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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1949)
Wednesday, December 7, IHIere Wednesday By Irv Bahde The Northwest Missouri State Teachers quintet will have two games under their belt when they invade the Coliseum Wed nesday for the second Husker basketball game of the 1949 sea son. Last week the Teachers cleaned the bench as the Mis souri squad rolled to a 54-23 win at the expense of Buena Vista College. This week the Teachers meet St. Benedicts Tuesday in what could develop into a high scoring affair. Rvlund Milncr, head mentor of tiie North west Missouri squad, has 10 men returning from last vear's team which was trimmed by a fast Husker five 59-39. Of the returnees, four will start aloii'j with one newcomer, the rest will undoubtedly see action later in the Teacher-Cornhusker clash. l.yle Starts Kirbv I-yle is the only new starter lor the Teacher five and the Maryville lad will open the game at a forward slot. Opposite Lvle is Gene Ceglenski. one of scoring threats and a definite leader in rebounding for the Missouri team. However, the big gun in the Teacher offense is Al Henning son, captain of the team and the pace-setter in the Teachers scor ing column last year when the Cornhuskers defeated the Teach ers. It will be Henningson's duty and full time job Wednesday night to try and hold down Ne braska's All-Big Seven center Bus Whitehead. Coach Milner has listed Lloyd Younger and Charles Ramsey to start the Cornhusker game as guards for the Teachers in an attempt to give more polish to the offensive attack. Both guards are good ball handlers and will be tough under the boards since they weigh close to 200 pounds and stand better than six feet. For Nebraska Coach Harry Good, who is beginning his fourth season as head coach, will call upon the same starting five that started last Saturday to bring in the victory for the Cornhuskers. Husker Captain The only change is the game captain and Joe Malecek, junior forward from Berwyn, 111., will take over the game captain duties. Last year Malecek started every game for the Cornhusk ers and averaged 6.9 points per game. Malecek's favorite spot is under the basket and the 6-5 lorward is a rugged man to move out of the way. Good's lineup for the Teacher game will have Malecek and Tony Lawry, forwards; White head, center; and Bob Cerv and Larry Walsh, guards. A y-N-X A. Sparkling- 40100 Diamond Solitaire in Yel- f r low gold. Orif. A. J $260. Now. . . . B. Exquisite It Carat Diam ond in yellow gold with two flashing side SQC diamonds. Orir. JLv $600. Now Other Diamonds from $.". 5 to Vo 1949 I-. . . CAPTAINS HUSKER S Joe Malecek, a defensive giant and number 2 man for the Corn huskers under the boards, will captain Nebraska Wednesday when Northwest Missouri State Teachers play in the coliseum. Last year Joe averaged 6.9 points per game. Intramural Sporlalk BY BILL MUNDELL. It was Hobe Jones who led the way in the two-lap run Monday in the 1949 IM indoor meet. Jones who previously rang up the best time in the one lap, had things all his own way in chalking up a time of 65.4 seconds. His time is only 1-10 second off the two lap record set by Wendell Cole, Sig Ep last year. Behind Jones in qualifying came Bob -Barchus,- Sigroa Chi with a time "of "66. 2 seconds and Irving Thode, Phi Delta Theta with 66.5. Three other men tlipped-off the distance in less than 70 sec onds for the fraternities. Ed Ackerman, Sigma Nu, had a time of 67.9 seconds as to 68.4 for Jack n m n 11 r 0 QlllUllUu... and ORCHIDS ... the . . . .and so when you purchase a Diamond for the "One-and-Only" of ROYAL, you receive a certificate which entitles you to a beautiful Orchid corsage at one of Lincoln's leading Florists. Beautiful Gems and Beautiful Flowers go together. Make your engagement presenta tion a cherished memory Always' 143 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Gymnasts To Perform In Exibition The University of Nebraska gymnastics team will open its 1949-50 season with an exhibi tion at the half of the Nebraska Northwest Missouri Teachers basketball game, Wednesday, Dec. 7. The gymnastics team is headed by Leo Geier, three year letter man, who is headed for his fourth varsity letter in gymnas tics. Leo will be the first and only man ever to letter four years in gymnastics. Two other letter man, Al Puna van and Art Hill man, will help form the nucleus of the squad. The team has planned four other exhibitions at basketball games plus three out of town exhibitions. The regular season will start on Jan. 14 with a home meet with Iowa University. Phil Sprague, well known per former for the last three years, has been named by Geier as as sistant coach. The following nine men have been chosen to form the varsity squad this year. Geier, Hillman. Dunavan, Norm Anderson, Paul Hughes, Cliff Currin. Bob Orr. Bob Yarwood and Ed Craren. There is also a "B" squad and a large number of promising fresh man. George Alexander is manager of the team again this year. George has been doing the job faithfully for the past three years. An intra-squad meet has been planned by Geier for Dec. 15. All men out will participate. Anderson, Phi Delt. and 69.1 for Jerry Cooling, Sig Chi. The rest of the fraternity quali fiers for the semi-finals and their times are: Keith Cossart Sig Ep, 70.4; Paul Holm ATO, 71.3; Jim Edee Phi Delt, 73.4; Lee Keller, SAE, 74.0, and Noel Rassmus son SAE, 77.9. Schnackel Leads Independents Dale Schnackel, Student Union set a new Independent record in the two-lap run Monday with an effort of 66.2 seconds, far better than the rest of the field. " Harry Wray running for Corn husker Co-op turned in the next best time "with 70.1 seconds. Two other men also qualified in the TnHpnpndent nrelims. Norman Scott, Student Union had a time of 73.2 and C. G. Forck, Ag Men, had 75.9. Chester Scott of Presby House set his second Denom record, his 66.6 seconds in the two-lap es tablishing a new mark. Behind Scott- came Bob Shuler also of Presby with a time of 67.0 seconds. The rest of the Denominational qualifiers and their times are: Glenn Beerline Presby, 71.4; Gerard Walton Presby, 73.5, and Duane Hurt Newman Club, 76.5. V Symbols of Love! North 12th Wrestling Results 123 lbs.: Munger (SAE) over Bean, referee's decision; Jackson over Lewis (Sig Ep), forieTTT" 147 lbs.ijScharf (Delta Sig) over Holdermari, ' fall, 3:03; Lar son (Phi Gam), fall, 1:05; Wolpa (ZBT) over Best (Sig Nu), 4-2; Barton (Phi Gam) over Linscott (AGR), fall, 3:20. 175 lbs.: Mallat (Phi Gam) over Gangel (Beta), fall, 1:05; Richard son (Delt) over Anderson (Sig frCu)"," fall, 5:59. Heavyweight: Dinklage (Sig Nu) over Baker (SAE), forfeit; Ficne (Delt) over Woods (Delt). 3-2; Toogood (Phi Delt) over When I transformed from wallflower to siren. I endangered both virtue and limb. I'm flunking a course about Ihron, And learning what motivated him. My social life's getting murh better but if I don't last out the year, I'm putting the blame on that sweater, . . . that wonderful feeling cashmere. Attend the Mortar Board Ball . . . Friday INiglit! PAGE 3 ?50 Cornliusker Sales End Friday Closing time for 1950 Corn husker sales is Friday. In order for sales to count towards an organized house hav ing Beauty Queen candidates, me books must be purchased from a Tassel no later than Thursday. Deadlines for Tassels to turn ;n their sales books is 5 p. m. Thurs day so as to have their sales count towards a candidate. For each twentv books sold, the Tassel's house is entitled to a candidate. GrTrnm (Phi Gam). 7-3; Goeglein (Beta Sig) over Greer (Beta), fall, 5:37. J. IF IT AIN'T ONE THING, ... IT S ANOTHER Simon! are featuring . . lull- lasnionea Hadley. Short-steev-ed in par.tels ani )wel-tor,es, a real Tiust on every gilt list at $13.95 fourth floor