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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
i T 11 1'" 11 E R P E R 1 A X I Class Meetings. Tho Seniors met Friday afternoon to hoar tho reports of committees. It was discovered that Doc Everett, who had been made eh airman of two important committees, was not a Senior. His place was tilled hy members of the class in good standing- Mr. Cameron, for the committee on class insignia, reported in favor of caps -and gowns for the girls, and canes and sombreros for the boys. The report was not 'kindly 'received at first, but when it was explained that the whole regalia wonld cost hs than live dollars the re )ort was accepted with great una nimity. Our War Department. The Pershing Rides are drilling Thurs day ovonimrs under Oapt. Schwartz. The names of Mesis CJosgrove, Beghtol and Palis were added to the company's 'ostorhist week. Lieut. Pershing, who has been visiting in the city -whs present at the last busi es meeting of the Rifles and made a W eiieonraging remarks. The boys save hi in u royal salute when he ap peared. The officers of the battalliou reeeivod their swords Inst week and had their first word-drill under the commandant. Hyan order published lust weak, no badges or ribbons will be permitted to "' worn -durhig drill. The order will work bnl little hardship coming as it did after election. The Ladies Listen. A iimrry i.Toupe of Dalian .and Uniou ;ys took advantage of the superb nioou Utfil of last Saturday night to indulge in wo pleasant privilege of sweetening eo "ineataoual dirounis. Theparty contained tiu-o versatility .0f musical genius. me there W6w,wl)f) wr,t through the motions but dared not utter a sound for fear of disintegrating tho sweet-flowing harmony; others with splendid talent took the leading parts; over all a worthy chorister presided, beating into perfect harmony the coarse bass, high soaring tenor, bashful baritones, and squeaky unelassed. The musical group formed in procession; the town clock sounded the midnight hour; the group started on their kind mission. Hark! A window opens! Angels listen. The soft, low strain rises to eager listeners. u Bingo " yes, and a sweet "Grood-night," ever crowned with that sympathetic baritone solo prodigal of hidden feeling, 'Good-night, tho sun will shine as bright As ever in tho sky My heart ran only sny good-night, Good night, but not good'byo " Appreciative listeners expressed them sslves in hearty applause. Song after song called forth repeated expressions of appreciation from the loyal ladies hon ored. The solo grew fuller of sublime sentiment and the songs drew new mean ing as tin procession was reinspired be low each balcony window. The clock struck one. The last good-night was sung; the moon smiled brighter, per hapsshe too had caught the solo-message; mid subsequent statistical reports say that dreams were lighter and sweeter that night Another brotherhood is forming and is holding weekly meotisgs at 1515 P St. Literary programs Will be given until the fraternal ritual is secured. WMIc the process of incubation is slow and tedious the members are actively canvassing for congenial companions. Messrs. Cham bfirs, Axliug, Thompson and Luini are said to be the moving spirits of the incip ient brotherhood. y t n 5 ! n. 1 t : , .