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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1995)
Great Plains collection receives new additions By Jeff Randall Staff Reporter Students now have a chance to take a look at some new additions to the Great Plains Art Collection. • “New and Renewed Directions: Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection” opened March 7 and will continue showing through April 28 at the Great Plains Art Collection. The collection features various examples of Great Plains heritage revealed through historical and contemporary art. The recent acquisitions are made available through gifts from private donors and purchases made with funds raised by the Friends of the Center for Great Plains Studies. A reception in honor of the donors and artists represented in the exhibit will be held Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Paintings, drawings, prints, pho tographs and sculptures are repre sented. Works from the 19th century are being shown alongside those of more recent artists. Among these are engravings by Karl Bodmer, a lithograph by John James Audobon and an oil painting by George Simons. Landscape art by Keith Jacobshagen, Ann Burkholder, Dale Livezey, Deborah J. Murphy and Lamont Richards will also be •shown. Cultural diversity is one of the exhibit’s main features. Paintings by Native Americans Laurie Houseman Whitehawk and Chris Musgrave are being shown. New approaches to the typical western and Great Plains subjects are as common in the exhibit as the more conventional treatments. The Great Plains Art Collection is located in Room 205 of Love.Li brary. It is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 ajn. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed on Saturdays. Journal like brownies—good “I Made Some Brownies and They Were Pretty Good” the third “Jim's Journal” collec tion Jim Andrews and McMeel Books Grade: B Jim wakes up. Jim goes to work in the copy shop. Jim takes a nap. ■-1 Jim nas a cat and some friends. Jim goes to bed. That’s a plot summary of “I Made Some Brownies and They Were Pretty Good,” the third col lection of “Jim s Journal comic strips. “Jim’s Journal” is hard to ex plain. Jim is a normal guy with a normal — maybe even more bor ing than normal — life. His comic strip contains no punch lines, no hilarious characters and precious little action. For example, this is the full text in one “Jim’s Journal” strip: “I just sat around today and didn’t do much of anything. It was kind of rainy outside. I thought of taking a nap, but I wasn’t very tired. So I just sat around and didn’t do much of anything.” All of the strips are narrated by Jim in journal form. Now this sounds boring. And it is some times. One strip, by itself, is very boring. However, a collection of “Jim’s Journals” is entertaining. Jim’s Journal is entertaining in the same way that life is entertain ing. Funny things don’t happen in convenient fashion — set-up, punch line, roaring laughter. Funny things happen every once in a while, and sometimes they’re only funny if you really know the char acters. And you laugh, but prob ably not out loud. You just think, “Hey, that was funny.” Jim’s loser friend, Tony, pro vides most of the book’s mental laughs. Through Jim’s eyes, the reader sees that Tony is all talk — that he’s lazy and pretty irrespon sible. Jim never says it, but he makes a note of all the lame things Tony does. So when Tony wants to quit his job at the shoe store for a more lucrative job in another shoe store, the reader, knowing Tony, laughs. But like life, “Jim’s Journal” is also sometimes sad. Tony is just like the loser friend that everyone has in real life. Sometimes you laugh at him, and sometimes you feel sorry for him. “Jim’s Journal” does not offer page after page of easy laughs. But it’s a thoughtful, humane comic strip. — Rainbow Rowell iilHMM | fJMHMK ARCHER PARK "We got a lot in common" Thursday, March 16 9:00 p.m. FREE SHOW! FREE SHOW! SANDY CREEK St. Patrick's Fri., March 17 5-6 p.m and 9 p.m. - Close $ 1.00 Drinks 4:30-8 $2.00 Buffet F.A.C.-GREEN BEER 5400 "O” Street • 464-1100 • Lincoln OLDE, America's Full Service Discount Broker*1 is looking for motivated people to establish a career in the brokerage business. OLDE offers: 12-18 month paid training program Potential six-figure income Excellent benefits If you possess excellent communication skills, general market knowledge and the desire to excel, see us at the Career Fair on March 29,1995. If you are unable to attend the Career Fair call: 1800 937-0606 or send resume to: OLDE Discount Stockbrokers National Recruiting 751 Griswold Street Detroit, MI 48226 .40LDE DISCOUNT STOCKBROKERS Member NYSE and SIPC An Equal Opportunity Employer 1 I 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing A Copying —pi 182 Recycling 02 Appliances 183 Religious 05 Bicycles 185 Rentals 10 Books 188 Tanning 13 Clothing 190 Tattooing 16 Computers 193 Travel 20 Furniture 195 Typing A Resumes 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 200 Rides 50 Pets 203 Spring Break Trips 55 Photo Equipment 205 Career Events 60 Sporting Goods 210 Announcements 65 Stereos/TVs 215 Meetings 70 Ticket Exchange 220 Greek Affairs 90 Vehtcfes_ 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost A Found - 250 Wanted 100 Adoption 260 Fundraising 105 Alterations & Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 300 Help Wanted 125 Catering 310 Child Care 128 Chiid Care 320 Work Study Jobs 130 OearungriJiundiy 330 Summer Jobs 131 Cleaning/Households 340 Internships 135 Computer Service -— 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas _ isn 400 ROOmmatOS its Kn^e 4"> 2^3Cnted 155 Iretructton/Tutoring IE 160 Lawn^e71601 440 D‘jP,8*^»nt its Local Services 450 Apartments/Rent i5!aa.Bd«> ksbkssu 175 Photography 4*, Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday prior to publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daly Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability tor all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan.__ 00s For Sale Mountain bikes tor every type. Come see Cycle Works huge selection of Trek, Specialized, KHS, Fat Chance, ana Klein mountain bikes - they're ready to go, are you? Cycle Works, 27th 4 Vine NEVER USED. 1995 19* M-2 STUMPJUMPER frame/ fork, extras include XT, Control Tech, etc. $500OBO.435 4043,475-9751.__ New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheei’n $ Oeal'n Bke Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. Trek 920 Mountain bike, perfect condition, $565/new, selling for $350. Ceil Den, 435-8554. Computer Rental! In house and off-site rental. IBM compatibles and Macintosh available. Support and training on most pop ular packages. Open weeknights and weekends. When you need a computer tor an hour, a day, a week, or a month. Discounts with Student I.D. For more information call: Computer Designs, Inc. 477-4944 835 “S’Street MACINTOSH Computer. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800-289-5685. Packard Bed 386 SX, 107 mega bites, 4 ram, modem, SVGA monitor, lots of software. Cali Antonio at466-3405. Spring-break ski trip? K2 skis, slalom boots, poise, ski and boot beg, women's Ferra ski jacket, goggles and ski tote for sale together or separately. Cad 435-5916 and leave a message. Want to sad: Plane ticket from Lincoln to Vegas, dates: 3/ 24-3/27.438-4001, leave message. INDIGO GIRLS 4TH ROW PLANT/PAGE-CHOICE SEATS TICKET SOLUTIONS 423-1919 77 Mercury, good condition, good tires. $800,466-4619. 1984 Toyota Tercel, Front wheel drive wagon. 103k, original owner, manual transmission. Good condition, 35mpg, very reliable. $275Q/obo. 475-4847 200s Notices “Top O’ the momln to you” Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a taste of Ire- | land. Enjoy Combeef and cabbage exclusively I at the Union Cafe, 11-1:15pm 3/17/95. 1-800-DIAL A FROSH The Office of Admissions wants you! A phone campaign is underway In which successful high school seniors are contacted, congratulated, and given info about UNL If you are interested in adding the personal touch to your University and have a few hours to volunteer, stop by room 106 in the Canfield Administration Building for information. All CD’s $5.99 or $7.99 Disc Go Round. 5001 O Street. 486-0047. PERSUN-al Approach! APPLY NOW to be a Peer Sexuality Educator! Peer Sexuality Educators (PSEs) are leaders on campus who educate students about very real, very personal issues facing UNL students. They do so by teaching two educational programs: Contraceptive Methods & issues, and STD/HIV: social and Medical Aspects. Peer Sexuality Educators are also active in providing educational events on campus for World AIDS Day and National Condom Week. Requirements: ‘Successfully complete PH230, Section 5; (A one-hour class offered through HPER) 'Commit to the program for one year; 'Attend all scheduled meetings/activities; 'Assist in PSE recruitment for the following year; For more into, or to apply contact: Community Health Education, University Health Canter, Rm.12, <72-7440 UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Aviation Institute Offers 4 year degrees, graduate courses, and non-credit flight programs. For more information call 402-554-3424 or 1-800358-8648. BAND Tc ! Be a Health Aide. Health Aide positions are open for the 1995-96 academic year. ■■ ai-a_ noHuiMQn. •Live on campus; ‘Provide minor first aid care in residence halts, greek houses & co-ops' 'Take the Peer Health 230 class both fall & spring semesters; 'Act as a Health Center liaison; 'Are a health referral and resource person for their living unit; 'Receive a small stipend for the services they provide; Applications are available at the Community Health Ed ucation Dept, Rm. 12, University Health Center. For more information call 472-7440. UNL Is an affirmative action/ equal opportunity Institution. CRUISE SMPS HUONG -Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full-time positions. No exp. necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C57783 Graduate Assistants Graduate Assistant applications for the Office of Admis sions are now available-Canfieid Administration Building, 106. Application reviews will begin March 30,1995 INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL OFFICIALS The Office of Campus Recreation is currently hiring officials tor Intramural Softball. Starting pay is $5.00 an hour, 6-12 hours per week. If interested, please attend the Intramural Officials' meeting Wednesday, March 15. The meetingwE begin at 4:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Call 472-3467 for more information. INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL MANAGERS The Manager Meeting tor Co-Rec Intramural Slow Pitch Softball will be held Wednesday, March 15. at 5:00 p.m. In the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one repre sentative present to be eligtole tor competition. Call 472 ASAW Jam mjua InInaM alt m mm o4o t Tor more inrorrnaoon. INTRAMURAL SOCCER MANAGERS The Manager Meeting for Men's and Women's Intramural Soccer will be held Wednesday. March 15, at 4:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one repre sentative present to be eligible for competition. Call 472 3467 for more information. Make a difference in Residence Hall life! RHA elections April 4. Filing forms available in 237 NE Union, Smith, Neihardt Abel, Burr, and Selleck. Forms are due by Sunday, March 26 at 6:00pm. Hurry to beat the Spring Break rush! NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Seasonal & full time employment available at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Benefits bonuses! Call: 1-206-545-4804 ext. N57783 RESORT JOBS Earn to$l2/hr.+tips. Theme Parks. Hotels, Spas,+more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R57783. SAA Spring Retreat Thursday, March 16, from 5.00-7.00 at P.O. Pears. Meet at 4:45 at Wick. Reminder: Executive Office Applications are due by 500, Friday, March 17th. _ SENSHU-STUDY ABROAD Here is your chance to spend an exciting, adven turous, and funfilled semester in Tokyo, Japan I On the Senshu Exchange Program youll study Japanese language, business, and culture for ten other cities, explore the mountains, shop in Tokyo, and sample the native cuisine. Come find out more at the next information session: Tuesday, March 14-400 am. and 500 p.m. - CBA 125 Wednesday, March 15-3:30 p.m. and 400 p.m. - CBA 125 Thursday, March 16-200 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. - CBA 125 For more details, contact: D'vee Buss, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310. SOFTBALL TEAMS. I am interested in sponsoring two Lincoln softball teams this summer. Team members must be over 21. Interested? Call 402-330-3588. Student Foundation “Trading Places' The lucky winner will be announced Thurs., March 16 at 5:30 in the Union. Summer Opportunities Are you looking for a summer full of adventure?! Apply now for six weeks of leadership and challenge. WITH PAY. For more information, call Army ROTC, 472-2468. Ten Top Reasons for Studying French *1. Thomas Jefferson and Jackie Kennedy spoke it; Norman Schwartzkopf. Candice Bergen, and Jim Courier speak French. , ACT MEETING (Ag Communicators of Tomorrow) Thursday, March 16,630 pm at UNL East Campus Union, room posted. All welcomelll Special program: Stan Garfaacz from Ag Promotion and Development AIESEC Meeting Thursday, 730pm at International Affairs office, 1237 ffSt __ Finance Club 530 Wednesday CBA141 Dan Walsh Real Estate Banking, NBC Bank Student Foundation Trading Places drawing this Thurs., March 16 at 5:30 in the Union. Come check out the lucky winner 6 free pizza. TCAB Welcome New Members selected through ASUN elec tions. Congratulations! Your first meeting will be Thurs day March 30 at 7:30pm in the East Union. AH returning TCAB Members: We have a meeting Thurs day March 16 at 6:30pm in Mabte Lee 234. UNL Rodeo Association Meeting Wed. March 15,7:30 pm. in the East Campus Union, room to be posted. COATS ARE Ml Please bring $57 to get your coat. Young Democrats Meeting this Thursday, March 16th, at 7:30. Nebraska Union, Room to be potted. The Men of FarmHouse would Ilka to congratulate Shawnwill Hunge" it"d hy w wcewful ftfMJNprosklontlnl campaign.