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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
WBwawiiimini TI1K IIKSPKIMAN Kit acne Broivn. "Wheheas. Almiglity Ctod has seen fit to remove from our el ass one. who on account of his superior manliness and seholarly abilities was loved and respected by all who know him and WrraiiEAS, we feel deeply the loss we have all sustained in the death of our friend IBngone Brown ; therefore be it Resolved that we offer to his bereaved family our sincere and heartfelt sympa thy and, be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolu tions be sent to his family and that they be printed in the collar paper-. C.SS u! !I7. Good Things Coming The ( rice Club will irivc a concert Dc cember 14. The Pershing Rirle-. will have their annual Hop at the Lincoln, December 4. The Elect ricals have begun to prepare tor another of their popular exhibitions, to be given on the evening of Charter Day. The Sophomores are arranging a class parly for the evening before the begin ning of the holidays. The Unions will give their annual feed" during Thanksgiving vacation. The Ottumwa Male QuartH will give a concert in the chapel December 4. for the benefit of the local oratorical associ ation. The final preliminary debates will take place December 10. The Pals, will have their animal Thanksgiving Feed next Tuesday even ing. Dr. Parmalee. for thirty years a mis sionary in Turkey will lecture next San day on -'The Armenians." Chapel, 3p. in. The Kansas & Nebraska Fuel Uo. guar antees its coal to be the best for the monev expended. Local. One of the saddest accidents that we have been called upon to chronicle, op curred last Saturday. The Doane team was playing the Kansas boys at Law rence. During the game, Bert T. Serf, Doane's quarter-back, made a very violent tackle. He was thrown backward, his head striking the ground. He never re gained consciousness but died a few hours after the game. Serf was an exceptionally gritty player and a manly fellow. His death has cast a gloom over Doane College that will not soon be lifted. Three fatalities have resulted from in juries on the gridiron this season 0m it Indianapolis last Saturday, another at the Shattuck Military Academy, Minn., about a month ago. The debaters havechoseii the following question for the final contest: "Resolved, Thai the hiw-oniietiiig power of Great Britian is superior toiliat of the United States." They will speak in the following order. Maguire, Hreen, Dennison, Piper. Harr, Meier, Baker, Kill cm. The first speaker has the choice between fifteen consecutive minute and twelve minutes for opening with ?ivt minute for cloning the debate The following lights were hid nilcr the biitthol of the legal fwiternity l"1 Saturday evening: J. D. Smith, V.rl Hildrcth, Fred Dtifree. (3. VV. (Ireen. Sidney True and Ernest Ames. French, Latin, Cerman and Bngli-" dictionaries. Rolf and text Shakesp'-ar traiiKlutioiis etc it Herpolsbeimer & '" Leave your name with anyone at the 'o-op. so that seat-, for the theatre may be obtained together. F. H. Peters. 1024 0 street, jewel.'! Diamond rings made to order. 1330 0 street. J as. Kolbach custom shoe s!'p. Knnb. tv Neb. Fuel Co. 1008 O Street.