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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
Thursday, May 13, 1948 J 1 JhsL (Daily Mmbt Intercollegiate Press ITOUTI-SIXTB (t41 BabtrrtpttaM rtw Bra CI M pat aameau. . P Sfc. collrc. S3.S. S J-J.S1JX C'Ism Matter si Um fail Otttea Mi 1 la mlau WitiMti, mmn Act al Cmiim. Uk I St" It iper rat. aartact r.TMad tar l aacttaa IMS. Art al OcUrtM J lall, aotborttea" tteptemeer JS. 122. 11 la I be aeclkred pollr of taa Hoard that pobltrmtl jni Bdn IU Jartadlctlao aha! ka fm from editartal wwiklp tar aa aa tha P? "' Mmbri l taa taats ai tk ulfenKn aa at tfca taf Tat Dallr Kabratkao a-a paraally iiaji EDITORIAL faltor Majuciaa Faitars n fcditera Sport editor A( Neva Editor ranraal Featara MMar... aMmtorrapHrr Is lOlir NKWS EDITOR atliKIKKMH HTAFF M...,rr t trrmimtlmm Hinnr Aaalataai Boaiaeaa Mauitn Dear Editor: Chancellor Gustavson has rep rimanded the students of the Uni versity -for not honoring democ racy by participation in the park ing demonstration of last Friday. We believe that the failure of the administration to honor de mocracy in regard to the parking problem precipitated the demon stration. The administration sought to control the parking violations on the campus by city "warning tickets," which the violators soon recognized to be bluff and which were later admitted to have been issued without authority to back them up. If the administration had sought to pursue the demo cratic way they would have met with the representative groups who have concerned themselves with the traffic problem, and would have established a policy concerning parking. This is in line with the chancellor's state ment of being "here to serve (the students)." It seems the admin istration decided a policy without consultation with student groups. Veter-Anns will hold a May morning breakfast at the Conti nental Cafe May 16 at 9 a. m. Election of officers will be held at this time. For reservations call Evelyn Read, 2-6087, or Claire Pappas, 2-5650. ARROW CAN REALLY FIT YOU TO A B I ml "tor. l ' f ' J - v( "If ff ' Indeed, ye! Our punning may be poor, but our T shirts and basque shirt are well-nigh perfect for golf, tennis, and beach wear. Fine, full-combed cotton T shirU from $1. Basque shirts in solid colors and stripes from $1.25. RROW SHIRTS and TIES lUNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS TMhoAkcuv uiMa tar aa4 tae am tt aa a aaaaa aa pnum. STAFY Crorca MBit ...""".'. .'l.'.'i. Jcaaaa KerriKaa, Karaa Lrrr 'i'ub tVui, Sue ftuldrn, Boa Caaalrjr, Im Harrta, r Naraia Frlla Bimpsoa ImIu MeDiS t barn Warraa ,.. Una) lala CTB CI. KM nut rm BUI Wllklaa. Mrrto StaWar. Irwla C In anv event anv chance in pol rv rpcarrlino narkin? violations should have been published so that ine stuaenis wouia nave oeen informed. Instead, the administra tion arbitrarily caused to be re moved the double-parked cars and called city ponce, wnose strong arm methods further an gered the crowd. The administration's sudden ac tion and former inaction were di rectly responsible for the protests which set off the demonstration. The disorderly demonstration was not, in its first stage, a pro test for changes in the long-stand-ini narkinc situation, as was in ferred in the chancellor's state ment. The very spontaneity oi the uprising shows that it was the action without notification by the administration that was being pro ested. Only after the two cars anrf citv Dolice left the scene did the students decide to protest the parking situation in general. Robert L. Home William K. Orr H. R. McVicker Bruce Allen Jack Beers - Steve E. Cook Frank Norris Glenn G. Anderson, jr. Gaylord E. Edling, Dorothy Meshier SHIRT Priceless Documents Protected By Fool-Proof Freedom Train Devices COis mrmor IS CURRENTLY TOPPING TH LEAGUE - LEADING- j " wv X NEBRASKA SHORTSTOP... Campus News In Brief Dr. V. S. Barkev of Havelock will speak to the Inter-Varsity Christian . .FellowshiD Thursday evening at 7:30, room 315 in the Union. His subject will te "unns tianity, a Living Reality." Armour and Company will be on the campus Friday, May' 14, to interview students who are inter ested in saleswork. Mr. Ogle, a representative of Armour, will in terview students in room 104 Ad ministration building at 5 p. m., BEN ARROW Drop in today and see famous Arrow T shirts, rv i FOR ARROW T SHIRTS THC LANKY GRADUATED y- s . mum M HIGH SCHOOL IN GAlESBUf&,tt. ..WASASiGWLMAN iNTHE. NAVY FOR 3 YEARS. SOURTiS HIS AFFECTIONATE NAME Thursday, May 13, or Friday morning. Saturday, May 15, has been an nounced as the date for the annual Unaffiliated Student association picnic to be held at Antelope park. Complete program for the event includes: Games, 4:30 p.m.; food, 6:00 p. m., dance, 8:00 p. m.; and variety show, 10:00 p. m. Tickets will cost sixty cents and may b bought at the Union. The Newman club will have a picnic Sunday in Pioneers park. Those students not having any transportation and wishing to go are asked to meet in front of the Temple building at 2:00 p. m. The picnic will be held on the park's picnic grounds at 2:30. All mem- SHIRTS white SJ striped $J6S ARROW "GUARDS" 95 our fine spring assortment of basque shirts, and underwear. i . rn interesting sidelight of the Freedom train visiting Lincoln all day Sunday at the Burlington sta tion is the extensive use of elabor ate security measures. Since many of the documents are irreplaceable, many newly developed precautionary devices can be seen protecting the 127 original documents. One basic protective feature is the all-steel welded construction of the entire train and the heavy steel sheating of the three exhibit cars specially constructed for the train tour. A unique custom-built fire-extinguishing system employing carbon-dioxide is installed in the cars. This anti-fire system is en tirely automatic and is activated by means of a temperature-pressure device. To further protect the priceless items, a new specially-manufactured lucite plastic is used in the cars. Every one of the valuable documents and books is placed between these plastic sheets which are firmly anchored by bronze bolts inside newly designed cases. These cases are covered with shatterproof double-glass sheets and imbedded into plate . steel walls with uniquely designed se curity screws. The steel-plated cars are entirely without win dows. These water, fire and shat ter resistant plastic roverinr? are one-half inch thick !on each side. In addition to mechanical pro tection the Freedom-train encom passes a crew of 38i including 28 hand-picked United 'States Ma rine guards. i And besides all of the above there is a documents expert who periodically checks the condition of each manuscript jn the train. bers are asked to come and bring their friends. The regular Sun day Mass will be 'held at 11:00 a. m. in parlors XY of the Union. There will be a meeting of all workers and new actives of Kos met Klub Thursday in room 307 in the Union. All advertising money must be in at that time. The Union Music Committee will meet May 13 at 5 p. m. in the music room. Each member is to bring his list of suggested addi tions to the music library. FRIDAY NIGHT COLLEGE NIGHT at JACK SWANSON and his orchestra Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Alm. 1.50 per couple Tax Included C FAVORITE JOJIN CARSON tmi,krt il CHESTERFIELDS He sayt: j j "Mr. Liggett is a friefli of the family. He should be out o'wWt because of ChacUrfiald yacr oftar yaar Crat cboic of college man and women.