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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1964)
.UNIVERSITY OP NCiR. LI8M.KY EEB 26 13641 ArtOrllVS Union Selects Offirprc v wa 0 Schwenke Is New President IK Rush Outlined; Rules Set Parties Planned For March 6-8 The deadline for application and paying of fees for the Uni versity's first spring fratern ity rush program is March 4, according to Tom Schwenke, vice president of the Inter fraternity Council (IFC). The $6 fee, which may be paid in the IFC office, 330 Union, includes three meals and registration fee. The spring rush week rules, as announced by Schwenke In a spring rush bulletin, restrict participation to all University male students with an av erage of 5.0 or better. The program will allow freshmen who were not in the upper one-half of their high school classes, but who have since proven their scholastic ability, to participate in fraternity i rush this year. The dates of spring rush week are March 6-8. The pro gram includes two compulsory orientation sessions, ten open house dates on Friday, March 6, three rush dates on Satur day, March 7 and open rush on Sunday, March 8. The first orientation session will be held this Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Student Union. This meeting will provide an opportunity for the rushee to acquaint himself with the pro cedures of spring rush and a chance to register and pay his fees. X . At the second meeting, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 4, the rushee will select ten houses he will isit on the first day of spring rush week. The rushee is responsible for keeping his rush dates. He will live in his regular resi dence, although he will eat in the Union Friday and Satur day evenings and Saturday noon. No one may be pledged be fore 7 p.m., March 7. Upon filing his bid card, the pledge is free to move into the house, return to his residence or go wherever he wishes. Rushees may have no contact with any fraternity member except by phone during spring rush week. A member of a fraternity is defined as any active, pledge or alumnus of that fraternity. The following men must wait until Apr. 6 before pledg ing: any man failing to go through spring rush week; any man failing to pledge be fore 6 p.m. March 8; any man breaking a pledge at any time. All fraternities and regis tered rushees must use the regulation cards and bid slips authorized and printed under the auspices of IFC. No rushee it allowed In any fraternity house at any time other than the bona fide rush parties and open houses. No fraternity shall make a public list of its pledges be fore the pledges are an nounced by IFC. A pledging fee of $2 must be paid by each house for each man pledged. Violation of any of the above rules by any member fratern otv will ffibiect that fraternity to a maximum fine of $500 or suspension of social privileges or both. Complaints should be filed with the executive com mittee of IFC. Anyone interested in partici pating in spring rush week should attend the first orien tation meeting. - Professor-Author To Hold Forum About Bargaining Harold Davey, professor eT economics at Iowa State Uni versity and president-elect of the Midwest Economics Asso ciation, will discuss the cur rent status of collective bar gaining Monday at 7:30 p.m. in 235 Union. The discussion is open to interested faculty graduate and other advanced students from all departments. Dvey is the author of CON TEMPORARY COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, co-editor of NEW DIMENSIONS IN COL LECTrVE BARGAINING and the author of numerous arti cles for leading economics and labor journals. He has parti cipated as arbitrator in labor disputes. i Vol. 77, No. 64 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, February 26, 1964 -Seniors, Businessmen Paired Pirij"ie Pin Oram peons, ows Pes ponding fields, and attempt to appropriately pair them with seniors." Before the breakfast, both groups were given resumes on their correspondinding "part ners." The breakfast itself was designed to allow the first contact between the two groups as well as to es tablish further plans and fu ture meetings. "From this point things are left on an individual basis," he explained. "In a couple of month s," Sommerhauser added, "questionnaires will be sent to both groups for an evaluation of the program." Dennis Christie, also co chairman of the Protege Pro gram, is helping Sommer hauser to instigate these re lationships. Bill Buckley, president of Innocents, and Jim Pittenger, Innocents' adviser, gave short talks at the breakfast. Buck ley expounded on the respon sibilities of the college senior. Pittenger brought to light abilities of a University seni- some of the program s histor or. lies and successes, and gave Groups Meet At Breakfast, Discuss Jobs Thirty-three University seni ors have been designated as proteges and paired off with Lincoln business or profes sional men by the Innocents Society. The announcement was culminated at a kick-off breakfast yesterday morning. The plan, known as the In nocents' Protege Program, has a fourfold purpose, the most importan of which is to acquaint the senior with the occupation or field he plans to enter upon graduation. The program is also aimed at drawing Lincoln men of various professions closer to the University, giving them an indication of the results of a college education and the cap- In addition, the program is designed to impress the senior with some of the vast oppor tunities which may be af forded him in Nebraska. An underlying hope is that contacts between college and professional men will be es tablished. According to Pete Sommer hauser, co-chairman of the program, the Innocents So ciety selects the 33 seniors who have proven themselves academically as well as ac tivity-wise in various fields. "With the help of the Junior Chamber of Commerce," Sommerhauser said, "the In nocents contact businessmen in these particular corres- IWA Will Hold Slate Interviews Interviews for Independent Women's Association (IWA) will be held Saturday in the Union. Twelve girls from each of the freshman, sophomore and junior classes will be slated. Elections will be March 11, in cooperation with all-women's elections. Eight members from each class will be elected. Any independent woman freshman, sophomore or juni or who has a 5.5 overall av erage and meets University standards for participation in activities may interview. several ideas to the business men as to how others have coordinated and enacted the program. "The program worked real well last year," Sommerhaus er continued, stressing the ! fact that it is "sort of .on an individual basis, left largely up to the senior, whose place it is to make a notable ef fort." Business pairings are: Charles Thone, a lawyer with the Davis, Thone, Bailey and Polsky, and Bill Buckley; Robert Crosby, a lawyer with Pansing, Gunzel and Benning, and John Zeilinger; Nate Hol man, local attorney, and Dick Callahan; Charles Oldfather, of the Klein, Williams and Wright law firm, and Bob Cunningham; Paul Douglas, Lancaster County Attorney, with Pete Sommerhauser; Douglas Marti, attorney with Marti, Marti & Marti and Gary Pokorny; Ed Perry of the Perry law firm, and Dick Weill. Chauncy Barney, local at torney, and Tom Kotouc; Flavel Wright, lawyer with Klein, Williams & Wright, and Dave Smith; Thomas Pan sing, attorney at Crosby, Pan sing, Gunzel and Benning of fices, and Gary Radii; Sam Van Pelt, of the Klein, Willi ams & Wright firm, and Dick Rosenberg; Clarence Davis, of the Davis, Thone, Bailey and Polsky law firm, and John Link. Men in the medical profes sion are Dr. Robert Garling house, paired with Dennis Christie, and Dr. Dwight Cherry, working with Sam Moessner. Also in medicine are Dr. Robert Stein, local psychiatrist, and Gerald Wil kins; and Dr. Kenneth Mc Ginnis, obstetrician and gyne cologyist, and Wally Duff. Dr. Carroll Sawin, an edu cation coordinator, will work with Jim Lemons, and Joyce Ayres, of the Ayres and As sociates Advertising Co., is paired with Dan Rosenthal. Architects Martin Aitkens and S e 1 m e r Solheim are paired with Sam Condit and Frank Davey, respectively. Physicist Dr. Emerson Jones will work with John La hiff, and Keith Moseman, a certified public accountant has been designated to work with Roger Smith. In banking, Lou Roper and Roger Cunningham, First Na tional Bank vice-presidents, have been paired with Bill Gunlicks and Dave Zimmer, respectively, and in manage ment William Gold II, Gold & Co., and Bob Simon, Ben Si mons and Sons, are to work with Jim Jochin and Bob Campbell. Engineers featured are Sid ney Artt, of the Harold, Hos kins and Associates, and Bob Seidell; and John Olsson, of the Clark, Emerson, Olsson, Burroughs and Thomsen firm, with Wayne Howlett. Dale Showers, IBM, will be working with Doug Gaeth, Gene Eaton, of the National Bank of Commerce, and "Bud" Dobson; and Dan Re migio, a Goodyear industrial manager, with Russ Daub. Also featured on the pro gram are unpaired seniors Larry Roos and Leroy Svec. -FOLLIES HAS FEMININE COMBO- Qjfie By KAY ROOD Junior Staff Writer An all-girl combo playing original music will parti cipate on the Coed Follies presentation Friday. The combo, consisting of two trumpets, a trombone, string bass, drum, clarinet, saxophone, and piano will ac company Chi Omega's skit, "The Lady is Luce". The or iginal music was written for the skit by Chi Omega's Kathy Fliginger. Kappa Alpha Theta encountered some difficulty mov ing the backdrop for their skit to Pershing Auditorium Monday. With only fifteen minutes to move their sets into the auditorium, the backdrop fell from the back of a truck on top of a car and stopped traffic in downtown Lincoln. The AWS, sponsors of Coed Follies, will not reveal the nature of their skit. "Let them come to see a big sur prise", said a spokesman for the group. "Life, Liberty, and Leap Year" is the theme for this year's Coed Follies. Six skits and four travelers acts will make up the show, followed by the presentation of Ideal Nebraska Coed and Outstanding Collegiate Man. Gamma Phi Beta's skit, "Baubles, Bangles, and Bill boards" tells the story of a little man, a billboard painter, w ho wants to do nothing but paint billboards and has no in terest in making money. Groups representing different walks of life try to convince him that he should add some spice to his life and be more concerned with his income. Skit master for "Baubles, Bangles, and Billboards" is Karen I'flasterer. "The Lady Is Luce" is Chi Omega's skit. It involves the pursual by the Scotland Yard and Sherlock Holmes of the notorious Lady Luce who is reportedly "threatening the bachelorhood of all the eligible men in London". Anne Swanson is skitmaster. Original songs written by Robin Dyas will be fea tured in Alpha Phi's skit, "Phi Folklore." Skitmaster Judy Birney will present a musical act showing the different folklore, customs, and songs of the various parts of the United States. Pi Beta Phi's "Black, White, and Read All Over" tells about the conflict between funny paper characters and the artists who created them. Geaning women support the comic characters because, they say, the comics are their only form of entertainment. Skitmaster Linda Goth will in troduce the "funny business". Skitmaster Shirley Voss will introduce Kappa Alpha Theta's skit, "The Status Seekers". This act presents the conflicting idea of the "ski jocks" versus the "status-seekers". Each group tries to persuade the other to conform via original songs by Shirley Voss. Kappa Kappa Gamma's skit involves a village in the Alps terrorized by the abscoundable Snowman. All of their articles are disappearing because of him. The vil lagers select one of their group to capture or kill the snow man. He is Wolfgang Yodelfink. They soon discover that the reason for the snowman's behavior is his cleptomani actic tendencies. It all ends in a round of brotherhood. Cordy Seward is skitmaster for "The Abscoundable Snow man." The Kappas have bad to conduct a frantic search for Lederhosen, Swiss wearing apparel, and have been raiding the fraternities in their hunt. Kay Christiansen and Pat Dunklau dressed as scare crows will present "Crow Bait," a jazz dance. They rep resent Chi Omega for the Travelers Acts. Alpha Omicron Pi's travelers act, "My Fair Lady", will be presented by Mary Ann Griffiths. "Cockroaches," a pantomime by Alpha Chi Omega will show the changes in western music. Skitmaster is Di anne Steffenson. Jean Groteluschen and Carol Branting present Alpha Chi Omega's second travelers act, "To The Blues". Tom Schwenke was elected president of the Nebraska Union Board at the board meeting Monday. The board, formerly known as the Nebraska Union Board of Managers, is com posed of Al Bennet, director of the Student Union; two faculty members, Dr. Stanley Vandersall and Dr. Keith Broman; and four students, Terry Francl, Bonnie Knud sen, Bill Harding and Tom Schwenke. Other officers elected were Vandersall, vice presi dent, Miss Knudsen, secre tary, and Schwenke, board representative to the Review Committee. The purposes of the Board are setting policies in the areas of Union program func tion; determining philosophy of program function and its means of execution; advising the Union director, the Union program council, the dean of student affairs and the Union review committee; and es tablishing and maintaning the - good reputation of the Union with its public. Concurrent with the estab lishment of the new Board, the Union Review Committee was formed to review all budget allocations. Schwenke is the fifth student in the history of the Univer sity to hold the position. He succeeds Maurine Frolik. The Board also announced the appointment of area direc tors for the union prograam committee. They are Suzie Walbura, president, Mary Morrow, vice president, Tom Schwenke, fi nance director, Bill Harding, Union image director, Dian- ne Michel, recreation area, Shirley Voss, cultural area, Bonnie Knudsen, education area, Peggy Stanton, social area. Program committee . chair men and assistants are Terry 'Schaff, chairman of public relations; Margie LehL assistant; Jan Whitney, chair man of hospitality; Susie Stuckey, assistant; Bill Hans mire, chairman of trips and tours; Susie Cunningham, as sistant, Carolyn Freeman, chairman of contemporary arts; Claudia Davis, assis tant, Vicki Dowling, chair man of music, Jeanne Fauss, assistant, Susie Moore, chair man of talks and topics, Jim Kinyon, assistant, George Scholthauer, chairman of spe cial events; Jeanne Free man, assistant, Karen John son, chairman of films, Kelly Baker, assistant Stan Miller received the an nual award for Outstanding Worker. Degree Applications Must Be In March 2 Students expecting to re ceive their bachelor'! or advanced degrees or teach ing certificates at the cbse of this semester must regis ter by March 2, according to Floyd Hoover, registrar. Application should be made at the registrar's of flce, 208 Administration building. I r r r I . m,,.,,, ., y..! i .J..--- - - i t-mm -"--""' As - q f:.. wc., : . jy , , - I. A - -f if f fVl , -I"! ; . p , : - j )' ' S r I I N HEAVE HO KIDS It's Coed Follies time and the girls Involved may be seen in all sorts or strange contortions and positions as they pour their hearts Into the skit. Pictured above are members of the PI Beta Thl skit, "Black, White, Read All Over." On the left are Joanie Graves, Judy Hian (in back) and Lynn McKlbben. In the center Susan Moore and Mary Lou Adams, along with other members do their stmt, oanfly Janike struts across stage in the picture on the right.