Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 16 Sporting Goods _ Ski equipment, 195 OLIN's, solomon bindings, solomor boots 10 1/2 & poles. $250, Call 477-0638, 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale AR GPS 100, 7 piece auto speakers, never used. New, $350. Sell $190. 477-0025._ Carver C-4000 pre-amp, TX-11 tuner and FV-Interface home speakers. Must sell fast, make offer 477-3922. CR-75 Phase III Electronic cross-over new, never used $125,476-0328 Four 3-way. 10 inch woofer speakers all for $150 or $50 each. 436-0315 evenings or leave message New. perfect shape, car stereo, 7-band 300W. booster/ equalizer. $145. 436-7967. ______ Receiver, CD player, turntable, speakers and extras. $400. Call 477 0638^ _ Sony 5-disc CD-player CDP30, 16 inch Fisher 120 wan speakers Make offer. 474 9065. leave message. Technics 100W Stereo, with CD, almost new, $395.476 8046 19 Ticket Exchange America West flight coupon $400 off any city. Asking $225/obo 476-8792 Two Nelson tickets for sale. Call 476-7560. leave mes sage Best offer. Two tickets for Bad Company/Damn Yankees Concert Best offer. Call after 6pin at 466-6792. 20 Vehicles For Sale 87 VW GTI alloy wheel 14x6". $125 ea.. including tire Call 467-2878 after 6 p m. __ 82 Kawasaki KE 175, one owner. 1.400 miles. Ike now $500 firm Jim 423-3810. '70 VW Convertible, new red paint, rebuilt gas heater Dependable Asking $4900. Tom. 488-3/15. 423-3182 1988 Dodge Shadow White, one owner Call evenings, 477-4134 or 475-6750 DAYTONA BEACH *119 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND *t29' STEAMBOAT ‘96 PORT LAUDERDALE *»J7 PANAMA CITY BEACH ™.*f 24' CORPUS CHRISTI / MUSTANG ISLAND . *tOff HILTON HEAD ISLAND *112 DON'T MMIT Til Hf TOO illI CALI TOIL £T££ TODAY 1*800-321*5911 £6IANT Tomro GROVJN IN WAHOC U>6l6WIN6 5 TONS AND HARVESTED ON A WEDNESDAY ACTU A ULV. TURNED OOT TO BE KARL MALPCNS NOSE ' OUT MOST AMa„. rtr, . 1988 Honda Hurricane Red and white, matching helmet, low miles, $3000/obo 474-9065, ieave message. 1986 Mercury Lynx. 5-speed. Excellent shape. $2195 o.b.o. 488-3867. Leave message._ 1986 Kawasaki LTD 1100 whh extras. Call 438-6576. 1963 Audi 5000.5-speed, all options. $3800/obo. Before 6pm, 489-6007, after 6pm 786^3371. Ask for Tom. 1981 Buick Regal, dependable and immaculate. A/C. tilt, cruise. PB. PS. Call 436-7836. leave message. 1981 Z28, t-tops. code alarm, many extras, must see. $3100 obo. 477-0025. 1980 Mazda GLC Sport, 5 speed, $600 obo. Must sell. Call Mathias. 467-1493. 1980 Pontiac Sunbird. Red. 4-speed, sunroof, must sell. Call 436-8780.__ Datsun 810 with Z-car motor, needs tune-up. Call 438 2546 22 Adoption Adoption A wonderful life awaits your baby/newborn. Loving, de voted. full-time mom (nurse) and devoted professional dad with close-knit family and security await your baby , Legal/oonfidential. Call collect 201-652-4069 PREGNANT AND WONDERING WHAT TO DO? Explore the protection and benefits of adoption which are only provided by a licensed agency. No fee for our confidential services. Contact: Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road 483-7879. 30 Bridal BRIDES Creative photography at prices you can afford I Leave message. IMAGES of ROMANCE, 473-9600 34 Entertainment _ Professional mobile DJ service, all digital sound, com plete light show. For any occasion and any size audito rium or room. Contact Steve a. 477-3922. (An H4R Production.) 35 (lift Ideas CLIFC'S SMOKE SHOP - Vanety of gifts tor Men anc Women. 140 N. 12th Street 60 Misc. Services The YWCA offers part-time child care. It's per fect tor student schedules and student budgets too. Located downtown at Centennial Mall and N streets, we re close to city camous Call Sue Boswell as 476-280? tor more information. 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609. 76 Travel_____ SPRING BREAK Cancun from 1489. Puerto Vallana from $479. We will not be undersold. Call Tarry. 474-1288. 80 Typing & Resumes Laaar desktop publishing and word processing; lull-serv ice business and academic. Editing, writing, and tape transcriptcn 467-2001 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464 0775. Resumes Proteas anally typeset or laser printed »15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Types. 477-0445 Word processing papers, reasonable prices. Call Mary 110 Announcements 12 MiUJON COLLEGE STUDENTS WANT TO MEET YOU I With our national publication meet students m your area or from across the country Send an ad 40 words or to* deserting you and the people you went to meet. Send S7 to: CAMPUS CONNECTIONS 12258 St Charles Rock Rd. #138, Bndgton. MO 63044_ 1991 Lenten Lunch Series “Shaping the Foundations” Local clergy share the 'texts" that hava shaped their lives and ministnes. Wodneeday, February 20 THE REV. DR. MICHAEL COMB5 Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church UNL Pref. d Political Science St. Mark's Episcopal 1130-1:0C 1309 R Street Program at 1236 Brown Bag Lunch Coffee, tea and juice available All Faculty, Staff, grad students WELCOME ALPHA ZETA Initiation and meeting Wednesday, February 20,1991. ai the east union. Initiates com* at 6pm. meeting starts ai 630. initiates bring your signed paddle Also, bring youi spaghetti teed tickets and money to turn in. Attention Ag Ed Majors Ag Ed Club meeting. March 6 at 6 p m. in ECU New and ola members please attend. mmmmawn— ATTENTION BUSINESS STUDENTS ThsCBA Student Action Council is underway! It you are concerned about class size, faculty TA's, etc come takt action with other business studentsil 5pm Wednesday, City Union. B.Y.O.B. Ill (Bring Your Own Blood) February 20 and 21, 1991 I0:30am-4:30om Centennial Ballroom-City Campus Union Sponsored by Campus Red Cross "Please Bring Student I.D." BASKETBALL GOLF CONTEST The intramural basketball golf contest will be held 2/2$ and 2/27 from 6:00p-9:30p in Mabel Lee 313. Enter on site, no fees. 472-3467. Student Organizations: Student Organization Treasurer of the Year nomination torms are due Tuesday, February 26, 1991, at 5pm. Nomination forms are available at either CAP office. Call 472-1780 tor more information __ Dance Contest every Tuesday. 9:30pm $100 first prize. $40 second prizo. $30 third prize. Foxy Lady, 1823 O Street. Diets don’t work... increase lean body mass and lose tat without dieting. Lower cholesterol without drugs Increase energy and stamina levels. For information call Charles Richardson, 438-3101. DON T MISS THtSHl DIRT CHEAP POSTER SALE IS BACK February 18-22, 8am-5pm City Union Sponsored by UPC Visual Arts Finance Club Meeting Thursday. February 2' at 6:30 in the Union. FREE THROW CONTEST The intramural free throw contest will tie held 2/26 and 2! 27 from 6:00p-9:30p in the Military and Naval Science Bldg. Enter on site, no fees. 472-3467 HDF Club Meeting Wednesoay, Feb. 20, 5:45, Home Ec 104 Speakers! _ _ MEN’S/WOMEN S INDOOR TRACK MEET The Intramural Indoor track meet will be held Sunday, 2/ 24 in the Devaney Sports Center beginning at 130p. enter at the southeast comer of the track. A cjrrent UNL photo I.D will be required of all participants. No spikes. 472 3487 _ MONEY FOR COLLEGE $135,000,000 in private funding went unclaimed last yearl This year wet help you claim your share. Cal National Scholarship Services. 489-8102 or toll tree 1 90Q-USA-1221 ext. 1435_ _ Motorcycle Show 1991 State Fair Ag. Hall February 23 and 24, Saturday, 930am-100(*xn. Sun , day 11:00am-5:00pm Abate members $3. non-mem bers $4. children under 12 with adult tree. Many vendors, ■ewelry. knivee, leather. T-shirts, a*c More infer mat ion, 402-435-2334 Of 467-4053 Students welcome_ MUSIC POSTER SALE 2.000 different styles Rock. jazz, alternative, country Momtay-Friday, 9-5 Student Union Lounge Pre-Pharmacy Club meeting. Wednesday. Feb. 20.6pm. Student Union. Topic: Careers in Community Pharmacy Student Organizations: Student Organization Adviser of the Year nomination forms are due Tuesday February 26. 1991 at 5pm. Nomination foirne are available at either CAP office. Call 472-1780 tor more information. TCAB Feb 20 at 830pm Henziik 107 Please be therei_ THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH Spring 1991 Series “Theologiee of War 6 Peace' Thursday. Jan. 21 The Rev. Hugh M. Bartetl Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church Brown Bag Nebraska Union 1130 AM Lunch Fellowship 1235 PM Program with discussion ALL WELCOME UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, February 20 6:90p.m. NEBRASKA UNION CITY CAMPUS ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE _1L5 NEBRASKA UNION_ UNITY Andy Massey Eric Thurber Gwyn Vaughn Meeting City Union 4pm ■ February 24 436-7798. 436-6119 UNL RODEO CLUB Meeting Wednesday. 2/20 at 7:30pm, ECU. Be there for pictures at 7pm. UPC NMUN, Voices and Talks A Topes Pres ent: MIKE FARRELL Keynote Addreee for the 24th Annuel Netorteka Model United Nations. Wednesday. February 27, 7 p.m , Nebraska Union Ballroom. Students FREE w/ID. non-students, SI. VOCALIST/GUITARIST available for alternative band Experienced. Demo avaiianle Call Jeff at 436 8963 120 Greek Affairs Congratulations Craig Schmidt (Phi Pit) and Mary McGreei (DG) on your pinmngl -The Men oi Phi Psi Congratulations to Craig S. (Phi Psi) and Mary M (DG) on your pinning. The Men of Phi Kappa Psi FIRE AND ICE 1991 February 23 Marc B. Congratulations on Greek Week Commtttee •Your brothers at Ag Men - - ■! --- — — ~ Mary M. (DG) A Craig S. (Phi Psi) Congratulations on your pinning. The groove was in ail our hearts. Love, Delta Gamma Michelle P. (Gamma Phi Beta), Thought you were never going to get marriedl Congratu lations on your engagement to Peter S. (Fiji). Love, Your Sisters Phi Mu Thanks for a great Valentine's Dinner. _-Ag Men Shetey G. (ADPi), Congratulations on your engagement to Dave L. (TKE)I We are so happy for you I Love, your sisteis Tina W. (ADPi), Congratulations on your engagement to Chuck H. (AGS) I We are excited for youl Love, your sisters TKE’s, Thanks tor the serenade and for returning our composite. Somehow it isn't quite the same. The Tri-Delts 140 Personals Kevin (Red Type-10). Last Friday nite was "|ust fine." Let's try and top it thit weekend I Mike Happy birthday snake. 26 A still growing. ^ ^ Mindy T. Cheer up I You're the greatest benchwarmer to party with __ _____Julie Shy blonde seeks romantic guy who like to cook, dance, and take long waks. RSVP C4sar Love is. Standing the test of time. T-Bear P.S.- Can't wait to see ya Last word, I already have a life, chump. Instead, why don't yoi grab the reins and address your own internalized homo phobia and latency? I could care less how you guys use your mouths on each other, either in tact or fantasy, but your ‘take’ is not a joke when it involves perpetuating a hoax. Where do you get ort savaging the dignity ot others through innuendo? Do you actually believe the aerbil story? It not, why repeat It1 It isnl funny; It's an affront, so. you're the clueless loser and the gullible Idiot. Interested Observer D. MILLS IS 27 TODAY ABC To The Package Deal (JD and Turbo) Hope you have fun this weekend I -your friends Happy 26th Birthday Mfcev R.B. 145 Lost & Found found: Men's watch with brown band at Kinko's parkin tat 2/4. Call to taentlfy. 472-4741. 160 Help ’Wanted CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girl* summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sating, waterskiing, gymnastics, nflery. archery, tennis, go*, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR ndmg Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary S‘000 or more plus R A B Marc Seeger. 1765 Maple. North*ietd, IL 60093. 708-446-2444_ Executive Management if you don't respond to this ad in six months, you'# wm you would have. 24 hours 473-9858 Help wanted digging Nursery trees during March. Par time, temporary work dependent on weather. $5.00 working hour. Class schedule needed JACOBMEIERS. 483-6W7 after 6p.m. HMerest Country Club is now accepting applications lor summer employment Positions available: lifeguards, assistant pool manager, swim coach and diving coach You may obtain an application at Hitk:rest Country Club. Tuesday-Friday, between 9 and 5. OCEAN CLUB We are a resort swimwear store opening March 2nd at Gateway Lincoln. We wlti he taking applications for part time A full-time sales people All OCEAN CLUS Salas Personnel mutt also be able to model swimwear We pay an hourly wage « commission, fringes include huge employee discount, free swimsuit incentive, cash bo nuses, tree tans A a great place to work Applications will be taken in the Gateway Auditorium, lues A Wed. evening from 5pnv9pm. OCEAN CLUB a resort swimwear store opening March 2nd at Gateway Lincoln is taking applications tor a part t'.me Bookkeeper Dunes would include tracking inven tory. sales, payroll bill paying & maintaining a company checkbook & records. Bookkeeping experience of this nature is helpful Send letter ot application to OCEAN CLUB. Gateway Mall A-114, 6100 'O'. Lincoln. NE 6850! or apply in person at Gateway Auditorium Tues or Wed. evening (torn 5-9pm Paid official#, experienced or registered, for youth beeketbell tournament March 9-10. Apply at YMCA Youth Sports. 1039 P. St.. 475-9622. _ Paid score keep* re for youth basketball tournament needed on Merch 9-1 ft Apply et YMCA Youth Sports, 1039 P St ., 476-9622. Pre-school Teachers Pa'l-tinm afternoon positions. Must ba reliable and re sponse Apply at Children s Discovery Center, «33f Comhusker Hwy Taste <rf^lndia Now hiring part-time kitchen/waltery heto Apply in per son 1200 U street or call 475-1642 Wanted: truck drivers and combine operators tor summer wheat harvest and lall corn harvest Experience and references required Competitive wages with 100m and board provtdea. Possibility of year round work Call Scott Payne, Imperial. NE 308 882 4490 164 Summer Jobs _ SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Nebraska * most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki located on tne Platte River, is seeking applications tor the following positions: Boys Counselors. Girls Counselor Lifeguards. Lakel'ont Directors Wranglers. Crafi Instruc tors, Nature Director. Targe' Range, steward. Assistant Cock. Maintenance and Health Specialists Must be available late May through mid August. Call or write Camp Office, 1039 P St. Lincoln. NE 66508 402-475 Attention Male Athletes Tennis, water sports, basketball, baseball, woodwork and piano counselors needed (or top notch childrens camps in northeast. Call Arlene now, 1-800-443-6428. CAMP COUNSELORS, male/female, OUTSTANDING SLIM-DOWN CAMPS: tennis, dance, slimnastics. WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics. Age 20+ Seven weeks CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES at Mas sachusetts, Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Micheie FrieJman, 947 Hewlett Dr.. North Woodmere, NY 11581, 1-800-421-4321. _ _________ _ Day Camp Staff Wanted Camp Maha Day Camp located near Papillion, NE is seeking applicants for summer 1991 employment. Posi tions available include program director, business man ager and counselors. Application materials may be at tained by calling Phil at 402-393-4200 Great Plains Girl Scout Council Inc., Camp Maha Stall, 7100 West Center Rd. Suite 200, Omaha. NE 68106. NEW ENGLAND BROT HERrSISTER CAMPS^ MASSACHUSETTS Mah-Kee-Nac lor Boys/Danbee tor Girls. Counselor positions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketball, Field Hockey. Sottball. Soccer and Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Arch ery, RKlery, Weights/Fitness and Biking, other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts. Newspaper, Photog raphy. Cooking, Sewing, Rollerskating, Rocketry. Ropes, and Camp Craft; ATI Waterfront Activities (Swim ming, Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoe/Kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ C7028. Call 1 -800 753-9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 16 Horseneck Road, Mortville, NJ 07045 Call 1 -800 776 0520._ Summer Camp Positions Carrp Wa-Shawtee residential camp located near Ham burg, Iowa is seeking applicants for summer 1991 em ployment. Positions available Include business man aoer, art6 director, nature director, waterfront staft and a health supervisor (GRN, RN. EMT). ApoiicationsmateP als may be attained by calling Phil at 402-393 -4200 or by writing to Great Plains Girl Scout Council Inc., Camp Wa Shawtee Staft, 7100 W. Center Hd. Suite 120, Omaha, NE 68106._ Summer Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications tor the following Summer Playground positions: Leaders f$4.60/Hr.). Assistant Leaders ($4.4(Vhr), Craft Special ists ($4.60/hr.), Activity Specialists ($4.6Q/hr.L Morning hours, Monday-Friday. June 3 to August 2. Must be at least 18 years old. Apply at 2740 A St. Call 471-7952 lor i more information. EOt/AA. 170 Roommates Female roommate needed. Willowhaven Apartments 13th and Knox on bus route. $190 + 1/2 utilities. 477 5277, leave message Female roommate wanted ASAP to share two bedroom apartment, close to East Campus. Smoking preferred. Call 466-2806 _ Male roommate needed to share nice 4 bedroom house, near campus. A/C, W/D + $140/inonth +1/4 utilities. 475 0933 __ Male/Female, non-smoker, prefer graduate student needed to share 5 bedroom house. Own room, washer and dryer, cable, utilities paid, etc. Near city campus, $164 Leave message, 475-1907._ Need to know it female could move in with two other females by March 1. Call 435-5919, leave message Private room! Privileges! Low rent In exchange tor up keep 466-0609 _ Responsble male non-smoker to share expenses in condo 1 block from campus Serious inquiries appreci ated. 476-0245.__ Wanted: non-smoking, responsible upperclassman to share tour bedroom house close to campus. $225/ month. 477-0227. Wanted responsble non-smoking female to share 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms near campus. 435-5919. Please leave message. 180 Houses For Rent_ We love students! May and or August rental homes. All near UNL. 423-1535. 185 Duplexes For Rent Nice three bedroom units. First unit rented goes tor haft price first month. 545 N 25th. Brian. 477-7406 or 423 1371. 190 Apartments For Rent $50 SIGNING BONUS Willowhaven 18C0 Knox 476-6200 •SUPER CLEAN 2 Bedrooms *2 bedroom, 2 bath, contemporary colors •FIREPLACES, low utilities 'Close to downtown and campus Joseph E Kean Company 474 1666 1 Bedroom Apertments- Nice. 745 S 9th. $295 838 G St.. $295 1641 Garfield, $225 Call now, 475-1776 1745 C. 2 Bedroom. $390. utilities paid, no pets 475 1750 2203 Vine Large one bedroom, an appliances, balcony, parking, laundry, no pets $299, 476-3403 Century Realty Property Management 2276 Orchard 2 bedroom. C/A. washer/dryer. storage, off sireet parking, recently remodeled. Close to UNI. $350. 436 1973 2276 Orchard, nicer 2 bedroom, central air. laundry, parking. $350 466-6738 640 S. 20th 2 bedroom $370 and up. 1 bedroom S309 and up 475 7262 Avan«tple March 1.2736 Q. 2 bedroom 4-plex. fireplace, central, air appliances, dishwasher and laundry. $365 ♦deposit 464 1464 Claremont Park Apts Brand new under construction, 66 luxury living units, all units have decks or balconies, energy efficient gas heat, all units have microwaves and appliances. 54 garages, on site management swimming pool, exercise room, laundry facility. Three blocks from campus, 4 blocks from downtown Next to city park. Call 474 PARK East Campus area, large two bedroom, fireplace, all appliances, laundry $360 per month, 4220 Huntington, available February 1 Call 423 0902 HEAT PAID 930 S 16th. efficiency, $195 1106 E, efficiency, $195 931 Oak, 1 bedroom, $275 Call Bill 4 74 5327 Newer 1 and 2 bed'oome Minutes to UNI Security ouikJing, mlm-bhnd*. balcony, no pets $305-400. 5i5 535 W Saunders 463-6067 463 1130