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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1989)
Joe Helnzie/Daily Nebraskan A couple enjoys a pitcher of beer as seen from the upper level of M. R. Ducks. KS from Page 11 ver, he said. Specials have in led 99 cent pitchers on Wcdnes and half-price drinks for slu ts with college identification. ‘We have drink specials, but I’m pushing drinks,’ ’ he said. ‘ ‘I want o pop specials too.” ^he most important thing is crea tivity, he said. |te^‘‘We want to do different things HI the time. I’ve got some really Hfcy ideas, and that's what life’s all j|§ut,” he said. ‘ ‘Elvis has been seen here, and he’ll probably be back.” He said he came up with many of his ideas while working as a disc jockey for about 20 years in Nebraska and Kansas. He said he often would do broadcasts from local bars and over the years found out what kind of music people liked to hear. “I think it gave me a real insight into people,” he said. “There’s a lot to learn about spinning records.” Mortcnsen said he’s using his experience to improve his own bar and to train the disc jockeys. “Our disc jockeys are really crazy,” he said. “They have a good time.” The disc jockeys play mostly clas sic rock from the ’60s and ’70s with a few songs from the ’80s, he said. “If it has a good dance beat,” he said, “we’ll do it.” But Mortensen said there are some things M.R. Ducks won’t be doing. “We’re not going to have a wet T shirt night,” he said. M.R. Ducks is open from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday through Saturday. ItFlVIQ: Top Albums 1 Rush, “Presto” l Eric Clapton, “Journeyman” i Aerosmith, “Pump” L The Cafl, “Let the Day Begin” [ Neil Young, “Freedom” l Billy Joel, “Stormfront” L Rolling Stones, “Steel Wheels” L Smithereens, “11” l Phil Collins, “...But Seriously” 0. Whitesnakc, “Slip of the ongue” 'winters: Top Albums . Mannheim Steam Roller, “Ycl awstone” I. Mannheim Steam Roller, ‘Mannheim Steam Roller Christ mas 1984” i. Magic Slim, “Live at the Zoo . Phil Collins, “...But Seriously” 5. Smithereens, “11” 6. Young M.C., “StoncCold Rhy min 7. Janet Jackson,4‘Rhythm Nation 1814” 8. NWA and the Posse, “NWA and the Posse” 9. Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Mother’s Milk” 10. Scorpions, “Best of Rockers and Ballads” Pickles: Top Albums 1. Soul II Soul, “Keep on Movin’” 2. B-52’s, “Cosmic Thing” 3. Milli Vannili, “Girl You Know It’s True” 4. Mannheim Steam Roller, 1 “Mannheim Steam Roller Christ mas 1984” 5. Mannheim Steam Roller, “Fresh Air Christmas” 6. Bobby Brown, “Dance!...Ya Know it!” 7. Rob Base, “The Incredible Base” 8. Mannheim Steam Roller, “Yel lowstone” 9. Janet Jackson, “Rhythm Nation 1814” 10. Tom Petty, “Full Moon Fe ver” BUY ONE PAIR. GET OWE FREE LACOSTl SOTHUUDMCN NALfTON OPTYl* AAl*« LAiWT 0«KYI TMS' #??7 HH #W »M>* N»Umw #» *K> These are |ust a tew of the famous brand names you'll find this tall at Pearle locations And now when you present the coupon and buy any complete pair of glass es you II get a second pair free, from our specially tagged collection Your fashionable frames wiH look even better with the Pearle Lens!’ which includes Pearled Scratchguard, UV Guard and Color Tone treatments Or consider the Pearle Thin Lens'* by Seiko The latest technology makes these lenses about 20% thinner ana iignier i ney re aiso scraicri-resisiaru and tintable Or, buy a pair of Bausch A bomb's’ finest Criterion Ultra" soft contact lenses and get a spare pair free. 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The Daily Nebraskan reserves the nght to edit reject any advertisement at any time which « not comply with the policies and judgments he newspaper. _ C)R SALE UNflON • HIDING I Government ,ob* - your aree. '.840-$69,485. Cell 1 602-838-8885 Ext. R4005. ATTENTION- GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U-re pair) Delinquent tax property. Repossessions. Call 1 602-838 8885 Ext. GH 4005. _ Brand new Ultima 10-speed, asking $75/obo. Must sell before January 1. Microwave. $5Q/obo. Call after 5 p.m., 435-1390 ask for Jammy;___ Cliff's tor Gifts Free gift wrapping 140 N. 12th. For Sale 1962 Harmon Kardon Award Series Integrated Stereo Tube Amplifier. S120- Negotiable Peavey Audi tion 30 Watt Guitar Practice Amp. Good C°ndrtion. S50. Call Rob at 436-0784 or leave message at 472-1075. I, |. True Jeeps for $44 through the GovemnMMf Call for facts1 1-708-742-1142 Ext. 3153A Nordica955 Ski Boots size 11 1/2. $150. 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