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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
Friday, October 1, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AGE 7 rrs f IHtasUteirs EiniftraDii WWh Hog fa Hopes Coach Potsy Clark's Huskers will be out to overthrow the mighty Gophers from Minnesota when they tackle the Giants of the North in Minneapolis Saturday. The Huskers have high houes of upsetting the Goph ers, a task which should prove very difficult on Minnesota's home grounds. If history has any bearing on the case, the odds should favor Minnesota in its twenty-ninth meeting with Nebras ka's grid forces Saturday in Memorial Stadium. Gophers Hold Edge The Gophers have come off vic torious in 23 of these engage ments with two resulting in ties and four decisions going to the Cornhuskers since the series was inaugurated in 1900. In the 15 games played between Minnesota and Nebraska five have ended in shutout triumphs for the Maroon and Gold. Only twice has the Cornhusker crew scored more than one touchdown against Min nesota. lhat was last season when the score was 28-13. Ne braska has scored 75 points against Bierman and Hauser di rected Minnesota elevens lor an average of five points per game. Bernie Bierman is inclined to take the historical background of this series with a grain of salt Warns Bierman, "They're just as big as we are through the line and have more weight and speed in the backfield. It will be i tough game." Will Experiment Coach Bernie Bierman fs ex pected to do considerable experi menting in Saturday's clash with Nebraska. The Gopher mentor is not however taking the Huskers too lightly and if Nebraska's squad has anything to say about it the game will be plenty tough. Nebraska players were in high spirits as they finished their final practice in preparation for Min nesota. As Coach Potsy Clark put it, "As long as they only allow eleven men on the field we're not worried." Bierman will probably test sev eral sophomore players in Satur day's game. Jerry Mitchell, soph end, and Jack Sturdevant, hard running back, were working with the Minnesota varsity this week. Inasmuch as Lefthalfbacks Ev Faunce and Harry Elliott are seniors this year, Sturdevant's progress is of vital concern for Bill Bye and Dick Lawrence can not possibly carry this load next season. Conch Potsy Clark will probably start Del Wiegand, Cletus Fischer, Tom Novak and Bill Mueller in the backfield. The forward wall will include Ralph Demkroger and Bob Schneider, ends; Herb Reese and Jim Goderey, tackles; Mike Diuiase and Darwin Sale strom, guards; Bobby Costello, center. The Husker traveling (quad will In clude! Left ends: Ralph Damkrnecr. How ard Fletcher and ajrk Hnzen; left tn-kli: Jim Godfrey, Charles TookooiI, Harold Porn and Clayton Krazler: left euard: Mike Dilllaje, Bob Llpps, Fred Hawkins rid Warren UUInger; center: Bob Con tello. Bob Mullen and Joe McOIII; rlKht frunrda: Darwin Raleatrom and Arden Mean; Hunt tacklea: Herb Rerae, Dick fioeiclein, John Bedlaeek and Fred Golan; rlKht end: Bob Schneider, Don Bailor and Alex Cochran; quarterback: Del Welgand. Prank Coilopy and Don gtnuhelm; left half bark: Cletua Flucher, Gerald Feriru on. Ken Flacher and Jim Myers; rlKht halfback: Bill Mueller, Dick Hutton and UeorK Boatwick; fullbacks: Tom Novak. Phil Young, Gerald Moor, rank Meyer and Don Schneider. HALF PRICE Slat'nnery, RllliAdi, ete. V.N. DmWi ft Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Theatre Tickets All University Theater sea son ticket salesmen are re minded to turn in all money and tickets to the Temple busi ness office by 5 p. m. Friday. brganized houses should also turn in names of their honor ary producer condidates at this time if they have not done so. u I J. V" ,r x VH f !.,. V r. '.-.. . vJI BsaliMMai I Del Wiegand, Jerry Moore confer with Potsy and Dutch Meyer Clark on strategy for Minnesota contest. The trio will see plenty of action against the Gophers. In 1943, an article appeared in the Daily Nebraskan which be gan: "Sigma Alpha Epsilon house, no longer a fraternity, now bears the sign 'Panhellenic House.' " The house was being used at that time to quarter upperclass girls who were going thru rush week. Classified WANTED APARTMENT lor Pegey 2-5305. - Call LOST Dark brown zipper purse with D. G. Initials containing cash and Valuable Identification on Ag College bus. Call Jo Ann Draper, 2-7371. RIDERS A. M. penses. to Gopher game. Return Sunday P Kxt. 3216. Leave Friday M. thare ex. FOR lale Conn comet. Joe Hapeman, 1330 U. after 6:00 p. m. Prartleally new. Phon S-7U21 FOR sale 1931 Pontlae. Excellent con. dition. I am nacriflctng at flOS.32 or part thereof. Call 2-3120. 1942 HUDSON Purchased new November 1944 on priority. Radio and beater. Phone 50-8234 after 5:30. LOST Glassea hi of Burnett Hall. leather ease. Vicinity Call 5-7127. Reward. f 111111 1 " Mm Ji ii " ' ' ' ' umm i i .x ?"rJ?iYi'""1l,M"""""w- 0: 'v. . .vv;r f -T I' i . ! .-WV, ' Q ( . -J J.,... . - . 7":..' - f J f,' ' ""-,"1; -J . ; , s '" "N:;i. -i'T..;i "X-.-'J'-'--- :--XX-ruX'- XX X X ' ' " ' ' X . X OFF TO MINNESOTA . . . this campus foursome Is rootin' for tha team end taldn' the trek to Gopherland. Ginger Meehan. George Coupe, Kay Worch ester and Bill Vlcek are bound for Minnesota dressed in Magee's fashions. . . Bill (who doubles in brass on Magee's college committee) and George. Student Council wheel, wear smart suits from Magee's Second Floor, while Tassel Kay and Ginger (another BWOC on Magee's college committee) wear new suits from Magee's Third Floor. MAGEE'S You College Clothing Store