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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1953)
Available. Be si Copy Wednesday, Aprli 1, 1953 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Faculty Seminar o Cornhusker Cifospeir J.M n n v ""C If fs Vl m - Plans Include Adult Supervision Of Parties, zthermgs Both On And Oft University Campus on Stu-jmittcc, to be headed by the Picnicjthat we should take stops to in f11 oucy Kcni. ine ninciion ox inc. elude faculty sponsor "ies rommmee snau be to patrol lngs outside the edlr "g stu ark ins s ior enincr- houses. nnmi'lv. in XT 41- UIL m a .. , . . . . . .. ' " ' ixiutu jiin aircoi lor sifins 01 me parking Jots." paking, or associated activities. "It is our hope," lie explained, The chairman of the Faculty "that students will not bo rebel Committee said this action was ions to these new rules. Wn hone . ....... v, dmji I CIV I I W Al) I JUU.") tW I UL.V- III VI .uuhS snail taken after hearings of complaints that they realize that it was the rrom unco in Citizen:: and certain public's reaction to student prac university organizations. "The main complaint," lie said, "was the accumulation of bevcr atro rsns. hoth Dy me side of roads leading to ons at all their indoor social cath beetiee of tree, women i A to the ' of the p iames of '94 ubmittcd stopping a riot against porch lifihts on the women's dorm and all other organized houses. Rumors of the riot were first circulated in The Pink T!ae Office. also a group of men objected to the porch lights when they took tneir dates home. The chairman of the committee said there is evidence that the men tiees that made these steps necessary. oiucicnts arc already aecus-wero orennizine in storm thosc lomen to tne presence of ehapcr- houses simultaneously and to con mee. The picnic areas." two un- "Also, since the chanerons for iacuity, campus parties are responsible mttee will only for the sudents attending rnbers to parties inside organized houses," licy Com-ihc continued, "it is only natural erings," he said, "they should not object to the expansion of fac ulty supervision to outdoor gath erings." The Ticnic Policy Commit tec will check roads leading lo picnic fiscato all light bulbs over en trances. It was pointed out to the committee that 14 stepladders were bought at one time Irom a Lincoln hardware store. "It is feared lhat the riot might get out of hand when rioters bc- grounds and the picnic grounds gin to throw beverage cans at the memscives at regular intervals, he light bulbs," he said. "The eom explained. The suggested interval 'mittec is considering rallinp in is every 15 minutes. these men to settle the cmestion of ine committee on student ur- bright lights peacefully." Baby Services J v m M "-""""'mi-' ouiuem wr- orignt ugnts pencciuilv. gin Next Week;0-S- offered by Eldon Park after a special meet- " C 'J HWUUCU -Ti:V..Y,::i.aWr Subscription Refunds To Start Wednesday i next week jhesday by bur ing of the Builders executive com mittee. The special service consists in a diaper delivery and pick-up service to be conducted in the in terests of all faculty members. Park said that beginning next September a Builders worker will $3,900 In Scholarship Grants Grad Soils Study Goes To Fred Cox Fred Cox. Ac Colleee sennr. ston nt ihp rp;irInnpo nf nil fcio U . . m , inas Dcen annonccd as winner of ulty members twice daily, in the the first annua, Hoovor Conserva- ,,,U",J" "m uy evening, ine tion Award ;nng Showjworicers will pick-up all soiled ( Tnc award a $noo scholarship pgon the.diapers in. the morning, between ito encourage outstanding senior I . u:00 and 9:00. and in accordaneel4..j.- j r-"-,Wll 1 i week to !to enter r a few it lines, ; rn Ger ' nmunist a good- the proposed twelve hour service, will have the diapers re turned no later than 9:00 the same evening. Park slated that all the mem bers of the Builders board were unanimous in their decision to enact this service for the facultv, Barbara Raun Wins With Button Theme Barbara Katin, Ag College lun ior, won the Johnson Home Eco nomic's Scholarship with a 15.000 word thesis, "Plow to Hook a But tonhole." The scholarship is worth $3000 and a trip to study the button hole industry in India. The judges announced Miss Rami's thesis held them in sus- Those faculty members avidly enpaged in a discussion on eon temporary affairs meet weekly in the cupola in Love Library. Topics discussed at this meeting included, "Reptile Epes and the Future of UN," and "Will the Mandatory Wearing of Bow Ties Bv the Faculty Inspire Students To Greater Effort." Animal Husbandry Hall Completed For Classes ever com- Ibuttonhole are superior to ana the is being offered by John B. Hoover of Springfield, Mo. jn'Pense- honor of his father Ihn Intel "It was the most interesting and Miles P. Hoover, one time NU Ag1odl'cational thcsis 1 havc nmfewor. read," one of the judges AhnnoTa? h from Deni Af I0?, LdJ eion, Iowa, said her life's ambi finan- and he added that the Board!,, At hit nimmt. oc o Ilon was 10 Prove lne DUtlon Iversity I thought it Would be an effective' student, in' tho An field nnH nn allotedimeans of rjromotine eood-will be- nntdnninn km, i,n ra iv,:ZIPPer' v,.. : r ,! . uiasnaiiwccii uic uiuveisiyr idiuay anu aepartment of conservation an- siuaenis. Inounced. Park also said that the diaper! The ton seniors were chosen hv various y. service woum De a neumie step,a special board and asked to sub 10 fac-jforeward in the announced Build-'mft themes on soil conservation, because ers campaign for next fall "Tol Co"'s theme "Ten Ways to iw nas give Digger ana Deuer lationsito the faculty, so v. tJ w w,,,,;" u;" ." "u : 1 , , "The plans are to include a J east, The. entire Builders board fol- mak-j lowed Park to the offices of the e vari- NU Builders 5 vari- Pink Rag. when he gave the an ub. nouncement of their latest campus' ill IftnV mn llrl in a affranf rn t TT-aU ! i Certain- member sported a7 white diaper(Barn on Ag Campus at 7:30 p.m 3 Jf IJ y Septem- on the front in bold black letters. Saddle a Horse." SPRING KICKOFF Picnic King Coronation Set April 10 The YWCA is sponsoring a Spring Kick-off Picnic. April 10 starting at 2 p.m, at the Slab. The main feature of the picnic will be the presentation of the Picnic King. The YW feels that there has been an over emphasis on queens on the campus, so they decided to give laurels to a king. Male students may file in El len Smith Hall to be a candidate for King. The qualifications for are king are: well qualified for the award and I snowball battle between iuniors 30' x 50'- Although it is relatively I j. Her 1 have a 3.2 weighed knew what he was writing about. I 'nnd enrolled in fivcast-!sma11 jt is designed to utilize spacej average; ing courses and freshmen faking '0 ne utmost and is built to 2. He must be a junior or sen advanced knitting." one Univer- handle a niinimtim of 300 ptu- jor with at least 24 hours; cit,, cbn cnM dents. It is rectangular and is 3. He must never have held a Builders will meet in the Horse; Th'p snnu-hnils are to be mnHe!tnree stories high. This includes a title of royalty before; hnltle Hnrin? the usiinl ! IUJ1-V equippea aairy earn 01 uie 4. we must nave a total Of OU Summer Students Given New Activity University officials have noted plans for several new activities ummer letter Services onrpnH Manure" won the award", , T V. thev in tufnl a c it 'a t au2.ra,;for students attending s ent body Sth fi, CX; sessions at the University, ent bodj -with proved by his theme that he was ..T, , 1o jnc The i-ecently constructed An imal Husbandry Building on Ag campus is nearing completion and will be ready for classroom in struction by the twelfth week of this semester. This building is of a new type and is one of the first ones of its kind to be constructed anywhere in the nation. One of its features, is the open air type of ventilation. The northern and western sides! only will be enclosed. This is an! experiment to test the possibility of keeping the student awake atj ah times. A burlap flap may be dropped on cold winter days but special facilities are installed at each seat to maintain a constant tempera ture. The seats are constructed of foam rubber and are guaran teed to last the lifetime of the student. Stalls in which to keep the animals are built in at the front of the room immediately behind the instructor. This is especially designed to illustrate the instructors ideas to the fullest. The buildings dimensions Funds for this building have been appropriated from money found under the cushions of the chairs and couches in the lounge of the Ag Union. The Cornhusker published this year due to a un foreseen accident involving its editor, Pat Bechan. After working diligently to meet the deadline of 12 a.m. Tues day, the conciliation comes as a hard blow to the staff and stu dents. Many nights the staff has worked until early morning meet ing the daily deadlines. Tuesday night the complete lay outs for "the yearbook were laid on Miss Bechan's desk. The staff was then dismissed and the fin ishing touches were put on the layouts by the editor. About 10 p.m. Miss Bechan started out with the folder, con taining the layout, to the printers. While crossing the intersection nt j 10th and P, a sleek black auto- r-Ki'lrt pnninnhnW ftrrt,,n ihn . , . , A ' corner KnocKing jvnss .pccium iu the pavement. The folder was broken open by the impact and the contents were scattered over the street. The mild wind blowing, scattered the lay outs over a five block area. Some were blown into storm sewers and other inacessable places. Miss Bechan miraculously un injured by the fall put in emer gency calls to her staff members. Within a few minutes the entire staff was searching the area for layouts. The layouts, torn and covered with mud, were carefully pasted together and wiped clean. How- ... f 1 i. will not be ever with id minutes ien until midnight, lour pages remained unfound. These pages, consisting of Uni versity beauty queens, arc such a vital part of the yearbook that it was decided at the last minute not to have the annual, because of the University prestige that would be lost by not printing their pictures. So the hard work of the editor and staff during the year and Tuesday night was all futile. Also the automobile which hit Miss Bechan has not been traced as yet. All subscribers who paid their five dollars should report to the Cornhusker office in the Union sometime after 1 p.m. Wednesday for a refund. CORN SHUCKS Hope Seen For Revival Of Morals Corn Shucks, campus humor magazine, will again be published at the University. "Since Corn Shucks was dis continued two years ago because of financial difficulties, student morals seem to have dropped," Dr. R. V. Shumate, chairman of the Board of Student Publications, said Tuesday. Culture on the campus has reached a low ebb, and we feel that by bringing Corn Shucks back, we will help students to appreciate the finer things in life,'' he continued. Anyone who wishes to be on the Corn Shucks staff may pick up applications blanks at Ellen Smith Hall. Positons open are ed itor, associate editor in charge of humor, associate editor in charge of art, and associate editor in charge of censorship. Applications must be returned dents," said the president of thejto Dean Johnstons office by 5 Council. I p.m., April 5. Interviews will be Students who are trying to get .conducted by the Innocents So- some rest in their early morning ciety next month. classes are very much put out , with the continual ringing of the RCCU Meeting towcr- . . , The Bed Cross Campus Unit Some professors have voiced wiI1 mpct on lhe front stpps of the wish that the tower be moved tho Union at 8 p.m. Thursday for Carillon Tower Site Changed The Carillon Tower will be moved to a new site in the near future. The Student Council in co operation with the Buildings and Grounds Board has announced the tower will be moved to a spot closer to the stadium and football field or possibly to the north side of Avery Avenue. "The ringing bells in the morn ing is disturbing to many ctu- or at least snencea, so tney wouldn't be disturbed during their lectures. mt-inoer sponea a-wnne diaper, tsarn on Ag campus at i:m p.m.for tne j with the slogarjfiuilders services Thursday. Eldon Park, president, ! Spring bl -jstrtcl-fhem grow," painted will give a lecture on "How to:u,;ii (, n 11.. r ... ... .... r.--,-n -r. t. ivwn trade for show in g from . re, the tours; States are Two Ag Groups Caught On Tax Evasion Charges izzard in Nebraska, and colored red for juniors and white for seniors. Official rules for the battle have not yet been formulated, but those in charge of the battle state that loyalty iorms will be most modern style. All watering. names on his application facilities are equipped with ehior- The purpose of the picnic is ophyll and dairy products pro-' to raise money. Therefore, stu duced under these conditions will! dents must have at least three remain without odor under any! membership cards to vote for the conditions. No other cow barn can king. Memberships may be make this statement. - I bought at the YW office for $1.50. Another feature of the building Students must bring their own Qicneri hv nil IVmco in rVinrrrn nt imnii-intr the crm-haiic Thic in'is its location. Since manv of the picnic equipment and refresh- ! insure that all have no stones or Lop Hall girls have applied foriments. Residence Halls will ex- other fnreinn mnMrr inciHe the positions as milkmaids, it has boon 'a tne cunew one nour oecause pread the Two Ag groups, Alpha Zeta and 'dence of the illegal gambling by he added ' decided to erect it as near as pos- 01 the universal appeal of the :.y through-the Block and Bridle Club have'th nwu a t,mi oit, L -. j sible to Love Memorial Hall. As i project and they feel that stu- Ihe troupe; been placed under arrest for eva-l mu . wiWreckina SlISS lhis will make it necessary to dents should support a project of interesting sion of the income taxes law by onicers or tne .Bureau ot internal ;t- , revenue. nfon 1 I were Sier r keskC 1 ichange the location of the athletic : tnis kind- eacu case wouiu ue iriL-u m ai r-i ! ! & 1 . f;i,ie l,. ,. ,,j , 4 WWIIUMIVJ If bAI Kangaroo Court. One said that as 1 U 1 I A 4U. iill ciS I1U LUU1U LT U1U Ut?(, Lilt.' The two groups, according to . ...... iTY-i. ,!....-! University official the Revenue agents, have hidden Su" " ' ,7,."! that results of wrecking over $10,000 from the past two CV .V. tions carried on to 20 I years m the Armed Forces. make room year's shows and initiation lees, r ior tne new men s dormitories The Revenue agents were put on' One of the club officials, Wayne been so satisfactory that plans th trbil r.t the tav oiacinn hir nn!FrOSt, Block and Bridle President, ! arp heinT marie to eontinno n-rerlf. f Thp actors in the recent, 'nro-; is still at large. A national search ;ng throughout the camnus. tested the Block and Bridle Club's is beinS conducted for Frost be- pans have not been completed betting racket. After an-audit of,fre he has a chance to leave thejyct f0r the wrecking schedule but all the organizations on the Ag! country for Italy. contractors say that the new His-' l - a : l - n T , J 11.. Aw:..1 TD..iu; ),nw fall theiwere found to havc unpaid in-rural College said that he would could be removed with very little I Thurs- me taxes- !try to morgagc the Poultry Hall trouble. Id's cae" Alpha Zeta obtained the funds 'to post the bond on the impri?- Wrecking officials stated that i nj r.: lor us Treasury irom tne lnitia- onea oinciais. ine aean reiaiea, destruction coma oe casuy .ircom move them to the mall in front of announced I Ag Hall. opera- zr:- -zz-zz 1 Coed Points Plan Change Announced Director Shortens Love Library Hours Class Cut Program Planned By NU The Dividon of Student Affairs has announced a new plan con cerning class cuts. It has been decided by the di vision that students may take 25 cuts in each of their courses with out being reprimanded by the University. The purpose of the new plan is to aid students who have trouble working in a class sched ule that will not interfere with their activities. The plan will go into effect Im mediately. ! a song practice. President Joyce Johnson told The Pink Rag that she plans on entering the RCCU in the Ivy Day sing. "We havc some good basses," she said. LENTEN MEDITATION Wednesday 7-7:30 T.M. 'In Noonday Darkness University Lutheran Chapel 15 & "Q" St. A. J. lS'orden, Pastor 1 i , ii i. 1 ,j .1 , u: 1 ji..ui ( i 1 .- uon jees cnargea eaen inemDer. mat ne woum simm ocniuu tiiujjjjiMii.-u kmuc roui-u'ic na :,,:( y,,,! ,,,,im Tk T-oa r-ifr ffo-rnri hnttinft f!ir,ilt,r orfvimr finrl offiz-erc ot' not vet h.nrl time to set crilirilv nnri , " poilll bJSlCm. forms and betting stubs as evi-'the two organizations. 1 will be easy to break down." xqmHv Senate P i'i.m. ' 30C final f Wright. Sc finalists Cornhusker I Nebraska ed Connie Nebraskan ing Queen and Pep nt J o a e weetbeart dar Girl "Hell i Activi- 1 : Ana j vuet.-": Chancellor R. u exclusive Pink olicies U O CO r nvinue iiusravson Group Approves Hand Tied Bow Ties Library hours are to be short ened for better accommodations. A recent announcement by the director of Love Library states that the hours will be changed to 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This, the board feels, will give better all around service to both the students and the library staff. In nvinp reason?: for (he siiri The Associated Women Students clen change the board of directors Board has again revised thp ac- cited there were not enough stu dents using the early morning hour service to pay the library to keen a full lime staff on the eacn gin a maximum 01 11 points i job. This would also give both each semester, whereas the new 'students and staff members a system allows for a minimum of'chance to get in well needed rest. 52Vi points. I Because of the approaching The Board voted for the amend-,!? fevc tthe, ibr,ary c ciuheu 011 oaiuruay 10 K've ine library staff a chance to get out into the sunshine on week-end The previous system allotted: jment after receiving many com plaints from coeds, mainly fresh men and seniors, who claimed that fishjnc trips they could not participate in 1 - enough activities under point maximum. Under the new ruling, all coeds ipate the 11 Main Feature Clock fSrhediilR ftirnlfthrd hy Thpntrr) Varsity: "Peter Pan," 1:36, 3:34, will be able to join many campus :5:4- 7:4(! 9:52- "Bear Country,' ons and work un to,-"", -.""i ", '--i"- trnenltr Senate will definitely! First, imnortant matter to be proDJem could no omainea irom Icontinue its present policy of sec- brought before the new type Fac-jall 48 states. Their problem has; ti -Kiret meetings." . ,Uliy Senate win ueuie c ..lau ,,u, l"T, board nnri evenntive nncjifinns in n This statement was made by ;of many Student Council powers, cnanceuor seemed quite pieasea f f. Prpvj0,.v ir nfffnl:00, 2:50, 4:40, 6:30, 10:10 tpc 1 rc wn nn nn nrpn i. " " i sivelv'that all instruc-ll8? dro 4a" activity because State: ''Bwana ;-e been ; also to will tc y cere- Gustavson in an Rag interview Tuesday. ' in tne duties OI tne council anu,. , , ,e un .v.-iMiy "'l'anotner which MVP h too manv AccOPding' to the Chancellor, ithe Faculty Senate. r!e indicatea snouia dc requirea to wear a nana ,.. ,--- , The Chance or said that there iwitn trie is entirely too much overlapping out conclus the duties of the Council and! tors on the University campus she was selected for a position on I w3 the Senate can not properly con-jthat the Senate had discussed this, tied bow tie very day. duct its business with any dis- matter before and had come to turbing influences whatsoever,; the conclusion that the seasoned and as the Chancellor pointed out j decisions of the Senate would be conclusively, people are undoubt- more beneficial to the campus edly the most disturbing human than those of their younger andl - 1 elements on the campus. igaier contemporaries. '"TOfTI itQCKS Gustavson went on to say thatj Gustavson also released to The," " a new policy on special committee Ipink Rag the latest developments Elmer Strowtovy, junior in the Athlete Freed formation will be used starting 1 on the activities of the subversive Wednesday March 32. The selec-1 element in the Faculty Senate. He tion of special committee members explained that a particular group will be especially secretive ana within the benate nas seen "act unbiased from now on, he said, ing strangely" for about four since nominations will not be ac-l years now; and the cause for eeoted. and names for proposed! their actions has just been dis- ' committee members will be drawn covered, moccnts day to 'n "tap vnoHA-ifrom the largest hat present. This group has been conducting noHeti! We cel tnat 1nis new Pncya highly confidential survey for j.yi.jwttl erase much f competition about fifty months in an effort :. .fri ' J among the faculty senate mem- to estimate the specific facts on f.,iarse.i , .. . J1 J etiofot UVini- tact nrnWlnm mass, mas f.rc j meeting can be conducted this time forward. from I All facts were withheld from 'the Senate until material on the School of Music, was released from the Love Library stacks Wednesday morning after being imprisoned for 72 hours. Srtowtovy was suffering from shock and starvation. He was im mediately moved to Student Health for treatment. The varsity football lineman had been memorizing his football plays for spring practice in the stacks because "it was so peace ful and I could concentrate in there." After he had learned his plays he .ried to get out but found the door was locked. The walls of the stacks are soundproof so point The AWS has tried to take every organization and problem into account in making the new ruling. However the board real izes that the point svstem is not infallible. Through the appeal board, the AWS will welcome further sug gestions about the merits and de merits of the new system and will continually try to improve it, Jan Steffen, president, said after an nouncing the amendment. S Valuable 7-Foot Jaw Bone Believed Mocked Throuah Skv-Lite Bv Vandals m . .... Qtrovirtnw'c rrioe xrent ,,nViarH The jaw bone of the shovel-.mammal." It has great scientific 1 , , . .. ... f.u;ked mastodont has been stolen value, Mr. Schultz said. . ramc i.unoy, director 01 xne from the museum of Morrill Hall. The bone was originally dis-jhbrary, said the stacks are used The bone, 7 It long, was taken covered in Frontier County in as a ine ior ioyany oams i no 1927 bV a groUD Of University al seiuum emeieu. ii was iuir; from the main exhibit room some- jtime Tuesday night. Police 6ay the ..'culprits evidently entered the r! locked building through a sky : ;',ht above the kleptomano sadri ::'ica, commonly known as the (American Koad Tlunner. .j lit. Schultz, director of Morrill rTT;;lj, described the bone as "prob- 'Mt t-ie Jongesi jaw of any land students. The studc-nts, on a scien tific exhibition, uncovered the bone while they were burying cans. Police say the robbery was ob viously the work of clever van dals who were expert in this type of thefts. All fraternity housrs are being searched. ior btrowtovy, ne aodea, mat u professor decided to sign the loyalty oath or it would have been days before the football player's discovery. Plans for a new safety program in the library have been started, Lundy told The Pink Rag, be cause of the recent Incident. EASTER CARDS ARE HERE Extra Large Selection Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street .NOW KIMUtS OI'EN 1IAII.V 12:45 p. m. l-KICKS Adiiltn Mmtlnro .... He Fvenlnr .... f 1.00 ('hlhlrpn Anytime . . , AOe l'KATI!HK AT 1 :30 - :t:S4 - 0:411 7:46 -9:93 V.WAWAV.,Amw.V.VW'MW,V.'AWlV.W1 r STUDENTS For that nightly snack Let's eat at the MAYFA Serving daily from 11:00 A.M. lo Midnite : 1317 0 St. !.V.VW.V.W.VASV.V.VWA'AVAV.VVAw!' i m IIS YQZJJ Devil," (3D), TS.bL' TECHNICOLOR tZ iA,- " . J:1 ?"Wt W - I -f? if., V U . ... . - 31, Srr!: ': s r . v u x mi PITER. Match this Johnnye Ir. orig inal with your favorite big brimmed straw hat and perkiest gloves you'r dressed for dating! Slip into this button-up-the-Ironl charmer for any , daytime wear, foo. . Sleeveless with con- - ........ ... irasung cell, lull toil- i lowy skirt rhinestone A buttons. Complete m3 with its own petti- 1 1 r- a. i wvuii Aanj itj laun der. Blue stripes with red petticoat Sizes 7 to 15. Ours alone. 8 95 J usliions . . . MAUEETS Third Floor