Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1988)
White Nissan truck—NE-15-5120, Do you make it common practice to hit cars while their owners stand and watch? Do you realize that's hit and run? Fortunately you have more damage than I do. HAI WHERE DID YOU LEARN HOW TO PARALLEL PARK ANYWAY—SEARS? Grey Nissan 200SX Texas Look out Med School, Here comes Brett P.ll Good Luck _ C.P. (Sia Ep), Goodbye, hermanito, and thanks tor everything these past two years-for being there when I needed you most and for teaching me to drink beer like a real woman. I will miss you tons and I hope your summer goes last. You don't suck. Love, Bev Kim G. (ADPi), Good luck on tinals. Don't worry, I'll lind a job. I Love Youl Brian H. MEN OF UNL BASEBALL: Wishing you the best this weekend as you take on OSU and wrap up the '88 season. Good luck in the Big Eight Tournament. The loyal redhead Jamie C.. I LOVE YOUI Call me before you leave Lincoln. Marshall H. HEY ALL YOU HOT MENI now it's AMBER'S turn. Let's all wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. OK,Billy? i" 1 . 1 1 - CRC Mentors: Thank* for el your hard work. You've done a super job. Good luck on finalsl Have a great summer? Patti Holly D. Gater, Don 1 forget the baby pictures, the vaseline, oold pizza, warm beer and the bathroom sink. The rock tour is May g. Mares and Mom P.S. Where’s the wedding? HEY DN FOLKS I GET PSYCHEDI SATURDAY'S THE NIGHTI IT'S OUR FORMAL (WEE-HAI) Jodi, Good luck in Maryland. Or was that Massachusetts?! Have a fun summer and keep in touchl Trent Bean, It's not champagne, it's ice mifc. ON Staff Pub. Board Banouet is Saturday night Hi-Ho It's time to gol P.S. JD, Don't worry, you'l have someone to dance wrthl^ _ Mum, Judo, Doc, Ski. and Squirtin': GET PSYCHED!!! The '50'swi» COME alive tonightl Get ready todanceyour arses off. Do you have the stamina?... The Homey Toed* COME dressed to BOPI BB: Congratulation* and good luck. I love you very much. WH Allison Thank you for being my bestest friend. Green Gables is such a lovely place will many kindered spirit*, and the sunburn from the Lake of Shining Waters is marked in Adams history forever. Your Bosom Friend, Ashley Tony G. (Phi Psi), I've been interested all semester and I think vouYe known. Maybe 111 have more success next year/ C. To the cute Brunette in 513 Smith (7). Time is running out for you to send me that personal you owe mel You only have until 1 pm T0DAY1I Come down to room 34, Nebraska Union and see the smiling reoeptionist. The Danctng Brunette JANET "This neighborhood is so DlSGUSTINGI I'm afraid a rat might come out and bite my new nylons I* You hairhop per you. It's a sick and boring life, but I still love you anyway I WILLIAM (Queenie), Only 16 day* til Europe-"LOVECHILDt ANGE Fiji John Looking forward to knowing you more. You're a wild and crazy guy - but what a sweetheart May even miss you this summer. Could have been one h... of a time if you were here. Croissant? Your Honorary O.U. Little Sis To the three beautiful secretaries, You're gorgeousl You're fantastic I You're greatl I love you both I XXOOXXXI (Is that enough?) Char: Where's that personal you were going to write to that cute guy from Twisters? I don't see it in herel Katie (ODD) Thanks so much for everything! __Kim (GPhiB) Sande G. (ADPi) Good luck on your audition tomorrow for Scarlet ft Cream. They are going to have a fine new add it ton I Pi Love, Your sisters Sheila (KDL Stress. Popcorn Omaha. Stress...MCATSI They're finally herel We know you'll do great. Love, Sonia A Amber P S. Harvard? CHILD CARE Is spring fever setting in? Would you Ike a change of pace? BE A NANNY Nationwide placement, one year committments. Nannies of Nebraska, P.O. Box 463 Norfok, NE 66701. 402-379 2444. Need non-smoking female to care for 3 year old girl. My home, evenings. 475-1104. WHITEHOUSE NANNIES of Washington D C. seeks individuals to provide excellent child care in exchange for room, board, and good salary. We Screen D.C. families IN PERSON to insure happy, secure, working environment. Transportation provided. One year commitment. References required. Cal Jen nifer 474-0578. HELP WANTED Ag Students Midwest ag. chemical oo. ■ looking for part-time or full time summer help across Nebraska. Potential for contin ued faM/winter internships. For interview send resume to: Sales Manager. P.0 Box 6544. Linooln. NE 68506 AMERICAN RED CROSS SUMMER SWIM INSTRUCTORS Currently oerlified WSI, to teach beginner through ‘swim mer" - June 27th through August 5tn, mornings; apply at 1701 E St. or 471-7997. EOE_ AMIGOS REUMON CENTER OPENMG SOON $3 75 to start (M-F day or dosing shifts). Up to $4.25 after experience. Great work environment. 50% meal deoount. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarship Plan. Up to 40% ooMege tuition reimbursement depending upon ooilege, work availability $ job tenure. Amigos, an expanding quaJrty oriented mexioan fast food ctiam, has excellent piut-tima A full-time job opportunities ai it's newsst location in Linooln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person A Ike to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo's, 1407 Q Street._ Boys' group counselor, asst, cook, dishwasher, secre tary, maintenance, nanny, and instructors: rfiery, drama, gymnastics, nature, gardening for ooed Mountain Sum hmCamp,P.O.Box711.Boulder.CO 80306(303)442 4567. Circulation Department mimeo and distribution dark requires approximately 19 hours per wsek Work involves printing, folding labeling and organang various mimeo items and praparation of mailings. Also involves some Iftng. Flexible hours including afternoon and early evening hours. Pleas a apply at the Journal Star Person nel Office 926 "P" Street EOE/AA_ COMPUTER OPERATOR Linooln data processing company needs part time com puter operator’s. Will train. Must be dependable and available to work weekend shifts 16-24 hours per week. Apply at Technical Management Inc. 615 *K‘ Street Linooln. NE 68508_ CUSTOOIAN 20-25 hours/week. Early evenings. Call 435-1200. Weekdays between 1 5 pm. Female or male to live in with wheelchair male Free room/ board. Little help. 475-5228 ___ FLEXIBLE HOURS For part-time custodial and light housekeeping workers at tha Reunion. Call Mke 486^7894 evenings best. 0102 WELCOMES TO THE GROVE MAY 12 ONE OF COMEDY S FASTEST RISING STARS RESERVED SEATS $8 & $7, SRO $5 AVAILABLE ATPICKLES&THEGROVE (MINORS IS & OLDER ADM HI ED) 1* K&AL GROVE LINCOLN S ENTERTAINMENT OASIS 340 W. CORNHUSKER 477-2026_ , SAVE $3923 ON BRONCO II! Llat Pries *17.032 Ford Fact. Discount -* 1.027 *18.00* Guy Daan Discount -*1.40* Sailing Pries *14.400 Ford Cash R strata -»Mn *13.000 Down Pmt * Trads -arson Final Sailing Pries Is n baa SGfiGTB 4.00 mo.. 00 mos. 9%% APR GUY DEAN’S FORD 1901 West ‘0’ 475-8821 M-F 8AM-9PM, SAT. 8-6. SUN. 10-8, SAT. SERVICE 8-5 Fluent speaker* of French, German, and Spanish needed for foreign language distance learning program. Hexoie hours beginning approximately Aug. 15th. App^y to Dr. BeverlyPt aimer Nebraska Department of Education, Box 94987, Lincoln, NE 68509 by May 27th GREAT SUMMER JOBS Flexible schedule Raise in pay after training. Half-priced meals. Free uniforms. Schlotzsky1*. the nsiions lead ng gourmet sandwich restaurant, is hiring forth* summer at all 3 location*. 12th A P, 54th A O, and 33rd A Hiway 2. Apply in person 2-5 pm weefyfays. CAMP COUNSELORS - Male/female - Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Campos: Tennis, dance, slimnastic*, WSI, athletics, nutrition/dietetics. Aoe »j. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAMPUSEb at Masse chusetts, Pennsylvania, No. Carolina, Cakfornia. Con tact: Michel* Friedman. Director. 947 Hewlett Drive, No. Wood mere, N.Y. 11561,600-42M321._ Hall Direcfor/Graduate Assistant Hall supervision of approximately 100 students with administrative duties, supervision of R.A.'s. and custodi ans. A commitment to programming, student develop merit, and own professional growth a must for this dy namic division. In state tuition paid for graduate Pfoflr*mj and related area at University of Nebraska. Salary <5,000 plus apartment and board, vicki Stream Pushcar, director of residence life, Nebraska Weslyan University, 6000 St. Paul. Lincoln, NE 68504. _ HAMBURGER PATTY'S in the Reunion 005 No 10th Street * $3.50 to start. $4.25 after experience. " 50% meal discount * p igxibta ichoduld. Hamburger Patty1* is a fast food outlet with exoelent part-time and full-time job*. Our new location in the Reunion Building is now open. We are looking for individuals who Me pride in their work and enjoy working with customer*. Phone 476-7865 ter an interview. _ _ Hiring full-time summertent hefc. Apply 1000-11 GO AM 300 -400 PM, 3900 Comhusker Hwy, Lincoln Tent and Awning. # Hiring Summer Basketball Officials for High School League. Apply al YMCA, 1036 P Street, 475-6622. Hiring Youth Softball Officials «at YMCA. 1038 P Street, 475-9622. night games. Will tram new officials. Immediate opening for summer employment: Full time and part time snackbar cook and counter help. Branched ■ Oak Marina. Call for interview: 783-3511-.' JOBLESS THIS SUMMER WANT 90METWNG BETTER? $1600/month average ♦ EXCELLENT resume exoerienoe The Southwestern Co. is looking for head-work ing students for our summer internships (pos tble college credit) in sales and business/mgrr* training. Al majors quiirfy For interview ap pointment, leave message al 473-7950. Lifeguards and swim instructors needed Apply North east YMCA, 2801 North 70th. 464-7481. _ Need summer help for tower maintenance Travel and work at heights to 500 feet. Start $6,00/hou. 469-7976 0WOIOQS. Now hiring part-tune sales person. Previous outdoor experience neoeti ary. Apply at person. Moose's Tooth AOthAtT, Part time afternoon and Me evening hours. Apply in person Mho's "O’ Street Drive m 22nd A tT. SUMMER HELP Jan Dr idle's Garden Cafe is now taking appl«oe1 ons for the following positions: food prep, dishwasher, delivery, waitery. and horteta/cashier Apply at 131 South 13th between 9 a-m. and 11 a.m. or 1:15 to 300 SUMMER JOBS EARN $1100/MONTH. LINCOLN. OMAHA. Gl. HASTINGS. NOR FOLK. COLUMBUS AND KEARNEY 466-7246 10AM-1PM, OAILY SUMMER WORK Nal l. Corp with 150 offices nationwide accepting appi cation* for fulltime, partiime summer posaons $9 25 starting pay rate M you qualify, cooperate scholarshps rtre awarded. internships possible, and you may earn 2, 3. 4 credas/semester. (402)393-1992 M-F 9am-3pm The division of University Housing invites applications for Student Assistant poertons for the 1988 89 academic year To apply contact Charlie Strey, 1104 Seaton Hall, City Campus (472-3880). Qualifications: 1. currently carry and maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and preference wiN be given to those candidates with a 2.5 cumulative GPA or better; 2 Be of sophomore standing by August 1988; 3. comma to goals of residential education Benefas: V free room and board; 2. experience for resume and future employment .3. solid training in human relations. Applications deadline Monday. May 2. 1988 _ WANTED: Truck drivers for Custom Harvesting. May 21 August 25 or longer. 364-2468 Beautiful Long Nails Initial Acrylic Application just $30 Call for appointment Darlene's Nails 3531 N. 72nd 464-3015 Ask about our special rates (or students! r Saue up to $75 on your Nebraska College Ring through Herff Jones. £ OOU ^ €■ D on h IninlMWff' NERFF JONES .. a tradition of axeoEanca Your Herff Jones representative will be in the CAP and Gown measurement room of the University Bookstore, Thursday and Friday, May 5th & 6th, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. NEED CASH? Highest $ paid for used records, cassettes Jk compact discs! 14th & 0 St. East Park Plaza 477-6061_464-8275 |—f rid ay, ap r il 29—i R.eji st IT'S DE AD WEEK SO ... I .ndifferettce to 10:00P .artying!! Saturday, ap r il 30 THE ITmTT TAPE RELEASE PARTY!!! lOtsh_ s unday, m a y "1 | FROM DETROIT... ONE SHOW 0Nl>! 7-11 P.M. SPECIAL GUES1 T.B.A. I—t hi s w eekend ... —I Tried everything? There’s more! Give Jesus a chance to be your Lord and Saviour. It's the best choice you'll ever make. Lincoln Christian Fellowship 1145 Furnas • 475-2288 Firehose * Sisters of Mercy * Negativland * Gun Club * Swans * Mission of Burma * Xymox * Shamen * Severed Heads * Neon Judgement * Pop Will Eat Itself * Black Girls * Teargarden * Pailhead * S.P.K * A Front 242 * Psyche * / \ Dub Sex * Hood * / \Sonic Youth * Heads \ * Chris on and Sticks / \Cosey / /v \ PWJECT / TTFSTTjn_\ BPOTT. HEUBBS, THPC5. LE5 f HERB'S LIQUOR 1 17TH&‘P’St. I 474-6592 oft*/ good thru S-4-SS WARM BEER Mlchelob $069 (Rtg, Light, Dtrk) Ml». 8 pk. Mm Busch 16 oz. $C|4-{ cans cs. Old (Mg-UghQ $£±3Q Milwaukee c*. Z%I Old Style $019 (Reg-Ught) Ms. 12 pk. 1# Milwaukee’s Best $C69 (Reg-Light) case W Bartles & Jaymes Wine Coolers $099 AM Flavor* warm 4pk Mm CMuiwlisMrHi>liSi>r>SSfm>fSM*sa > I —at—pa—y