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About The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1896)
( 'NIK 11KSPKH 1 A N The Oratorical Association. In order that all may know the exact condition of the University Oratorical association, T make the following expla nation: (V'O still hold onr membership in the Inter State Oratorical Association. This necessitates our membership in oar state association, which wo have held with more 'or loss honor up to the present year ;and 'continue to hold though during the ,past year many propositions have been made looking toward onr withdrawal. 'Our state association is not in a very promising condition. Throe colleges, (atos, Ootner and Wo.4eyan have with drawn in the past two years, leaving Doane and the State University alone in the association. The exact reasons for their 'withdrawal are not known, but it is supposed that they found tJheinselves in ferior in the-artof political combinations, if inferior in nothing 'else. 'Woslqyan was the only one Which 'ever distinguished itself in ttho matter 'of 'oratory. Thus far they have signified no inten tion -of returning to the association. Roane's spirit has never laj-red. She has Hod 'both in talent and in financial support ; she has taken four first prizes and im ore than her sharcof second hou 'Orsin theitieri oontiudts which have been hold, -and has a Oicero or two in training for Hiho next -event, flflor home associa tion is 'free from -debt -and she stands ready to moot her allium -I the assessmont made upon ithe -State Association (by (the iln'ter -State, which byUho way 'must be paid before we can again -contest. And -what about the State University Association r 'Owing to the fact that itiho "'bai'b-tfitat" scrap foil itihrough the 'day before -election Hast year, -only -a very li'ew fjoined Uhe association.; .and 'the troasury suffered . Tholihiiy-tfour-dollars bailee oTMieyoar before thad been very -gener-witfly 'donated 'to Uho base-ball team. Lit tle or no interest was shown at the local contest and again disappointed the treas urer. In short wro are behind about forty-five dollars. An attempt was made last spring to form an association with Missouri, Kan sas and Iowa with the idea of withdraw ing from the State and Inter-State asso ciations. The committee did what they -could in the matter of correspondence, but the universities before mentioned neglected to take any decisive action and it has apparently been forgotten. Sinee then we have been urged by South Da kota to enter into a league of western states: Uolorado, Kansas, California and the two Dakofas. The secretary has re plied to them, stating that they need not 'depend on us for the present at least. We are iioav ready to receive sugges tions as to our future, providing we have any. It is almost impossible to get out u 'quorum n.- matter when the meeting may be called. One thing is settled. YV'e -are not go iug to .abandon 'our -association forty-five dollars in -debt. We have therefore de cided to give a concert in the -chapel, Friday evening, December Ui The 'Ottnni wa Male Quartette has been seeiirod for that evening at -considerable expenye, -and -every student will bo asked several times if necessary, to purchase seats. We -cam ithe n talk -of 'withdrawing fro.n Ulio association, iff there are any who wro preparing 'orations for iJhe next con "tofit, (they would 'do weflto report in order that ;some -concerted -'action may he tailcou. 'Cuiotqn M. Bank, fPros.. of itiho Association. M orso : M y If) rolJher?says Iho 'celebrated McKinley's -election by bnskjiug 1"20 'bushels of -conn ttho next -day, Bystander;: 'He must have kept his chws in .;'' -air iprotity near -all -day then. warTttnar i