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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1964)
UNIVERSITY OF NEBR. 11 !',;, y i "; War V: 1 if I WW,; Vol. 77, No. 65 The Daily Nebraskan Thursday, February 27, 1964 r" ' rituwrifMtiiiiir-TiimAir -iifniiiTiiiiiiimimwiiMi"irLiio: laij PHOTO BY DENNIS DeFRAIN NOT QUITE SUNDECK WEATHER WOODSIE WEATHER CLOSE BEHIND It snowed Tuesday, but by yesterday the snow was almost gone. By tomorrow girls may be flocking to the sun decks. .KICK THE HABIT- five-Day Course Offers Chance For Students To Stop Smoking Styd Dim V YWCA SPONSORS NU TRIP- mm em 11 esunm HI By Mike Keedy Junior Staff Writer If you want to shed your smoker's hack, hop over to the Nebraska Center Sunday night. A Five-Day Plan to quit smoking will be presented at the Nebraska Center begin ning next week. The program, to get under way Sunday, will run its com plete course by March 5. Each meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. Films, lectures, and demon strations, all showing people how to stop smoking, will highlight the events. Owing to a centering of nation-wide interest upon cigarette-smoking, the Union Col lege Health Department and the Lincoln Seventh-Day Ad ventist churches, sponsors, are urging this educational program to alert U.S. citizens to the effects of smoking on the human body. Five consecutive group ther apy sessions, lasting for about an hour each evening, include lectures on the physioiogial as well as psychological as pects of the smoking prob lem. This phase will be con ducted by a physician-clergyman team. Exchanges of experiences by participants in the Five Day Plan will supplement films and demonstrations. In addition, a special book let, entitled "Your Five-Day Plan", gives tips on how to relax, when and how to exer cise, what to eat and drink, and what to think about dur ing crucial moments. Elman J. Folkenberg and Alfred O. Mazat, M.D., will direct the program. Mr. Folkenberg, co-author of "Five-Day Plan to Stop Smoking," specializes in the psychological aspects of breaking the smoking habit. He declares the plan to be "A comprehensive sensible way of breaking the habit in five days." Dr. Mazat, staff member of the Porter Sanitarium and Hospital in Denver, says, Smoking is a complex neuro muscular habit which can be far more easily broken if cer tain physical laws are under stood." The Plan, now in its fourth year, has been able to reveal through statistics that, of those who complete the pro gram, 40-0 have attained permanent success. In addition, those participa ting in the program can look forward to a 50 chance that after the third day they will have lost their craving for to bacco. At the end of the fifth session, 70-75 of all partici pants have been found to have go lost such desires. The innovation was held last at Hunters College, where 1600 smokers were involved in the program. It is expected that approximately 1700 will be in attendance here. A DAILY NEBRASKAN re porter will cover the program, and give his daily reactions in the paper as to how he is af fected by the plan. According to Dr. S. I. Fuen ning, Student Health medical director the program is "basically an educational pro gram; at the same time . . . provides group support for people to change their habits, and has been of help to a good number of people." Past reactions from people dreaming of once again hav ing mighty chests and long wind have been interesting. "Yesterday I thought I had been scalped," claimed one participant. "The whole top of my head seemed to be coming off." "Today my nerves went to peices," revealed a woman weed-consumer of 20 years. This arthntic-stncken partici pant continued, "I'm a Hohen zollern, and I've got their temper." Another woman, with an in credible admission of 45 years' addiction, the last 21 as a chain smoker up to four packs a day, was assured of success, despite a minor back slide. "I had a terrific headache . . ." she said, "with tears in her eyes. I took one cigarette, and had half a pack before I knew it. Today the headache was gone, but I felt drowsy. I had a cup of coffee, and iit a cigarette, then another. But I quit halfway through the second one. It didn't taste good." Apparently headaches, nerv ousness, loss of appetite, mus cle cramps, exhaustion, and a craving to smoke accom pany the grueling, five-day course. Some of the rules for the first day: The night before, take a Three Attend Council Three University students were among the more than 120 delegates who attended the 18th National Conclave of Chi Epsilon, the National Civil Engineering Honor Fraternity at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in Rol la, Missouri this week. Ronald Listen, Galen Ander son and Richard Van Sickle representated Nebraska at the Conclave. short walk and a Yarm show er before retiring. Repeat the magic phrase a few times as you doze off. In the morning, allow time for a relaxing bath and drink two glasses of warm water. Nothing but fruit and fruit juices are allowed for the first 24 hours. No coffee consump tion is permitted. At work, avoid friends who indulge in this weedy form of oral gratification, and have three more glasses of water before noon. Keep drinking during the afternoon, and call a "buddy" (the buddy system is em ployed, like the AA uses) and talk things over. In the evening, return to the Center for a refurbishing of that dogmatic character of yours you're remolding. University of Nebraska stu dents will travel to one of six project sites as a part of the National Student Young Women's Christian Associa tion (YWCA) voter registra tion project during spring va cation, March 29 to April 4. The University's student YMCA group will sponsor a team or live students ana possibly two teams if enough interest Is shown. According to the national group, "non-violent techniques will be used to encourage voter registration and educa tion in the communities." In terest has been growing na tionally with 48 schools apply ing for the project thus far. University students will probably travel to St. Louis. An attempt will be made to have teams from both north ern and southern schools, with an interracial membership working together at each of the other sites including: Atlanta, Georgia; Berkeley, Califor nia; Greensboro and Raleigh, North Carolina; and Rich mond, Virgina. Application forms will be available at 332b Student Union today at noon. Applica tions must be turned in by Friday at 6 p.m. Although students are all University eligible, prefer- IFC Committee Chairmen Elected; Delegates Named Stan Miller, Beta Sigma Psi, John Luckasen, Phi Delta Theta, and Bill Mowbray, Sigma Nu, were elected chairmen of the affairs, pub lic relations, and rush com mittees respectively of the In terfraternity Council (IFC) last night. In other business, the IFC passed a motion proposing the adoption ot the same tan rushweek schedule as was used last year. Charles Oldfather, alum of Phi Kappa Psi, was an nounced as new president of the IFC board of control. He succeeds of Beta Paul Hyland, Theta Pi. alum Delegates appointed to at tend the Big 8 IFC confer ence were Tom Brewster, Bob Weaver, and Buzz Mad son. According to Tom Brewster, president of the IFC 8nter views for positions on the IFC's committees will be held Sunday. Application forms may be obtained in the IFC office for the Affairs, fraternity man agement association, rush, public relations, pledge ed ucation, scholarship, and ex pansion committees. ence will be given to Student YWCA members. Selections for the first team will be made by Wednesday of next week and a second team of five members may be formed if enough interest is shown. Students making the trip are expected to pay for their own transportation, food and lodging. Housing will be pro vided by local Student YWCA's, homes of U n i t e d Church Women or with other families in the Negro and whkwy communities. Housing and food will cost from $3 to $5 a day. Each project will be staffed with a non-student adviser. Students under twenty-o n e will have to gain parental permission to participate. Mrs. Joan Wadlow, a politi cal science instructor at ine University, will prepare the team for its project trip. She and Betty Gabehart, Execu tive Director of the Universi ty Student YWCA group will select participants. Mrs. Wadlow will conduct at least three orientation ses sions before the team or teams' departure a month later. The preparatory study will include the project intent and goals, how to meet com munity pressures, project mo tivation and to prepare for possible local voter registra tion with project site experi ence. The National Student YWCA defines its purpose further saying, "It is so difficult to overcome traditional apathy and despair in the face of repeated rebuffs." Although the registration project is directed toward minority group voters, the national publication points at Negroes saying, " . . .if only Negroes make the effort to surmount the formidable bar ricrs to voting will thler views be heard in statehouses and the national capitol." Projects are primarily held in Southern states were re gistration for the fall election is possible and where in creased vote can make a difr ference, according to the na tional publication. Further information can lbs obtained by calling Carol Williams at the Kappa Delta house phone 432-4120. Council Action Streamlines Student Election Regulations Student Council yesterday streamlined its election by laws, passing a motion by Susie Pierce, second vice president, which eliminated obsolete passages and clari fied ambiguous voting rules. President Dennis Christie reminded the Council that only nine meetings remain, and that the remainder of the year will determine the suc cess of the Council's work. He called for work and sacrifice from the Council members and outlined some of the projects that merit strong at tention during the next nine weeks. Significant in the election law changes was the alterna tion in the section which de prives a college from all representation in a Student Council election if it fails to produce the maximum num ber of candidates allowed to it under the present repre sentation rules. The law was changed to allow unopposed candidates to take office, but causes the college to lose its right to further representation during the year in question. "No other elective body in existance is set up so that it loses representation for not having the maximum number of candidates," said Miss Pierce, Added to the by-laws was a measure allowing for the election committee to define "campaigning." A preceding law states that there must be no campaigning on election day. Miss Pierce said that campaigning outside of the Union, where voting takes place, is important in many students' campaigns, and that the law should be clarified. Student Council Organiza tional representatives must be elected before March 27 and the filing date for the general election is Apr. 6. Christie, in his list of goals for the remainder of the year, cited representation, the Big Eight charter flight, the ticket problem and grade re ports as areas in which the Council will prove itself. Representation, he indi cated, is a crucial area. "We need a change, some way, somehow, in our present sys tem," he said. ' He continued that mora work is planned with James Pittenger, athletic ticket manager, for the purpose oi resolving the shortage felt by many students during the 1963 football season. The Big Eight charter flight to Europe, Christie said, is a tremendous opportunity fo? University students who want to go to Europe and save money. He said that the stu dent body must be contacted and acquainted with the ad vantages of the chartered flight Upperclass Regents Deadline 1$ March 1 Applications for the Upper class Regents Scholarship test must be submitted by Marcb 1 in the scholarship and fl nancial aid office, 211 Admin istration. Any student with 6.0 over all average and who is a full time student is eligible for the tests to be held March 7 and 14. Students will be given the) time and place of the tests when they apply. MEN EXCLUDED FROM SHOW 00 OI11QS Not oeducationa By Frank Partsch Senior Staff Writer The twenty-first presentation of the Associated Women Students (AWS) Coed Follies this week promises to be an impressive display of college talent, but it will lack a great deal of color which was given it in the past when men were not allowed to attend. Until 1953 the Follies were for coeds only. The pro gram was seldom held without interruption, for, accord ing to rumor, an unofficial contest was staged among the fraternities to see which one could smuggle the most men into the theatre. With the aid of bobby socks, make-up and sweaters, the men disguised themselves, and, according to past is sues of the DAILY NEBRASKAN, some of them were very deceptive. In the early fifties the men became more rowdy, and the police occasionally were forced to evict a male whose identity was discovered. Other men, not so ingenious but more daring, would hide beneath the seats in the threatre, aided by their girl friends, and a report of the 1952 Follies tells of one young man who emerged, red faced and puffing, halfway through the program, and walked out. "It's too hot; I can't stand it in there," was his only explanation. Student Council passed a motion recommending that men be admitted to the Follies after a 1952 riot in which police battled 500 males desiring to enter the inner sanc tum. The motion passed and was referred to AWS, and the next year saw the first legalized entry of males into the Follies. During the 1930's and 40's a feature event of the show was a style show, and a "Best Dressed Girl" was elected. This honor evolved into "Typical Nebraska Coed" (TNC) in the 50's and is the forerunner of today's "Ideal Ne braska Coed." During World War II the Follies, in keeping with the wartime spirit, limited expenses on skits to $15. The rules for judging the "Best Dressed Girl" included a provision that she must show an interest in wartime activities. The skits were built around a theme of war, empha sizing both the serious and funny parts of war. The presentation of the "Best Dressed Girl" was often surrounded with pomp and ceremony, as well as closely guarded secrecy. The Account of the 1943 presentation from the DAILY NEBRASKAN files says "Directly following the style show in which 19 girls modeled, the stage re volved to reveal a good looking male (pasteboard, howev er) with an enormous drum beside him. "The drum broke and TNC Helen (Johnsen) stepped forth. She wore a white sports dress with a black chester field collar." I Until 1953 ' 4v;!5a w . '; . y' A a r 7 Y Y 1 11 i Ml II i I 1 ? I II r f V I i' I i h i 1 v j r f ui i j if v u , y Wi,,, F J " ' J:' I V ' . A BILLBOARD? That's what those girls are, folks, or at least are pretending to be. They are the billboards painted by the dedicated Herkimer Finkniggle (the spelling is questionable.) These coeds are practicing the Gamma Phi Beta skit, "Baubles, Bangles and Bill boards," to be presented at the AWS Coed Follies Friday. On the right, playing the billboard part, are, left to right, Jodeen Mueller, Linda Booth, JoAnn Armstrong, Diane Michael and Janet Rahn. The fanatic billboard painter on the right is Mary Thorpe.