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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 LESBIAN & GAY Music-making: Folk-Classical-Original-Loca! sponsoreC by Coalition lor Gay/Lesbian Civil Rights. Saturday. Apri 6th. 7-10pm. Cornerstone-640 N. 16th. Peace Corpa of the United States Video and Information. Tuesday. April 2. 4pm. Eas Campus Union. _ SUMMER SESSIONS EARLY REGISTRATION March 18-April 5 Come and see students perform Wednesday. April 3 760 at the City Union Ballroom. Admission is free sc come, watch, and enjoyl Sponsored by Engineers Week UNION BOARD MEETING Today, 560pm City Union. 120 Greek Affairs Padre Sigma Nu's: Here's to wet t-shirts, U.S Bar, 2nd wind. 24 in a cab. Lo Toros Bar. beer baths, “the shbd<er.“ and viking master Name the time and the place and we'll do Padre agai with 'cho bad ...selves! Love the Padre AOII' P.5. Let's hear it for sexual chocolati Sigma Chi All Greek Fight Night April 19 Susan R. (AXO) Congratulations on receiving the Jane Wade Anderson Scholarship. Love, your sisters Suzanne M. (Tri-Dolt), Congratulations on being accepted into pharmacy school at UNO. Your future looks brighter than ever! Love, the Tn-Delts J IiWKLRY ' i ^ ^lnc« 1901 ^Wedding Ring Specialist^ ^ Unparalleled Quality ^ ▲ Unbeatable Prices ▲ ^Custom Design * Financing Available^ ▼ Shop and compare but see us last. ▼ 3111 O’St. 474-6044 ♦ EXTRA CASH NEW DONORS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5 WITH THIS AD Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to Change.) Monday - Saturday 2 hours free at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 "O" St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$S I STANLEY H. KAPLAN Jb Taler Kaplan Or Take Your Chanc es 216N. llth, Suite 102 Lincoln, NE 475-7010 NEXT CLASS LSAT & GMAT: still time to enroll GRE: April 9 ATTENTION: Applications are now available for the 1991-92 Greek Yearbook Editor in 332 Nebraska Union. Applications are due Tuesday. April 9 in the Greek Affairs Office. Jen M. (Tri-Dek), Congratulations on being selected as a NHRI coun selor. Great things are headed your way. Love, your sisters Thetas: The race is on I Hope you studied over spring break because we didnt have tol Good Luck. Love the Kappas 130 Student Government -SCfi W«ng T5gy “FUN NIGHT” Meet at the City Union ASUN office at 6:30 Be prepared tor tun & frolici _ Student Leaders Campus Wide Vacancies If you want to have an impact on decisions made by ! oommittees dealing with student related concerns check 1 the listing in the Student Government office for vacan cies. (115 Nebr. Union) 135 Meeting Others EiGUYS- a Bisexual Group for Understanding Your Sexuality. Write to P.O. Box 80913, Lincoln, 68501. Shramek's Video Dating Service. Lincoln's first and on video dating service. No fee until your first date. Call or slop by. 2810 N. 48th. 437-6579 140 Personals Lisa H„ Congrats on PT Schooll Thanks for iisteningl " Angie H. pH Balanced. Here's to honevmooner prices, immodium sfiots, am •Don! be such a Mexican." You're the senorita for me Honey- Sweet heart Honey-Sweet heart. Here's to good decision making, another vacation, am the long haull I love you. Your Omega Girl 145 Lost & Found _ FOUND: Backpack with Micro Biology book. Call 475 SI 98 to claim 148 Wanted Job Hunting7 Come to UNL's annual Spring Job Fair! Wednesday. April 10. 1991 Nebraska Student Union 9am-3pm wanteiActors for student -directed scenos. Auditions Thursday, Apni4, 3:45pm. Temple Room 16. Experience NOT necessary 149 Fundraising Distribute First Downs The Daily Nebraskan is seeking organizations to detrib uta First Down Magazines at home football games next fail. Must provide at least 25 students two hours before game time to work until kickoff. Earn S125/game. $875/ season Must be reliable. If interested, contact Dan at the Daily Nebraekan, basement, Nebraska Union. 472 1769. 150 Child Care Needed Needed Summer nanny. Monday-Thursday. 8:30-4:30. Call 423-1696 after 5 p.m. 160 Help Wanted A ft S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for Arte and Sciences Student Advieer position* in 1223 Oldfather Deadline ta April ft. DANCE CONTEST Every Tuesday 9:30 p.m. Watch Local Ladies Compete For Cash Prizes!!! 1823 "O'' Street Home of Lincoln's Finest Topless Dancers $5 PER HOUR TO START RAISE IN 2 WEEKS Busperson. days 11.30am-2r30pm. possibly some eve nings. Clean, willing to work. No phone calls. Tam O'Shanter, 105 S. 25th. Announcing Don A Millie'e Lincoln Fabulous food, fast and friendly. That's our motto at Dor & Millie's the newest concept in dining brought to yoi from Grandmother's Inc. Anticpaiing our new opening ir Lincoln we are seeking hardworking, high energy, outgo ing individuals who enjoy working with the public. Posi tions include: supervisor, bookkeeper, cashler/ccunter persons, line cooks, morning fooo prep. In the Grand mothers tradition we offer many of the same benefit: including uniforms, half price meals, training program, flexible scheduling, and paid vacations. Come )om the excitement of opening Lincoln's tiewost place tor tun am food. Apply at Don A Mllllee, MOO & Mth St.Monday Friday from 2-5 p.m. _ Brown Baggers downtown at 12th and P wishes tc fill two positions as soon as possible tor the current semester and over the summer sessions. First position: Part-time 10 to 3 M-F. Rosporwbillies include counter and register as wel as working with customers. Second position: Part-time 10 to 2 M-F. Delivery person, we provide the vehicle you provide a license and a good driving record. Cal! WsryAnn or Ektonna to arrange an interview at 475-3*08 CAMPUS ACTIVITIES AND PROGRAMS OFFICE POSITIONS FOR tMt-82 Leadership Development Student Organizations Graphics Design Programming Culture Center Women's Resource Center Office Interns Application Deadline April i 1 Applications available at CA?-City, CAP East, Culture Center and Women's Resource Center. The University ot Nebraska and the Can-pus Activities and Programs Office does not dis criminate in its academic, employment or ad missions programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same Companion needed lor young man reoovmg from illness Must be available 5p.m.-8 a.m References reouested. 423-2404. Leave message. Disc Jockey Friday A Saturday evenings, transportation required, experience in P R., music or pubic speaking Call 474 6504. Drafting job: Engineering student with drafting experi ence ana 2-3 years of college remaining. Part-rime dur ing school, full-time in summer Call 476-7545, a6k for Tom or Rob. Independent worker needed to put togeiher dimate re ports on weekly base Should be proficient in mcrocom Kter and communications skills. Now through Septem r. Cali 472-6761. Looking for pan-time (on call) and weekend assistants Must have an interest in children, some mechanical ability and be a team player Apply at the Lincoln Chil dren's Museum, 1200 N Street (The Atrium). Monday Tuesday. Thursday or Friday. 3-4:30 p.m. Closing date: April 5 Nanny Opportunities •San Francisco— 1 girl —-$175.week‘ ‘Chicago— newborn —$175/week ‘ ‘Connecticut— twins — S250/week‘ ‘Boston— mtant —$160. week" Virginia— 2 children —S200/week‘ Many positions available. One year commitment neces sary Call 1 -300-937-NANI. Part-time on campus Vanous hours, evenings and weekends. Must be sports-minded, friendly, outgoing. Ask for Jay. 438 2S2? Part-time delivery ana warehouse help Flexible hours. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N 23rd. Part-time dratiperson. Must have completed Construc tion Drawings Flexible schedule. Apply: Lincoln Lumber Company. 932 N. 23rd Part-'ime cashier Tuesday and Thursday: 10 30 a.m. 2:30 p.m., Sunday and Monday: 4:30-9:30 p m. Apply in person. 1309 L Street, Ming Palace Part-time help needed Monday-Friday. 1:30-6pm, deliv ery person Danter Dental Lab. 126 S 9th Apply in person. Part time hep needed Monday-Friday. approx 4-8pm. Apply in person. Danter Dental Lab, 125 S 9th Secretary Established Trade Association seeks an enthusiastic secretary/receptionist. Duties will include: 'Greeting & announcing visitors. ‘Answering multiple phone lines ‘Transternng call*. ‘Must know MAC .word processing. Desktop Publish ing. The successful candidate will be employed 8-5 p.m., Monday-Friday at our downtown Lincoln location. Good benefits, working atmosphere Send resume to. Office Manager. NPA. 1120 K Street. Lincoln. NE 68508. Service station help needed, part time Apply m person. AMOCO 27th and A.___ ___ Summer larm employment close to Lincoln. 665-3641, call evenings. 162 Work Study Jobs Work study student lo assist in field research. Stan May 15. Call Kwhor at 472-8325 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS, maie/temale. OUTSTANDING SLIM-DOWN CAMPS: tennis, dance, slimneatics. WSI. athletics, nutrltion/dletetics Age 20* Seven weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Mas sachusetts. Pennsylvania. California. Contact: Michele Friedman. 947 Hewlett Dr., North Woodmere, NY 11581. 1-800-421-4321. National Research Corp. NOW HIRING for part time Professional Interviewing Staff. Evening and Weekend Hours Available 15+ Hours per week ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING for more info call 475-4520 _Between 10-4_ ACCENT ON FUN! Coed, sleepaway camp in Massachusetts soeks enthu siastic staff: WS(, lifeguard, tennis, arts & crafts, all land & water sports, fitness, gymnastics, piano/play tor shows, drama, judo, dance, archery, photography^com putere, model rocketry, guitar, radio, video, £***<«*• newspaper, wilderness, woodwork, HN. 6/23-8/26. CAMP EMERSON, 5 Breseie Roed. Eeetcheeier, NY 10707.600/955-CAMP._ ATTN: Male Athletes Counselor positions available in top notch boys camp in Massachusetts: tennis, WS!. basketball, baseball, soc cer, lacrosse, windsurfing, sailing, ropes and pioneering, drama, piano by ear. woodshop, arts and crafts, photog raphy, etc Upperclassmen preferred. Call Arlene now, 1 80O-443-6428_ _ CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan bovs/girls summer camps Teach: swimming, canoeing, easing, waterskiing, gymnastics, nfleiy. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, drafts, dramatic#, On ndiiig. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1,000 or more plus RAB. Marc Seoger, 1765 Maple. Northfield. IL 60093 708 446-2444._ CAMP STAFF Spend the summer in the Catskifl Mtns. of New York. Receive a meaningful summer experience working in a residential camp for persons with developmental disabili tiee. Positions are available for Counselors. Program Leaders, and Cabin Leaders. All students are encourage to apply—especially those who are majonng or consid ered allied health fields. Season dates: June 4th to August 25th. Good salary, room, board, and some travel allowance. Call Camp Jened or send letter to Camp Jened, P.O. Box 483. Rock Hill, NY 12775. 914-434 2220. Earn up to $4.75/hour detasselina seed com Irom mid June to mid-August. Call Oan at 483-5535. Monitor crop fields for alternative agriculture approach Wray. Colorado; Coby, Kansas; or Garden City, Kansas. Salary plus housing. Cal! 489-5796 SPRING BREAK OVER... AND STILL NO SUMMER WORK? Are you looking lor a job lhai will allow you to earn Sb.OOO*. gain valuable career experience, and travel? Call 434-6599 Summer Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications for the following Summer Playground positions: Leaders ($4.80/HrJ, Assistant Leaders ($4.40/nr.), Crafl Special ats ($4.60/hr.). Activity Specialists ($4.60/hr.). Morning hours, Monday-Friday, June 3 to August 2. Must be at least 18 years old. Apply at 2740 A St Call 471 -7952 for more information. EOfc/AA. 170 Roommates S105 + 1/3 utilities. Walking distance to campus. Call Mke or Chris. 475-3138. 180 Houses For Rent 1237 Court. Very nice 3 bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, garage, parking, central air, near campus. S525.475-1579 A 4ad 0061.__ 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom-5560 489-6948._ 3-4 bedroom houses, real nice, close to UNL. 475-1579 or 488-0061. One bedroom house near campus. Appliances. Water paid. $250 plus deposit. Steve, 477-1646. Reserve your 3 to 6 bedroom home near UNL tor summer or fall or both. We love studentsi 423-1535. 190 Apartments For Rent $50 SSGNING BONUS Wiliowhaven 1800 Knox 476-6200 •SUPER CLEAN 2 Bedrooms ’2 bedroom. 2 bath, contemporary colors •FIREPLACES, tow utilities ‘Close to downtown and campus Joseph E. Kean Company_474-1666 *640 S 20th* *$ SPECIALS* While they last. 2 bedroom. *300 up; oversized one bedroom. *290.475-7262. 11th and A, 1 bedroom, secured entrance, appliances, carpeted, central air. beautiful woodwork, quiet, avail able 4/1, *225,477-8204._ 1503 S. 22nd, large three bedroom, dose to downtown, j tow utilities, no pats, available Msy 1st. *480 + deposit, 477-1594 _ _ 2301 A St., one bedroom, available now. *285. 475 7262.___ 441 S. 26th, two bedroom, S330/month, 476-7950. 539 N. 24th. 2 bedroom apartment, all amenities, no pets. *365.423-1029 4 477-2403 Claremont Park Apts Brand new under construction. $8 luxury living units, all units have decks or balconies, energy efficient gas heat, all units have microwaves and appliances. 54 garages, on-site management, swimming pool, exerase room, laundry facility. Three blocks from campus, 4 blocks from downtown. Next to city park. Call 474-PARk. Looking for a place to stay this summer? Come and sublease our apartment tor only *375/mo Nice location, central air. Great iwo bedroom. 1522 E St. Call anytime, 477-1671._ _ Newer one, two and three bedroom Minutes to UNL, miniblmds, electric appliances, security building, no pets. *305 *550, 535 W. Saunders. 2540 W St.. 1st and Adams. 483-6057, 483-1130. Nice one bedroom house, two bedroom apartment, ore bedroom apartmer: AH close to campus. Call 477-6021 or 476 0437. Nice two bedroom. Near new. Near camous. $365/month. Ask manager for summer rate details. 477-0837. One Bedroom 623 S. 19th. Large. New carpet. All appliances. Parking, *295 1535 F. Appliances, parkinc. laundry, S275. 2 Bedroom 2412 W Large. All appliances, washer/dryer hook-ups. parking. *355. 1341 E. 2 bath, lots ol room, parking *355. Zimmer Management 475-0180 Six blocks to City Campus. 7 bedroom. 3 baths, no pets. 423-0389.___ Studios. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Great campus locations, new carpet, breakfast bar. ceiling fans *240-335. All or most utilities paid. Cherry Hill Management, 489-3387. 192 Mobile Homes For Rent" Must selll 12 x 60' 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, C/A, fireplace, $5,000 Cash. 477-1574. Tues., April 2, 9-1, $5 THE ZOO BAR, i36No. i4ihSt. From San Francisco Warner Bros. Recording Artists THE DYNATONES "THE DYNATONES are simply one of the four or five best live acts in music today." - Salt Lake City Tribune "The sexy sextet generates enough energy to make blood boil..." - Seattle Post Intelligencer C2ERVICE T)RECTORY 22 Adoption A loving, educated, financially secure, married couple w»h to give wonderfully lovmg and sacure life to a newborn. Legal. Confidential. Expense paid. Celt Sue andTomcollect 616-379-2363. Are xj able to share the gift ot lie? Your baby wilhave a loving, happy home. Let’s help each other. Expenses paid. Cali collect 212-7*4-7361. _ DEAR BIRTHMOTHER, SWEET DREAMS and a world filed with love and wonderful opportunities awal your baby by doctor and devoted full time mom in beautiful suburban home. Expenses paid Call Fran and Howard collect 906-673-6640. PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore (tie protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency No lee for our confidential services. Comect; Nebraska Children’s Home Society 4600 Valley Road 463-7879. 23 Alterations & Sewing Marat ions 6 Deeions-ProfeesionaJ alterations of aM kinds Including tapwing jeans. 719 -P" Street 435-2101. 24 Apartment Finders •APARTMENT FINDERS* FINOS APARTMENTS 436-5655 Jceeph E. Keen Conpany 474-1666 25 Automotive _ Red Line Enginewing Import Auto Repair. Complete body end mechanics?. Low rates, fast service 1443 Comhuekw Hwy. 477-6060. 27 Bicycle Service i33* * B) Sales/Service all makes Tune-ups 617,96 New and used bike sales/rsmait 474 Downtown Bike Shop-Just six blocks from campus New l3?hU43iM» El‘p*rt r#Paif*,W *" mak#® 427 South 30 Bridal '•nnnSrfffif BXQUfSfTC PHOTOGRAPHY Sjjjrsssarawsjssrss 33 Computer Service Computer Rentals Starting at $75, month. Connecting Point Computer Can tar. 17th and P. Pickle* Plaza 477 5363 35 Gift Ideas BALLOON EXPRESSIONS Lincoln'* Balloon Show case. 27th and “O' 435-4017. 10% oh with -our Student LD.I___ _ Imported Cigarettes, Zippo Pocket Lighten available at Clfr* 140 fi12th Street. 476-0110. 36 Hairstlying__ Thinning Hair? Revoiuiioriary hair fitness program. Cal 434-7015. 61 Music Exchange_ BACKTRACK RECORDS 3833 S. 48th 460-3817 Buy Ir^j-SeWng record*, tape*, compact discs Great poster 63 Pregnancy * WWMNANT7 WRTHMOHT * a oonftdentlal helping mam tm" ptMM ■* tor appomt 80 Typing & Resumes Laser typing - won] processing. All types of jobs. 20 ysan experience, 61.2flrpaga. 487-6737. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years experience, proven results 464-0775. Resumes Pmfmtlon*lljn/p*mt or Auer prim*). $15 pius tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Resumes; $16.00. Desktop Publishing. Nebraska Book wore. 476-0111. ext. 161 Wwd^rocesting papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary