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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1966)
Monday, Feb. 28, 1966 The Daily Nebraskan Vol. 81, No. 71 ures aper s edy lioed lappa Kom JL JL r Tnrriittfi-fnifiiimoi inim l vwmm III I1 ' Vww If 1 JUBILANT KAPPA'S . . . cheer their skitmaster, Cheryl Crosier, as she heads for the stage and the first place award at Coed Follies Saturday night. The winning skit was entitled "A Big Wide Wondcrfull World." AWS Slatings Include Dual Representation Candidates for AWS Board positions for the March 9 elec tions are representing living areas as well as respective classes. Women may vote for candidates from the living unit in which they live and from their class. East Campus One individual will repre sent east campus. The three candidates are: Evelyn George who is pres ently carrying a 2.9 average and w a member of the inter dorm coordinating council. 'Gas Leak' Forces Lab Evacuation A supposed gas leak which caused the evacuation of Av ery Lab Friday afternoon and brought fire and gas trucks to the University has been termed a false alarm. Dr. Norman Cromwell, chairman and professor of chemistry, said that the gas smell was found to be only a problem of ventilation. "We evacuated the building from about 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. before we finally figured out the cause of the smell," ex plained Cromwell. According to Cromwell, the supposed gas leak was caused in one of the laboratories by a sulfur compound which is used to put an obnoxious odor in natural gas so that leaks in gas lines can be detected. The compound had been used correctly, and the fumes were eliminated by a ventilating hood. However, an east wind picked up these fumes and Mew them up to the roof of the lab, where they were drawn In by the building's ventilating system and recir culated throughout the lab. "We were very concerned, because a few months ago, we did have a serious gas leak in the tunnels outside the building," Cromwell said. "Something will have to be done to the ventilating sys tem so that we can always be sure when we do have a gas leak." Students Attend PTP Conference n Six University students re cently attended the People-to-People regional conference. An international student panel presented a program to the group. In addition, there was a discussion of the role of the foreign student ad visor. U.S. Senator Pierson from Kansas also spoke. University students attend ing included Joel Swanson, Steve Matthews, Sarah Helm. Ann Kennedy, Pam Kot and Carolyn Bedient. Her activities include vice president of Fedde Hall, treasurer of the ag executive board, ag executive board representative for the Univer sity 4-H club, public relations director of the Home Econom ics chapter, chairman of the personnel committee for Hos pitality Day and a AWS rep resentative. Jan Kaufmann who is pres ident of Burr East and a member of Alpha Lambda Delta. She is carrying a 3.7 average and is vice president of Phi U p s i 1 o n Omicron, home economics honorary. Her other activities include being social and service chairman of the Home Eco nomics chapter, assistant chairman of Hospitality Day, program chairman of HEEA and finalist for Ideal Nebras ka Coed. She also belongs to UNSEA and the University 4-H club. Janet Whitney who is car rying 3.2 average and is a member of east campus Builders, a Ag Union com mittee and the University 4-H club. City Campus The city campus dormitor ies will have three represen tatives on the Board. Candi dates are: Betty Hearld who is carry ing a 3.1 average and is a member of the YWCA juve nile court committee. Pam Hubbard, a member of the Union trips and tours committee and carrying a 3.8 average. Elaine Kallos who is a floor president in Pound Hall and carrying a 3.1 average. Kathryn Kearns who is a member of Lambda Tau and the Builders tour committee with a 2.7 average. Candy May who is a student assistant in Selleck and a member of Nebraska Mas quers. She is carrying a 2.6 average. Lynda Shannon who has a 3.0 average and activities in clude work with the Malone Center. Tish Voichahoske who is chairman of the Friends of SNCC student conduct com mittee and a member of New man Club and the Council on Religion. She has a 3.3 aver age. Andrea Warren who is a transfer student with a 3.2 av erage. Off-Campus Candidates for the one po sition representing off-campus students are: Carol Bartlett who is a member of Towne Club and has a 2.6 average. She was an AWS worker and Builders First Glance section editor. She also belongs to UNSEA and the YWCA. Jodie Brum who has been an AWS worker and an AWS representative. She is secre tary of Alpha Delta Pi and a member of Angel Flight and Builders publicity committee. Jane Handa who is a mem ber of teenage project and the Union talks and topics com mittee. She is carrying a 3.2 average. Gary Larsen, Miss Winterer Named 'Outstanding, IdeaV It was a "Big Wide Won derful World" for Kappa Kap pa Gamma, Gary Larsen and Erma Winterer Friday night as they won top awards at Coed Follies. Kappa Kappa Gamma so rority won the first place skit award for "It's a Big Wide Wonderful World," a musical narody on the world situation in which president Johnson" handed out money. Larsen and Miss Winterer were crowned the 1966 Out standing collegiate man and Idcd Nebraska Coed. Second and third place skit awards went to Pi Beta Phi's "Dame Catastrophe" and Al pha Phi s "The Best Place for Me." Travelers Act Three Tri Delt freshmen, who call themselves the Belle Cantos, won the first place travelers act award for their performance of original songs The trio, which includes Cin dy and Sandy Hunter and Ruth Bernhardt, received a long ovation from the audi ence after their performance. A group of Alpha Xi Delta pledges who performed in "Black Out" won the second place travelers act award. Other skits in the show African Discussion Group Explores Country's Curren Political Problems By Nancy Henrickson Junior Staff Writer The first discussion in a series concerning today's Af rica centered on the politi cal, economic and education al problems in South Africa. The program, sponsored by the University YMCA, took place Sunday in the Nebras ka Union. Esrom Maryogo and Fes tur Obioha, University Afri can students, Edson Nyama fene, an African student at Nebraska Wesleyan, and Dave Kittams, chairman of the YMCA committee, led the dis cussion. Only about $18 per child is spent on education each year in South Africa. The empha sis is upon tribal custom and they want to revive every thing that was there before, Maryogo said. Obioha described the gov ernment as a concentration of power structured like Rho desia's government, an open ly white supremist govern ment. The government made eight different tribal entities for all Africans. Tribal chiefs are appointed by the government to rule the African community. It Is the only political responsi bility of the African people and they take orders from ism v. Oft 1 9 1 1 ass. lillH I I I s a 1 -s I I ! 1; 3 I 1 I in -"wi I If ft 9, An internationally famous song-writing team often called the "Rodgers and Hammer stein of France," The Varel and Bailly Chanteurs De Paris, will perform in the Nebraska Union Ballroom at 8 p.m. Thursday. Hailed by the New York Journal-American as "The most exciting group of singing young men we've heard in years," they sing largely folk and popular songs of "pure nostalgic delight." Admission to the performance is free and tickets may be picked up at the Nebrasika Union concession stand. were performed by Chi Ome ga, Gamma Phi Beta and Pound Hall. A Kappa Delta singing trio and a modern dance by Jean Finnell, Zeta Tau Alpha, rounded out the travelers acts. Outstanding Larsen, who was chosen Outstanding Collegiate Man, is a junior majoring in chem istry. He is president ot the Interfraternity Council and has a 4.0 plus average. He is a member of Beta Sigma Psi fraternity. The Ideal Nebraska Coed, Miss Winterer, is a j u n i o r majoring in German and is a member of Kappa Delta sorority. She is the new pres ident of Panhellenic and has a 4.0 plus average. Other finalists for Ideal Nebraska Coed were Jeanne Fauss, Carolyn Freeman, Pam Hedgecock, Jan Kaufmann, Candy Sasso and Joan Spiv ey. Other outstanding Collegiate Man finalists were Roger Doerr, F. C. Green, Larry Johnson, Jim Knyoun, Robert Milligan and Andy Taube. Finalists Eleven eligible bachelor fi nalists and twelve beauty queen finalists for the 1966 the South African Nationalis tic government. "Time is against the pre sent situation. The only thing Mortar Board To Require 3.0 For Membership Scholastic eligibility for membership in the Black Board has been set at 3.000 cumulative average on the new grade point conversion, according to Barb Beckman, Mortar Board. Due to a mechanical error, the new eligibility require ment was given Friday in the Daily Nebraskan to be a 2.3. According to Miss Beck man, most Mortar Board chapters at Universities with a 4-point grading system use the 3.0 average for eligibility in the honorary. "This semester, we will use a combination of the old 9 point scale and the new sys tem to determine scholastic eligibility," Miss Beckman said. "Last semester's aver age will be taken into consid eration when the old accumu lative average was between a 6.4 and 6.6," she explained. Sidewalk Serenaders mrm: m ms$vvm Jl 1 ..-r j s i ' :J.Wi. - ?' 1 kit r 1 Cornhusker were announced by Jim "DeMars, Cornhusker associate editor. Robert Goulet, singer and night club entertainer, will choose Miss Cornhusker, five beauty queens and five eligi ble bachelors from the final ists. The eligible bachelor final ists and their residences are: Nate Branch, Selleck Quad rangle; Buzz Brashear, Kap pa Sigma; Steve Curry, Sig ma Phi Epsilon; Roger Brodd, Delta Upsilon; Mike Grace, Sigma Phi Epsilon; Klaus Hartman, Gather Hall. Roger Hansen; Theta Xi; Vic Hancock, Chi Phi; Stu Wiley, Phi Gamma Delta; Gary Klein, Ag Men; and Andy Tautoe, Sigma Chi. Beauty queen finalists are: Jan Achelpohl, Alpha Phi; Vivienne Amack, Pound; Becky Brackle, Alpha Phi; Jean Delbridge, Pi Beta Phi; Jackie Freeman, Kappa Kap pa Gamma; Annette Gessner, Delta Delta Delta; Mary Jo Sharrar, Delta Gamma. Susan Sitorius, Alpha Delta Pi; Karen Noll, Chi Omega; Pam Wragge, Pound Hall; Susan Dowe, Kappa Alpha Theta; and Jeanne H o w a rd, Kappa'Alpha Theta. the African people can hope for is status quo," Obioha said. He noted that the govern ment can arrest a group of people meeting without gov ernment authorization and it only takes two people to con stitute a group. The communist party is highly illegal in South Afri ca and African parties are outlawed. Carl Davidson, SDS presi dent, explained that South Af rica is a parallel with a Fas cist police state, and that it is an "outrage, morally and politically." Geographic isolation cuts off much of South Africa from the outside world. "The white minority is extremely afraid that if communication is established among the na tives, the whole thing will go up," Kittams said. A film shown before the discussion was a travelogue showing the economic growth but little about the growing pains or the desire of the na tives for independence. The next discussion on the contemporary problems in Af rica is scheduled for the end of March and will deal with Rhodesia. TOrTVW).; 53E " - " ' f v' m n j STUDENT LEADERS . . . Gary Larsen and Erma Winterer receive Outstanding Collegiate Man and Ideal Nebraska Coed titles. Draft Tests To College The National Selective Serv ice has announced that col lege qualification tests will be given May 14 and 21 and June 3. However, State Selective Service director Gen. Guy N. Henninger said his office has not yet received word from national headquarters on the tests. Graduating high school sen iors and college students wish Ing to take the test should mail applications postmarked not later than April 23 to the Science Research Associates of Chicago, according to the national office. Henninger said he assumed that the applications would be available at all local draft board offices. He said that his office may also distribute the applications to colleges to make it easier for students to obtain the aoplications. Tests Optional . Henninger explained that the qualification tests will be optional for students who wish to have this criteria available in addition to grade standings for the local draft boards in determining student defer ments. He added that it "would certainly do no harm for students to take the tests." The three-hour test will in clude 150 questions covering reading comprehension, ver bal relations, arithmetic rea soning and data interoretation Henninger said that similar tests were ?iven once a year during the Korean War. Ten May Queen Finalists To Be Chosen This Week All junior and senior wom en are eligible to vote Wednes day from a list of 50 can didates for ten May Queen finalists. The preliminary election, which will be held from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the Nebraska Union and from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the East Union, will be followed by a general el ection March 9. The 1966 May Queen will be chosen in the general election from the ten finalists. Candidates for May Queen and their affiliations are: Sandy Anderson, Love Memor ial Hall; Susie Anderstrom, Alpha Phi; Jackie Alber, Alpha Omicron Pi; Debbie Barger, Kappa Delta; Karen Boeckenhauer, School of Nurs ing; Keo Boreson, Pound. Patricia Brennan, Phi Mu; Ann Capesius, Gamma Phi Beta; Sandy Cavitt, Pound; Cheryl Crosier, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Susan Cunningham, Kappa Alpha Theta; Donna Eschliman, Gamma Phi Beta; Kathy Fliginger, Chi Ome?a; Marilyn Fox, Alpha Xi Delta; Jane Gregorius, Aloha C h i Omega; Sandy Heybrock, Burr Hall. Marilyn Hoegemeyer, Kap ik. J? I . T 1 ? ?' .1 ' , 1 To Be Given Men In May Officials have expressed varying reactions, including outright opposition, to tighten ing student draft deferment requirements. In the past, students had been deferred if they were carrying a full-time course satisfactorily. However, re cently Gen. Lewis Hershey, national Selective Service Di rector, announced that stu dent deferments would be ex amined with consideration be ing given class standings and scores on the qualification tests. Henninger had said earlier the decision would be left up to local boards whether to use class standings, the grades on the qualificatoin test or a combination of both. During the Korean War, students wer required to receive at least a 70 on the qualification test in order to receive a student deferment. Dr. Floyd Hoover, Univer sity registrar, has indicated that the University will coop erate with the Selective Serv ice in providing class stand ings, noting that the Selective Service could force students to get their class standings for use by the local boards. Draft Call Cut The Nebraska draft call for March has been cut from 263 to 183, Henninger said. , This is in line with a 10,- Cont. on pg. 3, col. 7 pa Delta; Jeani Hoff master, Alpha Phi; Kay Huffaker, Zeta Tau Alpha; Lynne Irish, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Karen Johnson, Kappa Alpha Tneta; Di Kosman, Delta Gamma; Margie Lehl, Alpha Omicron Pi; Sue Leonard, Chi Omega. Sabra McCall, Phi Mu; Mickey McCartney, Delta Delta Delta; Linda Miles, Towne Club; Mary Ann Mor ledge, Pi Beta Phi; Susie Moore, Pi Beta Phi; Linda Muff, Gamma Phi Beta; Cheryl Navin, Delta Gamma; Jane Oden, Alpha Phi. Carole Peterson, Alpha Chi Omega; Mary Rakow, Alpha Delta Pi; Margaret Remmen ga. Pound : Marbro Rush, UNICORNS; Carolyn Sara cino. Towne Club; Barb Sch negelberger, Chi Omega; Mary Schwentker, Chi Omega; Susie Segrist, Pi Beta Phi. Sarah Shaw, School of Nurs ing; Sheryl Soukup, Alpha Phi; Diana Stover, Pound; Susan Stuckey, Pi Beta Phi; Barbara Trites, Gamma Phi . Beta; Carol Van Steenberg, Alpha Phi; Elizabeth Vybiral, Selleck; Viki Weber, Zeta Tau Alpha; Mary Wright, Chi Omega; and Susie Young, Alpha Delta Pi.