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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1894)
k LOCAL. Hugh LaMastcr, the south. 90, 3 travelling In W. S. McLmcas spet Sunday nt home in Falrbury. Pred Gund, '93, visited the University for Field Day. Mr. MeMullen returned from Indiana polis last Saturday. II. A. Wise, the llairculter, f.i Thir tccnth nnd O streets. E. P. Urown, '92 of Grant, Nvi, is in the city for n few days. The indoor Field Day exercises have been postponed a. week. Witch for our specialties in the soda time! At Pryc & Co. '8. Mr. Jarcd Smith, graduate of the Uni vcrsity, has gone to Australia. The Sigma Alpha Kpsilon initiat ed Mr. Marine a few weeks ago. in by An addition to the Manual Training building is being made, Pryc & Co. sell perfumes. Go to Prye & Co. for a cold drink of soda. The battalion is busy practising for the competitive drill, which takes place sonic time soon. An excellent musicale was giv the Union society Friday evening. Citv laundries think the practice inarches of the battalion arc good things. The annual competitive drills will be held on the 26th, probably at the ball park. Examinations have been posted. Now we begin to realize that commencement is near. Flower planting is in season thia week and already the flower beds look very attractive. The new shapes in Fedora and Stiff Hats have arrived at the Ewing Clothing Company. 4 Students wishing employment for the summer should call on A. H. Gleason, I234 O street. G. L. Tait and L. A. Chapin of Omaha spent Saturday and Sunday renewing old acquaintances. Take your prescriptions to Frye & Co.'s pharmacy. A frebh stock of drugs always on hand. It is observed that the latest style in base ball suits is dress coats and long trousers of the sai or cut. Instecd of the regular drill last Mon day the battalion had a practice march to East Lincoln cud back. Just arrived, today, the Late Nobby Shapes in Neckwear. New patterns. Ewing Clothing Company. Artillery detachments from each com pany are drilling from 7 to 8 p. m. this week, preparing for competitive drill. The Delian Oratorical, contest occurs next Saturday. The orators arc Messrs. Countryman, Flippin, Culver and Gra ham. The Moody Quartette will sing at the joint meeting of the two Christian asso ciations in chapel next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Alcazar Shoe Store is making it an object for Students to trade with them. New aud Stylish Goods Cheap. 1406 O street. The centre of attraction just now in Main Hall just now is the schedule of final examinations, and "Conflict" is a universal wail. Several windows have been broken lately by youthful ball players who nre fer playing in the shade to playing on the ball ground. If you are looking for a new suit of Clothes and want Style, Quality and something Reliab'e, go to the Ewing Clothing Company. The Chemical department has lately added to its library about fifty volumes of "Annalen der Cheraie," including tbe numbers from 1832 to the present. The "crack" artillery detachment are doing excellent work under the lieuten ant's instructions, and will doubtless show up well at inspection. Now the festive Freshman who drills stands up very straight and walks very stiff in the bresence of the lieutenant. He is looking for corporal's chevronts next fall. A request was made to the battalion Wednesday by Lieut. Pershing that the Cadets do not wear tan shoes. He also apologized for wearing a pair of the same that evening. Why is it that Fred C. Clements' name is substituted for F. F. Tucker's on the Senior promenade committee? Doesn't Tucker dance; or has Clements just learned how and only recently uble to act in that body? A part of the Glee Club were out sere nading Tuesday evening, and reported good treatment. The social "at Hie Episcopal church, Wednesday evening, was well represent ed by University people. Prof, P. to Prep at the cast door of main building Is the Cadets gone round yet? Prep. They is. Miss Georgia Cuce, n former student, who Is now liviiij; , Endicott, Neb., visited the Uuursiy last week Miss Case expects to ou in school next year. Miss Mable Lindly was elected by hei chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma as del egate to the convention of the fraternity which meets in Ithaca, N. Y., the last Week in August. Ray Welch, who represented the Ne braska chapter of Phi Delta Theta at the convention of this fraternity held at Indianapolis from May 3 to May 7, re turned last Saturday. Last Saturday about half the battalion went out on north hill for skirmish drill which lasted about an hour. The com innn1ant oprsd himself as very well pleased with the drill. The postponed Freshman picnic will be held next Tuesday p. in. at Lincoln Park. The car will leave Tenth and O at 4 p. m. Supper will be taken along and a good time is anticipated. The Seniors are preparing a German play for class day. "Eugumee" has been chosen. Those who take part are: Messrs. W. Westeruiau, II. Ricketts, , Misses Hammond, Faulkner. Tennis Tournament commenced"Ved nesday, May 16. Kimball Pancoast, Hussey, Shede, Bclden, Westerman, Owens, White, Calvin, Foght, Hoagland, Lyons, Moody, Skinner, Barr and Sax ton lined up in the contest. Harvey W. Robinson was Initiated Saturday night by Heta Theta Pi. After which a spread was enjoyed by the members of the fraternity. Several young ladj- friends of the chapter sent their congratulations in shape of cakes and salads. The Signin Alpha Epsilon entertained their friends at a delightful dance in Temple hall Friday evening, May nth. The dainty program, the lively music and the hospitality of the S. A. E. boys made the party a memorable one for those present First Student Have you heard the latest song? Second Student No. F. S. Maggie Murphy's Baby Carriage. S. S. How does it go? ! F. S. Push it. A new class organization of the medi cal students of the U. of N. bus been recently perfected aud the officers elect ed for the present semester are as fol lows: Fre-ident, J. R. Roue; vice presi dent, Miss Carr; treasurer, Miss Anna Fossler; secretary, Mr. H. W. Orr, class historian, Miss Horn; sergeant-at-anns, Mr. Ira. 1 he class has taken a good start and bids fare for a prosperous future. A party of students consisting of Misses Helen and Nellie Lau and Anna and Grace Broady, Martha Burks, Nellie Griggs, Nellie Nance, Althea Roberts, and Messrs. Pillsbury, Lewis, Tillson, Ricketts, Wheeler and Avery, Ralph and Corwin Haggard, went on a picnic Saturday afternoon. The party started early in the afternoon and returned about eight o'clock All report a splendid good time. The picnic was given under the auspcies of the M I. C. C. A. society. Mrs. Rachel Lloyd left Sunday for Chicago where she will make her home in the future. Dr. Lloyd is one of the few professors who has the gift of always seeming to take a personal interest in each one of the pupils and 111 conse quence there is not a student who has had work in the Chemical depart ment who will not feel a sense of loss at Mrs. Lloyd's departure. In the long time she has been connected with the University Mrs. Lloyd has done a won derful work in building up the Chemical The Juniors have challenged the Seniors to meet them on the base ball arena next Thursday, the tilth. Each man will come provided with a pair of sole-leather gloves, a mask, and all necessary bodily protection. A corps of physicians will be on the ground, and three umpires will settle all disputes. The Juniors propose to demonstrate to the Seniors ns well as the assembled multitude of admiring lower-classmen, that the ability of the afore mentioned venerable Seniors is better adapted for the solution of Browning or Marshall's Theory of Value than for Junior curves. The Moody Male Quartette, composed of Princeton, Oberlin and Williams men will give two concerts in the city on May 25th and 2(!th, at the First Congre gational and the Plymouth Congrega tional churches. This Quartette is with out a superior in the country, and its leader is a humorist and impersonator of very rare ability. This Quartette sang with Mr. Moody nt Chicago during his entire World's Fair campaign. These concerts will be given under the per sonal direction of Mr. F. T. Pierson, the evangelist, with whom thev will work during the summer, and Mrs. Pierson will act as accouipanvist Tickets mnv be obtained of Mr. R. P. Teale at stu dents' rates. The surprise promised to friends of the Browning Club materialized last Friday night, May iSlh, in the form of a charm ing party at Miss Bain's, 1829 M street. Mi; Hnin was assisted by Miss Mary Edwards. The menus were decorated in scarlet and cream, the lights veiled with red shades. The principal feature of the evening was a number of tableaux from Bowning. Mr. I. M. Bently as Djabal, Miss Nellie Pascoe as Anael. Mr. H. L. Kimball as Sir I.oys Atr E. Gerrard as Khalil gavescences from the "Return of Druses." "The Laboratory" was given by MissSewell assisted by Mr.Gerrard as the chemist. The Toccota of Galuppi was recited by Miss Faulkner who play ed a Nocturne of Chop'u as the best ob tainable music reprc. .-ntiug it. Dainty refreshments were Served. About fifty guests were present and all spoke of the entertainment as an unqualified success. Much credit isdue to Mrs. Manning who assisted in the tableaux. YOU can have the DAILY WORLD-HERALD delivered at your room for 15 cents per week, seven days in the week. DROP A POSTAL or leave your order at 1045 O St. flf S-.U ui FRANK, Director. ic MR. J. L Voice Department, Pipe Organ, Theory and Harmony. MILS. ICATi: HHKWSTHK CHK.N'KY, Voice Dc'ir-jrtinciil. MltS. CKUTI.rDK WHITTHN', I'lll (I Dt'pHMIIIOIIt Mil IIKNItY LKITNKK, lolin Ik'imrtnient. MISS MI.I.IK KICIIK, IVuoIut 1 Vlnlliicellfi MIS KATK SCOTUOHN. Hlocution and lmmiutlr Ait. Competent InMriictots In MnMu, Kloeiitlon unil Dniinutic Art. Brace Bnildlnq: 15tli & 0 Sis., Lincoln. M tWW! The Columbia Stairadairdl Bicycle of the World, graceful, light, nnd stioug, this product of the oldest bicycle establishment in America still retains its place at the head. Always well up to the times or u little in advance, its well-deserved and ever increasing popularity is a source of ( pride aud gratification to its makers. To ride a bicycle aud not to ride a Columbia is to fall short of the fullest cnjoyiticnt of a noble sport. Pope Mfg. Co,, Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. A beautiful illustrated catalogue (rcc at any Columbia agency, or nulled (or two two-cent stamps. fy Lx. Shader's Cycle Store 1 426 O Street, n 1 1 T 1 liOiiiwia Dicycies All Work carefully executed by WM. OSCIISENIJRUCHER. formerly with the Pope Manf'gCo., Chicago, 111. $1.00. Richmond Grtflp$5 Mm A AKE the uEjjT. CIGARETTE SMOKERS who an- will- llll! lo j.l It lltllr lllliH' Until Hie ill CO clmruvd ifirllM oiilltmo tunic Clmitrtii'H, will nnd 1Mb ORaNO mj pel lor loalloilici. The Riclimonti Straight Cut No. I C J Z A TCKT T ICH arc muilr Iriiin tin- IiMhIiu-hi, m- tit ilclli-utc l.l lluMir, mid InclM-tt m1 GOLD LEAF fiotvu la nuliim. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, ttml oI.htvi' Unit tliu mime of ttiu inumifuclun'ft utt below In tin (jer lucluigu. fjH knr v3mc "v0Mcro ro Pv niiANCH f, womoND Virginia department, how large a place she has filled will only be realised when she is gone The love and good wishes of all her pupils go with her to her new home. CATARRHjDr.H.S.AIEY CURED "1 SPECIALIST In Femalo, Nervous and Chronic I'lseaiei Impotence, Sterility, M-iiifiMlifiiiri, bi-x-imi I'.xliiinMlon nnil all ikTMiiHtiiienlH oi the Miitiuich, l.lver utul liiuoil Miroexit fully treated by hint. Olllcc, 1127 0 Slreel, LINCOLN, NEB, Oflira day in ','Hy Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays , CUT TI-IIS OUT. jpr-THTS COUPON is good for $i.oo in trade if you buy $10.00 worth at our store. $1.00. Hrdy Furniture Company 21 1 South Eleventh St. LINCOLN NEB. We are the oldest, largest and most reliable furni ture house in the city. CUT THIS OUT. HI J $1.00. :zz - $1.00. . . . - C. E, SPHHR, M. D. l'r.tctlce Limited lo Diseases of t c EYEATNHDRoAsTEEAR (iliibses Cureiull .Adjusted. 1215 O STREET. LINCOLN, NE . FRYE & CO.. 13th and Ptt: A FL'I.I. LINK OF l'KRPUMES SOAPS AND TOILUT ARTICLES DRUGS AND DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Qew Soda Water and Cigars. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded (3rancer,qawes ScCP. BICYCLES ti LOW PRICES EASY TERMS 208 South Eleventh St. IDO 1TOTJ -wix'T A Spring Suit? If you do, it will pay you to call on J. FORGER 1827 O STKEET We have just received an excellent line of Spring and Summer goods. Prices low as the lowest. Tlfe usual courtesies extended to students. ""! nHn