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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1948)
PAGE 8 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 1, 1948 Your Church By Dev Sievers Baptist There will be a Cabinet meet ing at 4 p. m.. Sunday. October 3. World-wide Communion Sun day will be observed in the eve ning meeting. Supper will be served at 5:30 and the devotional service will begin at 6:30 p. m. Catholic Mass will be held at 9 a. m. and 11 in parlors XYZ of the Student Union. A Tea Dance, will be held from 3 p. m. to 5 on October 3 at the CYO Hall, 18th and J street. Christian Rev. Gordon Lippitt, will speak to the University and Business Fellowship on "Religion on the campus " at 5 p. m. At 6 p. m. the group will go on a hayrack ride and return to the church for a chili supper. "Friendly" at Cotner House, 1237 R street will be held from 4 to 6 p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 6. Episcopal "Great Scenes from Great Plays" will present Walter Hampden in "Cyrano de Bergerac" on the Na tional Episcopal Hour over KOLN at 7 p. m. A group discussion will follow. The Sunday program will be gin at 8:30 a. m. with Holy Com munion. Breakfast will be served in the Club Room following the service. A Sung Eucharist and Sermon will be held at 11 a. m. and the music will be presented by the Student-Faculty chpir. Evening prayer at 5 p. m. with Charles Pederson. lay-reader. The CANTERBURY Club din ner will be held at 6 p. m. Reser vations are 50 cents. Lutheran Lutheran Chapel Service will be held at 10:45 a. m October 3, in room 315 of the Student. Rev. Ecrk's sermon topic will be "The Garden Lot Chose." Gamma Delta will meet at 5:30 p. m. in the YMCA room of the Temple building at 12th and R street. A cost supper will be served and formal pledging will follow. The entire group will then go to the Lincoln Roller Skating Rink for a roller skating party. All persons interested in pledge applications should contact Harlan Ecktennamp. 2-3097. before bun- day night. All Lutheran students are invited to pledge. The Lutheran Student Associa tions of Ag and City campus will meet Sundav at 5 D. m. The Ag campus will meet at thfir student-center at izuo wo. 37th. Pastor Alvin Petersen will speak on the subject "Do I Need God?" A 4 The City campus LSA meets at First Lutheran church, 17th and A. Cars will leave the student hnnw 1440 O street at 4:45 p. m. The presentation of ASHRAM highlights, and the playlet "Lest We Walk Aimlessly" win De iea-t-irod nn tho Drocram. There will be a hayrack ride tonight. Students will meet at the Student House, 1440 Q at 7:30 and will return there lor rerresn ments. . Methodist Trinity church, 1345 So. 16th, will hold a "World Tour" party at 7:30 tonicht. Delta Sigma Theta will hold an Informal get-together at 7:30 p.m. on October 1. The purpose of this party is to acquaint college men of Methodist preference wilh the nature and aims of this fra ternity. University of Life program at St. Paul's church, 13th and M street will have two discussion groups. "For Sinners Only," and "Our Social Creed." The groups will meet 5:30 p. m. October 3. The topic at Grace church, 27th and R streets, at 6 p. m. will be "One Lord, One World." Elm Park church at 29th and Randolph, will have a Wesley Fel lowship v.'ith officers elections and recreation. "Essence of Religion" will be the tODic of the discussion at Fo- worth church, 29th and Holdrege at 0 p.. m. October 3. Presbyterian There will be a Work Party at 9 a. m. Saturday, October 2 at the Presby House. The work ers will go on a picnic follow ing the Work Party. O. W. Rosenlof. registrar of the University will address the Presby House Forum, Sunday evening. The group will meet at 5 p. m. Supper will be served at 5:30 and the discussion will begin at 6:30. Unitarian The Channing Foundation will meet from 5:30 to 600 p. m. at the Unitarian church, 12th and H, October 3. Informal recreation will be held. Supper will be erved at 6 p. m. The forum at 7 p. m. will be based on the impressions and ideas gained in service projects in the United States and trav eling in Europe. j Phi Rho Takes Charge of IM Sports Trophy The final results of 1947-48 In tramural sports' season became official last week as Nu Sig's softball team downed the Phi Rho's, 7 to 2, in the playoff of a postponed game from last spring. It was the only defeat of the season for the Phi Rho's who swept the remainder of the sports events to capture the Intramural sports trophy. This week marks the beginning of the new intramural sports sea son, with the sports managers in all of the houses boasting strong teams for the football season. The games this year will be played on the athletic field west of the University hospital. Jack Buffington, chairman for 'U.N.'s' Neic College Orchestra Ovens for Newman Club Dance Slightly sentimental strains of scintillating harmony sounded across the campus Friday night when the "U.N.'s" new university dance band, played their premier engagement. The scene was the Union ball room; the occasion, Newman club dance and the music, of, by and for college students. The first of its kind since pre war days, "U.N.'s" is made up of university students and plans to play for college engagements only. "We hope to book fraternity and the Student Council athletic com mission, announced that the field would be available for organized sports, and on days when no games are scheduled, anyone on campus may use it. sorority house parties as well as all campus functions," said the band's founder, director and vo calist, Russ Krueger. Krueger, an Ag college senior, says that the band's repertoire will include the kind of slow, danceable music college people prefer. The full band is a nine piece organization, but the use oi a combo is also planned. Although the personnel is drawn from the student body, it is not necessarily inexperienced. All of the men have had dance band experience, and some of the members have played with the U. S. Army band and the Lincoln Symphony. - mm C . At Ifffii I'l . IWTiWi WUttH? V. I'll i or It 1 "SLEEVELESS- " In Feather Fleece , Ji N. Sij 34-44 V $495 Social scientist! agree Jantzen sweaters make tht perfect match... especially in '48 with exclusive coordinated college color. New, too, are the sensational fobrics, toctudma. lacestitch ...the tweedy Homespun shot with lurex, the exciting metallic yarn... Feather Fleece... and full fashioned Angoras and Chinese Cashmeres for women; Snowshaker... Scotch Fleece... and Hand-som Knit for men.L At leading sforet. Wmi)"my r In f (other Fleece S iti 32-40 , 1695 I ST, l JANTZEN KNITTING MILLS INC. PORTLAND 14, OREGON