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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1987)
Husker’s college career gleams of bronze gold By Lori Griffin Staff Reporter_ II is S2 d that gold is belter than bronze. But Nebraska pitcher Lori< Sippcl has the best of both worlds. Sippel, a senior from Stratford, Ontario, has spiced her college career by receiving both gold and bronze medals in international softball com petition. She earned a bronze medal while competing for Canada in the 1987 Pan American Games in Indian apolis and earned a gold medal while she was a member of the 1983 Cana dian team that participated in the Pan American Games in Caracas, Vene zuela. Sippcl said the conditions in Cara cas were different than those in Indi anapolis. She said the athletes’ village in Caracas wasn’t completed; it lacked shower curtains and running water. The rooms were also overcrowded and mediocre, Sippel said. She said security in Caracas was tight because political wars were developing. She said it wasn’t uncom mon to sec a 12-ycar-old child carry ing a gun. “There were police and people all over,” Sippel said. “You just didn’t feel safe.” Sippel said her safety wasn’t threatened in Indianapolis. “The environment was nice,” she said. The Canadian team was unable to retain the Pan American title it earned in 1983 because it was a young team, Sippcl said. Fivemembcrsof the 1983 team competed for the 1987 squad that finished 7-3, including a 1-3 mark in games which Sippel pitched. “The (1983) team didn’t want to win as much and that harmed us,” Sippcl said. “I was disappointed be cause we didn’t play as well as we could have. “But I’m pleased to have a bronze.” Sippel said she was pleased with her performance in the 1987 Pan American Games. She pitched a one hitter to defeat El Salvador 7-0, and lost 1-0 and 5-4 decisions to the United States and Puerto Rico. Sippcl said that stepping up to the medal stage at the Pan American Games was* the fondest memory soft ball has provided her. “It’s a wonderful feeling,” Sippel said. “I have never been so high at any one moment in my life.” Sippcl said she would like to win her second gold medal during her final season at Nebraska by winning the College World Scries. Nebraska softball coach Ron Wolforth said he would like Sippel to have a year that she deserves. “Lori, along with (fellow pitcher) Donna Dcardorff, brought the Univer sity of Nebraska to national promi nence,” Wolforth said. 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City Campus_ FARM HELP wanted toi fall harvest Afternoons even imi)s. and weekends expenence necessaiy 786 7257 WANTED BARTENDERS a ml waitresses good starting pay m high energy club 464 1482, part time and fufl time CHESTERFIELDS Now hmng part-time day bioilei and pantiy positions Ajijjly in person or call for interview 245 N 13th 475 PART- TIME HELP, in wood working shop Must have expenence. or classes in wood working Also yard help to woik all day Mon and Fn Constitution and rough caipentiy expenence helpful Need immediately Apply Lincoln Lumbei Co 932 N 23id INTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED The Intramural Program is in need ot UNL students to officiate in its soccer proai am No previous experience is required although it is helpful Games aie played Sunday through Thursday Stalling minimum wage »3 65/houi DANCERS WANTED lop pay Call alter 12 noon Must he 18 oi over 474 6469 Happy Hour Lounge, 1705 0 St PART IIMl UNDERGROUND sprinkler installers and pointers No expenence necessary work around school Schedule $4 50 hr 466 0894 FOOD SERVICE WORKER Part-time Evening shift $4 49 hourly Contact Lancaster Manor, 471-7101 tor additional information and appoint ment EOE/AA __ _ CUSTODIAL HELP NEEDED Supplement youi income Part-time early or late evening hours Work a little oi a lot Reliable hard-working men and women needed Musi be a minimum ot 16 years of age Schroeder Building Services. 4033 Progressive Ave 464 8308 Apply between 9am and 4 30 p m DATA EDIT UI’E HA TORS. 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