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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1989)
Datsun 280ZX, great condition, new white paint, loaded, low miles, 464-0728 or 464-8762. TICKET EXCHANGE For Sale: 1 Roundtrip Airline Ticket to Fiesta Bowl. Depart NY. LaGuardia- Dec. 29 : Depart Phoenix- Jan. 3. Leave Message 212-889-2911. SERVICES == Discounts on Income Tax Returns Refer or bring this coupon and get a $5 discount off our regular charge of $ 19-S29 (Federal and Slate income tax preparation only). This special offer will not last long. Rush nowl We also specialize in part-time bookkeeping for small and medium businesses. We will help you cut costs and improve productivity. For more information, details on our quality services, and free estimate call 477-7462 or leave message. Ask about our other serv ices. _•_ RESUME GIFT CERTIFICATES Give your son/daughter/spouse/friend a Resume for Christmas' Gift Certificates available at reduced rates Redeemable anytime in spring semester. We cater to super-busy college seniors. coatello A Associates 483- 76 n_ TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE RENT-TO-OWN BLOOM’S 323 North 13th Street 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES America • Okies! and Largest PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERVICE * Consulting * Writing * Typing * Printing Competitive Price - Students Discounts RESUMES 10% off WITH THIS AD Lifetime nationwide updating. 475-6738 3701 O St. IB-7 ★ ★ EXTRA CASH ★★ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WITH THIS AD NEW DONORS RECEIVE *25 00!! RETURN DONORS RECEIVE $25.00!! your first time back in over 2 months when you bring a new donor with you. Safer, faster plasma donation at ABI centers dje to automated procedure. (Bonuses subject to change ) (Mon. • Sat.) Free parking at ary Park & Shop. University Plasma Center Associated Bioscience, Inc. 1442 aOa St. Lincoln 475-8645 We accept all ads from competitors. M. R. DUCKS Thursday • College Appreciation Night 18 & Older are Welcome 8 P.M. - 1 A.M. Regularly $3 $1 OFF with Student I.D. 826 "P" St. | In the Haymarket CAN'T TYPE -DON'T WANT TO- NO TIMEIII We can handle all your basic typing needs at: COMPUTER TYPE & SERVICES 476-TYPE 1630 QUE STREET Resumes Professionally typeset or laser printed. $10-$15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan basement of the Nebraska Union_ Typing and Word Processing. Resumes-Papers. Call All-Types, 477-0445._ WORDS ETC. Professional Word Processing Service Resumes - Reports ■ Letters Laser Printing - Copying 1637 P Street - Pickles Plaza 476-2039 MfSCELLANEOUS__Zi TIRED OF SELUNG PAPERBACKS FOR PENNIES? Page One pays 30ht for most paperbacks used in litera ture classes Page One Bookstore 206 N. 13. ANNOLNCEMENTS__^ Congratulations to the newly elected officers for the 1990 Spring semester of the Block & Bndle Club They are as follows: President-Annette R.; Vice President Karen C ; Secretary-Chris E.; Reporter-Dense D.; Marshall Uan R.; AssistantMarshall-rageP.; and Program Chair Ivan N. Those officers retaining their positions are the follow ing: Treasurer-Teresa 0 ; Historian-Rose W.; and Assistant Historian-Sharon D Do something different! Hire me to provide a drum solo as entertainment at a party or a get together or just as fun. 30 years experience. For charity 467-2857 Dreading Statistics? Pre-statistics workshop January 8 11, 5:30-7:30 p m,, 203 Bancroft $48 Call B J„ 488 4148 Give this season! FOOD DRIVE FOR THE LINCOLN FOOD BANK Bring your non-perishable donations to the UNL Dairy Stores and receive Happy Hour Specials any time! Sponsored by the UINIL Food Science Club and Ihe Animal Scienoe Graduate Student Association, Dona_ tions also being oollected in the Stall Commons, A2I0 Animal Science. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Will be closed Deoember 23rd. 1989 through January 1st, 1990 Call lor Information: 476-7526._ Santa. _ All I want tor Christmas is... A Spring Break Trip to Panama City Beach F londa trom UPC-East Mam Events and B104. = Announces Thursday Nights 75c 16 oz. Draws $2.50 Pitchers 90c Cans of Beer $ 1 Corona & Heineken $1 Well Drinks $1.50 Railroaders 75c Hurricanne Shooters Congratulations and welcome to the new pledges of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Tom K., Brent M., Pat S., and Kris T. We are all looking forward to having you in the house. Your Delt Brothers. Spring Rush Into Session - Jan. 24 at 7:00pm in the Nebraska Union. Phi Beta Chi Sorority PERSONALS Robert (Physics 115), I dreamt of you onoe. Check here next semester._ Big Yella Booze Pirates: Tra la la la, la la la ' Rude Lee Halve an ochen heroshaw vremya in France. We'll all miss you mnogo. Be good and stay away from too much peeva! _ _ Lee Kim E. (L A. Lady). Congrats' You actually did it, and now you get your 2nd personal. Hope I get a |Ob before you. Love, Beach Bum T.A.R. ... , . . . i. Happy B-day you big stud I How's it feel to be an old man? See you tonite with another surprise! Love, "Eb & Spilt Swoot^Jane^ne # |q( (<jr |n (he ^ ^ years and we ll all be sad to see you go. Even though others will be able to do your |ob, no one will be able to replace you. Goot luck at the Chicago Trib, I know you'll do great. Love, A Marlin. ' .. .. The sun sets in the east and the ships are at low tide. TORAI TORAI TORAI__ Big Yeller Guys: Yer the koolest I'll miss you. Michele Russ and Marlin (m). . .. . Merry Christmas Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes' Bnan Gayle ne. Good luck on your finals and congrats on your gradu ation. ^ Jett K (Mr Perlect). Hi. A personal |ust tor you- so you remember the past 4+3 months, and- horses. July 4. "do that neck thing.“ Super Saver, late-night movies, "you re drunk," Bevy hell. Be nice to me," pumpkin socks, tuna stickers, "muffinhead.' 'goof. ' tickling. "You never kiss me.' back-rubs, You disgust me. KC. "Stop flipping out,' toe. toenails, furry little arms. "I have all this stuff to do ..." "Stop stressing.'' Good luck on your finals and Merry Christmas. I love you. Steph P S. And you always smell yummy! QebfA, Congratulations' All of the hard work finally paid off. Here's to your next degree and the rest of our lives together I Love Youl ^ BEVY people Get psyched' It s 5 1/2 more months of hell tor you- I m free Sorry I deserted you No That's an outrageous lie. Here's to mioe. piles o dishes and other well-known Bevy things. Now no room is safe We should have Bevy-Christmases every month- complete with Trivial Pursuit for drinks and wild dancing Maybe next semester everyone will go to class. (Anyone else reading this: Stop This isapersonal and it's not to youj I love you all when I'm not busy hating you MERRY CHRISTMAS! Unnunwme I” Celebration H This Week Tuesday Sweet Dreams Dance Review at 8:00 Drink specials all night! Wednesday Rock City at 9:00 $2 cover Thursday Rock City @ 9:00, $2 Jaimakan Me Crazy Specials L 1033 "O” Street J To the Ed Board and other assorted DNers, _ It was real, it was fun, and it was real full. I almo® learned how to be a journalist. Have a decent holiday ana second semester. Brian S P.S. Why didn't we have a pre-pre-pre banquet part^r Pop-Tart Goddess: . , ._^,, Thanks for the advice. We ll both know by now if it wofk#dl Love TC.^ My graduating husband, „ . ,Junll Good luck on your finals. I love you. I m proud of you. The keyboard is waiting. jen Shel|dcpe your 21st was greatl Let's celebrate soon. Happy B-dayll Your buddy. Wendy P°*T'hanks for making my first semester wonderfuh ' coukfnt have done it without you! May the rest be even betlerl I love youl Merry Christmas Annette Cheers to a great holiday season!_ THE CLUB ’ Bound For The #0 a- Still An Uncommon Experience Terri D. (AOPi). ._, ...j, Hey Cuz, Congrats on graduation and good luck in Oklahoma. It's been fun. Marcus Alan Jon You're far away now, but soon you'll be close. Wanted to tell you I'm proud of you for making it through this semester. ^ m -Jaimee To the Legions of MECA and all Team Banzai toroes, Have a happy arid safe holiday season. Drive care fully. And remember the stirring words of our national antnem: "MECA, MECA uber alles Uber alles in dem welt..." Take care. And remember, we meet during vacationl President Emeritus Chief Counsel on TNE Affairs MECA Vick, I could hardly believe it when I heard the news today. No more unsafe inserting, depressing movies and but tered popcorn, there goes the future Mr. Keller/Larsen, doin' da butt with CeaL suicide music of yesterday, today and tomorrow on Easy.107, the violated lover, slime, cruizin' the loop, festenng and you wanna see my stuff? Hey baby, you gotta remember all the world's a candy store, he's been trick or treatin'. As Janet would say, ’Til miss you muchl" Take care and good luck m the future. The fox that rocks, Noelle UH189 English. Is hope dead? What's your mother's name? What's the point7 Can we bind and gag him? This could be dumb. but... So what are you saying? Here's to chalk board relays, desk symbolism, hanoouts. lecture halls, slide protectors, revolution vs. evolution, circles, strang ers in class, evaluations, group protects and storytime with Steve We HOPE to see you soon. Happy Holidaysl Love. Antigone and Emotional Crisis Lynnard and Perk, Good luck on finals, dinglebernesii Hee Hee< Love ya, Wurtz The 22nd of December is Rood's birthday She'll be 23 and will need a lot of consoling at O'Rourke's. Have a good one Leel Amy P.S. You too Eric, although you're too old to play with us anymore. Lady that hit my car and left the scene Dec. 14, 1 A.M. at 10th A N St. Thanks for the hit & run, you irresponsible tramp. If the police don't find your 1980-83 red Camaro. I will. H the police find you lirst, en|oy your rot in t«ul. My insurance wont cover the accident, so I'm stuck with the bill tt you have any trace of dignity or responstoility. you II call me so we can settle this Merry X-Mas . Kevin P. __ 438-1346 To my boyfriend with the dead tish. Thanks for screwing up before Thanksgiving- the past 2 1/2 weeks have been great Shall we try tor 9 1/2 weeks7 Love, Flash P.S. I love my Drunk Dnver! ^ ^JFAvteLRY ■ly Diamonds ^ ^ 1901 ▲ I WEDDING RING I I SPECIALIST ^ ▲ Wholesale Prices A Newest Styles ▼ Custom Design ▼ ^ Shop and compare ^ ♦ but see us last. ^ ^ m ^ iudson automotive " factory trained foreign car specialist* 27th * T Lincoln, Nebraska 4759012 ftis the season Give Yourself a Couple of Great Macintosh Programs Both In Easy To Use HyperCard Stacks | i|The Journal Index™ I • Improve Your Macintosh Skills & Save Time • Find information in Mac World, MacWeek, & I Macllser magazines in seconds ...1 mJBIE Movies,Movie-s,Movies™ i —- jwwwwwri • 2J00 titles - includes cast, director, ratings & more * $ ^ou ^°ve Movies and the Macintosh, UiM(liKS|R9M»lMil Then You 'll Love Movies,Movies,Movies MacKau Associates 1-800-829-6753 or 402-486-3550 \ Sold In Over Twenty Countries Around The World I believe you re not 9°>"9 “ ^ro y Gh|Cago and wont be the same. Keep yo ' ,n ^ the best s.'jaW'A--' »'•» great... *• Lee S'iCkHey Handsome, you hunk-.-hunk of buminj| love. Have you been naughty or nice’ You II find out won t you? Double Sh Y^u guys^the^te^Thi'rvks for everything the past few weeks Merry Christmas, JB LynThought I forgot about you? Nope. Lifejust wont be the same without you. Good luck and much success^ Cy<Ya lublu tebya tohzha. No skoro ya pereedu v Chi cago. Dont worry, we'll keep in touch CHILDCARE NANNY OPPORTUNITIES SALARIES $150-$400/WEEK Join the only successful nanny network and experience qrowth with a great family in a new location. For details call Arlene Streisand Inc., 1-800-443-6428. Minimum age 18. Phila oouple needs a nanny to help with two children. We otter $175 per week. R6B, air fare, use of car, and paid vac. You rnust be over 17, reliable, love children, and a good driver. (609)228-7758 Wanted babysitter m my home for three children. Ages 9 12 and 4. Starting in January on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-7 p.rn. Call 4/7-3441. HFLPWANTED Are you a well-organized and out-going person? H so. Rhino's Night Club has an employment opportunity for you. We are currently accepting applications for perma nent, full-time or part-time evening waitery Please apply, Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 200 N. 70th. JOB OPENING The Nebraska Press Association seeks enthu siastic, energetic, self-starter to sell newspaper advertising space. Sale include existing clients, plus emphasis on securing new adver tisers. Ideal candidate will posses excellent communication skills with abilities to achieve sales goals, Salary: $15,500 to $20,00 plus commissions and benefits. Auto required. Send oomplete resume to Sales. NPAS. 1120K Street. Lincoln. NE 68508 by 1/12/90 Equal Opportunity Employer, Joyce's Subs and Pizza needs one or two people. 15-35 hours/week at 1320 “Q." NANNIES APPLY NOW! As the Heartlands #1 agency, we have placed 100'strom Nebraska in top positions nationwide. Since 1984 we've Oeen earning people's trust with compatible, happy matches. No costly training or fees required - our service is ABSOLUTELY FREE. We want YOU on our team, so call todayl ARCHER DAWSON AGENCY (402) 453-7666 Nanny Housekeeper To live in and care tor my 3-month old infant in Southern California home. To begin early January, One year commitment, serious inquires only. Call oollect (714)498 4138. Nebraska Club hiring day waitery. 9:30-2:30, evening waitery. evening busing, lounge, cocktail and bartencT ing. Advantages: full or part-time, holidays and Sundays oft; paid vacation after one year, group insurance plan, uniforms provided, wages competitive and higher; free meal with each shift; friendly, personable stafL and ele gant atmosphere. Disadvantage: not having you as part of our professional team-oriented staff Apply. 20th floor, FirstTwr Bank Building, 13th and M No phone calls please Need Instructor, starting anytime, for Dance/Gymnastics for 7 year old gxl. 475-1529. leave message Need pleasant personality, neat appearance, and en|Oy working with people Furnished room and utilities m exchange for work as part-time motel desk clerk Appiy in person, Congress Inn, 2001 West O St. Need Two Car Rental Agents for permanent Part Time Work at Lincoln Airport. Afternoons, Nights, and Week ends Average 15/hrs per week. $4.00start Mustbe21 years old and have excellent driving record 437 1331 Nursing Assistants Certification Claeses Now accepting applications tor classes starling January 8. 1990. Classes include classroom and on-the-|ob learning. Will work with student schedules. Competitive salary/benefit/PTB We offer shift, holiday, weekend dif ferential and weekend compensatxin Ask about our promotional incentives Apply soon to interview before the Christmas break and the January 3 deadline Apply Personnel, MADONNA CENTERS. 2200 S 52nd, Lin coln. NE 68506 483 9551. EOE Part or Full-Time Counter parson, cashier. Experience not necessary Apply in person, A-La Chopstix. Atrium lower level food court, 1200 N St Part-Time Delivery. 2-5pm, Monday Friday Apply m Person, Danter Dental Lab, 125 South 9th RENT EXCHANGE Exchange 21 hours per week for free rent, working in Lincoln's premier bed and breakfast inn. Call the Rogers House. 476 6961. The Eastern Nebraska 4-H Center o*Gretna. NE is accepting applications for the summer of 1990 We need 8 people who are willing to commit a summer of their lives to working, teaching, playing, and being an example to 1200 youths. We employ both female and male staff members All applicants should have at least 1 year of college (Need not have been in 4-H to apply.) For more information, call 402-332-4496 or 472-3674 Travel the Midwest next summer. Family custom harvesting operation needs experienced truck and combine drivers. Good pay, room and board, new John Deere combines Call Curt Payne at (308) 352 4154, Grant, NE. YMCA Youth Basketball Officials Needed. Games Begin January 6th. Games on Saturdays. Will Train Officials. Pay Rate Between $5-$7. Apply at YMCA 1039 P Street. YOUTH COUNSELOR ZL§i_S_LT fll PIA | C | E | R ■ L | A | T | H | a l i ama|d|o|r|eH i |r|m|a! c m l Tils apIn eBb!lia|T| WB^IcTAliMgfs h eIMBB ■o pWsTT rap S E SMt one 0 R t[w|0 AND L K E|RMm I A E SMEIDlS E L H i. JL UbI o A ¥ sMl add 1IA jJfA N _j_ J_ a! I N D 0 tioinivImIeirIoIeBaIdTaTm