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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1991)
Perfect Continued from Page 13 the title. It’s difficult to say if the fight sequences are done well. Movie audiences have seen so many in the last few years, it’s virtually impos sible to do anything new. Suffice it to say that “Perfect Weapon” con tains absolutely no surprises. “Perfect Weapon” may not sound the death knell for horrible fight films but let’s at least hope it’s a sturdy nail in the coffin. “Perfect Weapon” is playing at the Plaza 4 Theaters, 201 N. 12th Street. Nova Continued from Page 13 From Somewhere” from Hiisker’s last album together, “Warehouse, Songs and Stories.” “You ran out of wishes — threw all your pennies in the fountain. Where you gonna land next time you fall off of your mountain?” Hart asks. Hart’s strum of electric power chords accompany Crego’s percus sion as he slaps and beats the hell out of the drums, all the while constantly crashing cymbals—just like all good Minneapolis bands should. “Over My Head” is the highlight of the album. The constant pop of drams moves into the clickety of tambourine during Hart’s sweet cho rus. Merkl’s bass line ranges from top to bottom perfecting the rhythm sec tion of the three piece. Hart’s melodic melancholy is back in high form reach ing for new heights. The varying, syncopated rhythms of “Admiral of die Sea” could be taken for that raving Manchesterian beat that everyone in England is drop ping acid to. It’s not, though. The rhythm section is driving pop in the Minneapolis vein that Hiisker Dii, the Replacements and Soul Asy lum made legendary. Hart’s punched vocals rise over the rumble of dirty guitar grunge and feedback. Rhythms give the song the rolling feel of speeding really fast over water on a really unsafe car, or some other non-ocean faring vehicle. On “Persuaded,” Hart screams a defiant message, “I’m not going to be persuaded this time.” A tight snare march rhythm meets the grungy bitch of a guitar growing to a defiant surge and insistent drum pound. Descending bass lines and swirling guitar grunge are topped with Grant’s croon growing to insistence. Hart’s insight into the darker moods grows into “Lavender and Grey.” “If you wanted to go straight to hell, I wouldn’t stand in your way,” Hart offers. The rhythm is the strolling rock of a twostepon a darkened street. Hart’s guitar is an introspective jaunt of strums and flange, accompanied by a sweet whistling solo. This is the Grant Hart we know so well. The last track, “The Last Days of Pompeii,” is the title track, and ar guably, the best track. Hart’s strum of acoustic guitar is layered underneath power chords o’ plenty in a fine Hiisker fashion, just as his vocals are full-bodied and trium phant. He should feel triumphant. ciA&simm mot* S3W&WE3HSHH| 62 Pregnancy 64 Printing & Copying -. 72 Rentals | Sp 3 ?SSS,WC~ I SSX. g SS*— 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 M»c. For Sale _ 12 Musical instruments 100 Rides 13 Pets 110 Announcements 14 Photo Equipment 120 Greek Affairs 16 Sporting Goods 130 Student Government 18 Stereos/TVs 135 Meeting Others 19 Ticket Exchange 140 Personals 20 Vehicles 145 Lost A Found - 148 Wanted 149 Fund Raising 22 Adoption 23 Alterations A Sewing 24 Apartment Finders 150 Child Care Needed 25 Automotive 180 Help Wanted 27 Bicycle Service 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Bndal 164 Summer Jobs 32 Cleaning/Laundry 33 Computer Service 34 Entertainment 35 Gift ideas 170 Roommates 36 Hairstyling 175 Rooms For Rent 37 Health A Fitness 18O Houses For Rent 38 Insurance 185 Duplex For Rent 40 Instruction 190 Apartments For Rent 42 Job Placement 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 44 Legal 194 Homes For Sale 60 Mlsc. Services 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day tor 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $3.75 per day tor 15 words on commercial ads $.15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 3 Bicycles For Sale 1990 Trek 1200,4 month old racing bike. $425 obo.477 7854, leave message. 27" Ralegh Olympian 12-speed. $150. 435-1263 59 cm Torpado, Campy, Columbus. 435-2322. ask lor Bob Or 423-9441, Paul. clim^veau^®™'90^ Sh3pe' 188pd" 5300 060 S^,n-^Lr„road bike' bl>J«^yellow. Shimono 105 oorrjponems, Cateye eompuier, Scott/Lemond clip-ons excellent condition. $500,476-2843. v n?nrfi^fi8i nnjniL0'te’ ,oarT1 comPei't'on. Profile obodCaH 423-4^20^*^'|U8ttunad and ,aped “P-4450 Doug”42'i<^45iri°ri ironman 12 *P*«P ,ouring bike. Call Lincoln Police Department notice of sale of abandoned property. April 6. 1991, 10 jLmUJncoInland Towinp.410 & P street. No checks $200 *Cal1476-9785 n * S,*r,in9 *tr®et b>k«- Like new for Schwinn Super Letour. Excellent condition. Lots of ex tras. $250. obo 466-0697, leave message. 5 Clothing For Sale Beautiful bridal gown purchased at J.P. Originals in Omaha. Never worn. Size 12. Call 474-3939, leave message. 6 Computers For Sale Apple IIGS, 512k, 2 drives, RGB Monitor, mint condition. Call 438-2546. MACINTOSH PLUS COMPUTER 20 Meg Hard Drive. Alto carrying case $1000. 436-6946. 7 Jewelry Men's 14 carat gold ring. Size 8 3/4. Appraised at $250. taking best offer. 436-8181. One carat diamond duster ring with 14 carat gold thick band. In perfed condition. Chrs. 421-7364. leave mes sage. 8 Furniture For Sale ~ Dorm lofts for sale. Delivered and installed, $94.23. Call Todd. 475-0654._ Love seat, sofa, table and chair. Must seel Best offer. Call Mke 436-8268. Leave message. Moving Sale Large office desk w< bookshelf $75. Nintendo game deck with three games: $90. Brown couch: $25. Wood coffee table: $15. Wood 5-drawer dresser: $20.477-5068. Sofa and loveseat. real good condition. $150. Full size dryer, $50. Call Dan, 470-3824. White French Provincial dresser. Six drawers, lame mir ror, excellent condition, best offer. Call Kristi. 48$0054. 10 Misc. For Sale 14“ color TV with remote control, 3 years old. S300/obo. Peugot ten speed $150. 786-2216. Color TV near new. excellent condition, $85; VCR, 2 years old, remote, 466-8520. Contemporary couch, dean, new, $165; electronic hu midifier, $35; living room lanp, $15; o.b.o. 474-7601. GAPS complete MCAT test preparation kit. 477-6453. Kyosho Burns R/C Car. Capable of 60mph. Complete and ready to run. Chris, 436-8476. 12 Musical Instruments For Sale: Fender Baseman 50 amp. Peavey StudioPro 40 amp, and B.C Rich guitar. 489-7884. For Sale; Peavey wireless microphone with rack mount receiver. Excellent condition, $350. Call Jeff, 436-8963. Ibanez J-Bass; Fender Tele; Crate 6CW Bass Amp, 2 Monitors Dave, 483-5085. Randell 100 watt amp., $150. Cal! 476 9973. 438-2552^5^ digital sampler. Vox Jaguar Organ. Cheap Yamaha console piano, excellent condition. $2000/obo 489-7884. 13 Pets CFA registered Siamese Kittens 435-6585, leave mes sage. Purebred Dachshunds for sale. Male and Female. 3 months to 2 1/2 years. Call 476-7560. 14 Photo Equipment Olympus OM-IO w/ lens, plus zoom lens and flash. Call 435-5576. 16 Sporting Goods The Used Sports Shop 1724 O Street upstairs. Consignment sporting goods of all kinds. 473-7971 * “ 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale CR-75 Phase III Electronic cross-over new, never used $125.476-0328. New, perfect shape, 7-band 300W, booster/equalaer for car stereo. $135. 436-7967. Sony 5-disc CD-player CDP30.16 inch Fisher 120 watl speakers. Make offer. 474-9065. leave message. 19 Ticket Exchange_ Two airline roundtrip tickets. Omaha-New Yorti, July 1-8, caJI 466-0596. After 5 call 473-4727. $400 or best offer. 20 Vehicles For Sale '66 Yamaha Radian. 6500 miles, like new, dk. blue a gold, $1300. Call 476-1778 campus notes /WELL, ABOUT [AEAM. ftO MILES TD \ SO MILES TO \ BEACHES... CRAMMED Witt PADRE 1 iTUOUSAMDS Of HORAW. V DRUNK, LOUD,0BM0X\0US / 1 X^Ui^^WENTS/' \L' SKj&JMi, '82 Kawasaki KE 175, one owner, 1,400 miles, like new. $500 firm. Jim 423-3810. 4 VW GTi '87 alloy wheels 14x6", $125ea., Including tire. Call 467-2878 after 6 p.m 1989Cullase Sup-eme Charcoal gray. 2-door. Call477 4134._ 1988 Honda Hurricane. Red and white, matching helmet, low miles, $3000/obo. 474 9065, leave message. 1985 Kawasaki LTD 1100 with extras. Call 435-5576. 1983 Audi 5000.5-speed, ak options. $380(Vobo. Before 6pm, 489-6007. after 6pm 786-3371. Ask for Tom. 1981 Suzuki 850. Good condition, many extras. Call 474 0400._ 1981 Z23, t-tops. code alarm, many extras, must see $3100 obo. 477-0025. Datsun 810 wilh Z-car motor, needs tune-up Call 438 2546 Must sacrifice, super sham 1981 CB 900, custom Honda, many options, 483-1361-h, 467-5581-w. ask lor Doug. Scooter for sale: 1986 Honda Elite 80. excellent condi tion. $499, call Lisa. 477-7546, leave message. 110 Announcements__ Appearing at the Pia Mor Bailioom Fridav April 5.9-12:30 STREET LEGAL. 6600 W. O Street Are you... Insuring Tommorrow today? April 14,1991 Attention: Juniore STUDENT FOUNDATION • rewarding a $300 Schoierthlp to a 2nd semester junior at UNL. Applica tions are due Mey let and are available at the CAP Office. Questions: call Andrew Sigerson, 436-7869. Campus Red Cross Meeting at City Union. April 2,6pm. Ecology Now Meeting tonigm 7:30pm, Union. Engineers Week Speaker Robert Ooetal from Dow Chemical take on "Strategies on Environmental Health and Safety in Henzlik Hall at 7:00pm TONIGHT. Free Sneak Preview Presented by UPC American Films. Object of Beauty. Tuesday. April 2, 8:00 p.m. Douglas 3 Theatre Tickets available in Union CAP offices. Seating is first come, first serve. Hueker MOBY Leadership Association Meeting tonight: 8:30 in Union. Location will be posted Interested in a Rotary International Scholarship? Attend an informational meeting sponsored by UNL Rotaract Club Wednesday, April 3rd. 7:30 Nebraska Union Interviewing Skills Attention all Beta Alpha Pmi and i me reeled members: Ernst and Young and Beta Alpha pei will be giving a presentation on /rrtetvfcwfng sft/M* Thursday April 4. 11th floor of NBC at 7 p.m. Refrashments provided. So come and pick up tome tips on helpful interviewing skills as fall is |ust around the comer. PHI CHI THETA Important meeting tonight at 6 00pm in the Union. Formal attire. REMEMBER HONORS THESIS WORKSHOPS Journalism and Arts 8 Sciences Colleges. 7:00 tonight in Union. Sponsored by UNL Honors Program. STUDENT FOUNDATION MEEJWG Thursday .Uprit 11, 1991 _ Surprise Location STUDENT FOUNDATION Meeting Thursday_ STUDENT PHOTO CONTEST Deadline to turn in pictures: April 5 Picture categories: black 8 white, color. 35mm automatic, manipulative. Prizes per category: *40 first place. 520 sec ond. $10 third. $25 peoples choice award (overall). Bring your pictures to the City or East CAP oft ice. Information and entrance torms available at either CAP oifice. Sponsored by UPC Visual Arts by brian shellito I i Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska TNS FAR SIM By GARY LARSON 1 ■— . '■ i I'_ H 1 ^ I Every hour on the hour, a huge truck, made entirely of preseed ham, lumbers its way acrosa Dog Heaven — and ali the car chaaera can decide for themselves whether or not to participate._ — ACROSS 1 Road-map abbr 4 Except 10 Put the curtains back up 13 Midday 16 -dictum 17 Speculative enterprises 18 Suburb of Philadelphia 20 Tibetan goat antelopes 21 Mass engineering sch 22 Fastener 24 Year in the papacy of Paschal II 25 Inferior 30 Fair grade 31 French film director-actor writer 32 Savile Row group 34 Ending for a buck 35 Hawaiian port 36 Piece of armor 39 Set up a sting 42 Colony dweller 43 Ground coverings having sparse vegetation 46 Whaler's oil cask ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE A j R j E e In 11 IP u I MIr I IT [ON E R jU|N DAY [rTe i n s 48 Noble, in Nurpberg 49 Line 50 Basilica’s courtyard 53 Noble name in Monaco 56 Give back confidence 58 Surrounds tightly 59 " to me as my soul!” Shak 60 Della, Pee Wee et al 61 Rubs out 62 Armenia, e g DOWN 1 Discounter, in a way 2 No place for skating 3 Gobbles 4 Reveal 5 Noah, m Nogales 6 Two Chaneys 7 Duck, in Dusseldorf 8 -und Drang 9 Hot wind from Africa 10 -Royce 11 Actor Beatty 12 Pompous 14 Moister 15 Little Esthers 19Wis city 23 Shaver, frequently 26 Unique person 27 Defense-pact acronym 28 More like Mother Seton 29 Sediments 33 Parrot fish 36 Swine-cress genus 37 Joins together 38 Battologize *0 Needing ventilation 41 Hard-working, so-so student 44 Gardeners' tools 45 Word with cheese or chocolate 47 Perron part 51 Annapolis inst 52 Spa-bath materials 54 Mrs , in Marseille 55 Lincoln, Beame et al 57 Female ruff