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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1988)
Earn college credit over the summer months— take a Summer Reading Course A Attend the spring orientation meetings April 4-14. Discuss course selection with your advisor (some colleges place limitations on summer reading hours). <^X Registration begins Monday, April 18, from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Registration ends Friday, May 6, at 5:00 p.m. Special evening registration on Thursday, April 21, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Register at the: Division of Continuing Studies Room 271, Registration Office Nebraska Center for Continuing Education 33rd and Holdrege Streets The following courses are being offered this summer by the . Department of Evening Programs and Adult learning Services: Regular PassiNo Pass restrictions apply unless otherwise stated Course Cr. No. Sec. Title Hr. Instructor Day Date Time Room CLASSICS Thur April 7 4:00 And 11 180x 831 Classical Mythology 3crRinkevich Wed April 13 7:00 And 11 233x 831 Science in the Mon April 4 6:00 And 11 Classical World 3 cr Winter Mon April 11 4:00 And 11 ECONOMICS Tues April 5 6:00 CBA 232 307x 831 Principles of Insurance 3 cr Rejda Tues April 12 6:00 CBA 232 ENGLISH Wed April 6 6:00 And 26 205x 831 Modern Fiction 3 cr Miller Tues April 12 4:00 And 26 Tues April 5 4:00 And 26 205x 832 Modern Fiction 3 cr Schomburg Mon April 11 6:30 And 26 Mon April 4 4:00 And 26 211 Ax 831 Literature of the Plains 3 cr Nielsen Tues April 5 6:30 And 27 215Ex 831 Intro. Women's Thur April 7 7:00 And 26 Literature 3 cr Richards Wed April 13 4:00 And 26 220x 831 Introduction to Tues April 5 6:00 And 26 Linguistic Principles 3 cr Stoddard Wed April 6 7:00 And 27 Mon April 4 7:00 And 26 261 Ex 831 Amer. Literary Works 3 cr Beeman Tues April 12 7:00 And 26 HISTORY 100x 831 Western Civilization Mon April 4 6:00 OldH 106 to 1715 3 cr Sherwood Tues April 12 6:30 OldH 107 101x Western Civilization Thur April 7 4:00 OldH 107 since 1715 3 cr Sherwood Wed April 13 6:30 OldH 207 201 x 831 History of the U.S. Wed April 6 6:30 OldH 207 to 1877 3 cr Mackey Tues April 12 4:00 OldH 107 202x 831 History of the U.S. Tues April 5 6:30 OldH 309 since 1877 3 cr Mackey Wed April 13 4:00 OldH 107 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 484x 831 Problems in Middle Wed April 6 7:00 HE 25 and Later Years 3 cr Van Zandt Thur April 14 4:00 RLH 204 HUMAN NUTRITION & FOOD SERVICE MGT 453x 831 Cultural Aspects of Diet 3 cr Kies Interested students call 472-2444. Course Cr. No. Sec. Title Hr. Instructor Day Date Time Room POLITICAL SCIENCE Pass/No Pass not available for Political Science majors Wed April 6 6:00 Burn 208 198x 831 Politics & Literature 3 cr Dyer Thur April 7 4:00 OldH 107 225x 831 Nebraska Government Wed April 6 4:00 Burn 224 and Politics 3 cr Miewald Mon April 11 6:00 Burn 319 Tues April 5 6:00 OldH 106 398x 831 Women and Politics 3 cr Welch Tues April 12 6:00 OldH 205 398x 832 The 1988 Presidential Mon April 4 6:00 Burn 320 Election 3 cr Comer Mon April 11 4:00 OldH 303 Tues April 5 4:00 OldH 207 427x 831 American Presidency 3 cr Gruhl Wed April 13 6:30 Burn 120 PSYCHOLOGY 298x 831 Special Topics: P/N only Parapsychology 3 cr Jensen Wed April 6 4:00 Burn 120 A Skeptical Perspective Mon April 11 7:00 Burn 120 SOCIOLOGY 217x 831 Nationality and Mon April 4 4:00 OldH 106 Race Relations 3 cr Siegman Tues April 12 6:00 OldH 309 TEXTILES, DESIGN & CLOTHING 436x 831 Textile Issues for Mon April 4 4:00 HE 234 No P/N Interior Designers 3 cr Laughlin Tues April 5 4:00 HE 234 BUILDING ABBREVIATIONS And Andrews Hall Bum Burnett Hall CBA College of Business Administration HE Home Economics OldH Oldfat her Hall RLH Ruth Leverton Hall Late Registration Deadline: Friday, June 10 with written permission from the instructor and a $10 late registration fee. No registration will be possible after this date. Tuition: $50.00 per credit hour. Full payment of tuition is required at lime of registration. Itooks/Course Materials: Obtain all needed books and supplies in May. Bookstores will carry required materials under the Summer Reading Course number. Look for the SRC "x" designation. Refund Schedule: Full Refund — if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies before 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). 75% Refund — will be given if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies between June 9 - July 8, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). 50% Refund — will be given if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies between July 11-29, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). No Refund — there will be no refund if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies after Friday, July 29, 1988. Drops: A drop must be processed through the Division of Continuing Studies by July 29 if any refund is to be issued. A drop must be filed in person at, or by letter to, the: Division of Continuing Studies - Registration Office 271 Nebraska Center for Continuing Education 33rd and Holdrcgc Streets Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0900 Late Registration: Friday, June 10 with written permission from the instructor and a $10 late registration fee. No registration will be possible after this date. Tuition: $50.00 per credit hour. Full payment of tuition is required at lime of registration. Books/Course Materials: Obtain all needed books and supplies in May. Bookstores will carry required materials under the Summer Reading Course number. Look for the SRC "x" designation. Refund Schedule: Full Refund — if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies before 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). 75% Refund — will be given if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies between June 9 - July 8, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). 50% Refund — will be given if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies between July 11-29, 1988 ($10 Administrative Fee Charged). No Refund there Will be no refund if the Drop notification is filed in person or by letter at the Division of Continuing Studies after Friday, July 29, 1988. Drops: A drop must be processed through the Division of Continuing Studies y July 29 if any refund is to be issued. A drop must be filed in person at, or by letter to, the: Division of Continuing Studies - Registration Office 271 Nebraska Center for Continuing Education 33rd and Holdrege Streets Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0900 Department of Evening Programs and Adult Learning Services Division of Continuing Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Registration information: Division of Continuing Studies, 472-2175 Coordinator: Alicia Hahne Oestmann, 472-6265