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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1987)
_ _Classified 472-2588_ Is God s Word your meat? INTERVARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP'S FALL CONFERENCE Will help you really chew It tor the sake of your life. Details, call Mark Harrington 464 5939 ROOMMATES M/F ROOMMATE $95 plus utilities. Own room 2839 R 475-2179 NON-SMOKING FEMALE to share house — own room -furnished. $120/mo plus utuilties 1420 S 7th Phone 474 0884 alter 8 PM ROOMMATE WANTED — Female, non-smoking, upper classmen — close to campus — $175 plus low utilities 474-5666, afternoons 3855 HOLDREGE 2-bedroom garden level apt Very nice with new pamt Free cable and free laundry Call for apointment, 464-5348 SINGLE FEMALE to rent large room in 3 bedroom house S100/mo includes furniture, appliances and utilities In exchange for light house keeping 489-4429 URGENT!! Need 1 or 2 roommates Prefer female Very nice 2 bedroom neai campus 1 person — $142 50.2 persons — $95 00 Call Clay 475-1396, please leave message PERSOIVALS Phil (Chuck), That was mighty big of ya Friday nite — Let s do it again sometime or at tnis point we don't know Same attire7 Good luck on your exams __U-know-who-lhis-is Bradley Paul, Thank you tor 23 wonderful months and congrats on all your A s You re the best and I love you the most 'K S.H. LORI, I'm a firefighter from Omaha who passed up a golden opportunity We met at FARMAID, but I missed you at the Haymarket I would really like the chance to get to know you better CHRIS can on-tow_ ^ _ Mike (Schramm 5 alum) It was fun seeing you at the Haymarket Thursday night Would like to know it you are interested in reminiscing Do you believe it's been live years!’ Give me a call!' _ _Carol (Pizza) Schramm 9 alum Kinaer That ring is not gojng to stop us from trying » Charolette _Kim P PGM (Beta Sig) Have fun on your Little trip11 hope you find some neat stuff Cmdi (Kappa Delta) FM Wannabe, Check yes tor both the boatnde and trial and error Looking forward to Friday night immensely Are you ready to bon around the fire’ FW i_,_ Girl in Silver Buick. (10 50 Tues ) You can have my parking stall anytime1 Are you available’ Blonde in blue truck Respond via personals I . WHO HAD the best ATO Coaches’ G-Phis did1" thanks for everything Mike and Scott1 We love you1 I Call us for post-season part details' G-Phi Pledges * - - - - - ■ ■ -- ■ Susan, Dare to be dangerous? _Jon Coca-Cola, My son, are you going to church? J.F.K., Theta Chi Kart and Janine, (Gamma Phi Beta), GET READY for "Lay in the Hay 87" It's going to be a great time!!! __J. and J. (Theta Chi) Scott, Happy 19th Birthday sweetie11 You re the GREATEST! •___Love ya, Kristin Theta Squeeks: The Moles are watching! Beware of P Patrol!!! Signed, The few, the proud THE MOLES Michelle D (TC) Campout will be the night you find out who your big sis is. "services ~~ SINGLE A PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential information call Nebraska Children s Home 483 7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hmz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses, Term Papers, Etc. Quality Work, Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE Reductions and Enlargements TYPING/WORD PROCESSING Computer Type and Services 1630 Que St__476-8973 PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 ★ RESUMES BY ANN We know what personnel directors look (or in resumes Start your career with a professional resume — one that gets noticed in a stack of 50! Affordable fees, quality profiles. 464-0775. RESUMES Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax, Monday through Thursday Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union 8:00 a m -5:00 p.m.__. PDQ TYPING PERIOD Free campus delivery evenings Try us first 423-7241 MISCELLANEOUS LPD NOTICE of sale of unclaimed bicycles only 6 00 pm, Oct 1, 410 W P St (Lincolnland Towing) By the Property Division No checks accepted LOST & FOUND LOST Blue Liz Claiborne purse at Devaney Track Wed Sept 16 PLEASE return Thank you (435-6581). GREEK AFFAIRS BI°1E1R1P O G R E |B I ££££££ D E S £ £ T_ PMBRr i jo ££££ E £ R A K EgT UlTIEMBByl M£££J1£ S N ££££ PtD£V_L £ ££M E £ ALL TMB P I E tBl s[ A|D|eBe UMAiMKABtS Aa the coHrwrs or hoae without the rurvATrvts \THE fej Verandas I Racte* in south *«• stout, uhcoeh, he mat* ui ■ ■■ ■ .III ATO LITTLE SISTERS Toga party, Thurs., 8:30 PM — BYOS ATO Softball Studs: You Rocked, You Rolled! Congrats on placing 3rd Pi Love, The Actives To Mitch and Brandon, our ATO softball coaches— You looked g-eat wet — Thanks for being such terrific coaches. . Love, The APhi Pledges CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTA AND STEPH on being Homecoming finalists! Love, Your AXiO Sisters DIANNE A. (ADPI)— Good luck on your Derby Days Queen interview1 _Pi Love, Your Sisters " CONGRATULATIONS BRIAN H (FH) and Beth P (KKG) on your pinning — the best of luck in the future! The Men of FH ALPHA GAMMA SIGMA LITTLE SISTER RUSH California Dreamin' Party Rushees — remember pick up time is 6:45! __ ACTIVES meet ai AGS at 6:15!_ GRETCHEN B. (ADPI) Congratulations on making Greek Yearbook staff! _Pi Love — Your Sisters Theta Pledget: Congrats on winning Derby Daze Volleyball Tourney!! You guys are the bestr __Love, Theta Actives G-Phi Pledges, Good job in ATO sottball! Congratulations on being runner up! _Love, Gamma Phi Actives CONGRATULATIONS TO the PHI-maminai pledge class officers of PHI MU Co. Presidents: Kim 8, Holly E; Sec./Treas Susan P; Panhell Rep : Kaleen T.; Historian Sue Ann S.; Social Chair Melissa G __ Lambda Chi’s— It was great dipping ice cream with you! The Women of Alpha Oelta Pi Second Wind Vintage Clothing & Collectables 718 0 St. W-Sun 11 AM-6 PM Our Boutique is overflowing with favorite fashions from yesteryear S_4 t I SIGMA CHI DERBY DAZE ) / Thursday, September 24th \ I The Men of Sigma Chi would like to wish the best of luck to all l( I' the contestants in the queen contest. 1) / Axn. —Sheila Tallmin T4>B —Kristen Sittler \\ Vl AAff—Dianne Althoouse KA0-Jean Pane // ( AOir —Kerry Korff KA — Anne Eickler \) ]• A<P -Kim Kinze kkr —Susanne Williams 11 i Xn —Regena Jenkens $ri -Jolene Kurta l) j1 AAA -Keely Weiman fTB4 -Jamie Schott l( ( —Debbie Pfeifer 1) ! Kick-off Party—9:00 p.m.—1:00 a.m. at Sweet Left Lounge. I\ Everyone is welcome. I.D.s are required. I) | JJveBand ^SIRHJS _ _ _ THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Listen. I’ve tried to communicate with him, but he's like a broken record: ‘None of your bee's wax, none of your bee’s wax.'" NEED CASH? \^if0WS/z ^ V/ / Downtown Highest S paid for used records, cassettes and compact discs' 217 No. 11th__477-6061 ^^^gXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxXXxxxxXxXxXxXxXxr^ ZmJS Want To Have Some Dirty Fun? Sj fiiSSm All-University gjj I Mud Tug *87 ‘ | jj,1 Oct. 4 at 1 pm, East of Six-person Men, Women, and Co-ed teams. r>i fj Abel-Sandoz near the $25 registration. All proceeds benefit rji 7JJ1 baseball fields on Vine St. the National Arthritis Foundation. rji Sponsored by wj For more info call 474-9285 & register today! j^Fgmhouy CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Shoo! 5 Dressed for the choir 19 Vehicle for James Gamer 14 Musical gp. 15 Cognizant 19“-Named Sue” 17 Observe 18 Sturdy fabric 19 Producer Ivan 29 Beachwear for Queen Elizabeth 23 Elevator man 24 Neighbor of Bahrain 25 Famous middle man of baseball 28 First appearance 31 Kyle of football 32 Spain and Portugal 34 -Boot,” 1981 film 37 Note pad for Princess Anne 49 Item in Palmer’s pocket 41 Colored, as cheeks 42 Fields, to Agrippa 43 Gone up 44 Whistle sound 45 Gift for a barbecuer 48 Without any changes 50 Weatherstrip ping, at Buckingham Palace 57 Grayish-brown horses 58 Video’s complement 50 Bit M Move cautiously •1 Preamble word •2 Pie plates •3 Quitclaim •4”-Call You Sweetheart” •5 Cinch DOWN 1 Pearl Buck book 2 Boast 3 It’s after the prologue 4“-See of You” 5 Spokes 9 Gary or Buck 7 Child cowboy’s cry 8 Author Ambler 9 Many a deejay’s disk It Rat-a 11 In the area 12 “-Rae,” Field film 13 Bandleader Kay 21 Atlas ref. 22 Avian delicacy 25 Whilom 2t "Una-poco fa” 27 Being, to Bardot 28 Condescend 2t River of Northern Ireland 30 J.R.’s home town 32 Natives of SE Nigeria 33 Melancholy 34 Italian magistrate of yore 35 Bit of suburbia 34 Part of a revue 38 Fetch 39 Some court cases 43 Awakened 44 Sesame 45 Extra 44 Nice Nellie 47 Extent 48 Established principle 49 Tea cake 51 Carry 52 Air 53 Revise for publication 54 “-What Comes Natur’lly” 55 Vulcan’s workshop 54 Scrape roughly ... - '.