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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
Page 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN TKurscfoy, June 14, 1956 Summer Ncbraskan Editorials: To E cJucomq Of Not A large Nebraska dally pub- Such an education does not lead Teacher College students are re lished the third in a series of ar to a firm basis of Information markably well versed on how to ticles concerning the University needed to Instruct, nor does it , Kllf . , . . last Monday. This article was ex- make the student academically "h but know very little to teach, tremely critical of Teachers' Col- conscientious: The root of' the problem, and lege curriculum and called the xhe appalling thing is that per- Prly equipped college students school a "hodgepodge of courses." 8ons with this educational back- becoming even more poorly Listed by the newspaper are ground are the present and future WlPPed teachers cannot be sucH things as square dancing, up- teachers in Nebraska schools. They claed " anything else, does not holstering, elementary typewrit- to have absolutely nothing to 1Ie in the tate' primary and see ing, extracurricular activities, and teach that can be considered as ondary public schools. It lies within two courses listed as public rela- academlc meat for intelligent chil- University itself. The Univer tions, but one is expressly ded- dren All future education rests on 8,101,1(1 ,tlfen Teachers Col-, cated to the problems of the PTA. a firm gracje anj secondary train- lee cour consolidate methods The Nebraskan cannot say that ing basis m fundamentals such as course into one J8. et "P no courses of any value are offered reading, wriUng, arithmetic, spell- an sxtensive program of require by the Teachers College, nor can in- chemistry and particularly meni in otner colleges, partlcu it say that all students in Teach- secondary English. m ,arly rta and Sciences. It is not ers College shirk in the selection , . . 1 . , , . at all wise or justifiable for t .ioH. u ,.,... Students have only to look around Toanhmt.. miw. t u. analogous to early morning bird "$ TlTJt numbers of teachers each year to v'; " " meet the growing teacher shortage wuuuui '. The shortage is a problem but it training. There have been college can hardly bft fcy attrftctlng "v,uo v bts of students to Teachers Col more than three svllahlps. . . ... " l ita uiaiiM 4r haa m ".nan Teachers College is as import- course" reputation, and then Bachelor of Science in Education ant a college as the University graduating them after four years degree with 20 hours of such has. The Nebraskan wishes it were of what best can be described as ridiculous courses. In some cases: also the most difficult of any col- superfluous courses. Numbers of students have taken far more edu- lege. It seems only logical that fu- teachers cannot compensate for cation courses of this nature than ture educators should be the best the loss of academic integrity and are required because little or no informed persons in the Univer- a lowering of educational stand- creative intellectual effort is neces- sity. It appears to The Nebraskan, ards. It is obvious to the Nebraskan $ary. however, that the vast majority of which is more important. J. B. Dibs Comments: 'olummst Praises arson Booh filer; C By JEAN P-IBBIjE Staff Columalst (Editor's note: Miss Dibble, one of the summer Nebraskan columnists is a senior In Arts and Sciences at the University. She is a history major 'and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She is a graduate of Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Mass.) It, if your musical taste runs generally along this line you might enjoy "A Pictorial History of Jazz" by Orrin Keepnews and Bill Grauer Jr. It rovers jazzmen, jazz places and jazz aiyles for the past half century. Just an idea for the fairer sex on these hot days stick a bottle of cologne into the refrigerator calls (orinthology) and bait and flycasting. These two courses are, incidentally, offered by the -University. However, the Nebraskan can say that it is possible to receive a Improvements Needed The actions of the Board of Re- or stagnant institution of learning more lucrative positions for nebul gents Monday are the crystaliza- is worse than useless. lous reasons like "he likes the city tion of University administrators' Also gratifying is the talk Chan- of Lincoln, or he likes the Univer attempts to enlarge and make cellor Clifford Hardin gave at a sity." more suitable the physical plant recent alumni gathering. The The Chancellor deserves all the of the University. Chancellor outlined in firm lan- support the state can give him in The University building program guage the decided need for more his efforts to improve the Univer is of immense importance to every instructors and higher pay scales sity, both in the building program citizen of the state of Nebraska, at the University. and in his budget requests. The Even if only three-quarters of the The University must offer better Chancellor clearly recognizes the University's anticipated enrollment working conditions and better sal- need for more and better buildings in ten years is realized, there ary scales to keep excellent in- and salary scales that compare would still be great strain on the structors now on the campus and favorably with schools of the same University's facilities as they are attract new ones. " enrollment. J .B now. , le university nas . lost more The building program will serve instructors this past year because to ease Xhe situation and justi- of more attractive offers than fies its existence by that alone. .- . through the highly touted "outside - To serve the state, the Univerrpressures" of last spring. It is sity must" grow and expand its blind to expect an instructor to re t MiiiMiiHir r-.iiiiiiiiiiino hangs the milk. It is arranged for nineti" nd Lc,la1SSM ln the morn milking " BU wiucn require prepare Feel rather tardy ip having just tion 14 seems to be a bit incongru finished Rachel Carson's fine ous to be speakmg of reading for "The Edge of the Sea," which pleasure and Just plain relaxation, came out this past winter. She However, the editor spent the follows the ebbing tide out with weekend between the end of final her descriptions of the life left un- examinations and the beginning of covered by the receeding water, summer school catchins un on. Her keen sense of observation can what the publishers have been do- only evoke much admiration on jng this year. the part of the reader. p, rr tiv. !.in,u While we're in the literary de- 'r" l.VT l'llll"' lSSi NV-TewsTa ers, 'Tas W?uSrffffl!5 b-k. Price invaded ish history fascinating. Pierre Gas- the humorous essay fietf a few sier has written a new and rela- th 0ne Had tn,rc;. w ahnt Out The Other." He referred to the life of the fabulous court painter, book as a philosophical treatise ad ft seems to be well worth looking vocating the theory of avoidisra. at. Avoiaism consists cm a valuing as The daily crowds at the tennis manv thmSs possible as much courts bring to mind the fear ex- tne tUne as possible. pressed by many of the fans of Price contends that the book the game that the intensive night- went unheeded, but it seems more time tennis program of the Aus- likely that someone beat him to sies will give them a lead over us the draw and the , theory was so in years to come. Already at an ad- widespread that when he belatedly vantage because of the absence published his treatise that the the of snow, Australia is bringing many ory had taken hold. The book was, young tennis hopefuls into the course consequently avoided, game with the inducement of low , . . . , cost. The Aussies claim that a ,. Z ?,r5 .. , beginner can learn all the rudi- "7? P"L , 7 ,w " K ments of the game and have a "T TT. " V ' .,r. place to play for as low as twenty- p !. 'l m 1 two cents game. Me, First-" deab Wlth P" re become nuite tan of Th &riA "s candidate Herman Clabber- Four Freshman in the last few cutt Good American. months. They have done original Price is amusing and his political versions of many of the old favor- satire, although it can hardly com ites, including an outstanding one pare with "Candide,1 is fast torn- of "Over the Rainbow." Incidental- mer reading. This summer, there are avail able to summer session students a educational facilities. A stationary main at the University despite vast array of entertaining and edu cational extracurricular programs. Every summer session student should take advantage of as many of these presentations as possible. Dr. Frank Sorenson, director of summer sessions, and his staff have scheduled some of the nation's leading figures in their respective fields to address summer session students. Bob Handy and mem bers of the Union staff are pre senting a large number of activi ties for summer session students' leisure hours and have scheduled four outstanding attractions for their Artists Series. v Both of these areas are furnish ing activity to summer session The Summer Nebraskan Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, . Incorporated The Nebraskan. is published by students of the University of Ne braska under the authorization of the Committee on Student Affairs as an expression of student opinion. Publication under the jurisdic tion of the Subcommittee on Student Publications shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the University, or on the part of any person outside the University. The members of the Nebras kan staff are personally responsible for what they say, or do or cause to be printed. Editorial Staff Editor... v Judy Bost students free of charge. As an in Business Staff centive, both Love Library and the Business Manager Jerry Nissen Union are air-conditioned. J.B. Tf viiV th tvne nt fiaWman and let it cool. After a shower. who is always hunting for some- sPlash " on liberally and you'll thing new to improve his 'uck then find " refreshing. you might be interested in the Saw an interesting anti-ice cube Mepps spinner. This is an import- device in one of the department ed French fishing lure, which - is stores today. It's a small metal rapidly becoming very popular, oiece which snaps onto the rim It is leaf shaped and attached of a glass and holds the ice in to. it is a small tuble hook. The place so that it can't bump into unusual feature about the spinner the drinker's nose. Quite novel, is that it works best after it has but I doubt if bumping icecubes become dirty and stained. have been hindering the amount June being Dairy Month, this of beverages consumed. description of a cow by a 10 year old boy in Science magazine seems well worth repeating. "A cow is a mammal. It has six sides right, left, and upper and below , . . The head is for the purpose of growing horns and so that the mouth can be somewhere . . . under the cow From- the Eiil&F With the temperature in the high I I i 1 i"i fc. ... -m l i juLKJUU liirniittfAfiiifll! 13TI1 a 0 SIS. LOSIiJ, 1222. fa" rai.iMu.ii mi II i jmmiiweJ mm ' Site, : Hk L .1 ' ' wr 14111 i"1" Open Your "Cornhusker Special" Giecking Account where you see the big calendar clock. at 13th & "0" Your name is printed on each check free. Member FJ3.I.C. i s 3 - 3 t S I i E I if S. 3 i 1 r 3 r a L:;;;;iiii