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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
Friday, October 1, 1943 PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Here Are Your Winners Expert and Percentage Mo.- No. Car.- Colo.- I Ore.- Nebr- Nor. VV.- Okla.- ML- O.St.. I TCU- Col.- I K.St.- j j St L. Georgia Kans. j Mich. Minn. Purdue Tex. AM Wise USC Ark. I arv. 1 1 Harold Abramson (.888) Mo. NCU Kans. Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okla. III. O. St. TCU Col. I st- Fritz Simpson (.825) Mo. NCU Kans. Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okla. III. O. St. TCU Col. I St- 1 Lee Harris (.777) Mo. NCU Kans. Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okfa. III. 1 O. St. TCU Col. I.St. Cub Clem (.666) Mo. NCU Kans. Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okla. Wise. O. St. Ark. Col. 1 I.St. 1 Bob Phelps (.666) ) Mo. NCU Kans. Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okla. III. O. St. TCU Col. I. St 1 Jack Donovan (.611) Mo. NCU Kans. ) Mich. NEBR. Perdue Okla. III. O. St. TCU Harv. I. St. Rao. Sports Experts Tell All harder but our board or experts The Daily Nebraskan sports staff goes into its third week of looking into the crystal ball and foretelling the grid futures of the nation's top football teams. This week the sports staff arose as one man to back the stubborn, hard-fighting Cornhusker team which travels to Minnesota Sat urday. The staff is backing the Huskers to the hilt and heartily believes the Huskers will upset Bernie Bierman's Gophers tomor row. Last week was pretty disas trous for some of the experts. This week's stumbling blocks are even thinks this is a banner week. Aj a whole, th staff missed missed 18 of 60 selections, a lit tle worse than the first week's mark of 10 out of 48. Harold Abramson moved into first place missing only on the Villanova Army game. Friti Simpson dropped to second, missing three, while Cub Clem, Bob Phelps and Jack Donavan four. Lee Harris moved into third place by missing but two for the second straight week. I 1 i fto likings emy j cofls man diouM kmr l 1 ThU Is a c&eer feoJr All -American Sumter Girl. Expert at past defense. T (rrific) formation. The formation of a "Manhattan" thirt it terrific, too. A tm This It a "Manhattan" Burt. AUo lead cheer $. Popular button-down collar fut and looks just ritfit. Fubrie residual shrinkage 1 or lee. In tehUe, ttripet and eolid-coLred axfyri2& CAMPUS PAVORITI V tU MANN ATTA IMIIf OMAft7 f Frosh vs. B Team The freshmen football squad gradually is being organized into teams. Coach "Pop" Klein and his assistants have been kept busy forming these elevens so they in clude everyone on the squad. Twelve to .14 teams are practicing every night. MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "The Luck of the Irish," 1:00, 3:07, 5:15, 7:23, 9:31. STUART: "Tap Roots,- 1:00, 3:06, 5:13, 7:18, 9:28. NEBRASKA: "Mr, Blandings Builds His Dream House," 1:10, 3:57, 6:46, 8:35. "Waterfront at Midnight," 2:51, 5:40, 8:29. CAPITOLi "Dream GirL" 2:20, 3:18, 8:16. "Man-Eeater of Ku maon," 10, 3:58, 6:56, 9:45. J KJ2 " to LI 5) 1 1 zZi pe" v LA Mm "FootL.n Tiu-ilk" Feature mt 1M, S:M, :, 1M, M TUES. "Apartment for Perry" it "TAP ROOTS In Technicolor VAN HEFLIN SUSAN IIAYWARD to IM Grid Teams Take Victories Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Nu touch grid squads advanced in intramural league play by down ing Alpha Gamma Rho and Farm House 26-0 and 6-2. The Phi Gams defeated Brown Palace 12-0 and Kappa Sigma upset Delta Upsilon 6-0 Thursday aft ernoon. The Betas scored four quick touchdowns in the first half to ride roughshod over the Ag crew. Cland Emmet snatched two touchdown passes to pace the fast moving Beta team which seemed to score at will over their op ponents. Bob Means and Bob Kasmark accounted for the two other Beta touchdowns. Second half play found the Beta offense slowed down as second and third teams took over the offensive play. The Sigma Nu's scored an early first quarter touchdown to beat down a stubborn Farm House team 6-2. Bob Hinde sparked for the winners as he pushed over the winning touchdown and gener ally sparked his team offense. The Phi Gam's Fritz Hcg wood and Butch Schroeder paced the team's performance in the touchdown department. a a j IN EXT! "Till- SEARCH" Society Feature . . (Continued from Page 5). the pledge goes to call the de sired inmate to the phone. In the hall, however, she is halted by fraternity pledges sent over to hunt for missing trophies! Woe on the prospective Gamma! She never accomplishes her original task, and then they wonder why ! Barring the path of Nebraska's ball carriers Saturday at Me morial Stadium In Minneapolis will be Vern Gagne, Minnesota right end, who was a member of the United States Olympic wrestling team. some gals are dateless on moon lit nights! But let us leave the Gamma and go over to the "Iota" house, short for "Not one Iota" a fra ternity. Here the phone is being used for football practice. It rings! It rings again and again It's being answered! ... .What do you know, wrong numberl But wait, it rings again, but this time there's "not one Iota." By 1952, veterans and their families will number an estimated 62,300,000 or 43 percent of the nation's population. h i j il rj i nt it is v 7CA8Y" MYRNA f GRANT LOY f ' J MELVYN DOUGLAS jj n "vx blakkt:gx a iMpi 1 "l2D, DREAM K0USE" j JT I "Water FraoTot MidniteT v in,1:::1:1! ; -I l:5 P. M.I 8 1 W W AMATniBl MTAOK i i VJ TONITE AT OompeUac for $25.00 In CmOt Prizes! I On the Sere f f "VLem-tjkimr et Kamaen' n r T3CSCM GI2L" KSttDAYt "DUEL Hi T3 SIZTf -II2!1 Yfifl SEND IT GOUE BT 0A1L17AT EXPRESS kovMdry W0?U go yo? TS. tort vting Ifce direct mown-, i, pereonoHfd loRdry efhetd bf KAS.WAY p&tZll. bf pTtomatsd Mrv lee smosj yor ktmdry wii t eo!ecd bf Boftwoy l pri pkk-fi fodSes, sent lo yovf ldMe promprf, ord eje Iwnied to yovr colfege oddru& 1;K. If yowf fofki nssf OA P&r0 1 CS lb bRh, yow con rtretdkyowf Vfc-o-taftd by sendiag torn' dry fcome-efcorg coelMNiai kovlng K returned wHfc cojtS t fxpaid of fee c&tr ewL Ira ap f 9O0S