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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1995)
Classified Part-time help needed immediately. Must be able to work evenings. Apply at N St. Drive Inn. 1835 N. St. Porky's Bar and Grill is now taking applications for waiting staff and also needing a Grill cook, with some experience. Porky's of Pleasantdale is 15 minutes West of Lincoln, if youtfkejDeople and a country atmosphere come grow with Study Participant Representative If you enjoy talking on the phone, consider this opportu nity. You will answer incoming calls to screen individuals for participation in Harris Laboratories pharmaceutical studies while data entering information into our database. Requires HS diploma and data entry skills. Prefer 1 year experience in telemarketing, sales, or public relations. $6.00/hr. Number of hours per week for this Dosition may vary. Please apply at: Harris Laboratories, 624 Peach St., Lincoln, NE 68502. AA/EOE SUMMER JOBS Girl Scouts-Mile Hi Council is looking for energetic people who love to work out-of-doors. Camp counselors are needed to work with girts age 6-17 at cans) this summer. Call (303) 778-8774for an application and job description. Telemarketers Income Today and Tomorrow Join a growing company and work in a fun stimulating and professional environment. Great base pay, frequent bo nuses and a great residual income monthly. Require ments include a wilt to succeed, personal self confidence and a desire to have fun. Sales experience helpful but not required. Great opportunity to earn some extra cash if your staying in town over spring break! For more information calf Darin at 434-2626. Warehouse Jobs Great part time opportunity working 20 hrs per week in our warehouse. We offer competitive pay. free parking, dose proximity to campus and excellent working conditions. Additional hours, summer work and career advancement may be available for outstanding performers. If you enjoy a fast pace, hard work and take pride in completing your work accuratelyand on time, you may be the person we need! Come and see us at: Lincoln Poultry 20th & M Streets_ 1he Union Cafe 11 Joie de Vivre 11 ■Joy of Life" Join us for a celebration of middle eastern food exclusively at the East Union Cafe on 3/16 from 11 a.m. -1:20 p.m. Part-time help needed for spring season. Farm back ground hetpfull. Greenwood Farmers Coop 1-800-827 Part-time position available for school age program teacher. 438-3337. Receptionist: need Mac Word processing skills, 2-6pm daily. Till Mid-may. Call/fax resume to 1-402-782-8922 Sales $7/hr. Guaranteed $15/hr possible. Bold person for in-store creditpromotion in major Gateway Mall department store. FT/PT flex, hours. 1-800-793-4219 Sales Associate PT Goodwill Industries is seeking motivated sales person. Flexible hours, evenings and weekends. Apply at Good will Industries, 2100 Judson Lincoln, NE 68521 EOE/AA M/F/D/V Special Events Photographers Must have your own 35mmSLR Camera. Photograph and help people have fun at Friday and Saturday night events. If you like parties, action, people and photography, then put your camera to work. Earn yourself some money and navefendoingitXalkBobOjson467^577^^^^pnr S Student INVOLVEMENT 1 University of Nebraska-Lincoln STUDENT STAFF POSITIONS AvaHatola 1995-96 CULTURE CENTER ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT LEADERSHIP ASSIATANTS (3) ‘Odyssey Mentor Program ‘Conference ‘Chancellor's Leadership Class PUBLICATION ASSISTANT WOMEN'S CENTER PROJECT ASSISTANT OFFICE ASSISTANTS •Work study only Applications for 1995-96 available in 200 NU. 300 ECU. the Culture Center and the Women's Center. Applications due March 17; interviews April 5-14. GRADUATE ASSISTANTS 1995 Student Involvement Graduate Assistant appli cations for 1995-96 now available in 200 NU and 300 ECU. Screening applications has begun. FtoHi^acceptance process until all positions After-school childcare needed. Monday-Friday. Call 423 5267 after 6 p.m. Babysitter for summer. Monday-Friday days in Colonial Hills. 483-4003. r OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 Earn up to $150 while donating life-saving plasma. I Haw donors earn $29 on the first donation. Return donors earn $20 on the first donation, (after 3 month* lap**) I Call 473-1333 for Information. Unhronlty Plamma Center V 1441 "O" Street 473-3345 J (WE’VE GOT IT1 OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING The Perfect Part-Time Opportunity f$65^, B—I v Guaranteed Part-time Evening/Weekend Positions No Weekend Requirements Flexible Schedules If you are looking to join the best company of Its kind and become an important member of a winning, team-spirited organization, then you'd want to join in... We are the bed at what we do! •Paid Training •Employee Assistance Program •Casual Dress Code *401K Plan •Scholarship Program -Health Insurance •Paid Vacations and Holidays • Professional, Friendly •Promotions From Within Atmosphere _ CALL mMon.-Fri. lla.m.-7 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. _. 476-0445 IDELMAN _ 7 . IDELMAN TELEMARKETING Or Apply HTPerson lELEMAIKEnNG -j c 809 "P1 Street INC 1-1 IDELMAN TELEMARKETING W &%aat (PCs— to OTmT Childcare needed immediately. Tuesday through Friday. 3-630pm. Elementary-age children. 430-4668 or 421 6444.' _ i Part-time nanny for 8-month old. Please call 435-8701 for more information. Summer-time child care needed. Two boys ages 12 and 8. $12S/week, 421-2553._ CAMP COUNSELORS- OUTSTANDING SUM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition, Dietetics. Age 20+. 7 Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mass., Penn., Calif. Con tact: Michele Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581:1-800-421-4321. CAMP COUNSELORS Wanted for private Michigan boys/giris summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, of fice, maintenance. Salary $1200 or more plus R&B. Camp LWC/GWC, 1765 Maple, Nfld-IL 60093.708-446-2444. EAST COAST SUMMER JOBS - COUNSELORS A STAFF CHILDRENS CAMPS/MASS. TOP SALARY RM/ BD/LAUNDRY, TRAVEL ALLOWANCE. MUST HAVE SKILL IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: Ar chery, Crafts, Baseball, Basketball. Dance, Drama, Drums, Reid Hockey, Figure Skating, Football. Golf, Guitar, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Horsrfcack Riding-Hunt Seat, Karate, Lacrosse, Lifeguard, Nature^ Nurses, Pho book. Men call or write: CampWinadu, 2255 Glades Rd„ Suite 406E, Boca Raton. FL 33431, (800) 494-6238. Women call or write: Camp Danbee, 17 Westminster Dr.. Montville, NJ 07045, (800)392-3752. Recruiter will be on campus: DATE: Wednesday, April 12th. TIME: 10:00am-4:00pm PLACE: Student Union - See Info Desk STOP BY: No appointment neccessary. Lifeguards The Country Club of Lincoln is now accepting lifeguard applications. Apply in person. Tues-Sun. 9am-9pm at 3200 S. 24th St. Deadline: March 16.__ Maine Sports Camp All Land, Water, Adventure A Individual Sports. Fun outdoor summer working with kids. (617)277-8080. Camp Cedar, 1758 Beacon, Brookline MA 02146. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi tions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baskiall, Basketball, Golf, Field Hockey, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping. Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Pottery, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Newspa per, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Station, Rocketry, Ropes and Roar Climbing; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/ sarr""* ary, room, board, and travel. June 18 Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (Boys) 190 Unden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ. 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118 Danbee (Girls) 17 Westminister Drive, Montville, NJ 07045. Call: 1-800-392-3752. seasonal or summer help wanted. Grounds mainte nance. 7431 South St. Apply 7am-3:30pm. Softball umpires. Slow pitch and fast pitch. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation, Athletic Office, at 441-7892, for dates and times of clinics. Summer Playground Staff Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for summer playground staff: leaders($5/nr), assistant leaders($4.80/hr), craft spedalists($5/hr). Program hours 9:15am-12:15pm, M-F,June5-July28. Plan and conduct activities for elementary children at parks or schools. App^at 2740 A St Call 441-7952 to arrange interview. Summer Staff Needed Camp Easter Seal in Milfod, Ne provides recreational opportunities for children and adults with disabilities. We need you to be counselors, program and support staff, nurses and morel. For more info, please call Andi Reed at 402-330-6660. Tennis Jobs-summer children’s camps-Northeast- men and women with good tennis background who can teach children to play tennis. Good salary, room & board, travel allowance. WOMEN can or write: CAMP DANBEE, 17 Westminster Dr. MontvHle. NJ. 07045 800-392-3752. MEN call or write: CAMP WMADU, 2255 Glades Rd„ Suite 406E, Boca Raton, FL 33431 800-494-6238. RE CRUITER WILL BE ON CAMPUS: April 12th, Student Union - See Info Desk. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AH real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, hanrkcap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising formal estate which is in violation of the law or discnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dweHlngs advertised am available on an equal opportunity basis. _ Female perfered for large 2-bedroom, great location, Haymarket, Security Building. $175/month. 477-8618. Female to share 2-bedroom apartment. Downtown dose to campus. $210/month+ utilities. Newly remodeled. Call Jennifer 477-70094eave message. M/F roommate needed. New 5-bedroom duplex. 2 bath, 2-stall gara^e^Washer/dryer. $172.50 + utilities. Call Male roommate needed for three bedroom apartment in Claremont 6230/month +1/3 utilities. Move in beginning of May. Call Tommy at 476-7131 N/S female to share 2-bedroom immediately, at 1025 N. 63rd. $245/mo.+1/2 utilities. 560-2668. March free! Responsible/mature roommate to share house on acre age near Blue Steam lake. Hunter, outdoors person perfered. $275/month. Call Kurt 826-2667. Two female roommates needed May thru August for newer 4 bedroom house by pond in SW Lincoln. $197/mo. + 1/4 utilities. 435-7872 5 bedroom, 2331 U. Walk to campus. Neat and dean. Summer lease, only $650. Phoenix properties, 474-5327 5-Bedroom house4 blocks from Stadium, Range, Refrig., Washer/dryer, Central Air, Excellent condition, $600/ month, 438-1330. 927 N 30th, very nice 6-bedroom, 2-baths, 2-kitchens, near campus. $1,000.432-0644,432-6644. Houses available In May for summer tosses or longer: *1237 Court. 3-bedroom, $600 *2307 Dudley. 3-bedroom, $600 *2434 *W*. 4-bedroom, $600. *927 N. 30th. 6-bedroom, $1,000. 836 Y St. 3-bedroom, $600. 432-0644,432-6644 Reserve your 3,4,5, or 6 bedroom home for early May and/ or August and RELAX! Close to UNL, Air Conditioning, Washer/dryer, Dishwasher. WE LOVE STUDENTS!! Still available for Summer: 4 & 6-Bedrooms. Still available for August: 3 6 4-bedrooms, 423-1535. Woods Park area. 4 bedroom, 1 bath, appliances, wash er/dryer hookup. Available 4/1. $650 per month, + $650 deposit. 435-8992 3059 T, lame one bedroom, large living room, many windows, all remodeled $330,437-9618 or 489-5168. ★ !!!SUMMER LEASES!!! AVAILABLE 1BR dose to campus. 2504 Vine, 1109 & 1121 N 28th. Spacious, aH appl, most utilities paid. $340-$365. 3220 Apple. 1BR, handicap accessible, walkout patio, floor to ceiling windows. Unique apt. $350. 4300 Comhuaker Hwy Pool Open Soon 1BR middle or top floor, new carpet, all appl, great complex. $365. 2BR, 1 BA, walkout patio, grey decor, ceramic firs, Ig kitch, energy effte. Available now, $510. 2BR, 1 BA, middle fir, Sahara beige, W/D hkup. Beautiful. $520. Cherry Hill Management Moral management 4894857 Available in May. Large 2-bedroom, balcony, Fireplace, O/W, Walk to East Campus, 8425/month, 465-5524. Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing 1,2,3, & 4 bedrooms for August. Spaces are limited. Huny in to pick your new home. First Come, First Serve. 9th A Claremont 474-Park. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy up to a Nice Warm Fire at Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able. Fireplaces, woodburning stoves, private pool with large sundeck. Professionally managed, $329-4«9/month. _Call 476-6200 now. Efficiencies and one bedrooms. Near campus. Secured building. S235-S260. No pets. Call 477-36-ML Efficiency apartments dose to campus. Gas, heating, trash, water paid. Comes with refrigerator, A/C, stove. 477-4490. Large studio, 1107LSL Just remocfled, walk to campus. Fleat paid, only $280. Roomy studio. 3179 R St. Hardwood floors. $210. Call Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 Looking For Affordable Housing?? We have 1-bedroom apartments dose to campus for $260/month-$310/month. Contact 450-2211 or 475 0609. Newer, dean, 1-bedroom, $320 and 2-bedroom, $390 within walking distance to UNL and downtown. 483-6280. LaunDRY Land OFFER GOOD through March 1995 1440 N. 56-466-8353 1340 N. 27-474-5155 21st. & J -474-4363 -NEW LOCATION 48th & Old Cheney - 423-5955 **2 bedrooms** 821 ‘A’ $430 231 Adams $410-440 **1 bedroom** 515 West Saunders $345 **Embassy Park apartments** 31 St ft Old Cheney 2 bedrooms $480-510 wAd **3 bedroom** $615-630 no pets 483-1130,483-6057 240 S. 26th. Newer, 2-bedroom. Built-in microwave, double-sliding door/balcony. Leave message, 483-2357. 56th & Holdrege 3-bedroom, 1 ft 3/4 baths, W/D hook-ups, $525-550. Management One 477-2600 I I