnitis cswii lunv tihefir ph'oitog,,r4i.hs enfiai'gxvl (Inning t:he following Ax.iek mt IlerpoLsfheinner & Co.' Miiisie D&pU by ixift'lnff 98t' for each pllio'to. Tlile work is equal to mift- tDiRiHg' of M kinkl in 1'he eouiUliry tuod iKsunilly hL'll iLt lliottioiKierics ibr $5.00 each. The oiler is good for tlhlis week ondy. T. It. .TetWixla, P IJ K. of M)8, hnsi-etunnekl to t&uke iost. wonk niv ljiitin. Cnr)tiilLii' W. II. Hnywniixl of Company C, Second Nebniskn voT.iunltee.rK, Mine oA-eft fixym Qmnihn lust Srnlninlsiy for ti visit, wih his friend's. 'Bill" nuikes a line lookrn oltican. I"oot ball einitlli'UMineJtti ixvo hoping t'lieit lie tmny "gelt in the guinte'" ngaiin. tihis yesir. TJto MiiJion wtiuly is to 'be eaiuluoled nis umiwiI tiliis year. "Dowln on Mite Hills of 'Iinig," a study on Chinki, lias been- Heleoteil ns a 'text. Thle Siiginti Alpha lOjisilon fmitermity lias mm-ed f.iKym noom in. N street opxsitii IkippollHiner'A, to 1'he. Miurphj- house on Twvnlty-llflth and N. The Knppti Sigma no- oeeupy tSie rooms just vneatletk Lindcttm FixMt,, tJne Tepublienn nominee lor da.slriet Julge to till Mie vjuftuiicy cu'iijamI by t1ie deuilih of Judge C. L. Hull, tus i m'envbvr of tlAs g-nid'unthiig cfliiiiss of '811. After coinp'lvitiinig Iuk eon roe Jieix.1, hie took ban M. L. ditgri'te at .loh'ius IlopkiiuU mid rutunnedi to L'lneoiiii 'to pnaet'ice has pix)ftsMion'.. In 'OG he wus- elected P. JJ. K. in our infl.i'tu,tibii'. UieUttenbui't ItiKsscR'l of Coiu'jKimy K, Firtiit Nebraska., now a(t. Muniiihi, wai'nt'e.s 'tb Mto Ohaiueelilor tlialt t.lie U'niverrity men ill. Miblt. avgime-nlt often tlhtok of itllie .stehool tlhey huve lof r?:ind inid lonig- for tilio (y wlileni. 'tlhVy nwiy onee inoix set foot om tht- M comjuus. Vet honivtdek ntetss dbes mot 'tiroublutlhtem . 0, no, they woukll juut like to lie mt h'oine, t!h!n!t.' siH2. The l'Worciiry woeik.Jties gave Mileiir anuviml ix.'eejtioni tb ivew Htudtenlhs lnisti Ftiiklwy eo'enSng-. Tli'e 'hn.l'ws x."re apinxipriaiely decotnilted' wiith so ekity Cd!ors nnwl wfltli plnmlts fiximi the given house. A .Juiiig-e munilicr of inew tiidlen1 wetV lMeeived by tilie old invinltenU niwl made to feel mt liomc. JJigili't refiiX'sOmnen'ts in (ill thii-tee of tlhte liiall weav sein-odi. Tibere Avals luudli' -iMitinig bwtweea tlhe incinbers of tihe diiiTereailt socle-tlids. CIIOHAL OF SUNSBT. I've n no'tiion the eloudw ut mmisct. Si life' chK)ixi'ls in the sky, And tlroy lot down Mieir billowy trewsevS, And Idss tlie sun "Clood-byo." And the nnmic comes in at the portals That lien'vea Qins left in the liea.rt As tlie sihiine gets inito t'liie flower WJiCre the lenxs have slipped npaTt. CHARLES WILLIAM WALLACE. If carefulness in buying is needed .my where, it's in buying a hat. Perhaps the shape you've seen on somebody else and admired, wouldn't look so well on you as some other shape. 0EAREQU1E WILLING TO HAVE THE "OTHER" SHAPE. PAINE &WARFEL. OUR STUDENT: 3.00 r!HSi S HLi, '"few HOES Are the Hest on earth for the nn.ncy. SEE them before buying. aii(l$3,50 gfST 1283 o STREET. wmfat i r. twr i- 1 1213 o STREET. iMD$l5 The Brand Hotel. W. C. FLEURY, Prop. Exceptional accommodations for Banquets, Parties and Dancing. Special Rates to Students and their Friends of $1.50 Per Day. COR. TWELFTH AND Q, LINCOLN, F. A. & ri. J. AMDS130rl, 1236 O STREET. Have a full line of Ladles' and Mon's Footwear. Our $3 and $3.BO Shoes ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.- imi 1239 O STREET, V