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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1947)
Friday, September 19, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 EH3ysI!cers recrtEiing SpeB Fundamentals received top bill ing on the Huskers' Thursday practice program. Coach Bernie Masterson gave his Scarlet crew a slight breather following Wed nesday's scrimmage. Still seeing a definite pass de fense weakness, Masterson and Back Coach Dougal Russell put four units of backs through an extensive pass defense workout. Cletus Fischer, nursing a pulled leg muscle, and Gordon Hall with a bruised hip, were the only ca- 'ties out of the light work er dnesday. Quarterback Dick " m without shoulder pads was not using his bruised shoulder to pass, but worked with the number one unit while running plays. Flip Tasses Del Wicgand, Joe Partington, unlimbering a bruised arm. Bruce Berquist and Jim "Squat" Myers were given the pass flipping hon ors for the afternoon. The Huskers will get a full game scrimmage session Satur day morning in final preparation for the season curtain raiser the following Saturday with Indi ana's Hoosiers. Masterson will put his Huskers through the session behind closed gates. Three Units Working with Thompson in the first backfield unit were Dick Hutton and Junior Collopy at the halfback posts and Dale Adams at fullback. Partington directed a second team backfield com prised of Bill Mueller, Darwin Salestrom and Bob Ackerman. George Bostwick, Phil Young and -Jim Myers worked with Del Wiegand on the third unit. While the backs were going through their paces, Line Mentor Tony Blazine was giving his for ward wall candidates an exten sive workout with blocking as signments and line fundamentals. Name DeBolt NubbinsTutor Coach Pop Klein will get his first glimpse of UN freshmen gridders in uniform Friday aft- j ernoon when the frosh candi-! dates receive uniform issue and '. report for the first regular prac- ! tice session. Physical examina tions were given Thursday night. With Klein and his staff jump- LfriJ' rfsy lis ' J- LV J JJ J J Given if v. l SIDELINED Gordon Hall, Husker tackle, still out of rough action because of a bruised hip. Hall and Cletus Fischer, suf fering a pulled leg muscle, were the only two Nebraska casual ties not participating in Thurs day's light workout. (Courtesy Nebraska State Journal.) ing to the freshmen. Coach Bernie Masterson has appointed Ray DeBolt as chief Nubbins mentor. DeBolt will tutor the "B" eleven unassisted. Only two games remain on the Nubbins' 1947 slate following the cancellation of the Iowa State encounter. DeBolt's charges will get their first taste of action Oct. j 24 against the Fort Riley eleven. The army crew returns to Me morial Stadium Nov. 15 for the other Nubbins encounter. ATTENTION!! We offer 3 to 7 day pre cision watch repair serv ice at no extra cost. If your watch must be with us for more than 3 -days we have a watch for you to use. Royal Jewelers 1138 P ST. 1 1 Jut Two Blocks from Campus I j 1500 Tickets Sold Thursday Approximately 1500 student activity tickets were sold during the first day of sales, which will continue through Friday and Sat urday, Athletic Business Manager Max Peterson reported Thursday. Student purchasing activity tickets are reminded of the spe cial lottery box from which they are to draw for reserved seats. Campus organizations and in dividuals wanting blocks of tickets together are asked to report by Saturday noon for the first draw ing. Student tickets will be issued K SUEDE We're Celebrating SHOE WEEK! INTRAMURAL OFFICIALS. All persons interested in of ficiating intramural football games for pay are again re minded of the mcrtini: to be held Friday at 5:00 p. m. in the N club room. Monday in the Coliseum from the same booth where tickets are now being sold. Buyers must present their receipts in order to obtain tickets. Faculty members who have tickets on reservation should pick them iij) at the coliseum ticket office. Individual tickets to the Nebraska-Indiana football game are now on sale in the same olfiee. o A G: : 7 "The opera pump is the foundation of your shoe AZitult". says Vogu? Here you have the closed back, cptn toed ve:-o in rich, soft black suede ... lovely in unadorned simplicity, tumorous with a bow or jeweled vamp omamint. 10.95 J-ifllt Uloor 1iovliii League Entries to Double Tin ,i 1 ! -i.i.i . ( i : 'y t v. 1 j l i -v. r.4 ' - t.on 11, i ye;,;-, a, j.:., ... I. F. Mtans. dire ..! of ;!.y;c..l .iu i ation. Mi. Mc;is r:in! -!.t: : to double 1,,-t ye .l - ;: ::::.e;:t. All fol!et,e .,! i .!.-; .' Vin-j.t are inviled to ei ler ! ! ..: i.e. The teams may be i l ol students, faculty !:ic.!,Lh -, (it a combination ol l..:h. Additional n i ! 'i i:v.! ion i: ..y be secured by c. .!:::!.; li e in'.i..n. oil ice. Ext. 21. Thei'e is no truth to tie ii.niei tlu.t students v.;!! be ..ll.'Ae.i t.i aik their cars wit!.,ri ..ikn.c; distance of the M .'!. ' "".! roc- s een in VOGUE end HARPER'S BAZAA