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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1971)
MONDAY. JUNE 7, 1971 SUMMER NEBRASKAN PAGE 2 P St it Summer Sessions Are Full of Activities Calendar of Activities Sheldon Sculpture Garden JUNE SUNDAY I MONDAY I TUESDAY WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY I FRIDAY I SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Uf nrral ReriMration for G Registration for sessions and interst-ssion session and intersesMOns tNV, iNUi Last iay for graduate and ui.k-rgi;du.tes to register 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Clasaie hrgm Organ and Percussion Con- Summer Film Series Final ri.,te for add or sec- Fngtish Conference ... f cert Whos Aliaid ol Virginia town changes Speakers: John S. Sinv r,Jon P ' Jenasn-Organirt w..lf mans M,ddle ,Srtiool reg.Hr.itiom en Walker-Percut- ? ' pm. NU Englh In a World of sionist I 00 p m. (KRHt Science-(nan (fiction Stephen Dunning High School English in a World of Science -inontfiction" VM am 3 JO p.m. UHS) 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 All-Slate Registration Ftn:.l dale for: H submit- Alfred HiirHiwk Film Ft Alnum-li mors llouniftatne Summer Film Series "mV'I ?mrKHiii IS M)-V :MJ p.m. WMB) line drops,; (2l filing P lival "I ConfesV S;iket )r IJ;in D.wies "Up the Down Staircase" T r,;rii;u! f onft-rwwL- plK.-.iKim. for degrees or J iw pm ' Ac--..urit;.h,im Kid 7 00 pm WVi w 11 rT Siier dT ferr"" to 00n" r,r spurs ofsnokane" nSs'Sl'Tl t.. NU Phi Delta Kappa Picnic jrnrT'r Folk Oanrers tmhiln Th(n lnriwon 4 30 p.m. VJj t , 11 ,:' EJerlronic Musir and tfn "m ' ST-JS lr;,n CiMitiM Moot? Stnthe;i7er Final d;ile fni ill -.rv.-nt-l KK"' turn'-. (2, riling anna for 1 Dllcm'. 1 nj .I , oi.-ti -i.j'tw fot ;nHjiyvd r.l,i!l.Hld tk'l'PCP'. J tn pm iKIiHi Diiiliipur fimoprt lYo Arte n-.uh nut., 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Formal Concert litorue Concert JJi.-.totut. conifrt 'i i-imlmfl Tl'1,. J.umc1w.n t.r M.wtn tiuw-r Or Marion Broer Pro Arte ieuartet Cr. Arte ieuartet IT. Ailr 4u.irU't 1 1 i-i .hi, NI.( .:k.(itrim'i.itj' mi "Seminar m Advanced J4 A. IJCMii wi pjn. (IIS&SI I it pm. imu Ml M.,i,. ,ulil.. Coin. Kjneuolw-; "fSf Ah-rr.1 H, Film .( C 1 'Mwnt- l&ST&T tokr- All Stale Music SUideut Ui th- 1.irK-f f ni jNCj All-Stale Muf.w SUident 3:.K p.m. HvRH) J!' !:,vl , , All Sl.,1t. Mumk: Slud(nl Thi Delta K;tppa Lxincheon wr 'f"?'! " Awn Nrmuful lrlure- TfKtSiooknicn't. i 'kiuh1 ' 3 .tii KKH) tdiip Sjieaker; Dr. James - . " ,J . FIHefrwi ISMl-tW m -4-C 11 m tfNU . HWia-ni 2 (Hi ip in NU "Amerira Future in , 1 , Space" 11 tHi iioan iNl'i 27 28 29 30 All-Stale Cboim St Orctai- All Slide Rand ronoert Alfwd Mitcheoi Film l'i Ttwta UftMicon tra Concert 7 W p.m (KliHi frV-iiv J J 4.. -.iw ihlH Mm p.m. (JCRH "Ktuitfic. on a 7'rain" 7 (Ml . rn NI'i All St,.- "Misn or The AnM-iic.m HiMK-e- tnj Ort-tH-'Kti j, m Uh jle i is I , Hi (liinr'T!. 7 SU n, iKHII-i J U LY SUHAY MONDAY j TUESDAY j WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY I R81DAY I SATURDAY 1 2 3 , Summer Fitrn -Sent f inid dale for awttniittioc Reawrtory Theatre 4U tehri fii'h-J' M.aulen, thews al feast ' . i.ti iHT) . Mi umi (NUi orte week before rl All Sl.ile Final Outdoor ewtfn ( (jiiiNert Beperlory Trwatre Hi 3 Mi jj.m fSAGit aijii. (H'iM 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Claaaes not in aeaaion Alfred W rlehc-ock Film Suiirrner Fifni Series final date for wa1 exam ll irgal Auliday) i Festival "S k und the Smelc Girt" for 4dvaoed decrees -The Wrong Stan" I'"' Wili 1:WI J.m (NUi -lTisieuclionjl D-K-iopiirent Third AuiUUil f--.tivjd a. l,ai day to pay lees for V nil a m "3 AO ip m fT3TT"i ' early registraton for tmc J-ti i lirltu Kappa Iriitiation ond aessiun H, lintiwr 4 (Mi p ni If i illation 4 mi p m 1 Jirtnei CJ Im- viKl.lh tt"Ktauratrt Set- tid 1 .urtrtM-iW epertory Theatne (14 Rirtory TheatTe iU "' ' reiiiiraiioi of fier. Repertory Theatne iZ) keperlory Theatre ft SJU m 4J-1TI i MM aim iHTi tichciol i-i.rheiV 4 ipan. iii'i ) ati KMJ) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Final date for candidate Cerwtal Steg miration for ftuitit'ei Film Series for advanned degree Ut m-un and HiUTaewiuuc 1 hr I ikiKtrated Man" depoait theses and Kile I4U 5 tm pni iM i liiud report atMieu jiIiri for ffradMirtet. atid 4'lw.neti a-!m .unrtera;rdu.iiel.o reihU-i : a,iPil. or moBmpjrte Fmal eKanunationii nt-giuiiiiiiuiih romtnetuietTefrt Mewiloi y Ttwativ i U 'J-Jtipm ferrimg Aud UMipMi (HI i Repertory Theatae C2 Repertory Theatnp (2) Wenertory Thtfirtne (lj Repertory l'heiiti Iti Hepertory Theatne U 1:W D.m. (UT 4:3U p.m (HTi II JU p.m iff'l ) 3U ( IM'J I fiJB. .(HTj 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 rmI date for adds nr wee- Fmal date for rll autmirt Summer Filit. erieii lioo AJtianaea ting drop, tZt filing up "four cut Texa phcutiuiiK for degree ui 3.Wpii, (TW I ' , wrtifKMieb W be ioufer wd Repertory Tlieatnr 4il ateiiertory Theatnr 4k) Bepertorj Tl-eirtne (2 Reiertory Ttwutne (JJ Repertory Theatre Kli S MI v.m .iHT) HM) i.m HTt p.ti UJTi .Wi&it ,tlij; m AHTt 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FmaJ flate for- (1) Submit- Gary Cooper Film FMtivitl Summer Opera film erm Summer Opera fiutmnw Oiert r 4in ixx'ioral rierta. "Brtght JUeaf" "C':oi Fwi Tutte" ReflettitMib m m Colden "Coin Fai, "l ut.te" 'Cow fan J" tiont (2j rilinf appa for J:WU p.m (JWUl mti ,pjii. (KKH) te' .uu jjii (KAiJj Hit fJ ral eKanw for aclvanoeg Admimatratow' fKuuntrUOJle 3'm' !m VVi "t"1 j Speaker. Dr. fun eat C Hepertory Theatw &) Summer Opet 3 C onner "The Preanuiea n H.Wi pm 4MT1 -:i Fau Tutte" I the AdminiKtraUH-" P-m fKHHt .UV p.m iSHl phi xeha Kappa Lamcheoc Adnimiatrator National Conference . i-WTaker TfcA SpMwaend Sy tta 'CkMrT tdw:. Uepl md ftleb Council ad fiehool Adrnmiatraturt 4liHi n m m W Cpaakmv: Dr. Fned T W dhelma , lr Foriwat Conner, rr WiUumi hatf-n $J 3 & Tt tm&AY MONDAY i TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 HtlPAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Car Cooper row FeatMwJ Summer F0m Serlea "Dallaa ' Any Wednesday" 3 .U0 pm. ,ftf Ifil .(WUj tepcrtory Tnttatat iU Hepertory Theatnt (ft flepertory Tiieatfa iti ftepertory Theatnt JU pjn !7' 4 -ft HTj 4 . aa. tJf'Jj aas. rJ7 1 ! 8 10 11 12 13 14 FinMl tfatf 4vr Mhmmnf Gary Cmht rtH) PatiM Vumnier rital fflriM mavleni Umm Atael 'BpranclieW Htfa" ''HriiUta" iiaM tatM m m ist VI IMfmtSVt SaMrr ThmaAt Jt eperWr Am M eprrterr Theatal at BeiirrWrr Thestne M HaaBrWrr TbnrtJ ; tlmnVrr Tneu Kit iM pm. am tMm,mTt Smttm.imt iMrm.ont mho tun fm m ttrrt IS 16 17 IS 19 20 21 FmaJ ZHrte or raf Kms Fmal irte for eandiflirten rurt amtoatim lor xanoa4 afp3as for advamwd eg'. t Oepoart tivnee and ftug f ttiaJ uppttrl annW Mepertery TheaU (Ar Kepertvry Tneatav l) tepertory Tieatj ftaperlory Theartj i 4JV JK. MTj 4:IK! Jm. 4Tj :W f Ji iHT) $& pm HT Far Mat wpfcyM MirmaUaB atf eaw o4 adaoat baM. aaa aewant f -ier.dtr. LOCATIOIIt 4dl Harper fcrasm. Statft fftaJM HT HoweS Theair KKM KinubaJU Itettal XaB UCOU" CAMPUSES AXO OUTSTATE ACTI VITUS ' Na- LJW SA.O hton Memorutf Aft CaK AtttM Garden , M S4?hrDrom HaJJ I'm Vmv Hta tKtMMU Franfc A HwoSL Matf VJ Ur Vaugne Jaen.ikr'a Honia Weatprwok Hwur ffwndtnc 'ee Wowaaj feyaauu fMitMi MMaaj Birth of Venus ViDuHSElR sr vli Wis- 7? & . Uii- "Kb j PHOTO POSTQ FRAMES 7x3 It Frwnc J3 95 IVil? ft. Frisw fj 45 34 ft. f ran $&JS IF IT'S PHOTOGRAPHIC, WE HAVE IT II 4 V II II I CD 1434 o St. 477-9503 "mA WiLLtKzmjezjnC. CIGARETTES iovesf Prices COMtCCI SZ WfODINO Witt a 2 7 E ftowf Protected Against Lost Kepske dunandi jr protected avwnsl tosi liom the setting So take &tgmf9 of 8m uml oHo KAUFMAN'S JEWELERS, INC. 1332 "0" ST. DIAMOND CENTER OF LINCOLN" LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN AT DIVIDEND 2 Loccfiocs: 16th cad P St. Jvst S08f!l of Cffopss 48tk oad Vise Sts. It TKoT MM ,J 1 f A VE IIEVER QOSE