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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1894)
( COLLEGE VERSE. There once was a fellow named Leigh, lie took his fair one in a sleigh ; lie asked for a kiss, She thought 'twas amiss, And answered him with a neigh. litv. PHOTOGRAPHY'S CHARM. In the spring of the year One scarcely will hear Of studious, hard working chaps ; lor when they appear Armed with kodaks, 'tis clear That the fellows are all taking snaps. tow. I wrote one to Kitty And wrote one to May, lloth lived in the city, 'Twas Valentine's Day, And 1 put more's the pity, Their names in each ditty, 1 wrote one to Kitty And wrote one to May. Now the one I wrote to Kitty I posted to May, Alas ! what a pity On Valentine's Day ; And May's went to Kitty, Their names in each ditty, lloth live in the city, And the deuce is to pay ! lix. A THOROUGH STUDKNT. He is not very brilliant, his talents are not great, He's also rather lazy, (so the Professors state), Hut he's surely the most thorough man the Dean has ever met, l?or he's been five years in college and he isn't half through yet U. ofJ'a. Couriir. JUST WHAT TIIIJV WANTHP. In the bright illuminated parlor Sat the lovers teto-a-tete, In their happiness unmindful That the hour was growing late. All at once upon the staircase Sounded papa's slippered feet : Hhe was startled Ac expected To be shown into the street. . In walked papa turned the gas out, Thinking to cut short their pranks, In one voice the two made answer Hriehy; all they said was "Thanks." lirunimian. A 1'SAI.M oi WOK. Tell me not, in tailor's numbers, "That my bill is what it seems !" For my coats and vests in slumbers. Dance'about me in my dreams. But the tailor is in earnest, And to save me from a hole, To the three ball sign returned ; And again my watch I've sold. The J.ufuyette. IN OTHER WORLDS. Optional chapel has been instituted at Princeton. The Princeton Freshmen are to have a new dormitory costing 30,000. Yale spent $45, 208.84 last year for athletics, of which $16,652 43 was spent on foot ball. The Soph who tells all he knows wouldn't be half so insufferable if lie only knew all he tells. The University of Michigan sends out a class of 731 this year, the largest ever graduated from an American college. The Mask and Wig club of the U. of Pa. will give a performance at com mencement for the benefit cf university athletics. A young lady surprised her mother the other day by asking : "Mother, if I wear my new Jersey to-night what will Delia wear?" Ex. The Senior class of the University of Michigan are considering a proposition to put in a '04 memorial drinking foun tain in the law building. The largest scholarship given by any American college is at Princeton. It is given triennally for excellence in Creek and Latin and amounts to 1,500, At the University of Wisconsin prizes to the amount of 50 have been distri buted among the authors of the three best University songs composed during the past year. The M.S.U. Independent, representing the "barbs" of Missouri University, has cuts and biographical sketches ol two of the captains of the batalliou in last week's issue. The Indciciidt nt is in good hands, if one is to judge by appear ances. The following samples of 'locals" published in several college papers are presented for the warning and informa tion of all concerned: "Jim Adams has had his hair cut." "Ah! there, Smalley!" "Good morning !" "Perhaps you don't know us." "Don't smoke!" "Was it catching?" &i, ad infinitum. Wo earnestly Invite all Stu dents to visit our store bofore making any purchases In the lino of Dry Goods, Cloaks Ladies' Furnishing Goods and Men's Furnishing Goods. Our stocks aroespecially attractive Wo refer now studonts to any of the professorsor any old stu dent in tho University as to our manner of doing businoss Very respectfully, MILLER & PAINE. 133 to 135 South Eleventh St. SSasHB Shortest, Quickest and Best Route to ATCHISON, LKAVliXWRRII, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CINCINNATI, WASHINGTON, HALT I MORIS, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. Reclining Chairs Free On All Trains, Kor further information, folders, etc., call on or address, V. I). COHKICIjl.. C. I'.&T. A., 1201 O St.. Lincoln, Nob. H-C. TOWXSKXD, O. P. A . Kt li-iiiK Mo. Dr. A. P. Biirriis, DENTIST, 1SOS O STBBBT. EXTRACTING TEETH WITHOUT PAW. As a local antustlictic. Phcuatn 0 Cocaine Ik the best yet known, and it. not followed by any uniileasant syinp toms or soreness of the gums. ' The dental bulldozer who reported that wv had ulceration and sloughing of tin funis, had he lived in tho time o' St. Peter, he would have been hurley with Ananias and Scphira! It is thi best agent for common use. and en tirely without danger. It is onh thoso who use hydra to of i'n excohs that are troubled with ulcer ution of the gums. BROMIDE OF ETHYL Is used much of late, and in Inter mediate in its eSl'cetA. between cliloi" form and gas. and less expensive thai the latter. CHLOROFORM Is pref "ruble to other agents In m cases where several nore. inllamcii t -it are to be extracted at a single sti ii We have used chloroform exten-nH fpr over thirty yeurs without accident NITROUS OXIDE (IAS generally works well where there Is no. more than two or three teeth to hi extracted, but in more dangerous thai is generally supposed, especially when the capacity of Uie lungs has been diminished by d incase or the heart dilated. Several deaths from its use have licen reported in medical mrnab of late. Dental journals do not publish these cases for fear of injuring the gat' trade. WASHED JETHER lias long been used with great micccs in brief operations, but is not well adapted to prolonged surgical oper ations. Hut very few accidents have happened from its oifeets, and those mostly from its prolonged use. fFMiTTMEV w GOLiOGRABMl'S Is the Cheapest place in Tho WKKTHKN TRAIL Is pub llshod quarterly by tho Chicago, Hook Island it l'ncillu railway. It lolls how to got a farm In tho west, and It will bo sent, to yon gratis fur otic year. Send iiamo and address to'M'Mltnr Western Trail, Chicago," and receive It one, vonr free. John Kkhvstian, (1. I' A. Hutchins & Hyatt MAKIi A SPECIALTY OF Oaiion City, 'Hock Spring? Pennsylvania Anthracite All Kinds ol COAL & WOOD on Hand , 1004 0 SI. Telephone 225. Great Rock Island Rooii gggigi TO THE EAST. JEST DINING O'RSERVUEIH THE WORK 1852 1392. As Ioiik it time lis l)n id iHkMiH.Hi lout: lias tlii- ChU-tmo, Itock Island V I'acillo rallwa.N run t ruins weMw ml from ('IiIciiko, " lie Hock I-IiiiiiI is I'.nemosi in adopting iinj in '"iMtuut1 calculated li improve speed mill UP - Unit luvir.v. sul'et.v ami roinfurl thai popular put ronuc demands. Its equipment milinmiiulily complete with v. stlhiilcd trains, majriiltlccni iIIiiIiiim'iii.. sleepers nml elm'r oiichtN all thu most elegant ami ol ieeC''l. ii ipmvcd pi, turns. I iiilliful arnica paiileniiiiiiitfciucnt ami polite Imnc-i service. Iropi employes are Important items. They moil iliilililu duly- to t lie Coin pan anil to IniM-lers nml Ii Is .sometimes nisi; (lllllciill ol iieeouipllslimi'iit. I'lissenui'ih on litis II ii t Mill tlml little I'liusu for complain! on I lull Ki'ounil. Tlie iuiHirLiiiiee of tliU Hue can lie lietlei umlerstooil II a short leson In eiiKiiipliy ! now H-elteil. What is tin' ureal easier 'i termini of tin Hock Ibliuul loute'. Clilcauo. What otliei siili-niMcni termlcil lias Ii? i'coriit. To what iinpoitaut points lines II run 1 rains to (lie uortliwesl St. I'aiilaml Minneapolis. Minne sota mnl atertown ami Sloii lulls, Dakota. To what iuiHil'1oul louiiiiliil Nebraska iiolnts: l)e Miilnc. Iaiiinii i. Iowa: Oinaliii ami' olu. NvliriisKit. Iiocs It touch other Mis souri riwr x)lntf.y Ve; St. .loseph. Atchison l.i'iixeu worth mnl Kiui-iis Clly. Hoes It run trains to the lootlillls of tin ltoci.y mount itiusV Vis: to Deuver. Colonulo Springs ami I'uehlo, solid vesllluileil fioiu Clileiu;o. 0n ii)M)rliinl cities of Kaiisii ho reached hy tin ItiK'k Isliuul mute-- Ves; lis capital el y, To peku, inula lull Inuulred others In all direc tions in the state and It Is thu oulj toad riin nluir to mid Into the now lauds opened for settlement In tho Chuyouuo mid Arapahoe roM-rvuilon It will thus lie seen that u Hue tapping, nt the Hook Island does. Mich u varied turrltoiy, lias pi'. eh lu that regard to commend II to travelers, as all connections are sure on tin Knelt Island, and passengers i:au rely on n speedy J"iirne) . ns o er a hulk of tho system llimm-'h trains me run, mid it has heceme. ami rightly loo. Mid ) line. Avery ponular train on tlie Chicago, llocl, Island .V i'aelllc nuiu u leases Denver, I'uehlo mid I oIoiiidoSpriiiKH dully Ills ealled "Tin World's Fair Siiecim," Ik onl iiiio da v out, and iasi !ni arrive ut Ctil'(K' rl tlio second mornlnw. Tim Hock Island lias heroine u popul r Col orado Hue. mid i he train aUivo leferrcd to Ii vertlliulcd. and carrlcH lint Hock lsiluiidV excellent illlilUK nil' ser lei . I'or lull inii'lleiilais ,ito tickets maps. i ales ipply to mi) coupon llclU't olllce In tin- Culled slates, Canada, or Mrxlio, "I' addlcsH. .I.NO HKIIAHTI t f if II Ut A I'at-s AKl hllliK' III f..'r lfIN (.Mil Ml-r (I'ihvii III BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO ?.w.n " ' -' '-feTa BOSTON SfOflB. town for Clothing, Dry Goods, For Kire 1 eillOririQ r? GO Hill & Schule 1235 P Street. Lansing Theatre Building We have the finest stock of Spring and Summer Goods in the city. Student Trade especially solicited. Give us a call. 1235 P Street. Fine foot form SHOES. Usual Courtices Extended to Studeuts. J. II. KVANS, Prcst. and Trens. Ems Laundry Coipj 327, 329, 331 M. 12th STREET. Telephone 199. LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY tAN ADVANCED NORMAL SCHOOLV (lueoiporated. Investment SI "..'..(HV). A WORD TO STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. THE roi.LEUE VWltiK.VUn wv Iuivoii Rtrnnp four y.nrs' Col lofro C'unrse, u fm:t not Kiiiriilly iimicrstiiod, .vt wo uunnot expect grndn ntfstiiid iindorgrndniites rnmi the Stnte ntul other institutions to jjlvo us their support in this depnrt'iient t.. Hie exclusion of theirown institutions. Hut we tire iiniliitious to win your liond opinion for those pnrtieulnr de piirtiuents round ith us and not found in tho college or univoreily of yi ur choice. You will want many oryour friends in tho future to attend your college and complete ti course, lint either bee uibo t.hev cannot or will not take a college course you fail. On the other hand, they may he deter mined to tuUo special win U in some institution Kljrlit hero we are am bitious to convince you that the Lincoln Normal Uuivoisitv can take theso oung people a d do lietter hy them than any other institution in Ne braska. WHY? .- lUrntisr, Wo have from from 2 to .' times as much-'money invested. HrriiiiM; Our equipments are supe.rior., Our courses or study in each department aro much strontrer., We do not allow our students to not uilse notious of an edu cation by reason of completing those shorter courses. COURSES TO CHOOSE FROM. The Tnu-lurs" or PraJ'vsximutl ('oum H takes us long with us to pet the diploma rrom this course as It doo- at any other private noimal to get llioir toaehorh' diploma and the so-called ii S. and H. A. degrees all com bined. You will see at once that our teachers aro not skipped and -kimmed through a short, pedauogical course. Tin' C'tnsLi-culuiji of Mttfiir In mis Department we give a most com plete musical education. Director Oldham is a lender in his profession. The Comma-rial Students entering this course find that it is not equalled in Nebraska. Tho nlu ity of tho instructors, tho course of btudy and tho equipment all loud Shorthand and Typtim-itiiujWa can repeat here what Is said for tho woik above. KindinjurUn No, we cannot turn out a kindergai toner in a term or two. Hut if th students CMinpleto tho course they are strong strong in practice, strong in philosophy. Pen Art and Fine Art Wo aro peculiarly fortunate in this work. We have an anist at its head. Studonts can enter these courses at any time. Will you call at the In stitution and investigate tho above statements? Having'satisMed yourself you would bo hotter able to advise your friends. Address, .1. !'. KA YLOH. President, Normal, Nebra-kn. Mil, I, M. IIKI.I., Vii'i-Prex. .IOIIN i'A Hit. Tieus. W. ('. MKNTKH, See. BAKER'S CLOTHING Complete Line of Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises. Hulls made loonier lu Custom Depiiilnicnt Uutliesuilsfiietliiii Kiiniiiiiteed. vJflPtBujttujuS'lff' kJPZfHu You Want a SPRING SUIT --- cone. BHLBRS, Hcpairing and Cleaning also Neatly Done, 120 South Twelfth St. ?0pl0tMX?J222Sg2il,ero,, Cornor P and Tenth Sts. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. and General Merchandise. At Low Prices TO- Highest Quality Lowest Prices. BARR PARKER, -U09 O Street. C. C. QUIGGI.G, Secy, mid Mgr. LINCOLN , NEB. HOUSE 1125 O Street, (f)PT!CPrL AnZORK V-' AND Lens Treatment for the Eyes. ItuiM'M for I'ur SIkIiI. Ntmr Hjrht. AsiIkiiihIIsiii, CrosM'il 10 es, lined lu spueiiuilos. Kyit (1Iimh, koIiI or steel I enses iineiv nnrls of Klilliui iiuiaufuuttircd to Order C, E. THOMPON, Mn:8upcc.taunr.,nB 1214 O Street. MAS,