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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1988)
ADVENT, INC. WORD PROCESSING Reports, resumes, etc. Fast, qualiiy service. 476-9194 EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111, 1919 So 40th 489-WORD WORD GRAPHIC GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 488-9294 LETTER QUALITY TYPING Papers, Forms, Resumes, Letters Reasonable Prices 435-0145_ MY OFFICE 421 South 9th Street. Suite 107 474-6345 Resumes, reports and morel Quality typing, quick turn around on most projects 10% off with this ad. Need time for other subjects or just for yourself? Call Darlene at 464-3015 for all your typing needs. Quick. Quality, and Efficient. QUALITY TYPING Term papers. Theses, Reports, etc. $1/page 466-3489 --—-v. f RESUMES 1 There le An Alternative! Resume Service Laserprinting from disk, 9 typestyles DeskTop Publishing & CopyCenter NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE 1300Q Street 476-0111 Typing A resumes — low prices. Call 476-0121 after 5. WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes Reports, etc. 4M-WORO MISCELLANEOUS TIRED OF SEALING PAPERBACKS FOR PENNIES? Page One pays 30% for most paperbacks used in litera ture classes. Page One Boeketore LY* North 13th St WILL BUY CLEAN USED CALCULUS — HOWARD ANTON 466 3489. RIDES Going South7 I need ride to Arizona. Call Theresa. 472 0943 ANNOUNCEMENTS PADRE DEPOSIT REIMBURSEMENT Pick up at the CAP East Oftioe. 300 Nebraska East Union, during finals week. 800-4:00. Monday-Fnday. UNI Professor looking lor place to houses it during June withm walking or bike riding distance of city campus willing to do light yard work, care for animal*. Call 47V 1568 I-1 To Student, Faculty S Staff Friends, As you work, travel, play and/or study this summer, we wish you the very best. Mayyour work be productive, your travel re-creative, your play a real relaxation from ordinary duties, and your study not so intense that you have no time to sit and stare, or to smell the roses! We care about you, wherever you are, and pray for your continuing growth, health and wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Mark and Larry Cornerstone-UMHE INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS Please return your black and white jersey to the Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street, before you leave for summer vacation. TIRED OF SELLING PAPERBACKS FOR PENNIES? Page One pays 30% for most paperbacks used in litera ture classes. Page One Bookstore 206 North 13th St_ UN-L STUDENTS IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR BOOK RETURNS. THEN REGISTER YOUR BOOK WITH THE NEW ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE 116 NEBRASKA UNION O’ROURKES OPEN 9 am FINALS WEEK Budget Self Storage College student special. 5X10 units, $20. Limited time only. 464-6351 or423-3467. No deposit, must show I.D. SUMMER WORSHIP Beginning Sunday, May 15 Cooperative worship services of the UNL Lutheran Cen ter, and Cornerstone-UMHE. At the Lutheran Center, 535 N. 16th each week to the end of July, with weekly conversations on the scripture, and service of Holy Communion. STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF WELCOME To students for Jesse Jackson 88 Thanks for all the helpl Lee Congratulations to the 1988 Block and Bridle FaH Semes ter Offioers: President: John Hallman Vice-President: Craig Dethlus Secretary: Trudy Anderson Treasurer: P.J. Miller Marshall: Mike Henry Ast. Marshall: Karen Cud Historian: Danene Hellbusch Ast. Hstonan: Teresa Downey Reporter: Lea Simonson New Advisor: Edd Clemens _Lots of Luckll_ UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL is not just a place of worship. There are friends, fun, and much, much more. Come check us out I Sunday Services at 9 and 11 am. BIOLOGY 191 STUDENTS DO YOU FEEL YOU HAVE USED YOUR BOOK ENOUGH TO DEPRECIATE IT DOWN TO ONLY $8 00 NOW? I DIDN'T THINK SO LOVE ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE 119 NEBRASKA UNION Students for Jesse Jackson Presents FREE PARTY with Laurie MoClame Trout Mystery 13 Nightmares Elysium Crossing Friday. April 29 8-l2pm At the Reunion 16th and W Because Jesse Jackson cares about the student vote FORFEIT FEES REMINDER: A reminder to intramural teams to pick up their lorf mt fees T he last date to pick up forfeit fees e J une 17. 1988 Forfeit fees may be obtained at the Campus Recreation Office, 1740 Vine Street. SKYDIVING cheaper than drugsi SAFER THAN SEXI 474-6083 PSYCHOLOGY 181 STUDENTS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE THE STUDY GUIDE TO SELL YOUR BOOK THROUGH THE ASUN BOOK EXCHANGE 116 NEBRASKA UNION ik SAA’ers Good luck on finals and BE WARE You'll never know what we ll hear through the GRAPEVINEI HOOPSNAKES PARTY Minneapolis' finest R&B Fri., Sat. at Zoo Bar END THE SEMESTER WITH WORSHIP CORNERSTONE 640 N. 16th Sunday, May 1 11 am Service of Holy Communion STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF ALL WELCOME GREEK AFFAIRS MaryO. (KD) HAPPY BIRTHDAYIIIII Ready for tonight?l? Your favorite Gamma Phi Congratulations To Tom M. on being elected Chairman of the Publications Board and Haroia P. on being selected for the ASUN Central Planning Committee. The Men of Acacia Sig Eps We appreciate the food and fun ... but most of all, for just being our friends. We love youll Kappas Congratulations Shelli L. (Alpha Delt) and Chad S. (AGS) on your engagement! Love, the ladies of Alpha Delta Pi P.S. Have you told your parents yet? All Greeks Show your support for the Huskers this weekend against the *1 ranked Cowboys a! Buck Beltzer Field. Wear your Greek letters and get in free. Largest group both days combined wins $50. See you there. Alpha Phis - Good luck with finals and have a great summer. Your Linooln Alumns _Love, The A-Phi's Kris T. (A-Phi) and Mke P. (Kappa Sig), Congratulations on your pinnmgl Love. The A-Phi's To all the Chi Phi guys: You're the best a sister oouid ask for. _Me Renee Hope to see you at the Husker baseball games this weekend All you have to do is wear your Greek letters or show your student I.D. and you get in free. Tim Shelia (KD). Good luck on your MCAT's. We know you can do itl Love, your sisters Congratulations to the Triangle little sisters officers for next fall: Pres: Ann Grttngs. Vice Pres: Lee Ann Hefle bower, Sec: Jeriann Keler.Soc. Chair: Deb Lepert, Treas. DeeAnn Rosenau. Phi Delta Theta Congratulates their new officers: Vice-President: Brian Christensen Secretary Jeff Crouse Treasurer: Mike Lee Scholarship: Bret Tonniges Social Chairs: L. Kent. T. Truitt Pledge Trainers: J. Anderson, J. Smith Alumni Secretary: Lee Stuart House Manager: John Bachman IFC/Historian: Bob Diesing Warden: Dave Hacker Public Relations: Rod Hubbard ChaplinVFundraiser Vic HauAms Philanthropy: Brian Diesing Chorister: Matt Jambor Awards Chair: Jerry Smith Intramural Chair: Tracey Troitt ★ Congratulations to the new officers of Delta Sigma Pil President - Dave Gall, Senior V.P. - Josette Myers, V.P. Pro - Lori Brown, V.P. Pledge - Maralee Jacobson, V.P. Chapter Operations - Tim Schweers, Treasurer - Tim Prickett, Asst. Treasurer - Rich Antle, Secretary - Krista Aberlee, Chancellor - Julie Bartels, Historian • Lynn Badura, SAB Rep - Brett Anderson_ Dan (Theta Xi) Tnanx for all the fun. Keep in touch. Kimbo AD PI SENIORS: You guys rockll You all have the potential to make it big, so go for itl We'll missyoul Pi Love, Your “Sisters of the Bond' Menda (KD) and Bruce (FH), Congratulations on your pinningl It was a real success...thanks to the disinfectant. Love, Kappa Delta PERSONALS Jake (ADPi), Congratulations on Actrvationl Smith 2 love, your sisters DA; PG; Th P.S. We'll never forget the fog in the hall. Carol H. (AXO), It's been fun getting together this year. Unfortunately, it's time for me to graduate. Enov your time here at UNL. Pam, Mary and I certainly did. Take care. Greg SEAN, Your Freshman year is almost over and you still haven't sent that special personal to that special sistei. Your time is running out. The deadline is 1 pm TOOAYII! Love always, CARMEN RED (GDI), Pink shirt to piek up chicks. Nice jobl I won't say anything about the Calculus Final or Ralston Bank. Tell Sippy. it's official-tie's an absolute loserl Hal Hal Meff and Hodgie Tard Woman #1, Happy Birthdayl! Tard Women #'» 2 4 3 Jed F. (Phi Psi), You made this year a lot of fun. You’re the only guy I know who would trust me with his carl Ann* Carefully disheveled soipsist: The team yoga has been stellar, not unlike this entire semester, which ha* proven that indeed, Murphy has our nurrtber. I trust you’ll catch up with me. __ _ News ANGIE "I’m so __IF IjDaysIM DIDEHI "Hey. you're kind of pretty T "My sister Queenie was evil from birth P Schramm 8 studs: Thanks for the great times, especially the ‘bust the Bruins Bash', Okie victory party. Midwinter Night Festival. Com* on baby light my fire, there’s a bonfire in my plant's, and the upcoming Night of the Living Dead Week ! The fantabuious babe* of Schramm 9 P.S. Have a great summer! But (Fiji) Wow, 48 hr* straight and countingl You're the Great est! Islander was the BESTI Thanks - The Lush Co. Good luck in K.C. Ill miss you. Love Always, Brad Bryan. Happy Birthdayl Have tun Monday. Love ya lotsl Gayten* PLEASE, at least return my Bible to Union Information Desk. _ CARMEN, LISA, SUSIE, We appreciate your SERVICE, you all have very nimble fingers. Happy Secretaries Week I Mike R. Thanks for the job this semester and the grey hairs and stomache ulcers. I owe you. CA Brett P. What kind of CAT could change your life!? Good luck and kill the CAT!! Your loving brother, To Carolyn C. My last, old friend left at UNL. I hope you get out of here fast. Love, CA Rod at KFRX. We think you're great!! Jennifer & Stacey The 2 guys who saved our seats at the R/W game: Not only do we want our autographs back but you owe us a pitcherl 475-0695. Pattie and Heat tier Erin go braugh (I mean Brisben), Sorry to see you leave Lincoln. The bars will never be the same-nor will St. Pattie's Day and green pitchers! Luck of the Irish to yal O'Greene Here's just a little anonymous love note to the man called. AMER XOXOX Thanks to the entire ON advertising for making “work" so much fun I You guys are the best. Ruth (The "fabulous babe" AE) right Tim? AOTT REDHEAD: I'm really glad we finally met It's been fun so far, snorting coke was greatl Hope there's more to come. Good luck with finals! Love you, Smiles Toaster (KAT) Thanks for being my best friend. You've always been there for me. i never wou Id have made it here wit hout you. I'll always be here for you. Theta Love & Mine Amos Mark, Thanks for the tape and the big, disembodied, floating lips. You deserve Tracy Thom. _ Patti Wade (AKAK) Congrats on graduating and your New job. Good -bye Drake's, Hello lakeside, good-bye bobcat. Hello Daytona. This past year has been the best I Here's to us I Love, Renee (KD) DN Ad Staff. Thanks for a great year, and congratulations Bob. Rule with an iron fat. Scott Carrie B., Only a woman like you would torment h*r friends by turning 21 this weekend. I know you can study drunk.but I've got to graduate Happy Birthday now, party later. •J. Craig S. (AKAK) GOOD LUCK ON FINALSII I'll never find another great little brotherl Love you Big Sis, Sandy Burt, Edge fight, drugs (steamroller). The Wall, booze (trashbash), SAing PKP, sharing ladies. #50, Absolut shots; College- its been nice and its been real and its been real nice. Oh but yeah« Ernie P.S. Don't forget your a p—si HERE’S ONE COLLEGE MEMORY WE LL HELP YOU FORGET. If you’re like a lot of people your longest-lasting memory of college is the student loan you’re still paying back. The Army has a solution, though: qualify, sign up with us, and we’ll sign off on your loan. Each year you serve as a soldier, the Army will reduce your college debt by 1/3 or $1,500, whichever amount is greater. So after serving just 3 years, your government loan could be completely paid off. You’re eligible for this pro gram if you have a National Student Loan, or a Guar anteed Student Loan, or a rederally Insured Student Loan made after October 1, 1975. The loan must not be in default. Get a clean slate, by erasing your college debt. Take advan tage of the Army’s Loan Repay I,?ent Pr°gram. Your local Recruiter can tell you if you qualify. Call 475-8561/483-2 111 in Lincoln H 1 : ARMY. BE AtL YOU CAN BE. ~-— >* v-_' ____ A hot, new 4 piece Blues/Rock band comprised of three former members of the Lamont Cranston Band and an English bassist whose credits read like the end of a Holllywood movie. Don't miss them! FRI/SAT, APRIL 29/30 THE ZOO BAR, 9-1, $3 $1.00 OFF I Any 2 or more pizzas » 475-6363 ! NAME_ ■ ADDRESS_ ^ DATE_ B Expires 5/1/88 L_ i I |