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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1989)
I I Courtesy of Earalite Records Your life could be taking a different course. The University isn’t your only option. •Offering over 20 courses of 'For over 1(K) years. Nebraska’s specialized career education premier Business College 'Accredited Member A1CS 'Financial aid and ( scholarships available for t lasses start soon those who qualify 1821 K Street Call Today' Lincoln, NE 68508 474-5315 * MM. CM « *M... A career in hair design not only offers creative challenge on a daily basis, but has the potential for being one of the best paid professions, based on how you develop your skills. Our styling instructors can teach you KIM II the art of hair design using the Scientific HUH Educational Systems from Redken. For a Napalm Death LP iuses message behind impenetrable wall of noise A • a on t „ lUnn nil ...nn By Bryan Peterson Staff Reporter__ Napalm Death “From Enslavement to Oblitera tion” Earache Records I went to this big peace rally in Washington, D.C. a while back. Everyone was really happy and groovy and stuff, and it was a pretty great day. albHPki— At the end of the day, I experi enced something like never before. Tens of thousands of people were gathered and there was an incredible energy, a feeling of togetherness and power. Toward the end of the ceremony, an aluminum sheet was held up to a microphone. Steel balls were dropped onto the sheet one by one. There were 50,0()0 of these little ■ metal balls and each one represented a single nuclear bomb. The first one dropped and an amplified CRACK pierced the cars of the tightly packed crowd. Then another was droppui, and another. These sounds were loud and hurt my cars. And they kept coining and filling the air as the balls were poured. SMASH-CRASH-BAM SMASH-BANG!! Faster and faster they came, and the first hundred had not yet been dropped. The destruction came faster and faster and soon 1 could not separate the individual THAKWHAM BASHes any longer. They were pouring and pouring, and everything, all noise, all thought, all sound, was wiped out by the end less, tinny roar. It did not stop. It went on and on and on, and people started to look al the ground and cry. SCRAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHH it was one continuous roar of destruc tion, a wave that engulfed every lis tener and wiped away all passing thoughts. There was no space, no time. Just an endless blast that filled the world, I tried to turn away, to escape, but there was nowhere to go. And then it stopped. A couple lagging balls fell and sounded theii - | Sv For holiday gift ideas at affordable prices fashions etc. Lincoln women’s apparel store •Lots of watches and holiday sweaters to choose from! 400 N. 48th - Centro Plaza M-F 10-9, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5 lUIICiy V I\nv UIIU UIVI1 UII silent. Silent. No one moved, nothing was said. It was utter, unimaginable destruction, experienced firsthand. People thought and wondered and cried, but our attention had been captured. There was no escape. The crowd had confronted utter destruc tion, experienced annihilation, known the sound of 50,000 nuclear hands clapping, each person having his or her very essence overwhelmed. When first listening to the new Napalm Death LP, I thought of that roar. “From Enslavement to Oblitera tion” is the punk/speed metal sound taken to the ultimate extreme. It is a ceaseless roar, a cacophony of anger, faster and grungicr than ever before. This album overwhelms the lis tener, but in a very different way than those 50,000 amplified CRACKs. This is music, albeit angry speedthrash. Terrifying as they were, I wanted to hear those CRACKs to experience destruction, to know it and to feel it. The songs on this album, cataclysmic as they arc, do not grip the listener in the same way. People have always said that punk bands play too fast and that the lyrics cannot be understood. Anyone who is into the punk thing could make sense F •. • «i .L. I_I— .. UI II, WIIII UIV nvip UI a lyric sheet. Bui this album has gone loo far - the words are absolutely incompre hensible, coming from a vocalist who grunts and growls like a hyper-speed garbage disposal. The lyrics arc urgent, demanding and aware. The continuum of misery and injustice in the world is displayed while the band roars on. That is the problem: No matter how well-written or compelling these lyrics, they arc utterly incomprehen sible when sung. This is a total sepa ration between lyrics and music. There is virtually no point in Napalm Death having a vocalist ~ only banshee screeches and guttural growls are present. But the words arc printed on the album cover. And these words arc challenging. This album has song after song with provocative words. These songs contain substantial, powerful thoughts about personal and global change, but arc lost behind a wall of noise. Their ideas arc powerful, but the message is not communicated through the music. The music is played to reach an end, to produce the fastest and harshest hardcore sounds. To quote the album’s inner notes: “Whirlwind screaming avalanche tornado sandstorm earthquake ty phoon tidal wave volcanic eruption brain explosion holocaust rockfall thrash grindcorc.” TWO "12” COMBINATION HOT HOAGIES ; PLUS ONE QUART j $6.95 .. | 13th & Q St. 475-1246 ¥ ^ m^ | 14lh 4 Superior 433-6000 Q&WltflOltt? ■ 745 So 11th Si 477-6661 W I 44lh & O St 475 4070 _ 4120 So 40lh Si ... 483-2881 LXHHfcS DfcC 43 198U MEDIUM CHEESE! I PIZZA ! I $4.95 i % plus tax Additional toppings $.90 13th & Q Si 475-1245 14lh & Supenof .... 435-6000 745 So lllh Si .... 477-6661 44lh & 0 St 475-4070 4120 So 48th St ... 483-2001 tXFiHtb | B I DfcC 23. 1" ■ 13th & Q OPEN UNTIL 1:00 a.m. THRU FINALS WEEK L CAMPUS DELIVERY 475-1 |