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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1988)
V ■ W H Weather: Tuesday, partly sunny and A&E: Cure the Mid I H — ^ — . / _ H ^ mild, high of 55-60 with winds from the Week Blues—Page 6. ji ^HL I ^ImflHrf^lljh, ***** H SW at 10-20. Tuesday night, cloudy with ^Hk 1 Sm W Hi W WlJT B wm wB 20 percent chance of light rain or snow, Sports: G.L.O.W. | ^^^kl ■ W H Bl^k. H ■ low 30-35. Wednesday, colder, high of Wrestling to shine in |g ^HJ H »^^H H H H 35-40 with increasing cloudiness. Omaha—Page 8. * uoug uarron/uany NeorasKan Sen. Lorraine Langford of Kearney listens to discussion during an Appropria tions Committee hearing Monday. Legislative committee approves salary hike By Lee Rood Senior Reporter University of Nebraska faculty and non faculty employees got a boost Monday after the Legislature’s Appropriation’s Committee ap proved a $9.3 million increase in salaries. Along with the 8.1 percent increase in sala ries, senators approved $4 million to go toward basic and applied research at NU to attract federal and out-of-state business research dol lars. If approved by the Legislature, the lump sum for salaries would be divided by the NU Board of Regents between the University of Nc braska-Lincoln, the University of Nebraska at Omaha and the University of Nebraska Medi cal Center. Research dollars would be divided among three NU campuses by an advisory board in cluding representatives from the university and the Legislature, to be established upon ap proval of the senators. The committee made its decision to increase research and salary dollars assuming the possi bility of an additional 3 percent increase in NU tuition. The committee also approved $182,000 for faculty and non-faculty salaries at state colleges. Sen. Jerome Warner of Waverly, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, said he thinks the increases for NU and state colleges are likely to be approved by the Legislature, because they reflect “what education people in the state would like to see." Warner said the Legislature probably would not add an y more money than what the com m i t tee approved. “That’s all there is," he said. If the non-faculty NU pay increase is ap proved by the Legislature, student fees are estimated to increase next year from the pro posed $115.05 a semester to $121.29 per stu dent per semester. That 9.3 percent fee increase would provide for non-faculty salary increases of employees of the Nebraska unions and the University Health Center. Sens. Chris Abboud of Omaha and Scott Moore of Stromsburg voted against both the NU salary and research increases. The committee rejected a motion made by Abboud that would have reduced NU salary increases by $1.4 million dollars. Abboud said if the Legislature recommends how regents should divide salary increases, UNL would get a 13.6 percent increase, UNO would receive an 8.4 percent increase and UNMC would gel a 6.3 percent increase. Abboud said his reduction would have made NU’s faculty and non-faculty salaries compa rable with the 11.3 percent increase of state colleges. Abboud said he voted against the salary and research increases because the committee was raising the state budget by 7.5 percent Monday and that increase was too high for him to justify to constituents. The committee did not vote on all proposed additions to the state budget Monday, and made no recommendations for financing of the Ne braska College of Technical Agriculture at Curtis. ‘That’s all there is.’ —Warner The commiltcc will convene again today at noon to discuss other possible increases in the state budget. However, Abboud said the Curtis school is included in a priority bill to be voted on by the Legislature and the Appropriations Committee most likely will not act on it. The committee also voted to reduce the biennial state reserve from $70 million to $60 million, allowing for about $3 million per year in additional spending. The reduction from 3.5 percent to 3.3 per cent would allow $18.6 million to be trans ferred from the General Fund to the Cash Reserve Fund for a one-time appropriation covering the impacts of lost railroad valuation. Sen. Chambers to speak at Sandoz Hall lounge tonight • By Anne Mohri Senior Reporter 't> - Nebraska Sen. EmcslChambcrs of Omaha will present the urban politi cal black perspective tonight at the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln dur ing a panel discussion set up to show ethnic and cultural views, said Lisa Ramirez, Sandoz Hall student assis tant. She said the panel was designed to give residence hall students an appre ciation of people from diverse back grounds and to destroy myths about others. “Each panelist will give their remarks of how it was growing up as a diverse student,” Ramirez said. Ramirez and Mary Pat Mallam, another Sandoz student assistant, originated the panel, called “I am. We are.” The discussion will start at 7 p.m. in the main lounge of Sandoz Hall. Student assistants arc partly re sponsible for organizing programs for residence hall students, she said. Staff members are emphasizing self awareness and understanding other people, she said. Ramirez said Abel-Sandoz resi dents lend to come from similar so cio-cconomic and racial back grounds. “They don’t typically encounter people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds,” she said. Joining Chambers arc Vaughn Robertson, a counselor for Multi Cultural Affairs at the Student Cen ter, who will give the collegiate black perspective; Marty Ramirez, a psy chologist at the UNL Counseling Center, who will give the Chicano/ Mexican-American perspective; Kit Boesch, administrator of the Depart ment of Health and Human Services of Lancaster County, who will give the feminist perspective; Jill Light, president of Sellcck Hall, who will give the handicappcd/physically challenged perspective; and Linda Brown, aUnitarian minister, who will give the humanist perspective. Sunday atternoon liquor sales debated By Victoria Ayotte Staff Reporter Although 11 business officials * favored an aniendmcnlallowing beer and wine sales from noon to 11 p.m. on Sundays, 10 Lincolnites argued it would put money above principles. The amendment to the Lincoln Municipal Code drew a crowd of about 50 to Monday night’s City Council meeting. The amendment, proposed by councilwoman Jo Gutgsell, would allow liquor-by-thc-drink sales for six hours longer than the present ordinance. The present ordinance permits liquor-by-the-drink sales after 6 p.m. on Sundays. Ronn Sorensen, general manager of the Hilton Hotel, 141 N. 9th St., said the amendment is needed for Lincoln to compete with surrounding communities for tourism dollars. People from other states do not understand Lincoln’s liquor laws, and this creates a problem for the hotel, Sorensen said. Joyce Standley, manager of The Steakhouse restaurant, 3441 Adams St., said her restaurant loses custom ers to restaurants and bars in sur rounding communities that can serve liquor on Sunday afternoons. Standley said people go to the horse races at the state fairgrounds and drink, but go to her restaurant and are not permitted to. “We arc just making Lincoln a more vital, active community (by allowing increased liquor sales),” Standley said. Pat Egan, chairman of the Persh ing Auditorium Advisory Board, said Pershing loses a number of events because it is not able to serve beer on Sundays. Lincoln should at least conform to the state law, he said. But Lincolnites not representing the business community said extend ing Sunday hours would just add another day that citizens must worry about drunk drivers. James Hamilton, executive direc tor of the Nebraska Council on Alco hol and Drug Education, said he thinks the amendment goes against the wishes of most Lincolnites. “It would be placing money over principles,” he said. Hamilton said the increased sale hours would convey an alcohol use message to the youth of Lincoln. Jim Downing, a member of Moth ers Against Drunk Driving, said busi ness people favor the amendment, while individuals oppose it. “Those in support want to make a buck,” he said. David Ford, of Lincoln, said he opposes the amendment because Lincoln citizens need one day a week that they don’t have to worry about drunk drivers. “The small amount of time we have in that atmosphere, we need,” he said. The city council is expected to vote on the amendment in two weeks.