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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1894)
M This Nebraskan. A Vookly l'upor IhhiiuiI at tlio University of NobruHkn. Rnti'.i:i) as 8kconi Gi.abs Mami Matthh. H.O. Wiutmohk KilltoiMifClilof AStfOOIATK HMT0119. KllKl) Hahniis 1. 11. Hatkiki.d v. a. powkhs MlHS MAIITIIA HUI1K8, Miss OiiKttoitv, C. 15. ADAMS, ClIAIU.KS A. 1.. 11. ItOIUIISH, ...Atlilutlo , . .I.nw . Kxolimttfo ....Local EDITORIAL. The, htiiior Annual has just boon is sued and will 1c delivered to subscribers in n few days. Mechanically it is the neatest work ever issued at the Univer sity or in the wcsl. The reading nmttci' and illustrations are also fine. The edi tors are to be congratulated upon the ex cellence of their work. Credit is espec ially due the business manager to whom the financial success of the publication is due. The Nkhkaskan wishes to urge every student to subscribe liberally for The Sombrero as it is a very worthy enterprise and deserving of student pa tronage. There seems to be an unusual interest taken in base ball this spring. Hereto fore it has been very difficult to get enough students to practice for regular positions. This season, however, the diamond is crowded with enthusiasts for base ball honors. This is as it should be and the Nuiiraskan notes it with delight. While athletics arc not essen tial to the success of n University they arc at least an important factor in that particular. Wc hope the inter-class and fr-uti-mil) games will continue. There is nothing like base ball and foot ball to work up college spirit and en thusiasm; and as we have said many times before this is something in which the University is sadly deficient. The University will this summer scud its second party to Europe for a tour of that country. Prof. J. T. I,ces, who, year before last, piloted the first party in such an admirable manner through the most favored spots of the Old World, will attempt the snme feat again OTIS yea?. Li l-v made up last year because of the presumption that those able and ready to take an Euro pean trip would" prefer to visit the World's Fair. The World's Fair is now a thing of the past, except in the minds of those who visited it, and tourist trips are again in order. The party that will leave here early in June will be made up of nine persons, six of whom are stu dents here. These favored ones have a splendid trip mapped out, and expect to visit the following named renowned cities, besides making quite extensive tours of the countries in which they are situated: London, Leamington, Paris, Lucerne, Rome, Naples, Florence, Venice, the Tyrol, Munich, Dresden, Leipsic and Berlin. Mrs. Lees will go with the party to Europe, accompanied by Miss Mary Tremain and Mrs. Ilurl but. The ladies will spend some lime in England and Scotland and then pro ceed to do up the continent as only ladies can. Miss Tremain will probably remain in Europe some time studying. The succebs of the first party was somewhat phenomenal. Many predic tions were made that the calculated ex pense would full far short of the mil expense. The calculated expense, how ever, proved to be correct in almost every particular, and, if anything, over estimated by a few cents the real output. Prof. Lees plainly demonstrated that he had a thorough knowledge of his under taking, and opened the eyes of a great many incredulous ones. This year the members of the party start out knowing they will realize to tne fullest extent their expectations and that they will see for a small sum of money what a great many others, traveling as most tourists believe they must travel, pay thousands of dollars to see. To say the trip, tak ing in the places mentioned above, could be made for a trifle over three hundred dollars, and ninety days be spent in this profitable way, would be conclusive proof to a novice that the person mak ing such an assertion was a gross fabri. cator. Those who were members of the first party, however, are ready to make affidavits to the fact that such a trip may be taken without hesitation, and the amount mentioned is none too small. On account of the stringency in money mutters the party wus made up very slowly this year, and for a time it was thought that it would not bo completed. Now that it is assured, the fortuuute mcuiHcrs start out envied by their more unfortunate brethren, and the tales they will tell when they return will not tend to relieve that envy. A good feature of the results of the trip this year is that credit will be given the nicmbors next fall for work done in connection with their outing. There is no doubt that other trips will be planned and arranged for the coming summer vacations, and the success of the first and the undoubted success of this second one should put every student on the aleit, so he may arrange his finances in such a manner that he will be able to go on one of these outings in the near future The benefit derived can only be estimated after the trip has been taken, and then such benefit will be found to outweigh many times the pecuniary expenses of the journey. Notice of Incorporation. To Whom it may Concern Noiice is hervby given of the incor poration, by filing of articles therefor m the Secretary of State's office, of the state of Nebraska, of an association to be known as "The Students' Co-operative Hook Company of the University of Nebraska," the principal plac of tran sacting the business of which is to be at Lincoln, in Lancaster county. Nebraska; and the general nature of such business will be to buy, st-11 and exchange text books, apparatus and general student material . The amount of capital stock author i7ed is Kive Thousmid Dollars ($5,01)0), twenty percent (2il) to be paid in cash upon subscription; and said corporation i to commence on the first day of June. 1N1M. and terminate at the expiration of fiftv years fioin that dute. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself is Two Thou sand Dollars (2.0 0). The affairs of said corporation arc to be conducted by a Hoard of not less than three nor more than five directors, who are required to choose from their own number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Hakkison Ouky, H. K., II. C. Pakmai.UK, Incorporators. CHAPIN BROS. FMopisfcs CUT FLOWERS A SPECIALTY' 1 134 O Street. FRANK PAPAT. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. Repairing Neatly Done At the Lowest Prices. 1010 P ST. LINCOLN, NUB. 0. F. LAHBERTSON, D. D. S. LINCOLN, NEB. finuliiateof Ohio Oolluno of Dental Stii-gory. Oilier Alexander ltlk. Ituoin 23 and 25. Cor. 12th and 0 Sts. H. H. GLEKSON. Teas, Coffees and Spices. 1 234 O STREET. Colloo Koiistvil Twice u Wook. TEL. 64. TKMtl'IION'K AST.. C. A, SHOEMAKER, M. D. LINCOLN, Nr.II, Ofllco. No. I I'M . Snoot, fi round l'loor. Ilolirh, 7 .oil a. 111.; I ton. mid 7 to 8 i. in First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CAPfTAL 100,000.00 SURPLUS 100,000.00 OIK1CKIIS: N. S II A It WOOD. 1'rohtilont. L'lUS. A. II ANNA. Vluu PiomIiIimiI K. M.COOIC.(!w4ilei'. C. S l.ll'I'INCOTT.Miiil J. S. I'HICISM AN. Aw't CiiHlih.ii. DIUKUTOIW: N. fi Ilnrwnod .7. li. Miiel'iirlnnil W. M. (Juirko T. M. Muniuotto Cling II. lliimm .lolin II. Allies John Kil'Kunilil It. It. Mnoio I). U.Cook (! T. Hniwu KM. Cools .1 I,. Cnrsoii A. II Chirk Fine Baked Goods High Gradfc Confections Ice Cream and Ices NEW YORK BAJS Telephone 753. 130 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. . HWH ftlASS WORK A SPCQIAL1Y. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO STUDtNTS -:- THE Wrvt-'7"o Tailoring Company 120 North IvloxiMith Street, Richards Mock. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. THE G.MILLER TAILORING 1 Company A iv lloiiiliiiiiiti'i' for PINE CLOTHES AT Lowest Prices. LARGEST STOCK SUPERIOR WORK ARTISTIC CUTTERS Lincoln, Ncbr. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! AKRONER Mnnurnct nios lil wii Shirs. Tlioy lit the form mill i1pii-o tho io. A 1'i'M, Link ok . . . Men's FurnishingGoods HATS, CAPS, ETC. Our shirts k illn-dl from the intmiifiiclnrar to t4io oonsiiiiior. No nililill nioiiV in-oilts. Ton p room discount lo slntlonts. 930 O Struct, Basciiicnt State National Bank Building. .1. II. Wright, K. IC.loliiisnn. J. H. McChiy. I'l-vlilfiM. Vlip-l'ro-ldent. CiitliUr. John A. Aim. At-s't Cash. She : Columbia NATIONAL BANK LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL 250,000. DIHECTOUS A. S. Kiiyiiinml. Clms.WuM. Tlios. Cooliruuo. DR.T. O'CONNOR, (Siiect'KMir to Dr. ( 'Initios Sunrl) Cures Cancers,Tuinors Wuns mid I'M las without tlio uo of Kuil'o, Chloroloi'in or Itlhur. OFFICE 1300 O ST. LINCOLN, - - - - VKIUtASKA, H.W. BROWN, DRUGGIST, Books and Stationer', College Text Books. And u Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 127 South Eleventh Street. SULPHO-SALINE BATH HOUSE, Rheumatism Kkln. lllood and Nui-vmih dlfuiuMM, lever and Kidney IrouhloH mid chronic ullinuiit mo treated with uniform HIICOOhK The Ho st Bnths 1110 tho Important lout 1 oh ol thlhcxtnhllHhim-m mid on in me Hiicodlly olluoted where other iiieiiiiH liuve lall-il. Thesw Artesian Waters are ninny I Iiiich Htioiiver thmi oceiia hrliio, mid the IIioioiikIi hvhIciii ot ticalmciit Koon niHiiliH In lelhil to Ihoallllclcd patient All Sorts ot Baths ami Ivan IiicIihIIiiku irruiil huIiiihiIhk pool AOxlVi Kiel, mid U'lol) ft' t.riuup. There are HprliiK lioanlB, Hhowor and Ncurilu Hal liBrraiHiyuiiilU (illicit ccmivuiiIcjiiuuh. DRS. M. H. & J. 0. EVERETT, Hill mid M Htreotn, LINCOLN, NISU. CHAS. B GREGORY (IT. ok N. 'HI.) n AL SEXaLxS v u nan n 041 5? Ml iiuu v ouuui. jr PHONE 343. JEhe Interior leeorative (Uomp'y nd tut 1 Syn fcmmii ilMwiSaifiSMp OUK IC1 CREAM PARLORS-fr- ARE IOA.' OP12N. The Best Candies, Ice Cream and Soda Water in the City. Always open after Society. 31 &kfitotj(Dl s. Eleventh 'Phone 6S1 SUBSCRIBE.. FOR . . . SOMBRERO As 011I3' a limited will be Leave Your Orders with the Business Managers At Once! Order at least 5 copies of the Neatest : Annual r1trt5iCEver issued at the University TOCHN & EXTRAORDINARY OFFER I IN ORDER TO BRING THEi Within reach of all the Students, the management has decided to offer the paper for the remaninder of the year for if you wish to keep posted on University news, Subscribe. l)PITAL CAFE MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS C. W. BRANDHORST, Prop. - 121 North Eleventh St. BOOKS 4 Window Shades and Mouldings, Artists' and Photographers' Materials, Drawing Instruments and Supplies. mAJT. LEMING & CO.L1106 0 St, 118 H. 11th St, R, R. MOORR, President. R. R. I1ROWN, Vice President C. II. IMIIOFP, Cashier. HUnoin Savings BankNt hi South Tenth Street. uwiii INTEREST Paid on Savings and Time Deposits. Students Who Patronize Paine, Warfel & Bnmstead THE Clothiers Will Never Regret It. 1136 O St.- TELEPHONE 270. CLARKSON LAUNDRY COMPANY .330-3-4 S. 1 1th St. Carpets Wall Paper Martels ATTor crvi r-c THE BEST MAKES. and THE LOWEST PRICES 230-238 S. Eleventh Street THE nnmber of copies issued. CHEBEY, Business Managers (NteBRrHSK-HN The Only First-class Ealns House In ho City, $6 Ticket - - - $5.00 5 Ticket - - - 4.20 3 Ticket - - - 2.60 WALL PAPERS They Sell Stylish Clothing at Reasonable Prices. v (N ili