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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1949)
Wednesday, December 7, 1949 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN JhsL (Oaih 7lsJ)haAkaiv Member Intercollegiate Press FOI(TV-hE KNTII VKAR The rnll Nbrkn I published Oj the atndrau ot the I'nlvrnlty ot Nrbraaka m h riir niinn of ttudinta nri mid opinions nlj according, to article II of trie Imw crrmn ludpnt replications and dmlniitrrcd bf the Hoard of Publications "It i the declared iioliry ot the Hoard that publication ondrr lla jurisdiction luu. to tree from editorial ce-iorship on the part of the Hoard, or on the part at anj member of the faculty of the university: -ot meniben ot the staff of The "' Srmknii are personally responsible 101 what they aay or do or cause to be printed. Subscription rates are M.00 per semester. .R0 per semester mailed, or JS.OO for Ote rollese car. S4.00 mailed. Single copy 6c. Published daily during Uie school vra. eiccpt Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and eiamination periods, by the Uoivrnitj of Nebraska under the supervision ot the 1'uhiication Hoard. Entered as aecood t ln-s Matter at the I'ost Office In Lincoln. Nebraska, under Act of Conpess. 3, 18-9. and at special rale of poslaue pruvided for to seclloo lies. Act of Oclobei s. 1 a 1 authorized SeiHeniber 10. I9'ii EDITOKlAl Ciib Clem Kditnr Managing Idliors S'P'n. Susie Bccd News l.dilors Bruce Kennedy, Norma Clmhbuek, Jerry K.ning, ronclile Rcdieer SrST v:::::-:::::::::::::::::::.-::.v v." v. feature K,IH,r'. . . "" " !,"n'snV' -bol..iruilHT ,,ank """" BUSINESS Humes Manager , , ,..Rr''h.,'B Assistant Business Managers Ted Ran.lolih, Jack lohen, I Inn U Klirnii islcr t ireiiliitiiin Manager t.anuer Night N.s Editor '" r Campus Chatter BY JEAN' FENSTER You lucky, lucky girls! For your information we are publish ing a list of truly eligible bache lors. First come, lirst served. What's more, some of these date less men ARE eligible bachelor candidates and they DON'T have dates, to the Mortar Board Ball Friday night. This is our big chance, so got on that phone. We'd give you their phone num bers too but since you're so anx ious to use those new Student Di rectories, ue'il leave the pleas ure all to you. Here's what you can pick from: Bill Dusan, Jerry F.winff, Frank Jacobs, Don Bloom. Jack Cohen, Byron Mil.aird. Bob (I hate pub licity) Berkshire, Paul McKee, Al Abranison, Tom Kokjer, Swede Hanson, Bob Mctrakos, Herb Mr Dole, Frilz Simpson, Butch Mans field. Don Cook, Butch Schroeder, Dick Lander and Chuck Bur meister. If you can't find any other number, try 2-78 16 that'll get any of them. Some more pinnings for the books: Dave Miller and Joey Walters, Jan Champinc and Chuck Dusan. Jan Armstrons; and Dick Simonson. Going steady are Char lene Kruse and Don Law son. If any of you girls would like to learn the piano, guitar, accor dion, organ, fencing, skiing, Ger man, French, Hungarian or any other little thing, see Louis iStur at the Sig Ep house. No foolin. What could be Joe King's in terest in Kappa Alpha Theta? Some rumor it's Sue Peterson. Making re "Don't worry about hr t,htH hart plenty of dales wise finals (tart showing up." Your Student Union Presents the MORTAR BOARD BALL DINNER Friday, l'iiilWr !, 7:.0-U.:0 I. M. $1.50 per person A delicious dinner to start a eala evening:. A delightful atmosphere of candlelight and white linen. Dancing: to soft dinner music. Make lour Renerrations , . . .Voir.' At the Main Union Office or Phone Ext. 4222 Against Discrimination? . . . "Racial discrimination? Sure, I'm against it. Who isn't? After all, this is a free country ..." Familiar? Yes, it's a common thing heard about cam pus these days. But how sincere is it? That is the question. It sounds good to sermonize on the deplorable conditions in the South relating to allowing equal rights to Negroes. Yet what good is the ideal if students sit back and say, yes, the situation is bad there, but not here. In effect, that is what many students have done in the past week. The specific incident we are referring to is the speech of the distinguished Walter White last week on racial discrimination problems. An overflow crowd attended the convocation and applauded when White condemned a re actionary senator from Nebraska who is opposed to Civil Rights legislation. And then wjiat? Fraternity, sorority and independent students went home to dinner and joked about 'Tinky" and "Abie." It happened more than once. Where's vour sense of humor, you may say. But if we can joke so flippantly about such a serious problem, how sincere are we when we say we want "equal rights"? What we are getting at is this: Nebraska has made a good start toward lessening the racial problem on this cam mis bv liftinsr of discriminatory clauses bars on the admit tance of women to the university-operated residence halls. It's only a start, though. Another stait was made last week in Washington. D.C., when a resolution urging the striking out of discriminatory clauses of fraternity constitutions was adopted by the national interfraternity conference. The effect is more important than the fact. Will girls in the women's dorm who are of other than Caucasian extrac tion really be allowed to live in the dorm without any dis crimination whatever? Or will they be stuck off in a corner of the dorrn by themselves? And the fraternities. Very little can come of the resolution, says one interfraternity council member who attended the meeting. It was only a resolution no enforcing clauses. Something like having your cake and eating it too, we presume. What the campus, and the nation, needs is a practical plan for the elimination of discrimination in the minds of people, as well as in their actions. We have no profound so lution except this only by thinking about the problem ill a solution be reached. Not iust a few neonle with lately 1, j?m Kosiailnev l'rofound Philosophic leanings; but many people, with on.y ably he heads fo Nurses home. The Thctas are planning a din ner at Arbor Manor prior to the Mortar Board Ball Friday night. Couples going include Jo' Zierott and Charlie Toogood. Gloria Pin ney and Don Sailors, Joan Swerre and Bud Gilmore, Nancy Miller and Don Schneider. Sig Eps planning a big time at the Mortar Board Ball are Jim Keenan and Bev Thompson, Jim Fill and Claire Raish, Berry Thompson and Judy Sehnert, Wendy Cole and Carolyn Kunkle, Dave Myers and Nancy Glynn, Don Not Guilty Darst and Carol Gelber and Jlod Myers and Alice Irwin, who will have their own chairs. I . . 1 1 .1 .I - ...V.. i i y. f.i , . f Bryan Memorial ordinary minas, can soive uie piuuitin, which cmciia many people who have only ordinary minds. Jt s someining to think about. Norma Chubbuck Hoard N U Bulletin Line him up now DON'T MISS THE BOAT Wednesday Ag Dance Committee meeting 7:00 Wednesday evening, Ag Union Lounge. J Phalanx will meet at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday in the Armory. j Nu-Med will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to hear Dr. Paulson, eye specialist, speak. University 4-II members desir ing transportation to the West CLIP THIS COUPON S IEOOL IIISIOSLVT COUPON FOR J. ARTHUR RANK'S TECHNICOLOR PRODUCTION OF "THE RED SHOES" Winner of tltrcc Academy Awards LIMITED ROAD SHOW ENGAGEMENT DEC. 6 THRU DEC. Uth this c.oi ro t:Tm.t:s ukahkr To Vurrhase One Ticket for THE lll.l) SHOES for any Matinee or I'rening Performance at the Speciut Discount Hate $1.00 i( U ni;s tax M4Tiyt:i:s daily 2.00 r. m. dicemrlr 7 tiiiw 11th E EMGS DAILY 8.00 V. M. DECEMBER 6 THRU 11th VAIISITY TIII'ATIli: lilTII & I Exchange thii coupon ior ticket at box oliice I i i I Stadium fur the Cornhusker group picture to be taken at 4:45 p. m. ! Wednesday, may leave their ; names at the 4-H club office be ' fore noon Wednesday. Cars will 'leave promptly at 4:30 p.m. from j the west side of Ag hall. Alpha Kappa Psi will meet I Wednesday at 7 p. m. in the j Union. Pi Mu Epsilon will hold a short business meeting at 5 p.m. Wed nesday in Room 225 Burnet. WAA Pvifle club will meet Wed nesday from 4 to G p. m. in the MS Bldg., Room 203. All Corn Shucks business staff workers please report to the Corn Shucks office Wednesday after noon. Thela Sigma Phi picture In be taken Wednesday, 4 p. m.. West Stadium. A.S.A.E. will hold an oyster feed at 6.30 p. m. Wednesday in the tractor testing lab. N. V. Skiers will meet Wednes day in Parlor Y of the Union at 7 p. m. Members are asked to bring their dues. Thursday Block and Bridle will initiate at 5 p. m. Thursday at the Horse Barn. A lunch and husbandry meeting will follow the initiation. Phi Chi Theta will meet for a noon luncheon at the Junior Chamber of Commerce Thursday. Tassels must turn in their Cornhusker salesbooks and money at the Cornhusker office before 5 p. m. Thursday. Pi Lambda Theta meets 7:30 p. m., Teachers College. Theta Sigma Phi meets 5 p. m. Ellen Smith. MORTAR BOARD BALL FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 - UNIVERSITY COLISEUM TICKETS $3.00 SPECTATOR TICKETS, 70c TICKETS MAY BE PURCHASED FROM ANY MORTAR BOARD OR TASSEL "DON'T MISS THE BOAT" La AND HIS ORCHESTRA AND HIS ORCHfSTRA