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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1948)
Thursday, May 13, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 M Softball Finals Start May 17 Nebraska university's Intramu ral softball tournament will move into the playoffs May 17. Fol lowing are the playoff schedule and the standings in the nine leagues including May 7. Sixteen teams in eight of the nine leagues boast perfect rec ords. First round (Fraternity) Winner League I vs. Kunner-up Lea rue IV. Winer League II vs. Rurer-up League III. Winner League 111 Runner-up LeRRue Winner League IV v. Runner-up League I. First round t Independent Runner-tip Leatue VII vs. Runner-up League VII L Runner-up League IX v. Runner-up Itarua VI First League VI r. First League IX. Firat League VII va. Runner-up League V. LKAGIK S1ANU1XUS. lipattrm 1 Waei tmt, Sigma Alpha Epailoa 3 0 Sigma N 2 Alpha Tau Omega 2 I Bran Palace Co-op S Kappa Sigma ....I 3 Delta Sigma Pi 0 4 Leewae II . Alpha Gamma Rha J 0 Phi Delta Theta 2 0 Alpha Sigma Phi 2 1 Delta Urwllon 1 Farm House I Delta Chi 0 league 111 CornhnsJtec Co-op 5 Sigma Alpha Epsllon 3 Beta Sigma PM 2 Phi Kappa Pal J Pioneer Oo-op J Delta Tau Delta Imw IV Sigma Chi J Beta Theta Pi 3 0 Tau Kappa Kpsilon 3 I Phi Gamma Ielta 2 I Trla Beta Tau I Theta XJ , I Sigma Alpha Mu league V. . Pill Bolters Dorm A-3 J 1 . . Drm B, 2 Dorm A-2 2 .3 Dorm C 1 Dorm A-l 1 Em i a Light Brigade 0 3 league VI Newman Club Wheels Methodists 2 1 ' Muscle Men i J Presbyterians ' s Baptists league VII V-5a -Huskerville 3 1 Intervarsrty ' Be-Bop. 2 2 Cassanovas " J Vet's Orenniration 0 IMIM VIII AltS 2 Chem Es 2 0 GeokHty J 0 Elliott Manor 2 ' Lilies I Architects 0 3 Y M C A 3 Ag Men's Social Club 3 0 Uni Drug 2 1 University YMCA 1 Hutnagie Field 0 3 Ag YMCA 0 3 K-Stater Packed For, All-Aiuericaii The Big Seven Conference pick ed up an AU-American last week as Rollin Prather, Wildcat weight man, was named to the 1947 Ail American track and field team. Prather consistently tosses the shot over 51 feet and the discus over 150 feet. He is rated as one of the best five weight men in the country and may go to London in June. , S ft" 1- v Paammmmmmmmmmmmmm ;Vg Al Thompson, former Omaha Central star, is one of the Husker sprinters who should figure heavily in the Big Seven conference meej here May 21-22. Al won the century and finished second in the 220 against Colorado Saturday. Husker Gridder Named to If ost At Scottsbluf f Dick Thompson, University of Nebraska quarterback, will coach and teach at Scottsbluff high school next fall, it was announced today. Dick graduates from Ne braska this spring. His exact capacity on the coaching staff has not been de termiried but Supt. Charles H. Davis, jr., said that Thompson would probably take over as No. 1 assistant to basketball coach Leo Stangle. His contract calls for him to be a science and physical education instructor. With Cornhnsker distribution doe in the next couple weeks, students who have not com pleted their final payments should do so by Friday, May tl. The Cornhnsker business of fice is open Monday, Wednes day, Friday from t until 5. There are twenty-one 194S Cornhuskers still available. Sooner Golfers Blank Huskers Oklahoma univerisify's golfers swept all matches Monday to defeat the Cornhuskers, 18-0, in a Big Seven match. . Owen Pannor of Oklahoma was medalist with a two-under- par 70. ihrough a schedule mixup, the Sooner tennis squad failed to arrive for a match with Nebraska. Results: Owen Pannor (O) defeated Don Spomer, 3-0. Paul Frosh to Challenge Varsity In Dual Track Meet Today Nebrask'a frosh track men will get a chance to show their stuff Thursday afternoon when they en gage in a dual meet with the var sity squad. The meet will be run off just as any other dual meet and starting time for the compe tition is 4 o'clock. Several close races are antici pated during the afternoon with the feature race expected in the mile run. Bill Mountford from Red Cloud is the star freshman miler this year and will give Don Theil a hard race. Mountford set a new state record in the mile run last year in high school, run ning the event in a time of '4:26. Bill has already turned in a time of 4:30 on the indoor track, which is better than a 4:26 outdoors. Fritr Davis, freshman from Lin coln, will Ije pushing Dick Piderit in the shot put as Davis beat out Piderit last summer in that event in the Junior A.A.U. champion ships held here at Lincoln. The high jump should also be Merchant (O) defeated John Bumstead, 3-0. Wayne Speegle (O) defeated Don Stroh, 3-0. Pannor and Merchant defeated Spomer and Bumstead, 3-0. Nor ville and Speegle defeated Ryder and Stroh, 3-0. close with frosh Darrell Burney right behind Monte Kinder in that event. CLEVER CO-ED TV , IHMIMMmv''' ' BARBARA TURK l mo Jim CHESTERFIELDS She smys: "Chesterfields are milier fose better for longer." Chesterfield year after year firat choice of college men and women. For Carefree IM Lambda Theta will meet at 7:00 p. m. Thursday in room 15 in the Teachers college for installa tion and program planning. University Dames will have a i family picnic Saturday, May 15, from 3 till 6 p. m. at Antelope Park. All husbands and children are invited. Classified WAN". .D Student barber to wk part time at Paul's Barbantnop. Sea Paul at 223 No. 14th St. LOST An Eversharp ball point pert Fri day on or near campus between 1 and 3 P. M Name Robert Bush engraved on pen. Finder please call 1-3120 for reward. REPAIR YOUR WATCH before exam. Dicks Watch Service in the Nebr. Book Store. NKW one-wheel trailer chais and car top lu;pe racks. Call e-IMO. I I S; a - I . r- . V I k X.1 f "ifAy demand arc a two-hour week oa my homework end , a pack and a half of Dentyne Chewing Gam for overtime. ."Fact i. Pop, it'll even be a treat to tudy over timefor konnt of awell, nifty-teali.f Dentyne Cbcwinf Cum I And don't forget, Dentyne hlps keep my teeth white, too.' Dentyne Cum Made Only By Adam V Aowry about (111 - . I rar he i PHSgggga . pnrTi v?jrr :. g i you wear I he extnusite urani. I free ntlona with the Seal of I I the : DANCING TwlNS. And I SomehinCT NW I MUT, their exclusive, patented I Js. OO me tiling eW . . . I NfJ.V heel and Gusseloe I I &m -nafete', UCy. Deep Tone Colors for I MTXw them under leading brand I 1 vw'i;,.. i I 7l sunn il vnur fnv-nrile I t ,, I Cas. . JX O.. lUJ college aUP or.. oee. i - , 1 UUU aumfflw ' in Cool Sport Shirts! 1 T. THE IMPERIAL vY "fGllr A i ;S S X YORKTOWN ?Ikxing TODAY ft 4 f & r-i i, MeGrefor styled sport y hlrt wiUi a convertible collar ... ! all rayoa fa apical . . . washable! Navy, brewa, snarooa. green, grey and brick . . . MBaU, Medium, medium large and large. Solid color and smooth two tone combination. O Short Sleeve 4.50 O Long Sleeve S5 O Two Tone Long Sleev e 5.05 MAGErS rbtt Floor