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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1988)
[PING & RESUMES EXECUTIVE RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111, 1919 So 40th 489-WORD WORD GRAPHIC ssional word processing of reports, term papers, scripts, resumes.488-1557. E-Z MAIL, Clocktower, 1 A. _ RESUMES BY ANN Employers don't care WHO wrote your resume, only that it tells them what they need to know. We develop personalized resumes that stress your strong points and open doors. 464-0775. C RESUMES ) PROFESSIONALLY TYPESET. $16 ♦ TAX. I 8l^N.^IKMte*3KA J V—--s There is An Alternative! Resume Service I Laserprinting from disk, 9 typestyles DeskTop Publishing & CopyCenter NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE 1300 Q Street 476-0111 WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes, Reports, etc. 489-WORD WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz, 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality work. Reasonable prices, j COPY SERVICE-reductions and enlargements WORDS ETC. 1321 P Street 476-2039 All your word processing needs. Reports - resumes - career placement torms - graduation name cards - copies. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOLY WEEK A EASTER AT ST. MARK'S, 13THAR Maundy Thursday - 12:30 A 7:30 PM Good Friday - Noon (Meditations A Music), 7:30 PM (Liturgy. Stations. Music) Easter Eve - 1100 PM (Vigil A Choral Eucharist Easter Day - 10:30 AM (Festival Eucharist) CHECK ITOUTI NU BAND MEMBERS SPRING BAND BANQUET Friday, April 15 Tick ets-S11.00 ON SALE MWF 11 am-12:30pm at Westbrook IJNL Marketing Club presents: Todd KnapMiller. Bill Corbin,Proctor A Gamble. Come see them in actionl Thursday, March 31 at 6 p.m. Union. All majors Welcome. Know anyone with outstandmgoersonalstylel Nominate them for the CERTS COLLEGE STYLE AWARDS. Over $ 10,000 in cash awards. For more information, call 1 -800 332-4 CERTS._ DONUT STOP BAKERY Now open, 27th and O. All your favorite goodiesll AMATUER DANCE CONTEST $50.00 • 1st place: $25.00 - 2nd place Monday and Thursday nights at the Happy Hour Lounge. 17th A O Street Sign up by 10:30 pm. SUNDAY, APRIL 1 1100AM. EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE Sermon: "Our Irrepressible God Service of Holy Communion CORNERSTONE-UMHE 640 N. 16th St. ALL STUDENTS A STAFF WELCOME SUMMER SESSIONS EARLY REGISTER _MARCH 14-APRIL 1 HEY COUCH SLUGS! Don't sit around this Sunday Eric Rohmer's SUMMER is here April 3 at 3,5,7 and 9 pm At Sheldon Film Theatre Courtesy ot UPC i Foreign Film Series Chicano awareness days 1988 is coming April 8, 9, 10 Walch for further details in the Daily Nebraskan. ATTENTION AG COLLEGE SOPHOMORES Alpha Zeta Scholarship applications are due in 101 Ag Hall by 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 1 UPC Special Events! Meeting today — 3:30' Bring friends — it's "ClubCoca-Cola' timel And yes, we meet in the union. ATTENTION Ag Education Majors. Ad Ed. Ckib meeting Thursday, March 31 at 800pm East Union. STUDENT UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS Sunday, April 3rd, 6 p.m. Student Union. “Immortality'' and Easter Egg Dyeing led by Rob McEntarffer and Jennifer Brown Men s vintage overcoats and clothes, 25% oft. Great selection. Burlington Arcade, 210 N. 7th, Lincoln. Neb THURS. MAR. 31 900 PM HOLY WEEK SERVICE COMMUNION AND LITURGY OF TENEBRAE CORNERSTONE-UMHE 840 N 16th ALL STUDENTS A STAFF WELCOME PRE LAW WORKSHOP The annual Pre-Law Workshop will be held Thursday, March 31st from 100 PM to 300 PM in the Nebraska Union. Law Schools and the legal protession will be discussed. For more information contact Arts and Sci ences. 4/2-2691._ HOLY WEEK WORSHIP SERVICES at University Lutheian Chapel - 1510 Que Street Maunday Thursday 6pm and 8:30pm Good Friday 6pm - Holy Saturday 11:30pm EASTER SUNDAY 6am and 11 am Everyone • Welcomel Nominate your favorite T.A. for the College ot Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Assis tant Awardl Forms available in 1223 Oof at her Deadline: April 1, 1988. GIFTS, GIFTS, GIFTS Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) _476-0119 “What I Want To Be When I Grow Upl” Elementary Art Display Nebraska East Union 3rd Floor - Loft area March 29-April 4 Sponsored by UPC-East Visual Arts Committee GREEK AFFAIRS Alpha Gamma Sigma would like to congratulate the following people on their accomplishments: Dan Ludwig - Ag. Advisory Board President John Bergmever - Retiring ASUN Second Vice-President Kevin Lytle - New Mortar Board Member Darin Armstrong - Mortar Board Notable Senior Dennis Althouse - Accepted into the UNL Law School Congratulations to everyone. We are proud of youl -The Brothers of AGS Seniors, Spare the bad times, strike it rich, and bowl right into your future. _ Love, your Phi Mu Sisters Applications for Greek Yearhook editor in chief due today by 4:00. ‘ B.M.O.C. * BIG MAN ON CAMPUS Come to the Union April 4-8 to vote for your favorite stud. SAE Little Sisters Important meeting Thursday 6:15. Bring dues. STUDENT GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER ADVISORY BOARD STUDENTS INTERESTED IN THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY APPLY FOR THIS COMMITTEE INFORMAT ION AND APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE APRIL 12TH, 4:00 P.M. PERSONALS Satan, Have a really Happy real Birthday todayll! God CHILD CARE ~ COULD YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are youa loving, nurturing person who enjoys caring tor children? Live in lovely, suburban neighborhoods. en|oy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quarters and limited working hours. Your round-trip transportation is provided. One year commitment necessary. Call or write: Mrs. Fisch, Child Care Placement Service, Inc. (CCPS), 149 Buckmmister Road, Brookline, MA 02146. 1-800 338-1636. Wanted: Dependable person to babysit and do light housekeeping (or 4-6 hours on Saturdays. $4/hour. Call 467-5125 after 5:30 p.m. and ask for Jo. HELP WANTED $7.45/HOUR Summer jobe. Nebraska Company needs to supplement work force this summer in Omaha. Lincoln, Grand Island. Columbus, Norfok and Hastings. Scholarships avail able. 488-1227_ A&S STUDENT AO IVSERS Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Stu dent Adviser positions in 12230ldfather. Deadlines April 8._ AMIGOS REUMON CENTER OPEMNG SOON S3 75 to start (M-F day or closing shifts). Up to $4.25 after experience. Great work environment. 50% meal discount. Paid vacation. Flexible schedule. S.T.E.P. Tuition Reimbursed College Scholarshp Plan. Up to 40% college tuition reimbursement depending upon college, work availability A job tenure. Amigos, an expanding quality oriented mexican fast food cham, has excellent part-time A full-time job opportunities at it's newest location in Lincoln at The Reunion Center. If you are an aggressive customer oriented person A like to work at a fast intense pace, apply NOW at Amigo's, 1407 O Street. _ Area musicians seek additional members to form rock group. Need lead guitar, keyboards, drums. Call 467 2206 evenings. Assistant Manager Needed this summer in Nebraska. 488-122/ Barrymore's Is now hiring waitresses and kitchen help. Apply at 124 North 13th alley. CAP STUDENT STAFF Positions Available 1988-89 Academic Year The Campus Activities and Programs Office will hire students to fill these positons for the 1988-89 academe year: Activities Assistant Publications Assistant Graphics Assistant Programs Assistant Culture Center Aide I (4 positions) Culture Center Night Manager Work-study positions will also be available. (See Scholarship A Financial Aids) Applications and position descriptions will be available beginning Wednesday, March 30, 1988; deadline for completed applications, 5:00 p.m. Friday. April 15. For more information contact the CAP office, 200 Nebraska Union. 472-2454 or CAP-East office. 300 East Campus Union, 472-1780. An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. College student, preferably in agriculture for summer employment to scout oorn and so^ean fields. Will train. Must nave farm background and ability to run farm equioment. Contact Howard Letter, Route 1 Box 12, Fairmont NE 68354^402)268 (*6n_ COMPUTER ASSISTANT Arts and Sciences is seeking a student to be a Student Records Applications Programmer. Computer Science background required. Job description available in 1223 Oldfalher. Deadline: April 22, 1988 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS Now taking applications for Fall 1988positions as student consultants in our micro or mainframe computer labs. Experience in the following preferred. -Mainframe CDC/NVE. VAX/UNIX, IBM/CMS (SPSSX.SAS) -Micro: IBM-PC, Macintosh $4 00/hr 10-20 hrs/wk. at least Junior status. Apply at room 326 Administration, call 472-5879for more informa tion. DANCERS WANTED Topless or non-topless. Earn upto$10.0Q/hourpart-time Must be 16 or older. Call 474-6469 after 12.00 noon. Draftsman Parti ime draftsman position available for engineering student with drafting experience. Hours flexible But 15-2u hours weekly. Require 2-3 years remaining at college. Call 476-7545ask for Tom or Rob. Earn $50-100 per day marketingcredit cards to students on your campus. Work F/T or P/T. Call 1-800-932-0528. Full-time experience student for summer farm work and part-time fall. 789-5125 evening. FULL-TIME SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Painters, multi-crafted skilled trades, and custodial open ings available for the coming summer. Apply in person to 1100 Seaton Hall receptionist. HELPII Need to learn how to speak German. 483-0601 IMMEDIATE OPENING Part-time Billing Clerk: have own transportation, average 20-25 hours per week, good typist and computer experi ence. business major advantage; mornings or afternoons during school year. Summer approximated 30 hours (flexfcle). Salary: above minimum wage. 476-1608 Mr. Hamilton for appointment. Kirrfcall Hall House Managers (3 openings), for school year of '88/89 with possible extension. Requirements: applicant must be UNL student taking at least 7 credits (undergrad) or 5 credits (grad) with good knowledge of performing arts events and ability to deal with public golitely but firmly. Applications available at Kimball Hall ox Office, 113 Westbrook Music Bldg, between 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Deadline April 1, 1988. /*■."—" .. KING'S PALACE Lincoln's finest Chinese restaurant is opening soon and is accepting applications for ALL POSITIONS NOW! Please apply in person, Monday-Friday, 200-6:00 PM at 2130 So 17th (1 block south of South street). Major record label conducting interviews for college rep. position April 4th, 1 -3 p.m. ;f rosh and soph only must have car and insurance — 1-800-328-2997. _ Nanny for May, live-in. 5 and 6 year old boys for working parents. Lovely home, 25 minutes to NYC. Supportive family. Initiative, dependability, flexibility and some experience required. Must drive. 1-year commitment. Excellent salary. Call collect and talk to mom and current nanny after 5pm. (914) 834-6298 Needed dependable hard-working person for part-time position at 24 hour convenience store. Apply in person at 3000 Cornhusker. P.O. PEARS is not just a job, it is an adventurel Must be 21,322 So 9th. Part and full time help needed for cash grain farm near Lincoln. 665-2464 between 7-8 a.m. ano 6-9:30 p.m. Person, over 21, required for summer job on Newport Beach Horae Ranch in Southern California. Work with animals and live on ranch + salary. Veterinary or animal science student preferred; not required. Must love ani mals and country living. Please send resume and some information regarding your health and activities ASAP so that an interview can be scheduled. Travel costs will be provided. Contact: Barbara Adams, KK Ranch, 2242 Mesa Dr„ Newport Beach, CA 92660. Runza Drive-Inn 13th A E Belmont and 33rd and Pioneers is now hiring part-time day and evening counter and kitchen help. Ideal for students looking for summer employment. Excellent training program, room for ad vancement. Apply in person 2-5 pm to the manager. No phone calls please. Runza Drive-in Glass Mensgarie Is now hiring day positions Monday-Wednesday-Friday 11:00-2:00,11:00-5:00. Ideal for students with flexible , schedules. Apply in person to the manager 2-5 p.m. SEARS needs part-time auto dispatch clerks Variety of hours needed. Lfoeral company benefits included Apply Sears personnel. Monday 1000a.m. - 200p.m., Wednesday and Thursday 1200 - 400 p.m. Equal Opportunity Em ployer M/F. Secretary/Receptionist part-time property management firm iocated in downtown Lincoln has opening for em ployee who has strong interpersonal ana organizational skills. Schedule 25 hours per week (flexible). 475-6316. Summer employment opportunity. Major corn breeding company is looking for students to assist in various aspects of plant breeding. Prefer agriculture majors, ) however, all applications will be considered. 4.65/hour. Call for further information. 523-5215 business hours. 435-2549 evenings only. Part-time help until school is out and full-time for the summer on row crop farm 16milesfromLincoln. Must be experienced and references required. 7B9-5135. . \ | > Introducing Pickles’ “GOOD THINGS HAPPEN IN 3’s” SALE Now through Sunday. LP’s or cassettes, just $3.33 each. Hundreds of artists, thousands of titles...including these great titles from CBS. [ R KO SPK EDWAGON r-jrr nnnTin.,-1 You Can Tune A Piano... BOSTON But You Can't Tuna Kish ^ DONTLOOKBACK | WithThaChangSa/SIngfeM* Faalin Satialiad/A ManIIMmli Say You Lova M* Or S*y Good^gM la Ea*y/Party/Ua*d To Bad News I Slanttour Own Trad Agam/TIm* For Me To Fly [(.»: BILLY JOEL Life 1 ^'the stranger^ including Jual The Way You A/a Scan** From An Italian Raelaur am Mom Out I Anthony * Song) Only Tha Good Owttoung/Vianna MEAT LOAF Bat Out OF Hell BOZSCAGGS 1 SAX DEGREES i me lading ® It ■ Ov*r/Wh*l Can I Say/Georgia M Junto Straat/Lowdown/ Lido Shuttle I fSi ® l°verb°y m Tha KM Is Hot Ibnrta/TVjrn Ma Lonaa Always On My Mind BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN; THE WILD, THE INNOCENT & THE E STREET SHUFFLE include? flotafcU|Com«Out Tonight)/IncKtonlOn57thSUwri Krtly » B«ck; Wild My l C«(M Story a9a ~ 4th (X Juty A»tou»yP»MSandy! THE COSTELLO SHOW (faaAawa ll*» CattaNal KING OF AMERICA iMh) _ rSJ including .7 Don't Lai Ma Ba Miaundaiatood ! Biillianl Miataka/Lovabla/linia Palaca* Amancan Without taara — KhifA1_ Simon and Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled ■ Water ■ BILLY JOEl 152- STREET LlCmalm P.iiau H UvUvuL'Mi n Klip ll«t fl | I 17 & P-Downtown 237 S. 70 3814 Normal Blvd.