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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1970)
SSKSM JiudU MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1970 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA VOL. 94, NO. 47 Discrimination "Fraternities are not for college days alone.', an old fraternity saying. by GARY SEACREST Nebraskan Staff Writer University Regents and. Regents-elect will probably recall their fraternity days when they discuss John W. Robinson's report on racial discrimination on the NU campus. When the new Regents take office in January, the eight member Board will have at least six members who were members of NU fraternities. Three ar alumni of fraternities that Robinson singled out for "severe reprimand" because of racial discrimination and two others are alumni of houses that Robinson admitted he was undecided about. Board President Robert Raun's fraternity, Alpha Gam ma Rho, was recommended for "severe reprimand." Also in this list was Kappa Sigma, the fraternity of two Regents-elect Br. Robert J. Prokop and Dr. Robert R. Koefoot. Regents Edward Schwartzkopf (D:lta T a u Delta) and John Elliott (Alpha Tau Omega) are alumni of Liaison Committee to view student priorities An advertisement in today's Nebraskan tries to find out "what Improvements students feel are needed in the University and the relative Importance of these im provements," according to Ed Eggleston, spokesman for ASUN's Legislative Liaison Committee. That committee, which Is sponsoring the questionnaire, will use the resulting set of student priorities to determine its own priorities, Eggleston said. houses that were listed as "uncertain" In their position toward blacks. Although Robinson's report described the Greek system as the "weak link" In the chain of Implementing the Board's anti discrimination policy, the report also dealt with all stu dent organizations. "Racial prejudice is common among students at the University," the report said, "This prejudice is often muted, but not infrequently expresses Itself in various forms of racial discrimination." The "vast" number of students on campus are "gentlt people of pre judice," according to the report. Noting the Regents' anti discrimination policy is not being entirely implemented, the report lecommended that the Regents: Order programs of close Inter-racial contact and educa tion to reduce the level of pre judice. Reprimand five fraternities and one sorority for racial discrimination. Establish a permanent Anti-Discrimination Committee and a permanent Anti Discimination Judicial Board "for the continuous survey of The Legislative Liason Com mittee deals In research of NU students and outstate speaking activities to bring the University closer to Nebraska's people. It also acquaints the state legislature with the stu dent point of view on various Issues. Eggleston reported students could get additional copies of the questionnaire in the ASUN office, 334 Nebraska Union. Copies should be returned to the ASUN office when they have been filled out See story page 2 Arms &dbbht,l&K Jwcrt Pijxifgjtt J report the racial situation at the University, and for the speedy rectification of instances of racial discrimination wherever they occur." Robinson, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, noted that "with the exception ol some fraternities and sororities there is ... no deliberate and concerted racial discrimination in student social organizations." He found that racial discrimination among selective student organizations "was much more common in the past (including the very recent past) than it is now." There are also fewer in cidents of racial prejudice in residence halls so far this year than last year, according to . Robinson. However, he stated there is "not much real in tegration" in the University's residence halls. Greek reaction by JOHN DVORAK Nebraskan Staff Writer "There's going to be some hot alums." "I didn't really think discrimination on campus was that common." "No comment." Those are Just a few of the comments from officials in the Greek system to the report by Dean John Robinson on racial discrimination. Even though the report takes particular issue with racial policies ef a number of the campus's 45 houses, nearly all Greeks seem to be reacting calmly. Some are dismayed with the report; others agree with it. "I'm not going to try to de fend any house If It selects only white members," said Paul Crist, president of the Inter fraternity Council (IFC). Although he Is disgusted that the confidential document was hits Greeks The report also said pro blems of discrimination and prejudice were met by Indian Americans and Mexican Americans. However, most of the complaints centered on treatment of black students. The report does not deal with a number of complaints, in cluding one by blacks that there are too few black faculty members at the University. Robinson reported finding little indication of black militance on University cam pus. However, he concluded that there is a growing ten dency of black students to become "separatlstic" because of the "pressure" of pre judice. About half of the approx imately 260 blacks on campus, the report said, belong to the Afro-American Collegiate on '. released to an Omaha newspaper by persons unknown, he emphasized that he "is not displeased" by the report. "It's high time some of these houses get off their asses," he commented. "If it takes a reprimand to get them moving, then there will be a repri mand." Crist said he was upset at the number of houses that say they "aren't ready" to pledge blacks or students of other minority groups."That's ridiculous," he said. The IFC president, whose one-year term expires this week, said the Board of Regents will have to decide what, if any, punishment should be meted out. One alternative, he mention ed, is suspension of a house charter, which can only be done by the Regents. Charter suspension would force the house to cease all opera tions. "I'm frustrated and tired of a Greek system that often func tions as a white, elltest establishment," Crist said. "I have no desire to be put in a position of defending it" Crist said he is optimistic that relations between minority groups and the Greek system have improved over the last year. But there is a long way to go. He pointed out that four or five IFC meetings during the Rozman meets press Political science teacher Steven L. Rozman will hold a Kress conference at 3:30 p.m. londay In the South Con ference Room in the basement of the Nebraska Union. The case of Rozman, an Society, which was described as separatist. "It would indeed be ironic and disastrous," Robinson said, "if, while the white students were shedding some of thsir prejudices, and their organiza tions were opening up a bit to black students, the black students were becoming more scparatistic." The report said the current "de facto" segrega'.ion within the NU fraternity system stems only partly from racial discrimination since fraternities which are willing to accept blacks have had dif ficulty because most blacks are not interested in joining. No blacks participated in this fall's fraternity and sorority rush week. One of the two blacks who are now members Turn to page 7 varies Robinson report school year have been primarily concerned with black-white relations. An officer of one of the fraternities recommended by the Robinson report for sanc tions, said the document im plies that the Greek system is making no attempt at all to improve the situation. John Madsen, secretary of Sigma Nu Fraternity, said the Investigation "did not dig deep enough." ne noted that a Nebraska Free University course on com batting racism has been meet ing at the Sigma Nu house, and as another example, a Christmas party for orphans last week was attended by several black children. Admitting that he was not aware that discrimination on campus was as big a pro blem as the Robinson report indicated, Steve Shanahan said: "I'm not sure what we'll do He speculated that some programs for education or other revisions of some kind would be made. Shanahan is president of Kap pa Sigma' fraternity, another house recommended for repri mand. The president of Phi Gamma D:l'a, one of the largest fraternities on campus and one of those recommended for reprimands, declined to com ment. untenured assistant professor accused of acting "inap propriately" during last May's anit-war protest, was expected to be discussed by the Board of Regents at their Monday morning meeting. 1