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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 14, 1949 PAGE 2 JIvl Cbaxh yiobhtuJiarL Mmb Intercollegiate Press FORTY 8KVBNTH YKAK rtM Dally NeonukM M pabllahe by tfttt ItadrBto 1 lb Caireraltr f Nobnwka ft M oprrMoa of todmU bows H bpinhMM only. AwmAk to krtlei n tfc By Uin rovralB (todeat pbllrtoii MXl u4mtalitre4 by to Bmm4 f rMtptla - i It hi Um declare: policy of tha Board that pabllraOoa nlir Ma Jnfadktloa o frM from editorial eraiornblp a the part e4 Ik Board, M taw part of UI mmfcer tha royalty of tha aalvemttyi bat aieibri of ba atari af Tba Ihallj MabMkaa ara arraoaally rrapomibl tor wbat tby amy or da ar aaaaa to b artoTod." ttaborrtptloa rate ara C.N aw oemearter, ft.M pe wmratcr amlfe. ar IS to fat Ota eollrr year. 4.0 mailed. Slntte copy ae. PablUbrd daffy dariac tha rhool yea rapt Monday and Saturday. vacaUoaa aad aiaminattoa period, br tba I lTrrty r Mehraaka and tna anpervltloa of tba TabUcatioa Board. Ratered aa Heeaad 4ia NtMw at tba Pout Offlc la Mneotot, Nrbraaha, aadrr Art a Ooarrmai, Marnb , l7. and at apt-rial rata ol poatan proTldrd tor la aretlaa lldS. Act af October , 117. aulhorlEcd September 10. ltt. EDITORIAL Krftlor ,u0 f1"" Maaarlnt rriltora FrIU Blmpraa, baaia Bard Nm iMlitora tiene tler, Bra re Kennedy, Norma Chubbark, trrry Ewlnr, Toorble Rrdlrm .part Editor " r-eatnre Kdltor " Haadntrdt K editor A tea Beam Sorkety editor 'eaa FenRter I'hootrapMr H Immen Bl'SIXESS BiMiiu-KK Mutineer Keith O'Bannon Amlvtaat Busmen Manager Ted Randolph, Jack Cohen, lUiark rlurnwUM Nhrht New Editor Jerry Kwinr. Nice Gout . . . Nobody deserves The Daily Nebraskan "Man of the Week" honor any .more than those enthusiastic students who saw the team off to Penn State Thursday morning. So we'll divide up the praises this week among those who know how much a little backing means to our football squad. The rally was a real show of spirit. Anybody who gets up at the crack of dawn to give our team the support they deserve shows that he has the spirit which has been so lacking up to now. And we hope that this is just the beginning ... the be ginning of an all-out effort to stand by the men who are bringing fame to Nebraska. Susie Reed. Well Modulated Hang on to your hats, kids. Your old uncle is about to give out with a lecture. The reason? Well this Thursday, Authors of the Ages is presenting Anton Chekov's "The Boor." The program comes on at 9:30 over KFOR. Part of the prologue tells that it is a comedy written in the 1880's by a Chekov who never heard of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. We were thinking how much better off a lot of people would be if they'd never have heard of them. In just the same way that you always find one roughneck in a crowd, there always seems to be one or two chaiacters in the world who won't let things alone. Catch Simon's show next Mon day at 10:30 p. m. on KFOR. For the benefit of those who missed it last week a few minutes of gos sip, shame on me, has been in corporated. Babs Rayburn and Bob Vollmer have a show entitled "A Boy a Girl and a Song." It will be aired as soon as time is allotted by KIMS. Bob plays piano and ac companies Babs who sings. Both of them have a lot of talent and ability and it makes very nice listening. Subtly overheard at a party: A well known "smooth" boy was trying to make time with a very sharp dolly. To his, "Sounds like you've been around." She replied "Well, I've been a -broad." 'Ik Your College Clothing Store I j A- 1 hi 4 o (P) St-al ftf Ap proval Award ed by Mngee't College torn- TlieyVe So Flattering! Knit Dresses .In Nine New Wonderful Colors ! Just ask Pat Lannon, Marcia fldams or Nancy Sayre about these new knit dresses from Magee's. They'll tell you there's nothing so wonder ful .. . so packable ... so flatter ing as new knit dresses. Two-piece styles in rtine colors . . . grey, rust, red, green, wine, nervy, aqua, brown, mink, carmel, tan or blue. Sizes 10 to 18 . . . and modestly priced! $25 , 395 M 4CEF7S Third Floor Campus Chatter The Sigma Chis are turning truly social this week-end. They have invited all the Kappas over Saturday afternoon to listen to the football game with them. While local students are lending an ear to the Penn State game, JOE SHICKLEY is going to make a trip to Madison, Wis., to watch her current flame, FRITZ DAVIS, play for Navy. The Notre Dame Tulane game is holding a special interest for PAT DUTTON, who is really interested in a "friend" there. Campus social life is in its prime this week-end. Dates plan ning to attend the A O Pi "Rhap sody in Blue" party Saturday night are KATHY COX and CHUCK HUEST1S, DOTTY RAAPKE and GORDON LU1K ART, and CAROL BUKACEK and DUTCH MEYERS. It seems that the girls had a little trouble in picking a theme for their party. In two days it had changed from A O Pineapple to A O Pirate and finally ended in the "Rhapsody in Blue" oartv. Women can never make up their minds. Aggies are planning to f?o to the j sock dance and barbecue Friday night for entertainment. On Sat urday night the AGRs are hav ing their "Rho Rendezvous" at the Antelope Pavilion. Couples that will probably be seen are LOIS LARSEN and BOYD LIN DER, JIM STURM and JO RHOADS. STERLING OLSON and BARBARA KREUTZ. Speaking o fthe AGRs, perhaps you will remember the little epi sode on the hampsters that BOB SCHEER plans to make his first million on, and this year, too. Bob woke up the other morning to find that his male hampster had just had four little hampsters. Such a blow! Genetics class plans to make a study of the complica tion next week. Back to the party, party busi ness, the Sig Nus are planning a house dance Friday nifiht. BY HOOPER is taking SUE VICK ERY and ANDY BUNTEN is go ing with MITZJ MOYLE. At the SAE Song Title party, PAT O'BRIEN will be seen with MAX BAEHR. In spite of all the house parties, a few of the "regulars" will be seen out at Kings Friday nit:lit. ARDA HALE is goiTig with RANDY EWING and BILL PER KINS is taking JO SHERMAN. Npw steadies during the week include ROD BENSON and KELLY CUTHBERTSON, LOR RIE NIELSEN and BRUCE BAR TON, LOU ANN FAHNESTOCK and KEN HENKINS, JANICE JOYCE and HARRY HARRIS. To whom it may concern from Tau Kappa Epsilon: We are in no way responsible for any of the romantic actions taken by brother CHUCK JENSEN, and any such action shall not necessarily re flect upon other characters of said fraternity . . . Hmmmm. Social schedule for the week end: Friday. Ag Union Sock Dance and Bar becue. Palladian program. Teachers College party. Saturday. ISA Campaign Windup Dance. AGR Rho Rendezvous. SAE Song Title party. Sig Ep Comic Strip party. Alpha Chi Hillbilly party. AOPI Rhapsody in Blue party. 1ALF PRICE BOXED STATIONERY (Fall Clearance) Well Known Brands GOLDEnRQD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th Street i d Willi Mil-, -lyf University f Nebraska COLISEUM SUN., OCT. 3CHi Ttrkrta oa Sale & by Midi At HrhmolWr ft Mnt-llrr riano ., lilt O St., IJanola ALL SEATS RESERVED 3. (Vfl, 3 0. Z.40, 1. 80, 1.10 Presented by R. H. Pculey Why Editors Got ' Gray or Blue To those who sometimes seem anxious about the editorial policy of the Daily Nebraskan we show an example of the letters which attempt to cloud the brain of Edi tor Cub Clem. Found in Saturday's mail (with a Chicago dateline). Editor Student Newspaper University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska "Don't be scared of false faces on Halloween, the Unknown Sol diers of Democracy who are still fighting for a NEW BIRTH of FREEDOM those we love will bring about the RESURRECTION of FAITH and practice of REAL AMERICANISM. Just give thanks to: 'The Unknown Soldiers of De mocracy" P. S. Don't give to the Commu nity Chc?t, it smells of Socialism rrd that is BAD." Rally! Rally! Rally! K-Slale Gratl on Council Kansas State college has a grad uate student representative on its student council for the first time in the history of the school. Robert Ziem, a graduate stu dent in chemistry, was selected by the executive committee of the Graduate club. V F fixMaf IijdL? 4,;,?- ;. - (. . . k i' Actv) photograph ol Unkmao'i rlu ftp Smolirtg Machine, Prt-Smokina Dr. Crabow fipi l tha factory with tin tobacco. aieeay i if th Crccking In nipe n Keafly tor smoxin MANY NEW SHAM S)5o $2o $3 0500 Atk Yovr Imported Dr. tttibow dpi Ci. lac, Citicsp K H-