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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 14, 1949 i i Your UllllTll Baptist Saturday afternoon and evening outing to Crete, leaving Student house at 2 p. m. Sunday, 5:30 p. m. Student panel on summer confei ences. Catholic Sunday Mass at 9 and Unio.n, Parlors XYZ. 11. Congregational Evangelical and Reformed Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Student enurcn scnooi class: "An introciuc- tion to the New Testament" at Vine church, 25th and S streets; 11 a. m. worship services at First Plymouth, 20th and D streets; St. Paul, 13th and F, and Vine church, 25th and S streets; 7:30 p. m. Sunday Evening club, First Plymouth church, 20th and D streets, moving picture, "No Greater Power;"' refreshments, dancing, pingpong, pool, roller skating. Emannuel Campus Church Sunday, 11 a. m. Morning wor ship. Minister will be Rev. Rich- ard Nutt. Deputation by the Wes- . ley Foundation. Intei cienomina tional. 15th and U. . Jewish Friday, 8-9:15 p. m. Annual university student service and re ception at South Street Temple. Guest speaker. Chancellor R. G. Gustavson. Subject. '"The Price of Survival." Sabbath and Shemini Atzereth Eve (Feast of Conclu- sion) service will be conducted by j Rabbi S. H. Eron assisted bv ; leaders of Sigma DelUi Tau. Sigma j Aloha Mu. and Zeta Tola Tan as ! well as unattested rc-Jugee stu-I dents from Eun pe. Lutheran Sunday, LSA will'hear talk by Ken Wilson on his pt summer in Germany at a Student Work camp. A coft supper and meeting for the As. LSA at 1220 No. 37th at 6:30; City LSA at First Lu theran church, 17ih and A. at 5 p. m. For transportation to First Lutheran, meet at Student house. 1440 Q at 4:45. Eible study gioups meei ai earn rouse ai y:io a. m ' fn Siinnav i Missouri Lutheran Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Chapel worship, 315 Union. This seivice will have the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Pastor Erck's ser- AOKNT WANTED Ftrn liberal cnmmis.-ors in srbt-o1 sHhtiR k its of hf'snt if u m;i ! hf d la tic nd y-i rn jni inMf rl jtiJ ha;- loomed , lVr f 've-it(-! -M'ir"? f-et. For detail H'rve to LOOM-SETS. Box 2j1. G P O . New York 1. N. V LOST Octol 'J F.' r.f-on I'jihtw on or JMV '.iir.(r;;;ii tnue --Chi We tier. .V'.i:i Tor sau iv;-. Inquire afier 'i l oH SA LK Bulr. a t;M w;. i- h which cist $!!. 75 new, 1't Jjfi. i!;ir".u Hansen. Bex WOI l:L A for fh,. Vfiod roodr? .on. Healer. IKS. me he a 4)Ulli'd jHf'k'th. tillv t-lr. Se lurte ataorlritettt f in cnhardtrte. them at AltiKS mm it. .NOTlt K! AU otitd4e4 &dTtiMir erti fi eaten will be hnnre4 if iiwd he1re Oeflober t&. i MA l.N-l. Ml IMO. 213 Nmith IHih M. H Hi OF mt Alhl-S, 14 (Ml O M. Classified JAN GARBER WD HIS ORCHESTRA I ARE comim: to the. . . 1949 FIREMAN'S BALL INIVI.RMTl' OF MP.IIUKA rKIDtY COLI-Stl'M f'TOBLR II r - " : " v"" i f . f - -' f ; v , f . v. e- i . Mini 1 1 in, i a i ii' I, i . - I,-' - - - ., -4 mon topic: "Enjoying the Chris tian Life." Gamma Delta will meet at 7 p. m. in the YMCA club room of the Temple. Rev. A. G. Ahlman, Lutheran Institutional pastor serv ing various welfare institutions will speak. Pledging of new Gamma Delta members follows lecture. Methodist St. Paul Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Collefie class. A. T. Anderson, teacher: 11 a. m. sermon, Dr. Frank E. Court; 5:30 p. m.. Wes ley Fellowship supper. Grace, 9:45 a. m., College class, H. W. Deems, teacher: 11 a. m., sermon, Dr. Harold C. Sandall: 6:30 p. m., Weslcv Fellowship. Trinity, 9:45 a. m.. College class. Prof. N. F. ; Thorpe, teacher: 11 a. m.. sermon. Dr. Theodore Leonard: 6 p. m.. Weslev Fellowship supper. Elm Park, 9:45 a. m College class, Charles Olsen. teacher; 11 a. m., sermon, Rev. Carl Bader; 6 p. m., Wesley Fellowship. Warren, 9:45 a. m.. College class, David San ders, teacher; 11 a. m.. sermon, Rev. Virgil Anderson: 5:30 p. m., Interdenominational Fellowship supper. Epworth, 9:45 a. m., Col lege class. Roy Sheaff, teacher: 11 a. m.. church service; 7 p. m.. Wesley Fellowship. Presbyterian Sunday, 5:30 p. m.. supper and forunl, " Speakers: Dr. K Broadv. chairman of Extension di vision, and William Hoffman, Ger man exchange student: Monday, 7 a. m.. Bible study; Wednesday, 7 a. m., discussion; Thursday, 7:30 p. m., music hour. Unitarian Sundav. 1 a. m.. sermon, "A Liberal Faith Will Get You Into Trouble:" 7:30 p. m College stu- dents attend a public forum on the citv auditorium at Unitarian church. Episcopal Saturday, 5 p. m.. York club (married couples of Canterourj club) meet at 224 bo. J8in 101 steak fry. Rundav 9 a. m. holy commu nion. 11 a. m.. Choral euchanst with sermon bv the Rpv. Robert H. Mi?e director of St. Francis Boys Homes, Ellsworth and Sa una, Kas. 5 p. m. Evensong. 6. n. m. Canterbury club din ner an d a vouth rally. Fr. Mize, i k Minnesota-Nebraska foot 1 movies. Tuesday Feast of St. Luke, a. m. Holy communion. Wednesday, 7 a. m. Holy com- , munion. LEASfiT ran ills 70th and South DD A N a' E TONITE 9 TO 1 RILEY SMITH and hi orchestra FREE Booths and Tables Adm tZc Plus Tax 4 NU Bulletin Board All person who have been con tacted to sort records by the Union Music committee are requested to report for work sometime this week. Cobs and Tassels may turn in Cornhusker receipts Oct. 17 and 18 instead of Oct. 10 as previously stated. Palladians will have a scaven ger hunt and quiz show Friday at 8:30 p. m. in Room 301 Temple. union Dance committee, will sponsor a Husker Huddle dance lrom 9 to 12 n. m. Fridav nieht. Student Spirit committer will meet Friday at 5 p. m. in Room 305 of the Union. Red Cross Motor corps will meet in Room 315 of the Union at 9 a. m. Saturday. Members must be pres ent or they will be dropped from the corps. Canterbury club will give a dinner at 6 p. m. Sunday follow ing Evensong. Movies of the Nebraska-Kansas State game will be shown. Ag Inter-Denominational Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday at 5 p. m. at 33rd and Starr. A movie on prejudice, race relations and minority groups, will be shown. Sorry! The story in Thursday's Daily Ncbraskan was misleading in re gard to the annual Friendship dinner. The dinner is sponsored by the Religious Welfare council. ID) THE MAHDSOLIEST SHADE FOR MEN Blue is the one color that makes a man look his best. Blue goes everywhere with distinction and in good taste morning, after noon and evening. Blue takes on new richness and beauty in the Husker Blue pure worsted suit, double breasted with luxury hand stitching. The value is exceptional at this price. $49.75 h Beautiful new Fall arriving daily! Blue featured colors. Corner Union Music Committee Keeps Freslt Record Supply for Crib Something new each week That is the main objective of the Union Music committee at it at tempts to keep fresh the record supply for the new Solotones, re cently installed in the Corn Crib. The new records being played at the present were chosen by Rod Riggs, chairman of the committee and "Daily Nebraskan" reporter. Suggestions Welcome. According to Music committee officials, the Solotones are pro vided for the students and there fore they will welcome all sug gestions ror certain platter re quests. The committee is now in the process of determining a way to please the music tastes of the majority of "Cribbers." It was added that all suggestions may be left at the Union Activities office. Organizing a hit parade of their own, the committee found the new star to be Andre Previn, 17-year-old pianist, whose records were suggested by Cub Clem, "Daily Nebraskan" editor in an editorial. Previn, who last week was featured on "Should I" and "This Can't Be Love" shows his version of jump rhythm on "Just one of Those Things." Clark Featured. Featured also is the late Buddv Llark, accomplished young vo calist, who was killed last week in a plane crash. His contribution BAILEY'S Topcoats are is one of the 10th & O Streets f f l i popular "Song of Sur- Music makers and their rec ords are: Glenn Miller "Moonlight Serenade" Andre Previn "Just One Of Those Thlngl' Harry James "Trumpet Bluet" Louis Armstrong "That Ijuky Old Sun" Slan Knrlon "Harlem Holiday" Tony Martin "Circus'1 Dennis Day "Clancy Lowered the Boom" Diok JurKens "Who Do You Know In Heaven' Buddy Clark "Song ol Surrender" Red EnBle "Two Dollar Pistol" Union Dancing Classes to Starl Registration for the class in ballroom dancing is still in prog ress at the Union Activities office. The classes are being held ev ery Tuesday evening as a pre lude to the N. U. formal season which opens Dec. 1 with the Mili tary Ball. Instruction will be given by Miss Donna McCand less, who has a local dance studio. The first class, Tuesday, Oct. 19, will include both men and women; the second will be de voted to individual instruction, and the third will again combine both groups. The final lesson will be in the form of a party at which exhibi tion dancing will be held. Dur ing instruction the ballroom doors will be closed for the benefit of ; those who do not desire spectators. is the render." V ' 'Si V