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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1988)
rIron Mike’ Epperson pummels his way back from wrist surgery EPPERSON from Page 10 bone from his pelvis. “It takes months and months for the wrist to reestablish its blood sup ply, and that’s why he had to wear a cast for so long to protect it,” Clare said. He said Epperson s wrist will never be 100 percent healed. The fractured bone has not completely been filled in with new bone yet, Clare said, but it does have a common bond. Epperson said he wouldn’t have undergone the surgery if he would’ve known the extent of the injury. “Looking back, if I knew I was going to miss a ycar-and-a-half of gymnastics, I would’ve waited until after the 1988 Olympics to have the surgery,” Epperson said. ‘‘I really think the operation cost me a spot on the 88 Olympic team. “1 competed from December 1985 until April of 1986, and did pretty good,” he said. ‘‘Sure, the wrist hin dered me, I couldn’t work out as long and as hard on a couple of events, namely pommel horse and parallel bars, but I did pretty well.” Allen said he made Epperson do tedious jobs such as scrubbing mats and painting walls during his redshirt season so he still felt he was a part of the team. “I made him do everything around the gym,” Allen said. “I know it wasn’ta lot of fun for him, but I didn’t want to lose him. I wanted to make him feel like he still owed something to me and the University of Ne braska. Apparently it paid off, be cause all that stuff when added up helped him to come back.” Epperson said the hope of regain ing his gymnastic skills is what kept him from quitting last year. He said his most difficult moments were having to sit by and watch while Schlcsingcr and Davis had their best seasons. “It was difficult for me to just stand back and watch Tom and Kevin go great guns and finish 1-2 at the NCAA Championships,” he said. “They were my peers, they were the people I competed against and the three of us were very close competi tively. They really had a good year while I was off, But I had to accept that.” ‘The only thing I could do once I got back in the gym was keep trying. I would look at the other guys in the gym and say to myself, ‘One day I’m going to be able to do all those things they can do." —Epperson Epperson said when he came back, he had to regain his timing and rhythm because the year off had robbed him of those talents. Epperson said there were days when he would wake up wondering if he could handle the pain and the pressure of coming back. “The only thing I could do once I got back in the gym was keep trying,” Epperson said. “I would look at the other guys in the gym and say to myself, ‘One day I’m going to be able to do all those things they can do.’” Allen said Epperson got into shape in January, but still has prob lems on pommel horse and parallel bars because those events require strength and flexibility in the wrist. But despite the problems, Allen said, Epperson is beginning to con tribute. Epperson had his best meet of the season Feb. 13 at the UCLA Invi tational, where he averaged a 9.4 score in the six events he competed in. “Lately Mike has been one of the more consistent gymnast on the team,” Allen said. “Every week he is getting better and better.” Epperson said his immediate goals are to help Nebraska win a NCAA Championship and to beat some of his teammates. “Since I’ve been here at Nebraska every year we’ve come so close to winning the NCAAs,” Epperson said. “I think we have the best shot to win it this year. But I also want to beat the underclassmen on the team and then maybe some day Tom or Kevin.” Davis said he would love to get beat by Epperson someday. “I hope Mike beats me in the all around,” Davis said. “Mike is a tough guy and when he does finally beat me I’ll shake his hand because it takes a lot to come back like he has.” Epperson said his injury has taught him how hard gymnastics really is. “Before I hurt myself gymnastics was a God-given gift,” Epperson said. “But when I came back I had to learn almost everything all over again. I don’t plan on quitting after I’m done here. I still want to go to the Olympics whether it’s in 1988 or 1992. To me, there’s no difference.” Nebraskan Classified 472-2588 FOR SALE CIGARS FOR PINNING Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street NEW LOCATION _ 476-0119 CONDOMS ULTRA TMN« RIBBED Order 24hrs. a day 1 doz.$8.00 Orer 3 doz $24.00. get 1 doz. free. 12 doz. $60 00 Next day FREE SHIPPING in unmarked mailers. 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WeDeliverl NO COST ACNE CARE I H you are a student covered by insurance, you may have your acne treated at no oost - including medications. Family Dermatology, 483-7806. PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced. ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 TYPEWRITERS - WORDPROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES SERVICE BLOOMS 323 North 13th Si. 474-4136 TYPING & RESUMES executive RESUME CONSULTATIONS by Word Graphic Free Initial Consultation Suite 111. 1919 So 40th 480-WORD WORD GRAPI9C RESUMES ^ 6mNBmSBMHMi l ONION 8 AM -« PM. MONDA Y-f WDAV. J WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz, 475-2253 Dissertations, thesis, term papers Quality mrork. Reasonable prices. COPY SERvICE-roductions and enlargements. WORD GRAPHIC Fast Service on Word Processing Resumes. Reports, etc. 409-WORD__ PERFECTWORD TYPING SERVICE Reasonable rates—quality service. Call Connie at 466 8751 alter 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS VOICE Stream - Wupper - Showalter New approach for a troubled system Students for Senator Karnes meeting 7:30 union Tuesday. March 1 College Republican Election Tuesday, 7:00 in the Union. Student Education Association Members: Stop by the main bulletin board in Henzlik to nominate an Outstanding Teacher's College Educator. Nominations due, Tuesday, March 1. _____ STOP thinning hair. Doctor approved stops hair loss - makes hair thicker - fuller - grow faster I For men and women. Hair and Scalp Cline of Lincoln 466-8095. PHI CHI THETA Meeting ano Officer Installation, Tuesday, March 1, at 6.00 in the Union._ Yell Squad Spring Try-outs are ooming soon. Don't miss this opportunity to become a Yell Squad member. Those that are interested should attend the info, meeting Mon day, February 29, 3:30 p.m. at the coliseum. KLPAC Kimball Lied Performing Arts Committee meeting Tues day at 5:30 pm. Rcompostedl NEW MEMBER* WEL COME, exciting new project underwayl $50 $50 MONO Have you had mononucleosis within die last month? If so, your plasma could make a valuable contribution to research and earn you $50 at the same time. Additional details, call Karen Huffman at Lincoln ^Plasma Corp., 474-2335^^^^ The Publications Board will meet at 4 p.m., Tuesday in the Nebraska Union to select the 1988-89 Advertising Man ager and to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. Interested persons are invited to attend. STUDENTS FOR DUKAKIS Were bar*: Meeting Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., at Chester fields. Help elect rHE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESI Students for Hal Daub meeting Tuesday following College Republicans. DAILY NEBRASKAN CAMPUS NEWSPAPER THE PUBLICATIONS BOARD IS THE ADVISING BOARD FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THIS BOARD HIRES THE EDITORS AND ACTS AS THE PUBLISHERS FOR THE BOARD OF REGENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A COPY OF THE APPLICATION CONTACT STUDENT GOVERNMENT 115 NEBRASKA UNION Alcoholics Anonymous Campus Meeting Starts March 1st at 1 30. Check Union info desk for room number. ACTION Muy Irrportante meeting, Sunday. 4:30 p.m., Union. Mandatory for candidates, strongly encouraged for sup porters, open to everyone. Bring your checkbooks STING BREAK Tickets, air, hotel, plus more. 1 -800-678-0277 __ ACTION It's been a great week and let's celebrate. FAC, The Club Car, 3 p.m. Come join the funll MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 29 DIALOGUES IN CHRISTIAN FAITH “IS ABORTION JUST LEGALIZED MURDER?” 600-700 PM Abel/Sandoz - Sandoz Lounge Cat her/P ound/Neihardt - Gather TV Room Burr/Fedde/Love • Burr Pit Sponsors: Housing/Residential Education UMHE-Linooln FRESH TOBACCOS Cliff's Smoke Shop 140 No 12th Street (NEW LOCATION) _476-0119_ AMATEUR NIGHT $50.00 - 1st place: $25.00 - 2nd place Every Thursday night at the Happy Hour Lounge, 17th 4 O Street Sign up by 10:30 pm. ASUN Debate ACTION vs. VOICE Thursday. March 3 500 p.m. Eaet Campus Union Ag. Advisory Board UPC Sights & Sounds Mary Poppins March 5 at 1:00 p m. March 6 at 1.00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. East Campus Union Admission: UNL Student (ID) $1 Non UNL Student 0-13 yrs S1.25 1 o* t? 00 Sights & Sounds UPC CHANCELLOR S COMMSSON ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN is accepting applications to fill the following openings on the Commission beginning with the 1988-89 academic year: Administrative (1); East Campus Faculty (2); City Campus Faculty (1); B-Line Staff (1); C-Lme Staff (1); Graduate Students (2); Undergraduate Students (2). terms are tnree years lor faculty/staff and one year for students. Applications from women and men are welcome. To apply send a letter of interest and a one page summary of background information to Maureen Moeglm, 326 Admin.. 0496 Deadline is March 21.1988. The Commission will submit selecled names to the Chancellor for consideration. SKI VAIL7BEAVER CREEK!) I Lodging & Lift packages from $219/person Pool, hottub, fireplace, ski shuttle Call Sun n' Ski at 800-822-6755 today. Social questions, medical questions? For the answers attend the Symposium on AlOS in Nebraska Tuesday. March 1, from 3-5 in the Union. Government Ltason Committee Meeting March 1. 1988 6:15 p.m. Nebraska Union See you there!! ARTS A SCIENCES IN BUSINESS WORKSHOP AND PANEL DISCUSSION. Thursday. March 3rd. 3:30 m the Union. GREEK AFFAIRS Congratulations New AgMen Little Sister Actives Brenda L. Julie T. Patti M. Penny H. Mary R. Kristie B. Lisa S. Lori W Michele F. Joyce H. Jill W. Crystal P Chen V. Candy W. Kim M. Lynette S. Welcome Aboard I CONGRATULATIONS Eden Edwards on Chapter Consultant Love Your AOTT Sisters Congratulations Mitch (DUj and Jill (AOPi) on your pmnmg Roses are red. and so are you! The Men of Delta Upsilon Flying is just plane fun. Remember the wild blue yonder? It’s still there, waiting for you. Let us teach you to fly and experience all the freedom the sky has to offer. Get off the ground with flight instruction at Linaire. 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