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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1992)
Saddam vows to resist v allied-imposed flight ban NICOSIA, Cyprus — Iraqi President Saddam Hussein vowed Sunday to resist the “no-fly” zone imposed over southern Iraq by U.S. led allies, but he offered no specific actionshisgovcmmcntmighttake. It was the first statement from Saddam himself about the night ban imposed Thursday to protect Shiite Muslim rebels from air at tacks by Iraq’s military. The com ments, which were read in Saddam’s name on Iraqi radio, re stated earlier defiant statements by Iraqi officials and news media. Despite the fiery rhetoric of re jecting “aggression,” Baghdad has so far made no signs of breaching the exclusion zone, which applies to all df Iraq south of the 32nd parallel. Senior U.S. military officers have said they do not expect Iraq to strike at allied air patrols because the situation could escalate quickly beyond Saddam’s control. The all ics have warned they will shoot down any Iraqi aircraft that enters the zone. The allies established a similar “safe haven” for Iraq’s Kurdish minority in the north last year after Iraqi troops crushed an uprising by the Kurds following the Gulf War. The commander of U.S. mili tary forces in the Persian Gulf said* Sunday that the allies may pul fewer planes into the air because the Ira qis have not challenged the south ern zone. Lt. Gen. Michael Nelson also said the allies had not seen any significant activity by Iraqi ground troops arrayed against the Shiite rebels who arc operating out of the vast marshes of soulhom Iraq. But President Bush’s national security adviser, Brent Scowcrofl, said the United Slates had detected “signs of preparation” for a ground offensive. Appearing on N BG’s “Meet the Press,” Scowcrofl declined to specify how the allies might re spond to such an offensive, but he seemed to hint that Bush would order a military attack. “I don’t want to speculate, but we’re flying over there for a rea son,” Scowcrofl said. 1 Shellfire hits Sarajevo market SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — A howitzer shell crashed into a crowded marketplace Sunday, killing 15 people and wounding dozens in one of the bloodiest single attacks during the Serbs’ siege of Sarajevo. Meanwhile, troops supporting Bosn ia ’ s M usl im-dom inalcd govern ment reportedly reached Gorazde one day after Serbs announced they were lifting their five-month siege of that city southeast of Sarajevo. Gorazde, as the lone government holdout against Serb insurgents in eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina, has been an emotional symbol of the war that began when the majority Muslims and Croats voted for independence from Yugoslavia on Feb. 29. As many as 100,000 people have been trapped there. U.N. officials said they were cau tiously optimistic abouldcvclopmcnts in Gorazde, but they condemned the attack in Sarajevo. One suggested that Serb forces had fired on the mar ket purposely. Between 35 and 1(X) people were wounded when the howitzer shell exploded in the market. The loll was the worst since May 28, when mortar rounds killed at least 20 people in a bread line and wounded 100. That attack prompted the Euro pcan Community to impose trade sanctions on Serbia, which it accused of supporting Serbs fighting to carve their own state from part of Bosnia. U.N. sanctions on Serbia-dominated Yugoslavia followed on May 30. The shell hit as Bosnian loyalists continued an offensive aimed at break ing through Serbs forces encircling Sarajevo in the surrounding hills. Rescue workers slung bodies into pickups parked on blood-stained ground. Officials said many of the wounded were not likely to survive. Survivors screamed for family and friends as they wandered around mar ket stalls strewn with limbs and other human remains. The deaths soured hopes that agrec mcnls reached last week in London at an international peace conference would reduce violence in the 6-month old war. At least 8,(XX) people have died in the war,and U.S. Senate investigators put the figure at up to 35,(XX). In Sarajevo, U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard suggested the artillery round was fired from Serb positions. “It would be nice if we could turn ourselves into a police force and run up into the hills and grab those people and arrest them and bring them to justice,” he told the British Broad Serbia | casting Corp. “All the parties told us they would stop fighting so that we could come in here and begin a peace process,” he r said, alluding to the London confer ence. “It’s immensely frustrating for us.” Few rest Sunday in hot, weary South Florida PERRINE, Fla. — Pastors and churchgoers heard messages of hope and thanks Sunday in Hurricane Andrew’s aftermath, while hundreds of thousands sought relief from heat, rain, traffic and shortages. Platoons of volunteers were joined by more U.S. soldiers called out by President Bush. Troops in cargo planes and helicopters reached the heavily damaged areas carrying tents, cloth ing, water, ice and can openers. Health officials feared disease could arise from a lack of clean water and rotting food and garbage covered by swarms of mosquitoes, while dis organization continued to plague the massive, sometimes overzealous re lief effort. Tempers simmered as temperatures hit 90 degrees. “I’m hot, I’m tired,” said Gwen Bullock, an official from hard-hit Florida City who lost her home and has been sleeping in the trailer that now serves as City Hall. “My wire is gelling shorlcr and shorter.” “I’ll follow anybody who’s in charge. Bui we need somebody in charge right now!” said Coasl Guard Ll. Cmdr. Mike Anderson, trying lo gel a supply-filled plane unloaded al Tamiami Airport. An Army Chinook helicopter also sal on ihc runway, wailing lo be un loaded. The aircraft were loaded wilh honied walcr, fruit juice, iced lea, and pal lels of charcoal and charcoal I ighicr fluid. “I can’t even get hold of the front gate,” Anderson said. Few rested Sunday, the seventh day after Andrew swept through South Florida. More than two inches of rain fell on some of the ravaged areas Satur day, and thundershowers scattered across South Florida again Sunday, adding to the misery of living in a house with no roof. Rcligiousand political leaders tried to rally spirits. Gov. Lawton Chiles, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Roman Catholic Arch bishop Edward McCarthy of Miami were among those who spoke to con gregations. “Sorpebody said Ihisarca will never be the same,” Chiles said as sunlight streamed through a hole in the roof of the otherwise-dark Bethel Baptist Church in Richmond Heights. “I think that's right— it’s going to be even belter,” Chiles said to a cho rus of “Amen!” wmr SUPER Education IS^ Prices On LOTUS SOFTWARE .*■ Academic ID required for purchase tllS 1*2*3 This product is intended for students, faculty ond ocodemic institutions only. . Mims! (Sr> Lotus 1-2-3 ,t Freelance Graphics AmiPro. 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Frustrated relief workers argue that a world which stood down Saddam Hussein can find a way to gel food to 2 million people who will die without it. Ignoring this challenge, many say, iscallous if not racist. In London, the humanitarian group Save the Children finally said out loud Saturday what some voluntary workers and U.N. people have long said among themselves: U.N. backbiting and bungling in Somalia is “pathetic.” If unfair to some people who worked hard in the face of death, it sums up a general lack of coordination. Mohamed Sahnoun, the U.N. secretary general’s special envoy to Somalia, is blunt on the failings of the United Nations and member states. “We arc a year and a half late,” he told The Associated Press. The Security Council on Friday approved deployment of another 3,(XX) troops for Soma lia, but Sahnoun warns not to expect them anytime soon. Sahnoun insists that diplomacy must now undo the damage. A show of force now, he said, would only trigger more violence and broaden the calamity of neglect. He fought hard to persuade Somali factions to accept the first 500 troops, Pakistanis. Agree ment was reached Aug. 12, and they won’t be r 1 ~ here before mid-September. Meantime, people arc dying al a rale of 2,000 a day, and armed gangs routinely hit ports, truck convoys and rural food stocks. If the obstacle was only a civil war, it would be easy, says Andrew Natsios, the U.S. relief coordinator for Somalia. Any U.N. presence is a risk. Two of the 50 unarmed cease-fire observers were wounded Friday by gunmen. David Bassiouni, U.N. humanitarian coor dinator here, said the risk must be taken. He was shaken by the elan-style “ethnic cleansing” recently al the southern port of Kismayo. Men linked to Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s United Somali Congress executed 11 northerners, all International Red Cross work ers, as the Red Cross tried to fly them to safety. Two main warring clansccascd fire in March, allowing agencies to deliver food under the guns of hired Somalis. Much of it gets through, but a lot vanishes in complex undercurrents. Some losses arc to desperate fathers who pilfer rice for their families. Much more is trucked off by thugs paid by people with vested interests: power, money or both. Organized looting allows a merchant to comer a market and raise prices. It gives an aspiring warlord the wherewithal to rent an army’s loyally. Outside aid is all there is to steal. Sahnoun called the attack on the observers a provocation but did not say who did it, or why. It may have been the work of maverick A id id elements seeking more power. Aidid did not want the 500 troops and insists that no more arc needed. Some around him want none at all. Somali sovereignty is one issue. Another is easier looting. tj —i Nebr&kan . .J^mf* ^n^K(US kSf1h4 °2°) 18 pyblished hy ®» UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34. 1400 H St.. 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