Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1987)
IKFC is now accepting applications for day and evening positions Apply at any of our live Lincoln locations. TEMPORARY POSITIONS for Animal Lovers neDendable and enthusiastic phone operators needed for Capitol Humane Society phone-a-thon Help a worthy rause and earn extra income during the month of Remember Mon.-Sat., 8:00-2:30 or 4:00-9:00. 474-6076. WANTED — Live-in attendant for handicapped $550 a month free room and board Experience in nurses aid required Call 466-2126, ask for Paul _ PRAIRIE LIFE CENTER Now accepting applications for part-time employment Afternoon and evening hours available Apply in person — no phone calls. 1305 S. 70th_ MICROCOMPUTER ASSISTANT Assist faclty/staff/students with microcomputer prob lems Gam experience with new computer software and hateware A minimum GPA of 3 0 and experience with IBM PC software is required Salary starts at $4 25/hr and 20 hrs /week Apply at 326 Administration during business hours or call Paul Menter at 472-5761 for more information_ WANTED TEMPORARY part-time people to conduct market research by phone. Morning and afternoon hours available No experience required $4/hour paid weekly 2930 N 33rd 467^5433 Ask for Byron EOE NEED CASH? We ve raised our rates and donating plasma is an ] easy way to earn money while you study We re conveniently located downtown next to Ted & ! Wally's New plasma donors this ad is worth $15 on | your first visit i 1 LINCOLN PLASMA 126 North 14th Street Suite H2 inn 474-2335 2 hours free parking — Park n Shop WANTED AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets, Western Extra. Northwest Bumps, etc Up to $350 each 800-255-4060 STUDENT GOVT. ASUN - STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION THE COMMISSION WILL BE APPOINTING A STUDENT-AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE. DUTIES WILL INCLUDE ESTABLISHING THE RULES. CONDUCTING THE ELECTIONS AND ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE — SEPTEMBER 30TH ANNOUNCEMENTS f ★ UPC — Special Events Meeting today 3 30 in Union — room is posted CSN 1 looking great' Get ready for the UPC RAP' MEN S VOLLEYBALL Practice Mon & Thurs 3 30-5 30, Mable Lee Hall 313 Everyone welcome1 Into, 435-3859. ATTN. CBA STUDENTS Applications lor student advisory board are available in CBA 240 They are due Fri. Oct 2 Get yours while the getting s good TEACHERS COLLEGE Advisory Board members, first meeting will be Tuesday. Sept 29 at 5 30 in Room 116 HeiulikHall A lot is planned so please attend_ ★ ★ WANTED: TALENT Audition lor Homecoming Talent Show Applications tound at Nebraska Union, Room 200, due Oct 5 NHRRFert Make a difference Come to TGIF III Fri 3 00-whenever Haymarket I II be there __ _Joe B UNL AGRONOMY Club. Sept 24 7 00 p m Room 275 Plant Science i— FRAMING STUOIO 10 u ofl framing and dry mounting thru Sept 20)9 Garfield 2 blks South of A STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVITIES FESTIVAL i booth registration forms are due in the CAP office i200 NU)byFri at 5 00 If you have questions about I the festival just stop by A gift certificate wil be given to the organization with the best booth AFRICAN PEOPLE S Umon/Black Student Government meets every Monday at 7 PM in the Culture Center Cont Room ★ TONIGHT UPC TALKS A TOPICS PRESENTS Wisconsin s HI College Placement Director DAVE swanson How to get the job you want and i possibilities and market holds7 Find some answers i 7 30 p m Union Ballroom 14th & R Student ID or , $]00 i-n FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE Call Ron at 438 1112 (Freshmen & Sophomores only) LOVE LIBRARY Orientation tours Check library daily toi scheduled times EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTOR TRAINING WORKSHOP Set.-Sun. Sept. 26, 27th, call lor Info. BODY FLEX 476-1492 __1316 N SI. Come FINGER the PRINTS af the lazer photo sale at the cily union all week LETS GO skiing over Christmas Break" Sunchase lour s Sixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to vail Beaver Creek Steamboat. Bieckenndge and Winter fail, lor five or seven nights including lifts7parlies/ picnic/taces and more from only $154' Optional round |"pau and charter bus transportation available Call toll tiee tor your complete color ski bieak brochure. I 800 321 5911. T00AY" fun and Fioluk FirmHouM Lillie Sl»t#r Ruth Coming Soon CUNCHAIULAIIONS TO the new Towne Club pledges Anuie B Lisa 0 Michelle D . Shanna F Jenny G . Janeen H Kan K Michele S Andrea V , Michelle J Angie K . Libby M Josey 0 GLSA MEETING !K&nS» mhSy" mm ★ ★ NEBRASKA WRESTLING SPIRIT LEADERS ions ot fun! No experience necessary — just interest! __Come [oln the Junl - , BICYCLIST The Cornhuskei B|cyc|ing Club will meet this Thursday at 8J^£e»el'nfl Bike Shop, 427 S 13th St Election Stk ftirS ?■ 1987 88 Agenda, etc Yearly dues $25 call 475-0204 for more info. ★ ★ NEBRAKA WRESTLING SPIRIT LEADERS Orientation Meeting Meet at Bob Devaney Sports Center Press room, 8:00 PM, ihurs , Sept 24 Will outline groups activities For information, call Naomi 472-8700 or Michelle 476-1350 Come join the funl ATT ENTION Major Concerts Presentations TeanTfhere will be an important meeting Thurs, Sept 24, at 6:30 in tne Nebr Union — room will be posted Any new members welcome UNL BOXING CLUB The UNL Boxing Club is looking for new members' NO experience is needed, just a desire to learn how to box Practices are Mon -Thurs at 5 PM in the basement of Schramm Slop by if interested ATTENTION Major Conceits Presentations Team There will be an important meeting Thurs. Sept 24 at 6 30 in the Nebr Union — room will be posted Any new members welcome FAITH/INQUIRY GROUP Thurs Sept 24 4 30-6 00 PM C0RNERST0NE-UMHE 650 N 16th St Inquire into Christian perspectives on current issues of faith and life THIS WEEK "INTERPRETING THE SCRIPTURES All UNL Student & Staff welcome Sandwich Supper — S1 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Monday Noon September 28 East Campus Union ' "Aims vs. Actualities: Values in Higher Education" Dr, James Griesen UNL Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Brown Bag or Tray Lunch 11:30 AM Program Noon Faculty/Staff/Grad Students _All Welcome_ SAE LITTLE SISTERS Graffiti party tonight at Hidden Valley. Pictures have been postponed Bring dues.*-___ PRE-LAW CLUB Meeting Wed.. Sept 3Cth in Union Ernie Chambers will speak. Everyone welcome!___ MANAGERS MEETING Men's and Women's Flag Football and Co-Rec Soccer Managers meetma will be held Thurs . 9-24, at6 PM in the Nebraska Union Room wiJl be posted. Inquiries472-3467 Say NO to Bork U S. Senators phone Karnes 437-5246. Exon 471-5591 Practice Contraception Conscientiously Just say yes to caring Talk with people. Believe in stuff.__ STUDY THE WORLD — Join a travel/study tour during semester break Offered for credit or noncredit. For details call 472-3264 or stop by Flights & Study Tours, 1237 R Street__ You re always welcome to worship at ULC1 Please join us this Sunday at 9 or 11 a m UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL at the corner of 16th & Q St (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) AXiD CLASSIC October 4 _ You want action? You want thrills? SEE CASINO ROY ALE - COMING SOON1 ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION meeting Thursday, Sept ember 24 at 3:30 p m.. Union All welcome Social on September 25 Come to the meeting for details ★ FH Little Sister Rush — Look for it! bloom county_ HELP 'I..I HOP SAY... SORRY. NO imp REFRESHMENT' vyoulp YOU. YJOULP YOU. I.1~ HEY ' BY CHANCE. BY CHANCE. THERE'S WNE A COLP HAVE SOME0OPY ' UMONAPE 7 K80MIU.I0N "rkk \ _ 1 ROCKIN’ JV * , ROBERT * ^ JV. D. J. EXTRAORDINAIRE ROCK & ROLL 50’s, 60’s & 70’s $200.00 Weddings, Parties or For Any Reason What So Ever Albums, 4S's, & Compact Disc CALL Robert or Rebecca 1 (Answer Machine On Duty) (402) 489-8994 _ __ Positively Absolutely . . . .'The Coldest Beer" in town It's back, by popular demand! CORONA BORA rm 6 pk.* i BUSCH Natural Light, warm case.*6.79 | HAMMS m. m,.*5.99 Southern Comfort 750 ml.*5.99 Bacardi Rum uter.*6.99 Dekuyper Peachtree Schnapps 1.75'9.99 The Boom Broa. Riunite mag, 1.5.'4.69 I ... and much, much more through 9-30-87 Just North of 27th & Vine 477-7516 _by Berke Breathed TRY THAT oh mr me you think SORRY MLL YOU OOT RRO0LeM9, no i mom Meemo john 1 CONNALLY. i Feet much eemR i 'food EAST CAMPUS £ BROWN BAG LUNCH & DISCUSSION A PROGRAM FOR FACULTY, STAFF & GRAD STUDENTS ! MONDAY NOONS EAST CAMPUS UNION Room Posted September 28/October 26/November 23 September 28 'Aims vs. Actualities: VALUES IN HIGHER EDUCATION" DR JAMES GRIESEN, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs October 26 Aims vs Actualities: VALUES IN CAMPUS MINISTRY" REV. LARRY DOERR, United Ministries in Higher Education-Lincoln November 23 "Can Church and University be Partners in Values?" PANEL OF CAMPUS MINISTRY & UNIVERSITY PERSONS Sponsored by United Ministries in Higher Education-Lincoln, ^^^^^S^ark^rTTh^ampus/Episcopa^jtherar^enter/UNL^^ Price Saver Cookies * tal. — teaa^ S9 MGA VIDEO $199|C.r; Q /$|;00 ■ ... 1 ..- -. I ‘ J m _■ * NEW RELEASES * MACHINE RENTALS $4.00 * ADULT TITLES * Crocodile Dundee, Three Amigos, Over the Top, Nightmare on Elm St., Critical Condition, American Tail, Light of Day, Blind Date, Burglar, _Mannequin, Hoosiers_ —F^"^-^-1 «SP*V Cut Green Beans, Peas, *3 (I (I C I Corn , Creamed Corn i6oz. W FORVV I Limit 1 PEPSI, MT. DEW, & SLICE 2 Liter expire* 9-29 87 without coupon __ Limit 1 Ajax Liquid Laundry Detergent 49* expire* 9-29-87 without coupon 99*