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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
Friday, October 14, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKA?? PAGE 3 Expert and j Tex.- Ore. renn.- III. I IS- KU- Mich.- O.St. N.D'me- Cal.- Percentage Ark. Colo. Colum. Mo. KS Okla. N'Wes. ) Minn. Tulane USC Cub Clem (.842)! Tex. Ore. Penn. Mo. IS Okla. Mich. Minn. N.D'me CaT Jerry Warren (.842)1 Tex. Ore. Penn. Mo J IS Okla. Mich. Minn, f N-D'ine USC Harlan Beideck (.789)' Tex. Ore. Penru J Mo. IS Okla. Mich. Minn. ! N.D'me i USC Fritz Simpson (.789) : Tex. J Ore. ( Penn. Mo. IS j Okla. Mich. 1 Minn. N.D'me Cal. J wing (-789)1 Tex. Colo. Penn. Mo. IS Okla. Mich. Minn, "j N.D'me USC ' novan (-736): Tex. J Ore. Penn. Mo. KS Okla. I Mich. Minn. N.D'me j USC Pern me Iq Wei For the fourth timo in as many . games. Coach Bill Glassford will ! send his Huskers against a team ! that has an overwhelming weight advantage especially in the back field. At the end snots, Nebraska's Ralph Damkroger, who weighs 210, and Bob Schneider, 195, out weigh the Lions' ends John Smi dansky and Bob Hicks, who both weigh 190. Penn State's tackles hold a de cided advantage over the Husk ers' tackles. Don Murray and Neg ley put their weight together to tip the scales at 450 pounds that beef is evenly distributed, they both weigh 225 pounds. Nebraska's probable starters at tackle, Charlie Toogood and Dick Goeglein, weigh 220 and 202, re spectively. Glassford would not be able to match the weight that Bedenk could muster at the tackle spots. Bedenk does not have a tackle that weighs less than 200 pounds, even though his heaviest men are 225. Paul Kelley, Penn State's nomi nation for All-American guard honors, weighs 215 pounds and will go against Husker Fred Haw kins, from Omaha, who weighs 187. Joe Drazenovich, playing his fourth year of college ball, is the other Lion guard. He weighs 205, and will probably go against 194 pounder Walt Spellman. Tom Novak, Nebraska's nomi nation for All-American honors lor center, will have his Qualities measured by Chuck Beatty, who is also looking for the same hon ors. Beatty outweighs Novak by eight pounds. This will be the sec ond time that Novak has gone against an nAll-American aspir ant. The first time was in the Minnesota game when he faced against an All-American aspir the Gophers' Tonnemaker. Anchoring the Penn State back field is quarterback Chuck Draz enovich. Drazenovich weighs 215 and stands 6' 1", which makes him one of the biggest backs in the nation. Hounding out the rest of the Lions' backficld are O'Bara, 170. who, incidently is the light- Sluriy Program In the field of foreign religious journalism Syracuse University School of Journalism is offering two programs of study to train men and women in the tech niques of writing and publishing reading material needed abroad. These programs are being pre sented on the graduate level. The two-year course is open to grad uate foreign and American stu- j i j : , n ucnis anil missioriaiiea in an uc- nominations with selected cur-! ricula available to each group. TONIGHT HA i COLLEGE NIGHT COUPLES ONLY Adm. $1.50 Per Couple Tax Included DANCING 9-12 Here Are Y&ir Winners Molds est man in Penn State's lineup: 187; and "Slingin" an even 200. Dougherty Kran Rogel Nebraska s backheld averages 174',. That gives them a disad vantage of 20 pounds per man. Glassford has named Bob Schneider, starting end, to cap tain the Huskers against the Nit tan y Lions. Probable lineups. Nebraska Penn Stale Osmkrnper (210) TooRood 220) . . Hawkins ( 187 . . . Novak ( 20i . . . Spellman (194) .. ftoeglein 202 1 . . Schneider ( 195) . . Nacle 17M Clark 1H4 Mueller (174) ... Yosi (lSi) .1.15 10) Hlrkl L.T.... (225i Murrav ,I.G (215) Kelley C 214) Beatly Rrt. (2n:i J. Drat'ch RT 22.Vi Norton .RE.. (l!Hii Smidsky QB. (2l.'i Praz'eh l.H (1701 O Br R H . . . (1871 DouKh'ty KB 20(1 1 Rocet MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "Task Force," 1:37, 4:11, 6:45 9:19. STUART: "Father Was a Full back," 1:36. 3:38, 5:39, 7:41, 9:43. NEBRASKA: "David Harum," 1:00, 3:56, 652, 9:48. "Steamboat Round the Bend," 2:32, 5:28, 8:24. CAPITOL: Amateur Show, 8. "Adventure's End," 1:11, 5:00, 6:55, 10. "House on 92nd Street," 2:20, 5:10, 8:25. 1 Jam 44 I 6! DoAti Open I2:'5: v S NOTHING EVER LIKE IT! TASICfGRCEg n GAKOMBn X in 11 ANWYAnWAYHtlUKK- I 1 i WALTER BRENNAH L I TI E. "MY FRIEND IRMA" j I MacMurray ! i Maureen O'Hara H 1 1 yTV ' I rfl ! fl "FATHER WAS A fl W y TVll BACK" J ; 1 -37 Open 12:45 44c to 6 ! h3 Q Vl "DAVID HARUM" If 1 il 1 and f i ImJ J "STEAMBOAT ROUND I E l P V -mtHmtii Dor Optin 12:4ft Mat. 44l i I z ij i -J V-.. Amateur L7 Men's Weor . f Night on our State I g I 8:00 P. M. f I (JUKt intide I 4 TOP ACTS j LJ Oa the Sirren h "ms" m i fnni i r? ! "Girl From Jour. I U II II H Lar Lv U 1 V ' "Tkt "n'.'Zn'r ' ' ' " -.. 1 - ill rniiirn r - -in Captain Bob Schneider, Ne braska City end. will be acting captain when the Huskers meet 'iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu MILLER'S introduces Mr. Alex Cochrane, Jr. Mam, niprr I r Tlillcr Mens Wear anil Sinn . Alex in u firiiier Hunker foolhallrr, and rwl in Corps He kno lll 14.11 anl. and 111 be rendv Ncbrk L men in Mfi't Fein Fun WAA members, who were eligible to vote last spring, will decide in an election Tuesday, October 18, whether or not they want their Constitution amended. Barbara Van Every, president of the WAA, gave warning to all members that they must present their identification card to re- ; ceive their ballot. A ballot box will be placed in . the WAA office Tuesday and members will be able to cast ! their ballot between 8:00 a. m. j and 5:00 p. m. The soccer baseball schedule for Monday, October 17 is: I International House versus j Sigma Delta Tau. I The Duck Pin club will meel j Wednesday, October 19, in the Grant Memorial. All new and old I members are urged to attend. Penn State at Slate College Sat i urdny. Picture courtesy of Lin coln Journal llio Marine ee men Another Big SPECIAL PURCHASE TUAd a II -over prints, Vnot and lortl-r rravatc, atttin paneln and Ml in jaequard paneJs. . First Floor Buffs Here Saturday for 2-Mile Meet Nebraska's two-mile track team opens its fall season Saturday morning at 11 a. m., against the University of Colorado in Me morial Stadium, according to track Coach Ed Weir. Esref Aydin, from Istanbul, Turkey, and Harold Kopf, Lex ington, are the only returning let termen. Kopf will not compete Saturday because of illness. Besides Aydin, Weir has named Lee Moore, Ken Jacobs, Blaine Runner and Gene Yelkin to run. Gene Robinson has been tabbed an alternate. George Fitzmorris, an outstand ing distance runner in the Big Seven, will lead Colorado's five man team of Wiley Chance, Milt Wiley, Charles Temple and Larry Clary against the Huskers. Last week the Buffs lost to a veteran-laden Oklahoma team, 12-25. ;.:' .,. i?jv twmMma r CIGARS AY'S CANDY jj Try Our 5 HOT FRESH POP CORN " a THICK MALTED MILKS 1516 0 Street S 3 f x l4t sell at iie TBI mii!iwuimw!.Tiiim;muiiuiu:iuiuiiiuiuitiitwiiui!iiiHii!iiiii::iiui!::iiiwii!iiin