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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1953)
B Copy Ava'ilabk 5 Wednesday, Aprli 1, 1953 .HE DAILY NEBRASKAN Biff 1 i 3 IBUIIIIIMUI. M u J, t J 1 - y ...jU';. a- w i 2 ' 1 Out Of Bounds ICM Adds Mother Gridiron Rule Change Grantland Consodine rnHfLS Colliate. Athletic Association's Football Rules Committee, which was the instrument of action repealing the free SMnSSt1, H? 'U sieaso" ,nex' f.a"; s recentlyecome rr.; .,. J"""v ,u,e "i Rna regulations. The committee decided Wednesday that the previous ruling, that four men are eligible to tako nation n f 1 l616 a the,tir?e the ba" snapped, has been changed" to allow five men to take backf pIH nnsitmnc 6 This will allow a team to play with a line of six men on offense, witn any number or variations in fhn Vvtirirfioi nnt the major colleges depending upon speed, passing and' deceptiveness me iwu-ijuai lerDacK system. South Africans Enroll Athletic Department offi rials rf ihe TTnitmrclfip txrJ nesday that seven top-notch athletes from British South Africa would enroll at Nebraska next fall. n 1hrr yiVL be in ih,e form of a shot ln the arm to Swimming Coach Web Emery and Track Coach Ed Weir. Four of the South Africans hold world unofficial swimming records in their respective yt.ivo, me uuier wo, Doin jump experts, nave been cham pions two years in their Olympic tryouts in their respective dis- ilia. Husker Footnotes After digging into our files of "Who's Who at Nebraska," we've r - m n urn .iV. J l i j . . "h wdi.ii Buuie juiijuiiani dus oi miormation. John Bordogna, who last year completed 331 of 367 forward passes for the Cornhuskers and a total of 2,893 yards, has no thumb on ms xnrowmg nana. Tne shifty, tnpple-threat back would no qoudi De an an-time AU-Amencan already if this defect did hot namper ms Duiiei-speea spirals. O Andy Loehr, anotner Turtle Creek, Pa. product, is now being eyed by Husker diamond mentor Tony Sharpe. The fleet soph football end played errorless baseball at third base last summer for the Turtle Creek club of the Pittsburg AAA Independent League, leading his mates with a .753 average at the plate while topping the league in home runs, doubles and stolen bases. George Paynich, Des Plaines, 111. football letterman at Ne braska, also played some outstanding baseball last summer, as player coach of the Fresnillo Zacatecas of the Mexican League. Paynich set the league's record in extra base blows, and gar nered 57 home runs in 63 games. Boll To Get $30,000 Don Boll, who played outstanding defensive guard for Coach Bill Glassford's Cornhusker gridiron club last fall and recently signed to play with the Washington Redskins next fall, has announced that his salary will exceed $30,000. This amount is somewhat of a record for Redskin rookie line men. The 240-pound Boll was called "the most terrific big man I've seen in college ball last year" by 'Skin scouts during their visit with The Pink Rag sport staff Wednesday. Big Seven (t Review Rule By PESO divided t. Mexican Writer Bordog. (l' Big Seven commisar Reeve Pe- this tc I ters shocked the athletic world by this 1 his announcement that "In all (Coac league football games, Big Seven the T j members will use the free substi- Big tution rule next fall." tackle, Peters related that the momen- earnestlj tous decision had been reached ing som after a secret meeting in Kansas hopes 1 City Wednesday. by this Reaction from Big Seven Vetera coaches and players was varied, not be 1 Aging Bud Wilkinson of Okla- "Personal homa said, "Now, if we can throw play, that out that silly anti-bowl clause, me going ; this would really be the top con- been my gi ference in the nation." Fan react, Jules Sykes of Kansas had a re- players, wa lleyed look on his face when he whined Lyr said, "Phew, the very thought of! find mv J having to coach a team both of- All that ri fensively and defensively aggra- hoping to ' vated my ulcers." the new V Coach Bill Glassford of our own Ginny Cornhusker team calmly stated; coed, coc "We think it is for the good of thclments, "W game. It will help our boys scho-No furthe; , lastically also. Teaching the boys tracted fr( to go both ways would be tool "As long . , time-consuming." Ihappy," sak. Don Farout of Missouri seemed; Chi sweethea ALUMS TO MEET VARSITY . . . Shown here are some of the alumni who will face Coach Bill Glassford's Scarlet squad on All hports Day, May 2. The grrads are currently working: out under direction of their coach, Tom Novak. Front row (left to right): Kenneth Fischer, Fred Hawkins, Fred Lorenz, Frank "Dutch" Meyer, Carl Samuelson, Vic Schleigh and Fran Nagle. Second Courtesy Sunday Journal and Stat row: trainer Blaine Rideout, Wayne Handshy, Jack Pesek, Bill Mueller, Jerry Jacupke, Dick Goeglein, Frank Simon and mana ger Jwold Zlumblk. Back row: Ron Clark, Bob Mullen, Coach Tom Novak, Dick Regier, Assistant Coach Harlnod Bzek, Harry Meginnis and Joe Ponseigo. Yankees Efa k a fa 11 flvdOVe IT Slheinniii srain on s only comment from ieid Lost Swim Star's Body Still Sought y JOHNNY WEISMUELLER Swimming Editor The search continues for J. Pisces Finn, a member of the Uni versity of Nebraska swimming team who drowned during the re cent Nebraska-Oklahoma swim ming meet. Finn, an expert in the breast Stroke event, was leading in his event with six rods to go. Spec tators close to the race overheard Finn whale, "Oh, I drown! Al loha cruel world! Burble, bur ble .. . " Finn's parent's, Mr. and Mrs Mickey I'inn, were grieved by the news. "I told him not to go in without his rubbers on," said his bereaved father. Warren "Webb" Operculum, Nebraska swimming coach, was touched by the loss of his star. Well never have a better swim mer than our lost Carter Lake record-breaker." The U.S. Coast Guard has been dragging the Coliseum pool fever ishly for the past two months. "It's the sharks what got him," said Admiral Steve Kanyon. No sign of Finn or sharks have been reported. A ragged old sock apparently Finn's, has been un earthed however. "Guess we'll have to bury it," said Mrs. Finn. If the body is not found within By INTRA-MLNDELL i The only comment from the'eise statement could not be ob-jwas quoted as saying that he Sports Staff Writer jBrooklyn head office concerning gained from that city however, as would rather go to the Sally The New York Yankees of the! Weiss' comment tossed in their L vllir, ' frpmipritv ; league than play for a Nebraska American baseball league an-, auction was. we wish they d . - . - " ,team. "We Okies jest don't as- nounced today in a surprise re-'move from the major leagues al-! interspersed with sobs and groans. sociate wit them all Cornshuckers lease that it was moving its fran chise to Lincoln, Nebr. The state- together." Another protest came from outside a football field where we Wild speculation immediately Mickey Mantle, outstanding Tan-' a.n can lick them all any day of mmi ramp as a snnrK in mp nasp- Toimwen xne ann i nppmpni rnn- i. inf.ijA. i n " vv-xx on i rvCC LCU ICU1C1UC1 1 a a l jcaoun. ball world, especially on the heels cerning the new Lincoln Western i iv, j.t nf th Rnston RrvPS tnnvP tf.'Ine tPam. the PhiPfs. At first iMantle- an Oklahoma product, Braves move to League team, the Chiefs. At first i thought, it appeared that the J manager, Chiefs were doomed with the Inframurals of the Boston Milwaukee. Yankee general George Weiss, made the an-coming of major league ball, but nniiTifPmpnf at Trip facpv Star crn , AAfpicc miirlrlv cniiplrhpH Qiiph the next Week. Officials Of the tpctimnninl hrpalrfact in Nm'pnmmpntc with fhp ctatpmpnt thar' C I athletic department will take the;York Wednesday morning. Said he felt certain that both teams, V7U 111 OGVci Cll " """."P Wiul l"c parimem,Weiss ..Jt has become apparent : could fare splendidly in the Ne- Ul CMUIUUI1. . 1 I New Sports that New York is no longer aibraska capitol city. The Yankees three-baseball team city and so have already contracted to use the ih& Ynnk-pps whn Inct nvpr a mil-'Phipf' Shprman FipIH "uhilp thp . 1 . : . . . . .. - T A 1 T: i XT A lion dollars at the gate last year. Lincoln team is on the road. i jjhcc-iui uwaiu rhr , w J n n o u n cea " btadium The only comment from Lincoln concerning this was "tio Hum." Local Lincoln civic groups have already begun the wheels turning ior a piayott between the Western and American League winners and said they were certain it would be an all-Lincoln series. Corn Cobs To Meet Don Noble announced a Corn to be the only coach thinking of the possible consequences. "Nat urally I voted for it. but I think it will hurt our record against some of the nationally ranked clubs." The players meanwhile sort of woman on th Big Seven the forthcoml' NCAA policy seems to be Big beven wl if they enact itSI are seeking greener currency. We! The new name for the former! Higgenbothom has are sure that Lincoln is our an-Bronx Bombers has already beeniDians for an enlarged program of &laaium- swer." set and will now and forever be intramural activities next year. W e decided to hold our meet- 4T Krtr-i mo innironl tact con enn tVio "QViorrrnn T")nm YanlrPOC I j.t j i . l ": V IZv,'i c..Z Z(r;i,tr; Z,. i The new sports to be added will '"ssw ere xne aimospnere is Ltlrfl. rVE dl LtTi tflil iU II L1I ALIdlII L1CVL1 tit lICTClLiril U1U LCOLD 1 HVC PI- . . ji . a inunT" cn.W : . . . .. . : : . . . . .. makp it nni nt me largest uro-, """k omu. world championship, the heart of ready been voiced lonowing tne:" ; tv,--,,.,, Gotham belongs to the Bums of surprise shift. One of the loudest;6'0""" Brooklyn. We didn't care about has come from Omaha which has The sports to be added are: thp hpnrt until wo fminH that thp hppn rnnivinp for trinlp-A rlnh skeet shooting, darts, curling, ar- money went with it and so we'and now are clamoring for the'ehery for distance and accuracy, are leaving." 'Lincoln-New York deal. A con SINK OR SWIM . . . There have been no new developments on the drowning of J. Pisces Finn, former swimming ace at the University of Nebraska. (Pink Rag Photo by Cclven-Heyn). Star Quarterback McWick Quits NU, Takes Afeiv Job Rising Politician - 4 f K 4 1 Hi 4 I By BORIS Sports Staff Writer Jerry McNiclc, flashy football quarterback, has given up studies at the University of Nebraska to accept a position as modeling agent for the Maiden Form Bra Co., of Pitfalls, New Mexico. I "I can't afford to stay at Ne braska and play ball no more. said McNick. "My contract ran out this month and they won't give me $8,000. I quit," he said. McNick was previously one of Nebraska's highest paid athletesj until xne receni comueis wun me athletic department. George "Pudgy" Clark, athletic director, expressed disappoint- men over McNick's decision. "We just can't afford to pay him that much money. We have too many other expenses to keep up." It is presumed that Director Clark was referring to the new salary hikes demanded by corrupt officials and referees recently. McNick was awarded an ail American rating by the Delta Up silon Atheist and the Cambridge Morning Fog newspapers. J u i ' K A 7 a - - fV x C1." LJ. fa BIG SEVEN COMMISAR . . . Reeve Pertes that Big Siven teams will be allowed to -tern in league football contests next fa Prof. Ray Morgan.) AT flliLLER'S squash rackets, soccer, jai-alai, cricket, deck tennis, crow bomb ing, parachute jumping, car-hopping, table-hopping, motor scooter relays, fly casting, card filing for speed and accuracy, volleyball in flating race, weight guessing, jit terbugging, ring-around-the-rosy, sail boating, pie throwing, pie eat-; ing, hot rod racing, pipe smoking, and hog calling. l Shiny new brass trophies will:r; be awarded to all winners. Competitors for car-hopping and i ; parachute jumping should start training for actual competition forj;" next fall. :; Team entries for the events must be submitted not later than one week after competition starts. floating flattery in Browns, Pirates Still Favorites I EPPERMINT STICK . . . de- licous new stcp-into frock, its skirt a float of impressed pleats. A tasty stripe, woven by Wamsulta, in soft, hazy cotton, in RcUWhile, Grey White, BlueWhile. Sizes 9 to 15. jut 17.95 i 1 .If f 4 r Kiner Sold To Los Somepin; Injured Shoulder Aids Move By AMILIANO ZAPATA Interpretor Palnh "Bnnm - Boom" Kiner T1 1 It T.T has been sold by the Pittsburgh ",,1" Pirates to Los Somepin of the Class A Argentina League. The big Buccaneer, who was known as the National League's top fence-buster, was given the heave-ho after he seriously hmispH hie shnnlHpr ninninr into - c i ' ih lpft firlri fpnre at Fnrhes Field. ft', -4 I T-i A-ti im vm t:..i "lhe had released Kiner after much thought. we can ouy iour or V'1-?1 more farm clubs with the money We '11 "be saving on Ralph s salary." . m Lou "Lime" Rickey, brother ot .St...'. ' .1 -n: 4- . . 1 ..-.,")." me 2'iiuit: iiictuiMi cite aim cu&iuui- an of the Pittsburgh club house '", - 4 1 felt that Kiner was given his pa-l ....' 'ipcrs because his brother thought The Pink Rag's predictions of the outcome of both major league races, which were puonsnea in Wednesday s 8 a.m. edition, nave received attacks from 20 or 30 campus political groups. Sports director Hugo Slucksi defended his predictions at a staff meeting, saying that he owned interests in both of his favored clubs, and knows they'll win. "I never lose and if I do, there's a reason," Hugo boldly announced to the ambitious scribes. The Pink Rag's predictions on the National and American Leagues, unchanged by the pres ent hassle, remain: American League the St. Louis Browns (a solid favorite to repeat in their championship try); and National League the Pittsburgh Pirates (they pack the superb pitching, fielding and batting prowess to again squeeze through for the flag, especially since they recently signed several top-flight Junior Legion players). Address your bets four odds are sure we'll have the best mixed! $1,000 to $1 our $1) to The Pink doubles team in the country. It's Rag, Lower Slobovia, or call the best paid court inland." IlDjuts 2-828282. NEW JOB . . . Jerry McNick, footballer of form and fame, has dropped school to take on a job with the Maiden Form Bra Co. (Pink Ra? Photo by William Randolph Herst). Chaffee Kiner, former tennis star let. "I think that's the best racket for the girl who knows clothes Big Seven Accepts 'X' Cagers' Bid For League Membership 5 MEFT THE PRESIDENT . . . Bobby Stronsheart has oeen named new president of the Cornhusker Kennel Club. Stronsheart was former treasurer of the Lincoln Do Pond Club and was chairman f the Tree Committee for that organization. (Fink Rag Fhoto By Georgl Malenkov.) By FLORY GHORY Femme Sports Writer The University Athletic De partment has announced the re cent acceptance of the "X" bas ketball team to the Big Seven Conference. The team is recognized for their distinctive plays and organization the Big Seven Committee. The was said to have great, rev olutionary advance in the art of basketball. The team is composed of five Kiner had little to say on his starting members and several sub new status. "I'll kill Rickey institutes. Two other men clad in I fL f vjlKir,er was going to have anotherjby tr t y, ' ' Y bad vear- ne ts over fivejteam ' home runs at Los Somepin, I'm oluti j 'sure he'll get boosted to the Mex- I see him again." Khier's indiffer ence could mean fiat he'll take up tennis with his wife, Nancy striped shirts complete the roll. An observer of one of their recent games however remarked that these men were not popular play ers because the other members never threw them the ball. He also said that these two members of the X team would often become angry and vigorously point at another member and then go to the sidelines and pout. This irate spectator said that he fin ally became disgusted and went down and told the men that they should realize that they could never get the ball to stay in the fish net until they mended the large rip. In spite of general misunder standing, the Conference has rec ognized their individuality and his accepted the "X" team in the con ference. sheer, cool 1 , 1 , ' VVH' Iff V if 1 f ft : -i? X VT , V. " fA F i ) i ' IPV' T 7" ' " I s i V m j ' - i 1 - III ' 1 a :. ; i i- f r I K ' ' I I 'If - ' MODERNAGE . i "AT THE CROSSROADS OF LtNCOLi ii!ijin!!i!!!i!!;i!"!iilliiniii!!!! tuJttaitJJUiik ., itiitlfitliiiwtoi jiiitw