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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1995)
Classified Melodrama ’95 Acacia and ??? We’ve been searching high and low... A Phi’s Thanks for going "roller skating’ with us last week. Maytx next time we’ll make it past the front door. We had a area time. Delti AO Congratulations to our awesome golfer, Molly Mullin foi reaeymg the Big Eight Female Athlete of the Week. Wa; Love your Alpha Phi Sisters ATQ Hear ye. Hear ye. for maidens one and all. The lords of Alpha Tau Omega do hereby proclaim, Thou must yet twenty five nghtes detains for the dawning of The Storie Booke Balle.’ Congratulations to Viet Hoang and Jon Scheve on beinc elected to their postitions for the College of Business anc to Brian Beins on getting 4 write in votes-maybe next year Your ACACIA Brothers OBX Beta Chi congrats to: •Julie Carrel, February's Sister of the Month •Julie C, Chi C, Jackie K, and Trida N for their 3rd place win at Blackout Bowl •Nikki H on her promise from Xavier M *Our newly elected officers: Kelly Kessinger-Rec Sec, Angel Henning-Asst A.M. Educator, Robyn Aase-Histo nan, Mandy Wolfe-lntramurals, Khanphorn Keomanivong and Shawn Walkinshaw-Standards We’re proud of all of you! __Love, your Sisters FH Congratulations to the following bamers: Brian Biauser, Jason Kubik, Rick Grady. Ben strain on winning senate seats. Congratulations to the Freshman for winning the C League in Basketball and the Sophomores for winning the B-teague Championship in Basketball. Way to go! KA© A3> Lucky in Love is Thursday March 16 at Huey’s. Party hard before Spring Break! KA© ‘Congratulations to Kristen Marshall for getting accepted into law school at Creighton and UNL ‘Congrats to Dolphin and Clausen on their internships. ‘Congrats to Leanne Sorenson, Kristy and Katy Byrne and Kara Marshall on their offices on IMPACT. g ?“- ■ ■ - - Love, your Sisters To the Women of Gamma Phi Beta, TJtank you for having dinner with us. Well have to do something again soon! From the Men of Kappa Sigma 'k ASUN Electoral Commission Will be meetingtoday at 430p.m. in the ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union. This meeting is to hear complaints and certify the 1995 election. Campus Recreation Advisory Council Elections Polling sites tor Off-Campus students are 55 Campus Recreation Center and 32 College Activities Building. Polls doss at 530pm on Wednesday, March 15. Frater HjyandSororty, along with Residence Hall ballots must also be returned by 5:30pm on Wednesday, March 15. Student Government Appointments Board Student-At-Large positions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus wide committees. Application available in the ASUN office, 115 Nebraska Union. Deadine is 430 p.m. Wednesday. March 15 A STUDENT GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Htwe an impact on committees dealing with student relateti concern. AppOcatons available at 115 Nebr. IMon for n cfifflerem committees with openims for next year. Deadline for an positions is 4O0pm~ Apnl 10. Un-L Student Government Wed., March 15 -6:30 p.m. City Campus Union Information and Agenda Available 115 Nebraska Union HEALTH AIDES Winter Blues got you down? Don! worry, Spring Break’s cornin’ round.Thanks tor all your hard work so far. To all of us, you're al stars! Love. Your Coordinators April. Barb, Duane, Jason, Mke Lost: Male German Short-haired Pointer. Liver & Roan. Reward, 4764)635. MaKrwial nnrwnem« In nnmwk nl 66am* r—- —r- j— — ——a—_« national company in searcn or nefn involving potvftu&t trademark infringement Item in question is a white mus cte shirt with pir* lettering rearing *This little piggy went exist -——i—I Fast easy money. Student dubs & organizations tc sponsor marketing projects on campus. 1-800-775-3851 Tony. 300s Jobs ) t _ $5.50-$6.75/Hr (including bonus) No Evenings, Weekends, or Holidays YOU chose 3-5 days/week. 8:30am-3pm. Housedean ing, call 423-9028._ $6.00 TO START 2 or 3 nights a week 5pm-11pm BUS PERSON Neatappearanceand willing to work. Tam O'Shanter, 105 S. 25th St No phone calls. 2 dependable part-time positions available. Class sched ule must be able to accommadate uninterupted hours of M-F, 9-1 or 2-6. Apply in person at the Danter Dental Lab 125 S. 9th SL A foreign student is looking for finandal-assistanceship forttro STODn^earrt^tiK^ at the University of Nebraska Delivery drivers Earn $7-$10/hour. 18 years of age or older. Must have good driving record. Apply at any Little Caesar's location. DEPUTY SHERIFF One Year Eligibility List ‘Do you want to make a difference in your community? •Are you intuitive and observant? *Do you stand up for what Is right? ‘Are you a positive person? *Do you always fulfill your commitments? If so, call now! The Lancaster County Sheriffs Department is seeking quality individuals who have the talent and the desire to serve Lancaster County as a Deputy Sheriff. Minimum Qualifications: United States Citizen High school diploma or G.E.D. No Conviction of a felony Valid driver's license Age: 21 Applicants who meet minimum qualifications are scheduled for a Reading Comprehension and Wnting Skills exam, a sheriff Attitudinal Factor test lasting up to 3 hours, and an agility test All applicants will receive a STUDY GUIDE and agility test layout. Salary: $22,884; Hrs: To be scheduled. Must complete an application and a supplemental questionnaire. Closing Date: March 24,1995. City/County Employment Office 555 S. 10th Street, Room B114 Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 (402)441-7597 EEO-AA DID THE GINRICH STEAL YOUR CHRISTMAS? Help Hudson Bay Company get it back. WeYe hiring politically aware people to communicate to members of consumer and environmental organizations. Your work can make a difference! Call 476-1010,11am-3pm, Mon Thure to schedule an interview. We offer a great work environment, good pay, and benefits for 20+ hrs/wk. Downtonw YMCA needs swim instructor mornings start ing mid-March. Apply at 1039 P Street. Experienced summer help for cash grain farm dose to Lincoln. References. 789-5135. Flexible Hours Super Saver, 48 ft O is selecting part-time cashiers for all shifts. Our flexible schedules are ideal for students. You must be 19. Please apply In person. Help wanted for Custom Harvesting. Combine operators and truck drivers. Experience preferred. Good summer wages. Call 303-483-7490 evenings. INTERNSHIP IN PROGRAMMING Mebomail Corporation, a subsidiary of R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company and one of the nation's fastest growing suppliers of cfired marketing services, has an immediate opening for a Programming Intern. Training and responsibilities would indude Programming on an IBM mainframe; working with flowcharts; working with others in a team environment, which requires goal written and verbal communications skills; must have the ability to effectively document computer programs and PC experience would be desirable with knowledge of TSO and XL preferred, but not required. Friday in HwHuman Resources ISepartmemat: throu®h METROMAIL CORP. AH RJL DONNELLEY AND SONS COMPANY 949 West Bond Lincoln, NE 68521 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER _ MfF/O/V Knolls Restaurant MALE MODELS For Ptaygirt and other National Magazines and advertis s&agamg,i"ass^5t’18-35** MONEY Start work now and work through summer. Wherever you today. 24 hour message, 474-5021. Nebraska Center 33rd ft Hotdrege Part-time hours avertable in catering. Flexible hours: *•*<*"*• VW tram. Set your own KheftjfeAg^ at Catering Safes office, room 103 in Ogden Entertainment Service I DBA PERSHING AUDITORIUM i Part-time help as needed. Event set up and change over, schedule vanes with each show requirements. Apply in person Pershing Auditorium, Business Office, M-F, 9am , 4PITV Omaha-based construction company seeking employ ees for Lincoln project. Full and part-time employment positions available. Start immediately. Good driving ; record required. Call 402-457-6810, ask for Peter. OPPORTUNITY $&00/hour We need part-time workers: 9am-2pm or 2pm-7pm with opportunity for additional hours Working with local mail order. Will be pulling orders from shelves or preparing orders for shipment. Must have reliable transportation and home phone. Please apply in person as soon as possible. Walk-In Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm MANPOWER 5000 Central Park Drive Suite 104 50th &R Part Time National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting appli cations for Computer Balance Specialist Hours 8pm -12am Monday through Friday, and overtime as required. Prefer previous banking experience in oper ations including 10 key adding machine. Must be avail able Monday through Friday and overtime as required including end-of-year processing. Must be a self-starter, reliable, work under stressful situations in meeting dead lines, and ability to work under little supervision. Bankcard Merchant Clerk 20-25 hours per week, hours flexible from 8am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Must have excellent communi cation skills, positive attitude, and ability to work well with others. Must have good customer service skills and be self oriented. Good organizational skills and self motiva tion is necessary. Must have a valid drivers license. Please contact the Human Resource Division for appoint ment 434-4147 M/F 8am-4:30pm or call the job hotline for more details, 434-4700. Equal opportunity employer Part time individual needed for assembly and shipping. Drivers license and ability to lift 70 lbs required. Average 18 hours per week- flexible hours at $5.50/hr. Can be full time for the summer. 476-0013 ask for John. PART TIME/SUMMER WORK Speedway Motors seeks part-time employees for •Warehouse Operations •Shipping and packaging Call Today, 475-1776 Farm help, experience necessary. Dave Martin 797 2635. Knolls Country Club Is now taking applications for all summer jobs. Pro-Shop. Grounds Maintanence and Lifeguards. Please call for appointment. 423-2843. Looking for great hours? Wish you could have your Friday & Saturday evenings free! Well, you've got them with us. A.M. 4 P.M. shifts available immediately for those serious about money. Easy phone sales. Call 434-8150 for inter view. Need goal oriented hardworking students interested in sales.Call Robert at 474-5646. Needed: 43 people to lose weight over 10 pounds. No willpower needed. 100% natural. 100% guaranteed. Doc tor-recommended. New product. Call 463-6371. Phone Volunteers Needed Excellent experience for human service majors. Lincoln . ^ ‘J ' 1 volunteer train .. «. 30pmatTrabert Hall, 2202 S 11th. To register call 475-5171 and leave your name and number. <0 sj Find your place at the DN The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications for senior staff positions for the fall semester. ■Managing Editor BSenior Reporters ■Associate News Editors ■Photography Director ■Sports Editor BSenior Photographer ■Arts & Entertainment Editor BArt Director ■Opinion Editor BCartoonist ■Wire Editor ■Columnists ■Night News Editors BCopy Desk Chief ■Supplements Editor Pick up applications and sign up for an interview at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union. Applications will be accepted through March 17. Interviews will begin March 27. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admission or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same, i ____A Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 'too JUST STRUCK OOT FOR THE NEXT FWE \NN\NSS. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1002 ACROSS i Winter pear 5 Discharge 9 An Astaire 14 A Faulkner woman 15 Labyrinth 19 Birthplace of. Apollo 17 A king of Sparta 19 Writer Bombeck 19 Shaded in tone 20 Emlyn Williams work: 1938 23 Tramontane 24“-the ramparts...” 25 Cutting tool 29 Advent 30Violin precursor 33 “Comus” composer 35 African antelope 36 Summer quaff 37 B. MacDonald’s 1945 best seller, with “The” 40 Cover 41 Waller of jazz 43 Tibetan priest 44 Poor 46 Farm vehicle 48 Wife of Amen-Ra 48 Poet’s always so Quests 55 H. L. Davis Pulitzer Prize novel: 1936 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 58 “American Buffalo” playwright 59 Point deep under the ocean’s floor 60 Dies — 61 English county 62 Malay boat 63 Houston agcy. 64 Attendant on Bacchus 65 Dispatched 66 Turned right DOWN 1 Overcomes 2 -to (should) 3 Wilier 4 Waterfall 5 Become visible • Seine tributary 7 Smyrna, now 8 Hyson and Darjeeling 8 Cr&che figure 10 Fault 11 North Sea feeder 12 Desolate 13 Ending for Taiwan 21 In abeyance 2a Caught the matador 28 Christie or Held 27 Field mouse 28 Jejune 29 The Iron (Mrs. Thatcher) 30 Topless craft 31 Tower in Genesis 32 Second of a series 33 Petri-dish contents 34 Aries 39 “The-of Love,” 1936 song 39 Habituate 42 Postcard picture 45 Rembrandt product 47 Wobble 49 Elephant keeper so Night sound 51 Vt.’s Allen 52 Book of Hours 53 Rub out 54 Golf’s Sam 55 Sunken fence 58 Fail to include 57 Small scamps sa Pubs.’needs