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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1970)
Compliance ordered to i Regent's policy by GARY SEACREST Nebra8kan Staff Writer The NU Board of Regents Monday ordered all studsnt organizations to show com pliance with the Regents' anti discrimination policy by Fab. 1 or lose their official University sanction. But it is still undetermined exactly how organizations will have i to demonstrate their compliance with the policy. President Joseph Soshnik said Tuesday that it has not been decided what spscific in formation student groups will have to provide about their membership practices. Soshnik said specifics would be determined after he had a chance to confer with, Student Affairs officials and members of the Count il on Student Life, including CSL Chairman John W. Robinson, whose con troversial report to the Regents on racial discrimination was released last week. The Regeuts said organiza tions with national affiliation must submit evidence that the policy of the national organization is consistent with the Board's policy or that a specific exception is granted to an NU group to permit its compliance. Calling the Greek system the "weak link' in the chain of implementing the Regents' anti-discrimination policy, Robinson's report recom mended that an ganization should not be allow to bar a potential member .idess at least one-iourth of the members vote for rejection. Currently many NU houses allow a small percentage of members to reject a potential member. Responding to recommenda tions, by Chancellor D. B. Varner , the Regents Monday also directed the creation of a committee of Student Affairs administrators and students to develop "programs of positive action which will achieve the desired goal of non discrimination." The ; Regents also ordered Student Affairs to work with minority grcups "to assure an attitude of reciprocal coopera tion andnon discrimination." Varner said, "No amount of effort on the part of white students cau be effective if there is a systematic and organized program on the part of minority students to reject honest and thoughtful efforts to end discriTri lation." The presidents of the three University campuses were each directed to tubmit a report by IV'ay 1, outlking the progress of his campus in. ending discriminate n. The Regeuts also urged the presidents aid deans on each campus to extend their efforts to recruit qualified faculty members fi om minority groups. "The recoi d here is not yet a source of piide for the institu tion," Varner said. It was aluo ncted that the Regents' concern extends to the several offices which deal directly with minority students such as the Admissions Office, the Office oi Scholarships and Financial Aids and the Student Health Center. , Varner said additional recommendations concerning the Regents' anti-discrimination policy would be forthcom ing. In 1965 The Regents adopted the policy that student organisations should not discriminate on the basis of race or color. The policy was reaffirmed in 1970. Varner also commended Robinson Monday for the "diligence with which he ap proached the assignment and for the integrity and courage he has shown in formulating his report and recommenda tions." The Chancellor said Robinson's report was en couraging in some ways since many student organizations are making progress in combatting racial discrimination. ' 'Unfortunately, however, this progress has not been uniform throughout the cam pus," he said. "There remains an obvious need for concern about reservoirs of prejudice which in all too many cases are converted into overt discrimina tion." Other story, page 3 Board quietly receives report A student" investigating com mittee that studied the decision not to hire Michael Davis received praise, acclamation, but no action on' their recom mendations at the Monday Board of Regents meeting. Chancelloi D. B. Varner told the seven-member committee, headed by junior Dave Ratliff, that they did a "first class and responsible job." Their 35-page report, as reported in Monday's Nebraskan, urged the Regents to . reconsider their August decision not to hire Davis, a teaching fellow in the University of Michigan phi losophy department. And the report requested the Turn to page 8 J) More than 150 students showed up Monday for the Regents meeting, which was moved from the Administration Building to a larger room in the Nebraska Union to accommodate the crowd. , , .. 1 - -- , J "WZittm 1 11 -iMiiuw.1 mwiillfiii-imif--i Dave Ratliff, head of a student investigation committee that studied the Mi chael Davis case, presents his group's report to the Regents. g M Ua up umllAabj WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Faculty egents by JOHN DVORAK Nebraskan Staff Writer . Five senior faculty members had to negotiate from early Sunday afternoon until early Monday morning to hammer out a foui -paragraph com promise between the Board of Regents and S t e v e n L. Roz man. That one-page, 250-word document will, at least, stave off the firing of the con troversial political science teacher for two months. 3 w R 16, 1970 LINCOLN. NEB; VOL. 94, NO. 48 negotiates compromise And now, according to one faculty member who has been close to the Rozman case all year, there is some hope that Rozman might be able to keep his job as an untenured assis tant professor after all. The faculty member stated that, without the compromise, " the Regents would have fired Rozman at their Monday morning meeting in the Union even though the Academic Privilege and Tenure Com mittee has made no recom mendations in the case. . The - five-man delegation asked early Sunday to meet with the Regents. The com-, mittee included c h e .m i c a 1 engineering professor Richard E. Gilbert, chairman of the Faculty Liaison Committee; chemistry professor Desmond Wheeler, president of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors; law professor James Lake, past AAUP president; horticulture and forestry professor , Norman Rosenberg; and music pro fessor John Mo ran, a representative of the Executive Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences. First, the delegation asked the Regents to delay a decision 0:1 Rozman's job status for 60 days and set up a fact-finding faculty commitiee to in vestigate the case. Then it sought Rozman's suggestions. Finally, an agree ment amendable both to Rozman and the Regents was arrived at. Perhaps the most important aspect of the compromise is that it provides a semblance of due process in the case, which began last September when the Spelts Commission report labeled Rozman's actions dur ing the May anti-war protest as "improper" and "highly inap propriate for a teacher." A fact-finding ad hoc com mittee of senior faculty members, selected by the Faculty Liaison Committee with the approval of President Joseph Soshnik, will be set up, according to the agreement read at the Regents meeting by Board President Robert Raun. The committee will be furnished, promptly, a state ment concerning the alleged unsuitable conduct affecting Rozman's possible reappoint ment, a summary of the evidence and a list of wit nesses.' No later than Feb. 1, 1971, according to Raun, the ad hoc committee will furnish the Board a report containing fin dings of fact regarding the Rozman case. The report will be made public. Raun said: "The commitiee shall also have the opportunity to advise and consult with the Board of Regents with respect to the com mi fee's findings prior to Board action." Gilbert, head of the Liaison Committee, said he hopes the ad hoc committee will be selected and at work by this weekend. It is important that members of the group be as impartial as possible, he continued. Probably, none cf the com mittee members will have been directly involved in the case before. The committee will decide its own procedures, Gilbert added. "They must work very quickly," he pointed out, "since they will have only about six weeks for their query."