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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1988)
The Plump Tomato Pizza Co. is now hiring full and part-time help for our new store in the Reunion on campus. Apply in person at our Atrium store at 1200 N Street between 9-11 am or 2-4 pm on Wednes day, Thursday, or Friday. The YMCA is looking for volunteer youth socoer coaches. Contact 47fF9622 for more informa tion. The YMCA Youth Sports Department is in need of Soccer officials Games begin April 9 Saturdays a m. and p.m. If interested, please apply in person at the downtown Y, 1039 P Street. Wanted Full-time summer farm help. Close to Lincoln. 665-3641 evenings. Wanted: part-time in order department; 15-25 hours per week, reply to P.O. Box 80008, Lincoln, NE 68501 ROOMMATES 2 male roommates needed to share house for summer sessions or for permanent residence. 1 block from campus, reasonably priced. Call 474-7280 Female Roomate needed April 1 Own room and bath. Fireplaoe, pool and balcony. S220. Call Kristie evenings. 464-2828. Female roommate. S130/mo. + 13 utilities Heat paid. Call 477-4011. Female roommates wanted for large townhouse 6100 Vine Street. Si37 + S75 deposit, utilities. Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool. Call 467-5283. Roomates wanted. 19;h & B, S125. month. 476 2583 Two roommates 3181 "R“. Male/Femaie. Nonsmoker Smoker, Pets negotiable S110plus utilities (Waterand garbage are paid) 435-4294. ROOMS FOR RENT AFFORDABLE CO-ED SUMMER HOUSING Acacia Fraternity, 2255 Vine. Kitchen and Laundry Facilities, A/'C, Free Parking. $24.50 week Double. S38 week - Single. Call Monty a! 475-6259 or 475 2242. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE WB1E1S1T1DIE1F1T dent oJe t u i E N D O w|y A R D N_ E|¥ W HllU I_■ llj’UDSn j j SUDS;, J Bring in this coupon ■ : for one free wash! * | Good Sat. & Sun. J j April 2nd & 3rd 1 939 N. 27th j | (adjacent to Long John Silvers)! i 475-7837 f — — — — — —— — — I Coed Summer Housing 1235 N 16th. Double rooms under $30/week per person Great rooms. A/C, vending, and laundry facilities. Call 472-0589 or 472-1184. Adi for Kurt RohHs. HOUSES FOR RENT 2217 Dudley, 3 bedroom house, very nice, close to UNL, $335. Available immediately. 477-1886 or 474-4488 3020 "T" very nice, 4+ bedroom home, 2 baths, central air, parking, $625. 488-6738. 4-Bedroom House Close to campus, garage, parking and two full baths $550. 475-1579,488-0061. Furnished sublet faculty home in exoellent area. 4 bedrooms/3 baths. 483-0154,472-6299. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1742 K Street One bedroom. $200 + deposit. 435-7191 2 bedroom, 2 level, 1 1/2 bathrooms, dishwasher, air conditioning, washer and dryer in apartment, $325/ month. 1433 Rose Street. 477 8920 2222 & 2244 Vine New Management Extra large one and two bedrooms in UNL's backyard. Private balconies, walk-in closets, 1 3/4 baths. A must to see. 476-3403. Century Realty Commercial Department Incorporated 234 S 27th — 1 bedroom apartment; 2nd level, off-street parking, S225 plus electricity 483-4003. 2740 R - Nice'. 1 -bedroom apartment. Laundry, air, ga'age. No pots. $195 488-6738. 3443 “S" $260 Near Ag campus. 2 BR. no pets. Utilities and deposit extra. 423-6443 or 472-1723. _ _ 640 SOUTH 20TH Spacious 1-bedroom, new carpet, $285. 2-bedroom, $300 up. $25 for 3rd person. Pool. Summer leases. 475-7262. AVAILABLE SOON 2 bedroom in 4-plex. Appliances, new carpet fireplace, air,parking. Nopets. $320+. 1833Knox. 4/6-9050.435 7770. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Two bedroom, appliances, carpet, drapes, all electric, FREE CABLE, laundry, parking, no pets, $345 plus. 521 N 25th. 477-7684,435-7826. _ Coed summer housing at AGS Fraternity with 1-5 person rooms available. Rooms with AC and tenants have access to kitchen and laundry facilities. Call Jay at 464 0901 or 464-6891. NEAR CAMPUS Nearly new, 2 bedroom, from $335 a month 474-1064, 477-4434. One bedroom also available, $275. NEAR DOWNTOWN - ACROSS FROM GOVERNOR S MANSION NEWER BUILDING SUMMER LEASE * One Bedroom * Parking * Laundry Room * Security Lighting ‘ Central Air/Gas Heat S235rmo ♦ deposit and utilities. Utilities very reasonable Deposit is one month's rent which can be paid in 2 monthly installments Deposit by April 10th will hold unit until school is out in May. Call 488-6889. SUMMER CAMP JOBS IN MICHIGAN K — Counselors —Nurses —Cooks —Maintenance Lake of the Woods for Girls Greenwoods — For Boys Interviews On Campus Tuesday, April 5 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 225 Nebraska Union City Campus No appointment needed r^ulies Dancercise Studio Lincoln's professional aerobic dance studio" 2555 Comhusker Hwy. 464-1155 factory trained foreign ca, specialists SNeb,aska judson automotive This could happen to YOU Geoff MeMurtry applied at the DAILY NLBRASKAN as a shy, naive, young farm boy just out of high school. At the Daily Nebraskan, Geoff soon learned about alcohol, sleepless nights, STDs and organized crime. This summer, while your carefree friends are idly wasting their lives tanning and playing in the sutf, you could be snooping on people, learning about the private lives of people you used to read about, and gaining priceless career experience at the same time. In just a few short summer months you could learn what it’s like to look and act like Geoff and most of the other Daily Nebraskan staff members. Just apply for summer BEFORE I_I_«d AFTER positions between March 28 and April 1 and you too, like that super-hip chemical wasteland Geoff, could learn what it’s like to feel the staggering weight of your own fame. Appl icaiions for senior editors, reporters, artistsTphotographersHmc^op^ditor^Ireavailable^Hhe^ini^^eSras^* kan,34 Nebraska Union, and must be turned in by noon Friday, April 1. Sign up for interview time when returning ap | plication. (Applicants must be UNL students during either this semester, summer, or next fall.) UNL does not discrimi ^nateJrMtsacademic^^dmissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Em SINCE IKETUKHEP, D/E Hftr DM OOINO TO SAY SEEN THINKING OF US, QUICHE Egb JUST ONE WORP... ANP TP LIKE YOU TO CONStPER Bj J WANT YOU TO SAY THE A mVE NEW (EVEl OF COM- PPv ONE WOKP THAT FIRST MOMENT ANP EMOVONAL I _ TU? COMES TO YOUR MtNP. &&,*!** \f/0 REAPY..P uj * ' .eei&s&m I j J I s s t NEED TO SUBLET Two-bedroom apartment available weekend after finals week. Close to campus, AC. walk-in closet, tree cablel $325/mo. 521 No 25th. Call 475-4236 NYC Apt Available from May 20th for summer by Colum bia Univ Graduate student. A bargain at $290. Don Smith, 600 W 113th Street, Apt 11 D1.NYC, 10025. 212-864 7247. ___ One bedroom, new carpet, paint, AC. 27lhS W, $200/mo. 477-1961 _ _ Unfurnished 1 bedroom,basement. $195 +utilities. 1230 South 16th. Summer Lease. Available immediately, no children or pets. 488-6792 or 474-6603. LOST & FOUND LostatSt. PatsParty 1986girlsclassring. REWARD472 8050. HOMES FOR SALE WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? Great duplex close to campus. Rent out one side to make your payment. Call for more information, Kelly Kuhl, Austin Realty, 464-9201 (work), 423-7551 (home). WANTED Need a two bedroom apartment to sublet over summer (preferable furnished). Call evenings 477-1683 Wanted: yoim^bavel companion. Travel in Europe this ADOPTION ADOPTION Our arms wait for a baby to hug. our home waits for a child’s laughter. Let us give your baby all our love security and a bright future. Legal, confidential, expenses paid. Call Sue and Jay oollect 718-633-5105. ADOPTION Singer and Executive promise love, devotion and opportunities galore to a very special baby Expenses paid. Strictly legal. Call Cindy and John Call collect anytime 212-689 8414. ADOPTION: Loving couple married 12 years, desires to give newborn all the advantages of a loving home and family. All our home needs to make it complete is a very special baby. Time, love and dedication promised Please call Cathy and Len collect, anytime, 718 937 0862 I THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON & I o o o CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS I Medicinal plant 5 Psychic inits. 8 Yeolde gift 14 Self-reproach ful one 16 Roma, to Cato 17 Beguile 18 Rubinstein and Bruckner 19 “-was going to St. Ives” 20 Hesitating 22 A Ron in baseball 23 Region in Spain 25 Luges 26 Encountered 27 Fit of pique 29 Black bird 30 Baltic island 32 Map 34 Inclined 36 Rankle 39 Certain decrees 40 Bivouac 41 Lab tube 43 Condition, in Cannes 44 Grampus 15 Art 18 Dudgeon 19 A Yugoslav ► 1 Apiece i3 Where Lts. are made ►4 Cowpoke’s companion »6 Name mean ing ’’high” 7 Baseball pitch 9 Irrationality 1 Other: Comb, form 62 Shrink 63 Refuge 64 F rench connections 65 Broadhorns DOWN 1 Of a region 2 Parts of eyes 3 Choice 4 Poetic contraction 5 Lab heaters 6 Laic 7 Gift 8 Durations 9 Suspend 10 Famous Giant 11 Earnings from a sale n ■■ ■■ ■ i— 12 Me. symbol 13 This does it 15 Downy surface 21 March 15, in Italy 24 Wink 26 Sirenian seen off Fla. 28 Oates book 31 G.I. uniforms 33 French sculptor painter: 1887 1966 34 Ram 35 Made do, with “out” 36 Charge 37 Names 38 Dearth 41 Yield 42 "-tell a lie" 44 Hockey great 46 Comedian from Yonkers 47 "A ten scholar" 49 Billiard shot 50 Medricks 52 Intimates 53 Ciovt. safety agcy. 54 III. city 55 Soak flax 58 Actress Dolores Rio 60 A neighbor of Scorpio