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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1991)
Kitchen Continued from Page 9 every thing that is not you.” The rolling guitar is not as dense, [ with less noise — making the song reminiscent of the simplicity of the band’s perfect “Elephantine.” “Hypnogogic,” “Aspray,” and “Under the Sky, Inside the Sea” are all songs feature water imagery, both in vocal style and ambience of the music. With echoing and fading guitars and a clear, precise syncopated rhythm section, the songs recall “Extractions” by Dif Juz — another 4AD band — from 1986 and Vini Reilly’s Durutti Column. “Aspray’s” vocals seem to rever berate as the words are sung. Even the din and crash of the waves in the finale cooperate with the wildness of the vocals to recreate the feel of the ocean. The final track “Under the Sky, Inside the Sea” is a magnificently orchestrated piece. It features an odd integration of horns with guitars, recalling Durutti Column’s “Without Mercy,” Lyrically, the song is a poem. “The sea eats the shore — it’s always hungry/We fall from laughing at the size of it all/ Drinking, wishing, smoking, hoping, he says/’Well, here we are at the edge of the world.” “Strange Free World” puts the lis tener at the edge of an incredible world of music - featuring a place for the serenity and fee! of the guitar in pop music. English Continued from Page 9 period instruments, claiming that they “were good enough for Bach; surely they must be good enough for us. “Together, we set out to redis cover and develop lost playing tech niques in order to reveal the special colors and expressive qualities of the period instruments,” he said, ‘ and gradually they revealed their secrets, shedding new light on the music.” Founded in 1972, the English Concert Orchestra is one of the most active ensembles in orchestra, tour ing four continents and playing nu merous major festivals. The English Orchestra, touted as England’s leading period instrument orchestra, reputably is responsible for some of the best performances in an historically informed style. Harpsichordist Pinnock alone has made more than 60 recordings with the orchestra, as well as many solo outings. Many early music ensembles are beginning to grow in popularity over the traditional symphony orchestras. “It’s a break from the traditional Romantic traditions of current sym phony orchestras,” said Peter Lef ferts, associate professor of music history at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. “It’s a stimulus to creative thinking and a new, fresh interpreta tion of music.” The program for the concert in cludes Sinfonia in F major from Cantata No. 52, by Bach; Concerto in E minor for Violin and Strings, by Leclair; Cantata No. 202, Weichet nur, Be trubtc Schatten, by Bach; and Water Music Suite in F Major, by Handel. Tickets for the English Concert Orchestra are $24, $20 and $ 16; tick ets for UNL students and youths 18 under are half price. Tickets are avail able from the Lied Box Office, 12th and R streets from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays. Classified 472-2588 $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $3 75 per day for 15 words on commercial ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. 2 Appliances _ 5 0 dorm refrigerator. *150 obo. Factory warranty. Will deliver 476-1323. WASHER/DRYER $25 Down and S25 monthly ot three payments. No interest on meseused machines. Most units, $100.90day warranty. Also stoves, refrigerators, and furniture on payments 466 6252. Free delivery 11 \ Bicycles For Sale 1966 Schwinn Le Tour, excellent shape. Call 435-5576. 1986 Univega sport 12-speed. Like new. $150. Call 435 0011._ 1990 Trek 1200, 4 month old racing b*e. Asking $485. 477-7854, leave message. 84 Biancm San Remo, good shape, 18 spd.. $300 obo. Call Dave at 436-7741. _ American Arrow 10 speed. Excellent condition, Euro pean design and construction. $75. Call 464-3730 Bunchi Premto roadbike, red, 17-mch frame, like new. Paid $425. asking $250/obo. 474-0526 CANNONDALE road bfce. blue/yellow, Shimono 105 components. Cateye computer. Scott/Lemond clp-ons, excellent condition. $500, 476-2843. For Sale: 12-Speed Schwinn World Sport bicycle, gray, in axcellan! condition. $150 o.b o. Call 436-8490, leave message. SELL IT. FIND IT. 59 cm Torpado, Campy, Columbus. 435-2322, ask tor Bob Or 423-9441, Paul. Lice new. Centurion Ironman 12 speed touring bike. Call Doug, 421-6451. Must sell 1990 woman's Sterling street bike. Like new for $200. Call 476-9785. Schwinn Super Letour. Excellent condition. Lois of ex tras. $250, obo. 466-0697. leave message 5 Clothing For Sale Girbaud jeans, size 31 32; balers, see 9 1/2; shirts ano pants - much more, cheapl 476-3914 Ladies Large Leather Jacket. Bermans with tiiinsuiale lining. Like new $95 obo. Call 474-3871 evenings. 6 Computers For Sale Apple MGS, 512k, 2 drives. RGB Monitor, mint condition. Call 438-2546._ Complete 100% IBM compatible computer systems. All eizee and speeds from 80286 s through 80386's. Also super prices on computer disks. Cali 464 7620 evenings. Ask for Robin. COMPL ETE SYSTEM. Loaded! DTK 512K with hard dnve. Star NX1000 printer, Automenu, First Choice. Wordstar, Lotus 123, PC Files, Finances, and morel Call for mora info, 477-8594 FOR SALE: Apple lie with monitor. Scribe printer, many disks at software. Serious Inquiries on>y Will sell with or without printer. Call 436-0559 and leave message for Pat. MACINTOSH PLUS COMPUTER 20 Meg Hard Drive. Imagewrlter number printer $1500. 436-6946. 7 Jewelry Men's 14 carat gold ring, Size 8 3/4. Appraised at $250. taking best offer 436-8181. __ One carat diamond cluster ring with 14 carat gold thick band. In perfect condltbn. Chris. 421-7364. leave mes sage. 8 Furniture For Sale Dorm bits for sale. Delivered and installed, $94.23. Call Todd, 475-0654.___ Four-piece living room set. Country style oak, excellent condition. $250 435-3643, atle: 6 00pm._ Love seal, sota, table and chair. Must see! Best offer. Cal! Mike 436-8268 Leave message._ __ One queen-size waterbed with headboard, clean, $175 o.b.o.; one king-size waterbed. $100 o.b.o. 477-0025. Queen waterbed. hat headboard, heater. liner, base, mattress, $75. Call 477-0638 Sofa and taveseat, real good condltbn, $150. Full size dryer. $50 Call Dan. 470-3824 White French Provincial dresser. Six drawers, large mir ror, excellent condition, best ofler. Call Kristi. 483-0054 ---, THI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON IcMStuSSIrilTriinjSEr™^mmmWmmmmmi 10 -zzri \V ' Y/ )y ^ I Famous patrons of Chez Rotting Carcass 10 Mise. For Sale _ 14" color TV with remote control, 3 years old. $300/obo Peugot ten-speed $150. 786-2216. Bentley series 10 bass with case. $100. 27" Raieigh 12 speed, $125. 435-1263 GAPS complete MCAT test preparai/on Kit 477 6453. Kyosho Burns R/C Car. Capable ol 60mph. Complete and ready to run. Chris, 436-8475 Mademoiselle lifetime private club membership. $i 75 ♦ $25 transfer fee. Call 435-4604 MUSIC POSTER SALE 2,000 different styles Rock, jazz, alternative, country Monday-Friday, 9-5 Student Union Lounge Panasonic Jetwnter I Typewriter Brand New: Excellent Qualities Call Collette 436-8063 READ BOOKS FOR PAY $100per titlel Free information. Phone 615-675-8874.24 hours. 7 days SKI BOOTS Nordics N997, new. never used, size 27 or 10 1/2 show $225 Call Bill at 475-4159. _ __ Two leather jackets: black $275, brown $ 175. Purchases In Rome. Italy 7/90 Never worn I Sporty European style Mark, 4894351. Yamaha power ampiifier/recelver, remote control, almost brand new, $380; contemporary couch, clean, new, $165; electronic humidifier, $35; Wing room lamp. $15; o.b.o. 474-7601. 12 Musical Instruments 1965 Gibson Lee Paul. Randell 100 wan amp.. $600. Call 476-9973.___ 5-piece DRUM SET and cymbal $225.476-2475. For Sale. Fender Baseman 50 anp. Peavey StudioPro 40 amp, and B.C Rich guitar. 489-7864. For Sale Peavey wireless microphone with rack mount receiver. Excellent condition, $350. CaH Jeff, 436-8963. Ibanez .'-Bass; Fender Tele; Crate 60W Bass Amp; 2 Monitors. Dave. 483-5085. Roland S550 digital sampler Vox Jaguar Organ. Cheap. 438 2552__ Yamaha console piano, exoeilent condition. $2000/obo. 489-7884. IT Pets CFA registered Siamese Kittens. 435-6585, leave mas sage Purebred Dachshunds lor sale Male and Female. 3 months to 2 1/2 years. Call 476-7560. 14 Photo Equipment Olympus OM-10 w/ lens, plus zoom lens and Hash. Call 435-5578 EXTRA CASH NEW DONORS RECEIVE AN EXTRA $5 WITH THIS AD Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI due to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to Change.) Monday - Saturday 2 hours free at any Park & Shop University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc 1442 ”Oh St. Lincoln 475-1358 BRING FRIENDS EARN EXTRA $$$ | All only 95*. X | 12th & Q 475-8007 With ** Military gm LlKvntKfiiJT MAVi*»tj,y,vz HH2T IF The l*A»S UFIM. lim* V*t» A KSKMUW J I Y*)R l/iiMRP THAT n TIM J ^ v'i«w«t |wrr mi< jggBk Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Large dish 8 Fragrant spice 13 Withstand successfully 14 The-State (New Hampshire) 16 Contrived 17 Fastened firmly 18 Sesame 19 Flow forth 21 Wrath 22 Southwest wind 24 Sharp 25 Miller or Blyth 26 Rig 28 Ski lift 29 RR Stops 30 Hermits 32 Drive 34 Extracted, as sap from a tree 35 Secure a schooner 36 Lily type 38 Is made up of 42 Colorful fish 43 Cauterize 45 Kind of drum 46 Fed farm-aid bureau 47 Impignorates 49 Merriment ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 50 Bill-, Super Bowl XXI imeman 51 Spreads rumors 53 Boy 54 Floating solid H20 56 Compound containing two elements only 58 Mortifies 59 Inexperienced workman 60 Gary Cooper role 61 Transmitters DOWN 1 Mailing charge 2 Devil 3 Jim Thorpe, e g 4 A crowd in Cremona7 5 Einstein s fourth dimension 6 Swelling 7 Emulated Robert Giroux 8 Standard 9 Bathe 10 Ferber's Basket 11 Corrupt 12 Irving Stone's "Love Is 14 Persona 15 Clarissa and Sir Anthony 20 Piths 23 Street fight, in gang slang 27 Bolus 29 Beethoven s — Sonata 31 Recipe measures 33 Bryophyte 35 —at seven" Browning 36 Compelled by intimidation 37 Grove in which Plato taught 38 Corvine calls 39 Crisp cracker 40 Vintner's employee 41 Rainmakers 42 Queue 44 Mitigates 48 Fleche 51 Tall Mower, for short 52 Narrow Comb form 55 Fixed charge 57 Colgate's Raiders