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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1966)
Profit ookstores ex Earn Little On - EDITOR'S NOTE: This depth report on bookstore prices was done by Frank Partsch, former editor of the Daily Nebraskan, for his School of Journalism depth reporting class. The first week of classes was a discouraging one for Fred Freshman. His expenses underestimated with the characteristic innocence of the first-year college student were encroaching so rapid ly upon his assets that it Friday, Feb. 25, 1966 ICE CREAM TESTERS sample a soda. People today are becoming increasingly critical about the quality of ice cream they eat, according to a University dai ry scientist. Dr. L. K. Crowe, profes sor of dairy science, says that flavor is the most important factor in consumer acceptance of ice cream. He says he can't promise this means University stu dents are critical about their ice cream. But most campus ice cream sellers say this is probably true. Fountain clerks in the Ne braska Union note that vanil la is the most popular ice cream, but that butter brickie ' "' "" ui ...I. i. n. iiiiiiiiiu.hi. .iliiihi.iiiiih.iiiiiii in iiiimh.hii M. I in Co-ops Keep Expenses At Minimum, Provide Group Living, Brotherhood Co-operative living is one aspect of campus life that is not widely known. At the pres ent time, there are four men's co-ops and-one women's at the University. "The co-op houses are or ganized to provide a group living situation in an atmos phere of brotherhood, at a low er price than that charged by fraternities or residence halls," states a pamphlet pre pared by the Inter Co-op Coun cil. What this means is that members work together, on a strictly part time basis, to 1 ' I -I m " r t m 'V fl ' I ... f,,.i : FOOTBALL ... is the sport as a group of Brown Palace Co-op members tackle each other on their front yard. seemed to him as if tuition, lodging and meals were forc ing him into bankruptcy. But the final blow came at the bookstore, where Fred bought the required texts for his four basic Arts and Sci ences courses. "That will be $40.65," said the cashier. Fred gasped. He checked his purchased: a French grammar, $6; a French reader $3.80; a history survey, $8.50; a chemistry text, $8.95; the accompanying Tom Giffin and Kco Boreon Most Vote Vanilla and chocolate are also fre quent favorites. East Campus salesgirls in the retail outlet for University dairy products said chocolate is still the favorite according to their sales. "Girls will try different flav ors more often than boys," one salesgirl said. She pointed out that most students have their favorites which make them particular. Crowe stressed that ice cream thas been improving tremendously over the years and that the fat content is one of the most important ingredi ents. perform the tasks needed to provide for the efficient oper ation of the co-op. Lower Rates This allows the co-op to pro vide board and room at a low er rate then could otherwise be realized. "For instance, comparing the residence hall's price of $725 per year with the average co-op's yearly charge of $563 or with the fraternities charge of $810, the economical nature of co op living is apparent," the pamphlet says. Each house is self-owned and a non-profit corporation, laboratory manual, $4, and three English paperbacks totaling $9.40. Forty dollars and sixty-five cents. "Thank you," said t h e cashier to the ringing of the cash register, but Fred didn't answer. He was already men tally composing a venomous letter to the editor of the campus newspaper and prom ising his vote to any student senate candidate who prom ised to "investigate the bookstores.!' pool their efforts as they Flavor is the most import ant factor in consumer accept ance and if the flavor is good, slight imperfections in body and texture of the ice cream will be overlooked. If flavor Is not satisfactory, the consumer will be critical of body and texture although they are good, he said. He noted that total ice cream consumption has in creased in the past 18 years, but per capita consumption has remained about the same. Crowe said the sale of ice milk has increased even more than the sale of ice cream be cause many people are weight conscious today. not under the University's fi nancial control. Therefore, they are solely responsible for their financial arrangements. Basically, the co-ops were begun and continue to exist in order "to provide inexpensive housing, good study condi tions, and to promote social and extra-curricular activities of college life." The male co-ops are: Ag Men, Brown Palace, Corn husker Co-op, and Pioneer House. The one women's co op is Love Memorial Hall. 'Like A Fraternity' LaRue Hemberger, vice president of Brown Palace, Cont. on Page 5, Co. 1 Retiring Adviser Describes By Jan Itkin Senior Staff Writer The major goal for student government is to find a way to work effectively within the organization of the University, according to Dr. William Pharis, who served as stu dent government faculty ad viser for two years. Pharis explained that ac cording to the ASUN constitu tion, advisers could serve only two years and that his term is now up. Dr. Paul By erly, associate professor of physics, will succeed Pharis. "I feel we ought to live with the new constitution," Pharis said. "In past years the adviser often was strong er than a group because he had worked with it longer than the students involved. It shouldn't reach the point where an adviser becomes do minant." The role of an adviser, he said, depends on how the ad visor sees it. "I saw it as talking during During his next three years in college, Fred will mail the letter and cast the vote, join ing his complaints with those from thousands of students across the nation, who see the bookstores as bloodthirsty in stitutions reaping a tainted fortune from the poor. Do these complaints stand any chance of affecting a downward shift in the price of textbooks? No, according to a publish er, Bruce Nicoll, director of The Daily Nebraskan Schlesinger Display Of Weakness Shows America's Desire To Confer By Julie Morris Senior Satff Writer A former presidential as sistant and Pultizer prize win ning historian, Arthur M. Schlesinger, explained policies and positions on Viet Nam in a speech at an all University convocation Thursday. Schlesinger, who was sched uled to deliver a talk on "The World We Want and How to Get It," changed his topic to Viet Nam. Approximately 2,500 heard his speech at the Coliseum. A scheduled coffee hour after SCHLESINGER Union talks and topics and Dorms To The University dormitories are sponsoring an all-University dance to be held on the terraces of the Nebraska Un ion, May 6. John Decker, chairman of the inter-dormitory social committee, explained that May 6 was chosen "because at the time nothing else was scheduled and it is a 1:30 a.m. night because of Spring Day." "We started planning this," he said, "when we were rea sonably confident that an in the executive meeting and listening during the others," he continued. Except for his farewell ad dress at Wednesday's Student Senate meeting, Pharis re called having spoken only three times to student govern ment during meetings in his two years as adviser twice this year concerning the Eur opean Flight and the no-test, nonattendence day proposal and once last year concern ing the student discount cards. Dramatic Change "Although my term consist ed of two calendar years, I worked with three different groups," he said. "In that time, student government has changed rather dramatically. The Student Council of two years ago could be termed "a leadership development group," he noted. "It was a place for students to try their skill and develop leadership experience, but it didn't change anything but the participants." f K I I 1 i , i ' l ' t ' i i A H i 11 ipHt '! i tl ...... (fw-- UJ the University of Nebraska Press: "I don't see any hope of book prices dropping in the forseeable future." Do these complaining stu dents have a legitimate basi for complaint? No, according to a bookstoi manager, Boyd McDouga'.l. marketing manager for the Nebraska Book Company: "Book prices haven't in creased much in relation to other costs. In fact, the price v mmt . fEST25T . . . the speech was cancelled. Schlesinger said that pursu ing a hard line in the conflict, "will not, in my opinion, lead to a settlement." He outlined discussion in the Viet Nam debate, saying that the debate does not con cern what the nation should do about the situation, but how it should be done. Nego tiations leading to settlement are the goals of both sides, he said. Two Positions Those who concur with the administration, he explained, meets briefly before his speech administrative officials. Sponsor May ter-dorm council would be es tablished. A dance such as this could bolster the idea of such a group by making the individual residents feel in cluded." He noted that one problem had arisen because the peo ple representing Abel Hall on the planning board for the dance had their power of rep resentation rescinded, yet re mained on the board. "This has been straight ened out though," he said, "and we're continuing as "Last year things were dif ferent because of the consti tutional convention," he con tinued. "The students put in a great deal of time and ef fort finding direction for stu dent government to fulfill a meaningful role, and to en able students to have some voice in their affairs." This year's ASUN, he add ed, "is the group who must put this constitution into be ing." "I just hope student govern ment in years to come can f i n d a way to effectively work within the organization of the University," Pharis said. Communication Needed He said he believed that eventually ways will be found for Student Senate to comm unicate with Faculty Senate. "This year an effort has been made," he said, "even though there have been some false starts and dislocations. It's, a tough job to be effec if textbooks lias ,ji:.-.t .started lorise." Fred might feel less Irus trated, however, if he couid have followed his diemisiry text irom :he moment of its conception until the day :io oaid 8.9.r) for it at 1 Sic local book store a proi-oss taking up lo 10 years and requiring an investment of thousands of dollars. Included in mat .sil.Dj are advanced royalties for the authors and salaries for ed believe that the United States should show no sign of weak ness or the opponents will think we could be easily de feated. The moderate position, he continued, holds that a hard line "may imperceptibly turn into an escalation" of the war. Moderates contend that enough weakness should be displayed so that the enemy will see that we are ready to hold conferences. They con tend, further, Schlesinger said that any negotiations must in clude the Viet Cong as an in dependent body. One of the Nebraska 6 Dance planned. There will be t w o combos one on each terrace the Rumbles and the Great Imposters, and we're hoping the dance will be a success." Each dorm has been as sessed to pay for the dance proportionate to the number of residents. "Cather, Pound and the WRA, for instance, have each been assessed $75," Decker noted. "The sum is not exact ly proportional but it comes within two or three dollars in each case." For Student tive within the campus com munity." "The students are going to have to find a way to work within the campus commun ity," he added, "because it is not going to be given to them. It is Student Senate's respon sibility to find the way to have a voice in policies di rectly affecting them. "Their start has not been without mistakes," he noted, "but they are on the way to achieving something." He added that the amount of weight the student, voice should carry "depends almost entirely on the question at hand". "For instance, they should decide matters like student conduct almost entirely," he noted, "to the limit of con flicting with policies and laws" such as the state law on minors drinking. Mutual Matters Other matters do not con cern students, however, and Pharis listed retirement bene on Viet Nam with itors and consultants, sup plies, production costs, adver tising and shipping Naturally, all printing and illustration costs, as well as salaries, must be paid before a single copy nf the book is sold. Pub lishing textbooks entails a high element of risk. According to a report en titled "The Interest of Pub lishers in Copyright Law Re vison." compiled by the Amer- lont. on Page 1, Col. 5 Vol. 81, No. 70 spokesmen of this position, Schlesinger noted, is Sen. Rob ert F. Kennedy. "I have the feeling that Sen. Kennedy is right in his ana lysis of the situation, that he is right in picturing the Viet Cong as basic to the situation, that we can't settle only with Hanoi,'' Schlesinger said. "I do not think that we have made any realistic offer to negotiate with the Viet Cong," he added. In connection with Presi dent Johnson's recent trip to Honolulu to hold a conference with South Vietnamese Icad- Cont. on Page 4, Col. 2 Women Slated By AWS AWS has slated candidates for the AWS all-women's elec tion on March 9. Candidates for the three seats representing the senior class are Carol Bischoff, De De Darland, Linda Engelke mier, Karen Gepford, Polly Rhynalds and Candy Sasso. The junior class has s i x positions to fill. Candidates are: Ann Boyles, Joan Bred thauer, Dottie Dering, Diane MacDonald, Jennifer Marsh , all. Kent Oates, Susan Phelps, Marsha Richmond. Susie Sitorious, Carol Strand, Steph Tinan and Ann Windle. Candidates for the six seats representing the sophomore class are Nancy Coufal, Mary Ann Davis, Carolyn Eldred, Julianne Gullberg, Mary Keim, Chris Luhe, Mary Rose, Sharon Ross, Sherrie Sickle bower, Gail Skinner and Kar- en Wendt. Candidates for the represen tative from East Campus are Evelyn George, Jan Kauf mann and Janet Whitney. Running for representative of off-campus students are Car ol Barllett, Jodie Brumin and Jane Handa. Cont. on Page 4, Col. 1 Government Goal fits for staff members as ui example. The major problem facing student gournment, Pharis said, was providing effective leadership for "a student body as large as ours. And the larger it becomes the more problems there will be." "Student government is more effective now than it was when it started," he con tinued. "Now when students have something to do, there's a vehicle to do it." Pharis said the most bene ficial tiling he has seen stu dent government do involved the constitutional convention of last year. "Without that," he stressed, "none of the other projects could succeed. "Along the way, other meaningful projects were un dertaken," he added. "One of the most successfid was the Masters program, and the pcndingproposal concerning a pass-fail system is another one." I .;