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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1988)
Warehouse and delivery person full or part time. Apply at Lincoln Lumber Company 932 N. 23rd. ROOMMATES 1 male roommate needed for summer apartment $1 SO +113 utilitiee. free cable, waeher/dryer. Call 477-9258. Leave message ___ Share nice Lakeside 3 bedroom Capitol Beach home with 2 others. 435-8690;_ 2 female roommates needed. S81.25 month plus 1/4 utilities.Close to campus call: 475-0903._ Female roommate to share large furnished apartment. $ 125/mo* 1/3 utilities. 16th&A. available May 15th. Call 435-7741.____ Female roommate needed $130 per month. 1/3 utilities, 18th * "D". Great apt. new carpet, bay windows, call 477 4011._ Female roommate needed to share 2 bdrm apt. in 4-plex across from Peter Pan Park. Call 472-2818 day or 435 8843 eve. Male roommate needed to sublease a furnished room $99/month * utilitiee. Call 467-2726, Mark. Moving to Dallas? Hoommate needed ty former UNL students. For nice, large house in Dallas. $300/month all utilities paid. Contact Keith Gonzales. 214-328-8004. Need non-smoking female roommate. 2 bedroom. $145 plus 1/2 electricity 1724 V. 477-1878.476-0796. r Non-smoking female wanted for Summer. 2 bedroom apt.. 19th & rR*. furnished. Call 435-4354. Non-smoking female with good housekeeping habits to share nice home. 2 bks from ag campus. Washer/Dryer, a/c, $155/month plus share utilities, garbage. 464-5226. Grad student preferred. Responsible roommate for spacious 2 bedroom apart ment. Close to campus. $145+ 1/2 utilities. Dishwasher, laundry, 474-7727. Responsble non-smoking male roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apartment, 21st and C. $110 + 1/2 utilities. Call 476-8503 Responsble, non-smoking female. $14Cl/month + 1/3 utilities. 477-3592 between noon and 3 pm. Keep trying. Roommate male or female $100 and 1 /2 utilities474-6324 after 5. Roommate wanted for large 5 bedroom, good neighbor hood, own room, A/C, cable many appliances. $110/mo. + 1/5 utils. 489-6940. Six room house. Yard, garage, basement. Rent nego tiable. 475-2371, loave message. Wanted roommate to share nicer newly remodeled home close to campus, with 3 others. 476-2833. ROOMS FOR RENT Coed Summer Housing ——— 1235 N 16th. Double rooms under S30/Weak per person. Great rooms. A/C. vending, and laundry facilities. Call 472-0589 or 472-1184 Ask for Kurt Rohlfs. HOUSES FOR RENT Available in May: Near UNL at 823 N 26th. 3 bedroom, with study, dish washer, microwave. $365. 423-1535. Clean two-bedroom house 3235 "1”. Available May 8. Pay no rent for May. 477-9332. Excellent duplex. 3 plus bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, laundry option, between City and East campus, low utilities $395 477-9258 or 435-4580. FOR RENT 3,4 and 5-bedroom houses near Harper Hall and Memo rial Stadium; walk to campus. All nave showers, AC, Water/garbage paid; no yard work. Available May 7. 477 5049 Iv. msg. Four bedroom house garage close to UNL, 2314 Holdrege. $525. 475-1579,488-0061. Four bedroom, summer or longer, close to UNL. Newly redone. $525. 475-1579. 488-0061. Near East Campus — 2 bedroom, study, garage with workshop, large fenced yard, covered de«k, appliances including wasner/dryer. NO PETS. $400 plus deposit. References 467-30e4. STUDENTS Four bedroom house. 317 N 18th (one block to UNL). $480/month. 489-8620. Wak to UNL. 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, washer/dryer, new furnace, central air, $360/month, plus some utilities. Available May 15th. 466-1838 evenings. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Lovely unfurnished 2 bedroom. 1615 Garfield. $310. D/W. disposal. 474-2490, 489-2395. 2125 A. Two bedroom, $325. One bedroom. $290, including heal. 477-3477, 423-5800. Redecorated furnished one bedroom. All electric. One bedroom, $250 summer. Efficiencies $180-5221. 474-3365, 423-5800. 648 S 12th. Efficiency, $213, including heat. 435 SI 31.423-5800. ^640 SOUTH 20TH~” Spacious 1 -bedroom, new carpet, $285. 2-bedroom. $300 up. $25 for 3rd person. Pool. Summer leases. 475-7262. APARTMENT FINDERS Look at these Finds I STUDIOS 1739 "G" Street - Sunny and bright $269 1948 "0- Street $225 1 bedrooms 1035 South 17th - ind util $310-324 4912 Cleveland - heat paid $279 453 South 26th - new paint/carpet $260 1223 *B' - good value $239 4900 Huntington - heat paid $295 2 bedrooms Woodshire Manor - $304 and $316 447 So. 26th - $310 2901 North 56th - $367 4700 Baldwin - great location $349 1845 “FH Street $400 435-5555 Joseph E. Kean Company CALL TODAY FOR SUMMER SPECIALSI Close to Campus 2736 "O' St., 2 bedroom, laundry, a/c, $275 month. 435 7708. $150 MONTH 3 month lease — 1 bedroom partially furnished. 2120“T" Street 476-0679.__ _ 1 A 2 bedroom unfurnished units. 22nd A “P” — $220 A $250 per month 464-8355, 488 2228. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments $245 $395 summer leases accepted. Northcentral and Northeast area 489-3387 Cherry Hill Rental. 1 Bedroom Summer Specials 2540 S $185 3179 R $250 1948K $210 BEST IN TOWN.' Call Kim, 477-0491 1209 F Street One-bedroom, carpet, appliances, all electric, off-street parking, coin operated laundry. Call 474-4625 or Mega Corporation 475-8407, Monday-Friday. 1742 K Street One bedroom. $200 deposit. 435-7191. 1821 F. Sharp one bedroom. Shower. $225. No pets. 423-4000._ 2101 D Street Nioe, clean, cne-bedroom in newer 14-plex. Carpet, appliances, coin operated laundry, off-street parking. Call 474-4625 or Mega Corporation. 475-8407, Monday Friday. Hpring classics by Sartor Hamann JEWELERS Diamond Cross Your Price *335 Pead & Diamond Pendant Your Price *49 4mm Comfort Fit \ Wedding Band \ Opal and > Diamond Ring j SKS125 .. ... wr t i Diamond (Tennis) Bracelets Specially Priced for Spring 12th & ‘O’ Gateway Mall Across from the Centrum By the Escalators 476-8561 467-2506 Yi Carat Diamond \ „ . c. , Engagement Ring \ > Pear* ^rarK^s Your Price $395 yi *ltems drawn, not exactly as shown